Work Day of Your Dreams
Lesson 6 from: FAST CLASS: Branding Strategies to Grow Your BusinessJasmine Star

Work Day of Your Dreams
Lesson 6 from: FAST CLASS: Branding Strategies to Grow Your BusinessJasmine Star
Class Introductions: Branding Strategies To Grow Your Business
08:48 2Your Ideal Client Profile
10:18 3How to Create Your Ideal Client Profile
07:54 4Ideal Client Profile Questions
07:48 5How to Attract Your Ideal Client
13:53 6Work Day of Your Dreams
04:23 7Definition of Creative/Manager/Entrepreneur
03:59 8How to Balance Creative/Manager/Entrepreneur
19:30Lesson Info
Work Day of Your Dreams
So we're going to dig into the work day of my dreams. This is actually in the notebook. In the workbook is a part of the 30 day action plan that you will receive. I believe on day Four, all this is requiring you to do so easy. Fill in the blanks. And I have gone through this because I have suffered from discontent. It's not until I sit back and I'm like, Oh, I'm actually working my dream work day. I get so caught up in all the other things and become very fragile that I'm like, Wait a minute, I wake up, I'm gonna walk you The things that I expect my students to do, I will openly do because we don't openly talk about the things that we find so personal and like hold his tenants. I wake up at five. In the morning, I wake up at five. That's just the time my bodily, my bodily, my body naturally wakes up. So I wake up at five in the morning and the first thing I do is blank and then I blank to ensure I'm feeling so the first thing I do is a pray and meditate to make sure that I'm feeling gr...
ounded. I start the work day of my dreams at six in the morning, but not before taking time for myself to read. I read about 20 minutes every day. I leave space in my day for and my favorite part of running my business today is I leave space in my day for dog walks and my favorite part of running my business today is the conversations that I'm having over lunch with my husband slash business partner today I made, wrote, produced, but I am most proud of so recently we worked to this as we head into, we headed into a New Year's Today. I made, wrote, produced 30 days of business content to empower entrepreneurs. But I am most proud of pushing myself further than I thought was capable. What I thought I was capable of, I did. This came out three days ago, and I'm really proud of it because I'm like, no excuses. I'm tired of saying this is what you should do and not navigating my fault. Nobody else is not navigating the exact steps that things should do. It's a learning process, and I'm really proud of this. After work, I practice yoga work out and I have dinner with my friends and my family before going to bed. I will express appreciation for my day my family and my loved ones. If I know my dream when I write it down it seems so silly. Like this is so silly that I'm doing these albums. When you write it down, you can say I'm living my dream day instead of being consumed with all the things that you should be doing All the things you do not have All the comparisons that we make to other people in industry Why we don't fly first class and we see everybody on Instagram randomly flying first class like I'm not the only one at my like I was like I'm seriously not successful cause I'm not like I'm rocking I'm flying to see all these All these cool people flying first class and was like babe High five a Southwest first class like that's just where we are in life And I'm okay with that. Why? Because that doesn't define if I'm living my workday The dream, The Dream day My yes, my dream Work Day it doesn't have any bearing on that. And that is the thing that I hold hard and fast and true. Eso How do you handle when you get distractions or some things that derail you and you? Don't you feel like there You have to do them? Um, yeah. Um there is this thing that my mom always said Don't let the urgent things get in the way of the important things. We think that urgency Trump's importance and it doesn't. And when you say I get distracted, then the decision, the conscious decision that I make every single day is I see it. I internalize it and say, This is going to be an issue and I see this is stressing me out, but I can't I don't have the space for this. I'm pushing it over when I have the time I'm gonna do it. It's not now I need to focus on just and that's actually gonna be a fantastic Segway into the next section, which it becomes that balance of creator, manager and entrepreneur. Because when we're are in creating mode when we're in manager mode and we're entrepreneur mode, we need to say this is my space. I'm fiercely protecting it. I don't care that something's gonna think something about me. I don't care with the ramifications of it, because this is a space that I am protecting with everything I have. So better for worse. I have straight up blinders that are impervious to anything. It could be like World War three. I'm like, No got to do my emails like here I am here. And so when it comes to getting distracted, it's like you have to put your blinders and then you have to put up space around yourself, saying Nothing's getting in the way of it.
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