Make Your Business Fascinating
Lesson 2 from: FAST CLASS: Build A Stand-Out Business - Identify and DiscoverTara McMullin

Make Your Business Fascinating
Lesson 2 from: FAST CLASS: Build A Stand-Out Business - Identify and DiscoverTara McMullin
Lesson Info
Make Your Business Fascinating
Welcome. All right, Welcome back. So our goal for today are you ready for a big goal? Okay, awesome. So our goal for today is to learn how tow hook, our prospects, our customers, our colleagues are influencers by making a fascinating first impression. Does that sound good? Could you guys use some more of that? Okay, awesome. So in the last lesson, we talked about how you know it's really difficult to stand out to get noticed with your business. It can feel like your business is essentially invisible, whether online in your local community. And we're here to start fixing that, right? So in that first lesson, we looked at the seven key components of any standout business. And we used seven really fast activities to start standing out with your business today. So hopefully you guys have done some of those things already. Today we're going to do another little something. Alright. So again, in last lesson, I talked about how the market is full off noise. There's so much noise out there, thi...
s information age that we live in that is fascinating and fantastic and wonderful. And I'm so glad that I am living in the computer age. But this world is also full of information overload. Right? There is noise bombarding you from every side. Whether it's people telling you how to run your business, you know, like me. Um uh, you know, whether it's other people in the market saying kind of the same thing. You are using the same language, the same words, even the same fonts. There is just so much noise. How do you get heard? And how do you figure out what to dio when you're being bombarded with all that noise every day? Well, the good news is you have a special language. You have access to a unique way of communicating that makes your business stand out naturally. Now the thing is, most people don't know how they're naturally fascinated. They're not really in touch with what that special language is that they possess. But today I'm going to show you how you can get in touch with what that language is and how you can use it to your advantage. To hook those prospects customers, colleagues influencers to not only make a great first impression but to make everything in your business line up to B'more and Mawr. Fascinating. Instead of just kind of being you, you're being you and your business with a purpose. That's how you can really stand up naturally. So by the end of this lesson, you'll have identified which language is most effective for you, so you can market your business with more ease. Would you guys all like marketing to be easier? Okay. All right. So the first thing we're gonna start off with today is thinking about how you've been most persuasive in the past. How have you been most persuasive in the past? Dan Pink wrote a really great book last year. That was all about selling and sales. And it centered on this idea that whether we actually have sales in our job titles were all in sales. Every single one of us needs to persuade people to our our side of things, our perspective, what we want them to dio every single day. So whether it's your kids or your partner or your colleague or your boss, you are selling things every single day. But most of us think we're not that persuasive because we're not really in touch with the natural way that we get people on our side. So first, before we dive into this, I want to introduce you to someone. This is Sally Hogshead. Sally Hogshead is author of The New York Times bestselling book How The World Sees You and creator of the Fascination Advantage system and the fascination Advantage system is basically a scientific look, a research based approach toe understanding. What makes an individual or a brand naturally fascinating? And we're gonna I'm gonna break this down for you in just a couple of minutes. But the idea is, there are There are certain things about the way we communicate certain ways that we communicate that make us as an individual or is a brand more fascinating, much more likely to hook someone's attention? Sally says. There's about nine seconds that we have to get someone's attention. And so, even today, starting off today's lesson, I tried toe hook your attention by starting with a goal, starting with a really action oriented, ambitious goal, because that's how I naturally fascinating. So I know if I walk up on this stage and give you an ambitious goal that I'm going to lead you towards, you are gonna be naturally more fascinated with me because it just makes sense. It's how I approach things. It's my natural style. It's one of the reasons you're here. All right, So Sally says Better isn't better. Different is better, Better isn't better. Different is better now. I'm all for better. I'm all for striving for excellence. I'm all about being ambitious and and really honing my craft and learning how to be the very best that I could be. But when it comes to marketing better doesn't cut it. It's not nearly as believable. It's not nearly as interesting. It's not nearly as fascinating, better or different. Different is better than better. Different is better than better. And so the whole fascination advantage system is geared. Thio. Understanding how you can present your message differently to be naturally mawr. Fascinating because the truth of the matter is a lot of a lot of us air saying many of the same things, and maybe you're saying it in a different market. Or maybe you're saying it to a different group of people. But our messages air largely really similar. We want people to be empowered. We want people to feel beautiful. We want people to feel like themselves. How many of how many of you are saying messages that kind of sound like that? Yeah, many of you. Exactly. Exactly, Right. So we can present that message differently by understanding the language in which you naturally fascinate. And by leaning into that language, you can hone your message to really stand out so that you don't have to rely on being better. You can rely on or engineer being different. So in addition to all of that noise that we talked about earlier, every business faces three major threats. Today, every business faces three major threats today. The first is distraction. That's really I mean, that's That's the noise Everyone's multitasking. Everyone hears from 100 different experts on a regular basis. Their news feeds on Facebook are just full of, you know, gifts and auto loading videos and all sorts of things that that pull them away from your message and pull you away from your own message and your own unique way of being. That's a distraction we also face, of course, competition. The market has never been mawr crowded. Now I don't think that's a problem, but it is if you're boring right And so if there's anything that you pull out of the next 25 lessons of Bill to stand out business, it's Don't be boring, right? Because boring is really that That just sets you up for being at the whim of the competition. Who wants to be at the whim of the competition? You want to be in control, and the next one is commoditization and commoditization is about understanding that race to the bottom. Essentially, um, because there's there's lots of different industries today that are in a race to the bottom. In fact, all industries today are in a race to the bottom. Everything. It can be done faster. Everything can be done often with more precision by a computer. I mean, just even think I got to the studio today in an uber car, which means I didn't have to hail a cab. You know, that's that's commoditization there, ca modifying, um, you know, private driver services, making it cheaper, making it easier. But that said, there's also room on the upper end of the market, right? There's room for those services that pick you up with a sign at the airport or create a special experience for you in the car. And so that's the opposite end of commoditization. That's what people are willing to pay mawr money for. Even though the function of the service is the same, and with very few exceptions, you all are running businesses that are geared Teoh a much higher end of the market than what commoditization allows. Unfortunately, if you are not building a standout business, if you're not marketing your difference, you get pulled down with the rest of the commodities. And that's why it can feel very difficult to charge the price that you want to charge. So learning your fascination language can also let you charge mawr money. Does that sound good? Okay, good. All right. So by learning how you are naturally fascinating, you can combat each of these three threats naturally. Now, in the previous lesson, I told you that every business has a distinct and unique stand out style, and we're working on building those slide decks, those style guides for our businesses. Well, the way you fascinate is part of your standout style. In fact, I would say it's it's the lens that you can view most of the rest of your standout style through whether it's your guiding principles that we'll talk about in the next lesson. Whether it's your conditions for connection. Whether it's your key performance indicators, you can think about all those different aspects of your standout style through your unique fascination language. Would you like me to tell you about what these fascination languages are by now? Yeah, okay, cool. So there are seven languages, seven advantages of fascination. And again, the system was developed by Sally, Hogg said. You can find out how to fascinate dot com the seven languages and advantages of fascination. The first one is innovation. This is the language of creativity. People who use innovation, uh, come up with unconventional solutions to conventional problems. They present ideas or concepts and really remarkable unexpected ways. They work with barriers in their path like they weren't even there. They just find some, you know, crazy route around them. They are creative, innovative people. So be thinking about as I go through these, which one of these languages feels most comfortable to you feels like the way people naturally perceive you as being persuasive and compelling and fascinating. The second language is passion, passion is the language of emotion, of connection, of relationship. People who use the language of passion build relationships really quickly. They create points of emotional connection that get people on their side really fast. They tell stories they use personal experiences. Exactly what Melissa was saying when she was talking about how she could get so excited about something that gets other people excited to that kind of contagious feeling that comes along with that. That one on one or one to many relation. Alexe, Piri INTs That's the language of passion. The next language is the language of power, and that is the the the language of strength. Really strong opinions, leadership, ambition, strength. Power is my language. I like to stand on stage and tell you like it. Iss right. That's power. Prestige is the language of excellence. People who use prestige as a language are really results oriented. They might tell you stories, but those stories, they're going to be about big big transformation or they're going to be about specific results that they've gotten there always striving for the next thing. They're also really ambitious people. They have a high sense of noticing details. They're not necessarily people who would, um, you really identify as detail oriented? In other words, they don't necessarily want to be working in the details, but they notice all of the details, and they want those details to be impeccable. The next language is trust, which is the language of consistency, the language of consistency. Trust is all about building loyalty by, you know, having predictable patterns by doing things the same way every time. Um, they're approachable. There are steadfast you. You can trust them. I mean, that's that's It's pretty. That one's pretty straightforward. Now, just because you don't use the trust language just because consistency isn't your style doesn't mean you're not trustworthy. But these people trust people. You you just trust him. Alright, mystique. Ah, lot of my clients use the mystique language. Mystique is the language of substance. It's the language of listening of depth. People who use the language of mystique might not put their opinion out there right away. They're definitely not going to stand up here and tell you how it is. What they're going to do instead is call you up on stage, ask you a few questions, then ask you a few questions mawr and dive deeper and deeper and deeper until they have that insight that pinpoints exactly what's going on for you. Mystique is the language of listening, and those people persuade as much through listening as they do through talk really unique interesting language. I love mystique people, and I love figuring out marketing for mystique people because mystique people cannot use the normal marketing things right. They cannot. It would be weird. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't feel natural for them, and it doesn't feel natural for their audience. So instead, we need to be creative and find new ways for them to market themselves. And then the last one is alert. This is the language of details. These are the people who identify his detail oriented. These are the people who want to spot a problem and then just really get in there. They're gonna pick apart every little piece of that problem, examine every small detail and repackage it up with a brilliant solution. So alert people are gonna be really data driven, really research driven, scientific in the way they approach problems. They're fascinating people to watch everyone's fascinating to watch, but alert But the alert language is really, really interesting again. It's the language of details, so innovation, passion, power, prestige, trust, mystique and alert now to give you a little bit further insight into the system. This is the 49 personality archetypes chart that Sally has devised as part of the system so you can see the way the system works. You have a primary fascination advantage or language and a secondary fascination language. And when you combine those two things, you get your fascination archetype. Alright. So again, if you want to take the fascination advantage assessment and find out what your unique archetype is because there's so much more that we could dive into here, you could go toe how to fascinate dot com. But whether you choose to take the test or not, you can still really use this system to shape your marketing and make it naturally more fascinating for you. So to demonstrate that I've got a little activity that I'm gonna ask to audience members to improvise. So let's say this camera is a product that you sell. We'll start with Shelley because she is a photographer, and so maybe she'd like to actually sell this camera. So, um, different languages would sell this camera in different ways. Right? So let's pick. Let's pick innovation. I would like you to come up here and sell this camera using innovation, which is the language of creativity. Um, creative problem solving unexpected ideas. So this camera is great. I've used it for years and it allows you to capture lots of light. It's fully manual. So you get to be the one that decides, not the computer. You get to really enhance your creativity and try all kinds of wonderful things with it. And it comes with this fantastic lens that I totally love. It's top of the line. Awesome. So what? I Okay, so that was interesting. So what you did was you spoke to the photographers sense of innovation? Yes, another way. You could do it to say this is the brand new camera on the market. There has never been a camera like this before. And let me tell you about this lens because it's got a state of the art feature that is brand new. Uh, it's gonna create really unexpected result, which you're gonna love and learn how to be able to use? Uh, yeah, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. So I really like what you did. And there's, You know, you could go both ways. There's a lot of there's a lot of variety allowed here, too. So that was perfect. Thank you. Now, Melissa, you're my second victim. I mean, volunteer. I would like you to use, uh, trust to still. I know. See, I wanted to give you a challenge. I'd like you. It's not one of my languages, E. Okay, so remind me the language of trust. The language of trust is about consistency. Loyalty? Um, steadfastness. Uh, doing things kind of the same way. Every time this camera is gonna be your new best friend, it's gonna, uh you're gonna carry it with you everywhere. It's always gonna be there for you. It will never let you down. Um, it will give you consistent results. Time you take your pictures, you're gonna know exactly what you're gonna get. You're gonna be ableto move the settings. I don't speak camera speak. Flip the switches and get exactly the result you want. Perfect. Yes, Absolutely. So just to call out a couple of things that you did there you started off by saying this camera is gonna be your new best friend and best friend. I mean, you could use best friend with passion, but I think best friend also really applies well with trust. Because your best friend is someone who is always there for you. Right? So you kind of personified this idea of consistency and loyalty right off the bat. Brilliant, brilliant, copyrighting. But then the other thing you did was really lean hard into how this camera is always going to be there for you. You can pull it out, take a picture. And you know what kind of results you're going to get. Which is exactly the language of trust. Absolutely perfect. Cool. Let's give him my hat. You want Rachelle? I think you need one more example. Come on up here on campus. Uh, let's do power. Okay. Do you need to power pose again? No, it's OK. Well, you have to have this camera. I mean, it is the best one on the market. So if you are serious about photography, it's the only choice. Perfect. Just stop there. That's perfect. If you're serious about photography, this is the only choice. So that is a strong opinion, and it's a strong opinion that's going Thio really appeal to someone who's ambitious, who has, you know, big goals. This is the camera that's going to get them those goals, right? Really? Thank you. Thank you, Michelle. Wonderful. So what you can see here is, you know, imagining this was even just the same exact camera. You can sell the same exact camera three different ways. You can sell that same exact camera, seven different ways and then all of the beauty and nuance that can happen inside of each of those languages as well. So no matter what you sell, whether you're a life coach, a photographer, a jeweler, you can take your product and put your unique, fascinating spin on it. Right? I'm a business coach in a business strategist who is goal oriented. Intense. Ah, leader who? Not on Lee. I'm and I'm not only those things, but I want to bring those things out in my clients as well. I want you to be goal oriented. I want you to approach your business with intensity. I want you to see yourself as a leader in your business. Not every business coach or strategist is going toe have that message. Some of them are going to say I'm gonna push you to the best results you've ever gotten to the height of excellence. Others air going to say, um you know, uh, using your Google analytics will get you to the next level in your business. Other people are going to say I am going to be Your business is new best friend, and we're going to talk about the stories and the emotion and the mindset behind your business. Each of those different ways of positioning and messaging and communicating are part of our associated with a different language. You're selling the same product, but with a different language. And do you see to how you would pay more for those services depending on what was important to you? So in other words, people who are really ambitious, goal oriented, who want to see themselves as leaders are going to pay me mawr toe work with me. Then you know, just kind of your Joe Schmo Jane Schmo, business coach or strategist, right? But someone who has that really high relational components someone who really wants a business, best friend or I've I've got friends who think of themselves as business therapists. Eso there might be mystique people, but you know, they're the people who are going to work with them will be willing to pay mawr to get that kind of support or have that kind of relationship with them. Alright, so not only can this help you stand out, but it can help you charge Mawr and get better results with your clients because they're gonna be less distracted. You are giving them exactly what they expect from you. You are filling their need exactly. They they want that need filled, and so they're much less likely to be distracted by other influences.
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