Stand Out on Social Media
Lesson 3 from: FAST CLASS: Build A Stand-Out Business - Build Your BrandTara McMullin

Stand Out on Social Media
Lesson 3 from: FAST CLASS: Build A Stand-Out Business - Build Your BrandTara McMullin
Lesson Info
Stand Out on Social Media
Welcome back. Welcome back. Okay, so this is this lesson is gonna be a little bit different, cause I'm going to kind of shed some light on what I'm doing right now to stand out and to make my online presence known. So let me tell you what our goal is for today. Our goal is to use social media strategically to get results. So we're gonna be taking everything that you've been thinking about vision wise strategy wise, and boil it down into social media execution that's actually geared to get results and not just waste your time. It's cool. So let's talk about what we did in the previous lesson. We had Julie Gora from male chimp here, and she talked about how email is the best way to reach customers. And so you wanna make your emails? Uh, the ones that your customers look forward Thio so that if you disappear for a little bit, you get those emails that say, Are you still there? Did I miss an email? Um, I don't think I'm getting your emails. Can you tell me? Can you tell me if I'm getting y...
ou know what? Your last email waas that's what you want. That's the kind of response you want to your emails got a breakthrough. That noise. Do you ever get the feeling that you're talking and nobody is listening? Yeah. Do you ever get the feeling that you're talking and nobody is listening? I've been there, but I've done that before. Luckily, I know you guys were listening right now, right? Yeah, but when you're sitting behind your computer screen and you're popping those tweets in and you're you're, you know, making your facebook page posts and all that good stuff, um, you know, it can really feel like nobody is listening when you don't get those likes that you want. When you don't get the retweets when nobody comments on your block, it can really feel like absolutely no one is listening. And so what we're gonna talk about today is maybe some different techniques that you could use to really stand out on social media. And like I said, I'm gonna pull back the veil on my business, tell you point by point kind of what I'm doing to stand out on my three favorite platforms. Now, your three favorite platforms might be different. And if you haven't figured out what you're going to focus on on social media. I highly encourage you to go back to the lesson where we talked about creating your digital sales and marketing plan so that you can be sure what media and what social media channels you want to use to market your business. I'm gonna talk about mine on Hopefully that gives you some ideas about how you could be approaching the media and channels that you want to use to get the results that you want. So here's four things that stand out media does in social environment and social. What I mean by social environments is the actual like community. So the Twitter platform is a social environment. Facebook is a social environment, and each post that we create each tweet that we send each image that we put up. That's media. So we're looking to create standout media in social environments just to be clear, though. Okay, so standout media leverages how you're perceived, which we talked about in lesson too. So your fascination language the way other people see you and connect with you immediately. Stand out. Media leverages how you're perceived, so every time you're thinking about. What should I post next on Facebook? What should I tweet next? What should the next topic for my webinar be reference that fascination language or your top fascination languages? And think about, um, you know what you could do to play into that? How you could show up, even mawr, the way you're already naturally perceived. Because that way, you're going to create that instant connection with people. People are gonna feel really comfortable receiving that media hearing from you, and it's much more likely that they're gonna click the light like button, click the retweet button or sign up for your webinar. Stand up Media also makes people feel like they belong like they're a part of your community. We talked about that in less than 19, when we talked about building your email list and creating a welcome gift and really creating an email community that welcomes people. So when standout media makes people feel like they belong, that means that you're mirroring back to them how you see them, what you see. Their pain points as what desires. They have the kinds of things that they wanna learn the kinds of conversations that they wanna have with you. That's another key component of standout media. Stand up media also adds value, and we looked at that in less than 18 when we talked about creating and selling products that sell easily. So stand up media adds value. In other words, it creates those tiny transformations that build trust with people that make people understand exactly what it is that you have to offer to them and then finally stand out. Media takes advantage of the platform it's shared on. In other words, not every type of media is best for every type of platform or every type of social social environment. In other words, video we've they've tried. But video doesn't play real well on Twitter, right? And so you may or may not want to share video on Twitter. Maybe you put up that vine, Andi, and it gets tweeted out. But is the Is the engagement really happening on Twitter, or is it happening on Vine? Um, same thing with Instagram, you know? So maybe you put a great video on instagram and the interaction and engagement happens there. Is it really happening on Twitter? It's not something that you you're taking advantage of their. So you wanna be really conscious about the platform of the environment that you're using and think about what types of media play best in that environment? Not just from a technical standpoint, but from a what are people here to consume? What if people really like seeing here or reading here or listening to here? So before sharing media on a platform, consider who's using this platform. So, for instance, linked in has a very specific audience, right? Its's a social network for professionals. Another platform that I use is untapped. Now, untapped is not something I used to promote my business. Do you guys know what untapped is? Let me tell you about what on top is untapped is a craft beer social networking platform where you can go in and, um, where you can go in and, uh, you know, create a directory list. Uh, check in Wu. Check in. And I haven't had a beer yet today, Uh, check in all the different beers that you consume, because for us craft beer fans, it's a lot of different kinds of beer, right? You're not just sitting down every night with a Bud Light. You're drinking the double sour wit with kaffir lime leaf, or you're drinking the whiskey barrel aged Imperial Stout. And of course, every brewery makes a different kind of everything. So you got to keep track of all that stuff, and so we rate it. I read a description. I share it on social platforms. I take a picture of it. I love untapped. Now it makes no sense for me to promote my business on untapped, whose businesses doesn't make sense to promote on untapped prairies. Right, So breweries take great advantage of untapped. One of the breweries, in a story of Fort George does a great job being on untapped and washing and seeing who's checking in and who's enjoying the beer and whose maybe writing it on a little on the lower side and you know so So there's a there's a platform and a type of business where you're matching up audience and and business and media really, really well, now, maybe your business has access to a platform like that, too, I don't know, but there's all sorts of social networks out there just because I use Twitter and I use Facebook, doesn't mean that there's not one that's that's more specific to you. Patrice. Is there a lawyer's, uh, social networking? Gosh, um, asked me if I hang out there though, eh? So there is one. But you don't like it? No, I don't like e s. That's that. Thank you. That proves other points that I've made. So that's perfect. All right, so think about who is using the platform. Just another example of this. Everyone's on Facebook. Okay, Not everyone, but the vast majority of people Attn least in the United States or in English speaking countries are on Facebook, Right? So with one billion users, probably your customer is hanging out there, right? But not every customer is on Twitter. We find Twitter is really useful for people who are wanting to reach people in the media. So people in traditional media people in new media Twitter is really helpful for creatives and for entrepreneurs, business owners. There's a lot of those people there, and so think about whether that's a platform you want to use based on who you're trying to reach. If you're not trying to reach those people might not be a platform that you want to use. Um, then why are they there? Why are those people there? What are their goals? So one of my goals on untapped is to get badges and to get badges like, Yes, I know. It's very funny. The more beers and one category I drink, the more badges I get in that category, just just to be clear here. So one of my goals is to get badges and to get badges. I have to try different kinds of beers. So actually, one of my goals is variety. I'm not nearly as good as this as my partner, who has many more badges than I do because he drinks many more kinds of beers than Ideo. Whereas I am an I p. A girl. Thank you very much. All right, So But and why are they there? What are they hoping to accomplish by being on that platform, I'm hoping to have a library of beer or least a library of information about the beers that I've had so that I can reference it at any given time. That's why I use that platform that sometimes connecting with other beer lovers and seeing what other people are drinking so that I can add it to my wish list. That's why I'm there. Why are people on Facebook to connect with loved ones to connect with friends and family from around the world? Right. They may or may not be interested in your business message while they're doing that. So think really long and hard about whether your business message is best served in an environment where people are regularly connecting with friends and family. Now they're also connecting with news and media as well on Facebook. And so I think that platform is rapidly expanding and taking up a big part. And not, obviously it's rapidly expanding, but I think how we use it is also rapidly expanding. And so there may be a niche for you there that wasn't there before, Um, and then Twitter. Why do people use Twitter? Why do people use instagram? What are they hoping to accomplish while they're there? And does your goal for adding value add up to being a success on that particular platform? What's their mindset? What is your what is what are the users mindset when they're there? Are they really open to different kinds of messages? Are they looking for something really specific? Do they have a particular question on their mind? What's their mindset when they're using the platform that you're considering putting your media onto? And what else are they doing at the same time? So Twitter and Facebook, they could be doing anything else at the same time. That is those air tabs that I have opened on my computer almost all the time guilty, right? But other things like untapped. It's not something I have open all the time. When I'm checking in on untapped, I'm on my phone. I'm probably talking to my partner about whatever beer were drinking, or I'm talking to you guys about whatever beer that I'm drinking, and I'm not doing a whole lot of other things. So I'm really focused on this one thing that I'm doing really focused on just that platform. Eso it's not and why I'm there. So it's not that you've got much more focused in terms of the message that's available, and so maybe with your niche social media platform or social media environment, you've got an opportunity to do much the same thing. Now, our whole goal with this particular lesson is to go from overwhelmed to targeted strategy so that instead of feeling like you have to be all things to all people on all platforms, you can just focus on those 2 to 3 channels that you identified in your digital sales and marketing plan. What are some? What are some challenges that you guys have had when it comes to standing out on social media? Kathy the marrying the what? I do differently with where my customers hang out. And I think if I'm more targeted, that will help my message. Are you using LinkedIn? Yeah. Okay, because I assume that's that. Well, that is where my customers hang out. Absolutely. I think that's exactly where you should be. And you know that platform is really interesting and that they've They've worked in so many new kinds of features, like even just being able to create long form content on the site. Um, you know, if you're contributing articles and sharing really unusual points of view or, you know, busting certain misconceptions that you see your assumptions that you see your clientele making, that's a way to stand out and to show people how you do what you do differently, but still taking advantage. Leveraging the strengths of that platform in the mindset of the people that were there makes sense. What other challenges have you had? Tiffany like focus and in my post. And I go about it and then focusing on one thing or the other. I feel like that having that chief initiative really helps with the focus now, But yeah, in terms of your digital sales and marketing plan, if you landed on those, like 12 or three channels that you really want to be focused on, Absolutely. What are they, instagram, Pinterest and then blogged and actually blogged kind of ties into my email. Absolutely right. I do a block post that just goes out to my email and that goes on the tumblers, you know, So in effect, it all ties to perfect. That brings up another good point to do. That is, just because you're focusing on one or two or maybe three channels doesn't mean that you can't use those channels to populate other places, too. And so maybe you've got a Twitter handle. You've got a Twitter page. Uh, that is that that's being updated, but it's being updated by another system, so you don't have to go in and be there very often. Maybe you check in once a week or everyone even once every couple of weeks to see what's transpiring, see if someone's message to you. Whatever. Um, you don't need to look at your numbers there, and I think that that's something that we worry about. Two. It's one of the challenges that we face is that when we ignore one of these platforms, and then we look at our numbers on it, we get really down about ourselves and unnecessarily so because just because your Twitter followers might not be growing rapidly if you're populating your Twitter followers with your instagram campaign and your INSTAGRAM profile is gaining numbers rapidly, then the knots a mark of success there. And you're just kind of covering your bases with your Twitter profile, and that's fine is okay to ignore things in your business. It's okay to stop doing stuff
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