Create Your Guiding Principles
Lesson 3 from: FAST CLASS: Build A Stand-Out Business - Identify and DiscoverTara McMullin

Create Your Guiding Principles
Lesson 3 from: FAST CLASS: Build A Stand-Out Business - Identify and DiscoverTara McMullin
Lesson Info
Create Your Guiding Principles
Yeah, All right, all right. Let's let's find out more about how to make our businesses stand out. So the goal for this lesson is to make decision making easy with guiding principles based on your personal values. So first, let's recap what we did in the previous lesson. What works for you doesn't. I'm sorry. What works for other people doesn't seem to work for you. In other words, you can do all the marketing things right. You can follow all the gurus and find out exactly how you're supposed to be posting on Facebook. Twitter, you know, cold calling or doing this and doing that, and somehow it still doesn't feel like it works for you. Well, there's a very good reason why you have a unique language, a fascination. You have a unique way that you arm or compelling, and sometimes those tactics that everyone else is using. Don't jive with that language, So we examine the seven languages a fascination and discovered how you are uniquely compelling. Now let's get into the next lesson. So this...
lesson is about creating your guiding principles again. We live in a very noisy world. We are constantly bombarded with information with ideas with people telling us what we're supposed to be doing. You should do this. You should do that. You really, really must do this other thing. And our and that noise can make it very difficult to make decisions in our business. How many of you feel like decision making is pretty difficult? Yes. All right. Decision making feels hard. You want to do things the right way, but sometimes the right way doesn't really feel right to you. Have you run into that before? In all of that noise with people telling you, you really, really must do this. You think well, but I don't wanna I don't wanna I I think sometimes when we when we feel like I don't wanna, that there's something wrong with us that we really should do things the way other people to tell us to do them. But that's not that's not the case or 99% of the time. That's not the case. Sure there's sometimes when you need to push your comfort level a little bit. Were a little bit of discomfort, can help you bust through Cem edges. It's not really what we're talking about. here. What we're talking about is going against your personal values, going against the principles that really guide your business to just do things the way you really, really must do them. I want each of you to be able to run your business on your own terms, because running your business on your own terms helps your business stand out. When you decide you're not going to do things the right way and instead do them your way. You've naturally got a story that's going to stand out more in the market. Every business needs a set of guiding principles to direct its action and help it impact its customers the way it wants to. Because that's the other piece of this puzzle is. It's not just about you. It's also about your customers. When you know those guiding principles, when you know what is directing your action every single day, it's much easier to impact your customers and create amazing experiences for them. When you create amazing experiences for them that fit into their personal values and their guiding principles, then that's gonna also help your business stand out, because those referrals are going to come more easily those testimonials are going to come more easily, and you'll really be able to see the story that your business is telling as truly unique and really stand out. So your business is guiding. Principles come from your personal values. Have you guys done personal values exercises before Cool? Well, we've got a special guest coming up in just a couple minutes. That's going to take us through another kind of personal values exercise so you can identify those words. That's your unique brand of joy or unique brand of values. So what kinds of decisions are guided by your personal values? Some big ones. Some really big ones. Like what? Sales techniques to use, how to represent your brand visually, how to format or package your products, who to hire and what goals you set. All of those different things could be influenced by your personal values. In fact, really, every decision you make in your business can be or should be influenced by your personal values. Guiding principles are what demand work that's timeless and ageless, not just transient and disposable. So humor hike. Um wrote that that guiding principles are what demand work that's timeless and ageless. not just transient and disposable. And, um er hey is an economist and a business thinker who thinks about business in terms of better nous, as opposed thio business. And that's really what we're creating here is businesses that do and are better. Um, not like the Sally Hogshead kinds like, like the better in terms of real human worth, because I think that that's something that I think that's a personal value that we all share is that we want to create businesses that do better that are better for humanity and this world, our culture, our society in general. So next up, we need to start thinking about what these personal values are so we can craft our guiding principles. And I would really, really love to introduce you to a dear friend of mine who has also been a magnificent coach with me. And her name is Tanya Geisler. Tanya Geisler is the creator of a methodology called Step Into Your Starring Role on. She's also got a great Ted X talk on battling the imposter complex. You guys ever feel the imposter complex? Yeah, I know. Yes. When when we were talking before we got started, today. I was telling our producers that this, you know, that these first moments before I step on the stage is always when it's going through my head, where these people are going to figure out I'm a fraud. So, you know, it doesn't matter how many times you've been up on stage. It doesn't matter how many times you've launched the program made the sale, you know, developed the new initiative in your business. Those feelings can creep up from time to time. And Tanya is just an absolute expert on making those things happen. So I'd love to bring up Tanya now and we're gonna have a little conversation about her brand of joy. Oh, my God, There she is. Hey, Tanya, Magnetic, I love you know I love this, you know. Here, tear it until Terra Gentilly. She's getting up and she's still she's still in the experience of one of their going to find out you are in such good company sister Meryl Streep like what? 19 Oscar nominations. And she's still like What are they going to find out? That I cannot. But the truth is, the reason you experience this is because your brand of joy is around mastery, right? This is always the good news about the imposter complex. It's pointing to our values of excellence and mastery, and so you're in good company. So thank you so much for having me here. Absolutely. Thank you so much for taking time out of your date of you with us. So let's talk about this brand of joy idea because, um, when we talked before on Guy said, I'd really love Thio, talk to my audience about personal values and lead them through discovering what some of those personal values are. You said, Well, sister, let me tell you, it's all about your brand of joy. So tell me more about your brand of joy and how we confined hours. So every so I say brand of joy. It's a little clunky language, But remember, I come from advertisers is like, really, really specifics. So the what I attribute, but I feel as joy other people will feel as something else. So I think it's really important that we all understand our own sense of that resonance. What I relate to as joy so that for me, is the governing desired feeling that I have. It's It's how I want to feel in my relationships, how I want to feel my business, how I want to feel in my clothes and my food, how I want to make all of my decisions, communications, how I wanna launch everything So it's how I want to feel. And I think that, you know, there's actually been a lot of really great conversations in our space that late about, you know, aligning our values. And I was hearing it was listening to the story but misalignment. And we know the cost and the implications of acting out of misalignment. But if we don't actually have that sort of North Star, that helps us to discern where we need to go. We're sort of displayed right, like that's really what's happening. We have this energetic like we're just We're not we're not. There's no traction. So for me, I have discerned that my how I want to feel on everything is joy and understanding. What underpins that joy is incredibly useful because okay, so So it's a pause there. Okay, so let's just positive for a second, because I just wanna make sure because I can't I can't actually see you. So are you nodding? I am nodding. Yes, indeed. And so is the audience. They're nodding along and very happy. I love it. Ok, Ok, ok. Eso you know, for some people what I would I attribute his joy somebody else might attribute a success. Onda Terra, with your permission we already talked about is your brand of joys mastery. That's how you feel, what I feel when I am enjoy so understanding what that word is and then understand the underpinnings. Because when I you know if I'm out of joy, it's just too big for me to go. Well, I'm not feeling joyful, so let me just go get me some more of that joy way easier for me to go to the joy store. Just kind of joy store, right? Like, why not? Um but for me to be able to understand what underpins what supports that? That's really That's really how I get back to my superhighway of joy has me back on track, has me back in alignment, has me understanding what's next for me. Yeah. Yeah. So what are some of those underpinnings for you that shore up your joy Foundation? connection, generosity and gratitude. This is Holy Trinity. If I'm not feeling connected, I ain't feel enjoy not feeling gratitude and feeling joy. I'm not feeling generous, not feel enjoying feeling something else. And it's a close approximation, but it is not for me. Uh, it's not bang on for me, you know what I mean? Absolutely. Absolutely. So you can you lead us through a little exercise about thinking about what our unique brand of joy is and what those things are that underpin it. Yeah. So I want you to just think back to a time. So just like when everyone to close their eyes close right with Tanya e can't see you anyway. So breathing in and breathing out, finding your way to get relaxes you possibly can. I just want you to think back to a time when you felt like your most essential self. You thought time could stand still. I am. And flow. I am perfectly me. Something popped up for you. Just there. And don't judge what came up Doesn't matter that it wasn't the birth of your child, your wedding day or whatever. Don't worry about what it was, but in that moment that did for Bill up, you were feeling that complete quality of resonance. So just spend when you have a little bit of time to yourself, Why you to spend a little bit of time? Um, trying to reenact what was going on. Who was there? What was that essential quality in that moment And so So I would like for you to have a little bit of time to journal this. We don't have the time right now, but go back to it when you can. Maybe when you're on your break and then I want you to fill in this sentence in that ideal. In sweet moment, I felt black and whatever that blank is that you filled in, it might be joy. It might be freedom that might be mastering might be success. It might be some other word that has no meaning to me, but it has a deep, deep, deep, deep meaning to you. And these words won't be mutually exclusive. You know, they really won't. They will have the meaning that you have imbued in these words will be different for everybody else. So then I want you to once you know what that word is approximately is cool on what you spend the next little bit of time after you've discerned what that is over the next day or so and then start to notice where else that word shows up for you. Um, and then allowing it to sort of spread out, noticing what other values are alive and well when you are feeling that moment eso again for me when I feel that joy, it's inextricably linked with feeling connected to someone or something or an idea or o r or emotion. Whatever it is, there is something that is I'm definitely feeling that connection. So what are those values that show up for you when you are feeling that absolute resonance that I called joy that terror calls mastery? Hey, beautiful, beautiful. Let's real quick before before we have to let you go. Let's get a couple of brand of joys from in here. Um uh, Amy, what's your brand of joy? Um I felt like power. Power? Yeah. Really? In my power. Yeah. Beautiful Shelly. Creativity, creativity. Meghan Group. I felt alive. Alive. Beautiful. Michelle. Creativity, creativity. Wonderful. We have some very different brands of Joyce in this room. Tanya is holding, holding, holding because once you know what that is and then you get to sense what is underneath. Then you can, you know, when you're feeling out of power when you're feeling out of creativity that you could go back to this underpinnings ago. Okay, well, so what do I need to dio To feel a little more innovative? Say innovative is underpinning your creativity. Say, say expansiveness is underpinning your creativity. What do I need to do to feel a little more expensive? A little more innovative? A little more love? Like maybe that's what underpins creativity for you. And that will be different from three other persons. Creativity. Beautiful. So, Tommy, where can we find you online? Everywhere. Tanya Geisler Tanya Geisler dot com at Tanya Geisler Tom, you guys are coaching telling you guys beautiful and you've got a You've got a free gift on your website too, right? I do. I do. It's I've got toe. We're talking about the joy pages. No, we're talking about the imposter complex. Yes, we are the 12 lives of the impostor complex And one truth When one truth. Yes, The lives of the impostor complex. And one truth. You could get it for free on Tanya Tanya Geisler dot com Tanya, thank you so very, very much for sharing this with us. Teachey power Tichy Power. Awesome. Thank you. All right, Thanks. Yeah, All right. So you guys have thought about your personal values. I want to take a minute and look at some examples to two business examples here and see if you can pull those personal values. See if you can pull these companies unique brand of joy out from the page. Sound good. So we're going to start off by looking at male chimp Male Chimp is a company that I just love. And I am so excited that they are a part of this boot camp we're gonna be hearing from them later on much later on down the line in our lessons. But mail chimp is a company that I have been using for 6/6 years. I love them to pieces. I love everything that they stand for. And personal values are a big part of that. How many of you guys already used mail? Chimp? Yes, Beautiful. So what kind of values inspire mail? Chimp. What is male chimps unique brand of joy, Fun, fun, fun play Absolutely. That would probably be there. Big word. Any other, uh, personal values values come to mind that you associate with male chimp education. Education? Sure, knowledge, wisdom those kind of things. Yeah. Aesthetics, Aesthetics, Yes. Design Andi even more, I would say ease of use because they want things to be both beautiful and easy. And that's part of how they bring fun into play, too. Right? So these are values that guide this company. And so the values of fun mean that maybe one of their guiding principles is that every feature they update their system with it has to bring a new element of fun. This business strives to include fun with every new feature they develop, and maybe they have another guiding principle that says, uh, this business refuses to go after new features. For features sake. It's not about new features. It's about creating a more peaceful, beautiful and fun email marketing environment. Does that sound like male chimps? You guys? Yeah. And can you see how, whether they're using those guiding principles in the board room or in the marketing department or in the customer service department or in H R that those guiding principles would really guide the decision making in this business. Yes. Can you think of any other email marketing service provider that has those kind of values? No male chimps stands out because of the values and guiding principles behind that business. This is such a beautiful example of how your guiding principles can help you stand out. Let's look at another one. This is Tom's. How many of you guys own a pair of Tom's? No, really. Is this like the Okay, a couple of people, man. I used to have so many times. I don't have them so much anymore. It's really hard to live in the Pacific Northwest and have canvas shoes. Um, but do you love me sometimes? So what? What kind of values do you think inspires Tom's? And maybe I should say, for anyone who's not familiar with Tom's that they're big. Claim to claim to fame is the by one. Give one campaign, so you buy a pair of shoes and they give a pair of shoes to a child in need in another country. Eso that's that's kind of their thing what values inspire Tom's. Okay, Alright. Wanted to time. Let start with Ashley. Philanthropy like philanthropy. Yeah. Okay, beautiful. Thank you for summarizing. Whatever. You. For you. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Exactly. Philanthropy inspires Tom's. What else? Comfort. Comfort. That's a really good one. Yeah, I The reason I like Tom so much. Yes, I like to be able to buy mawr shoes knowing that I'm giving more shoes if you've never checked out at Tom's and thought, Oh, I can add one more pair because that means I'm doing something better for the world. It's really fun. Um, but I really love them because there are super comfortable shoes. Awesome. Comfort is good. Anything else? Simplicity, Simplicity? Absolutely. I would say that for sure. So what might some of the guiding principles for Tom's be? What are some things that this business really strives to dio Good, good. They strive to do good. Yeah, that could be a super simple guiding principle. Every decision we make way strive to do more. Good. Yeah, beautiful. Yeah. Um, I think that there's also probably some sort of value around innovation because I also see them finding new ways to do more good right? Eso It used to just be that they have the plane canvas shoes. Then they started developing new kinds of shoes. You could really, by pretty much any kind of shoe. There. Now, high heels, ballet flats, boots, sneakers. They make everything. But not only that. They're also selling other people's products now, right? They have this whole marketplace of products that are by one give one. Brilliant, right? Oh, yeah. And glasses, Yes. Sunglasses. Yes, I thank you. I totally forgot about that. So yeah. So I think there's this also this value for innovation on decision making that prioritizes innovation in how to do more. Good, beautiful. But it also e se being hip being hip. Yeah, because they're not going to succeed. If they're not by me just because you give away per shoes if you're Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Yes. And not only do they strive to be hip, but I think they strive to define hip as well. You know, there's almost a quality of leadership to their brand as well. Really Good point. So guiding principles or part of your standout style. How would you like to be the mail chimp of your industry? How would you like to be the business that no one else can really compete with on personality? Yes, Beautiful, Yes, Um, or, you know, whatever your particular brand of joy is, how would you like to be the business that no one else can compete with because of that particular brand of joy? Sound good? That's what guiding principles air all about. It's about making a top to bottom bottom to top decisions that are regularly backing up what is important to you, what is unique about you and your business and what's unique to the experience you want to create for your customers. When you have solid guiding principles, and when you're making decisions that are completely rooted in those guiding principles, your business stands out. See how that's related? This is not. This is not a marketing topic, right, or this is not a normal marketing topic, but this is This is what marketing is all about. This is what having a standout style is all about. Making decisions internal, external, top to bottom, bottom to top that. Keep your business in a class of one
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