5 Steps to Copywriting that Sells
Lesson 11 from: FAST CLASS: Branding Strategies to Grow Your BusinessJasmine Star

5 Steps to Copywriting that Sells
Lesson 11 from: FAST CLASS: Branding Strategies to Grow Your BusinessJasmine Star
Class Introductions: Branding Strategies To Grow Your Business
08:48 2Your Ideal Client Profile
10:18 3How to Create Your Ideal Client Profile
07:54 4Ideal Client Profile Questions
07:48 5How to Attract Your Ideal Client
13:53 6Work Day of Your Dreams
04:23 7Definition of Creative/Manager/Entrepreneur
03:59 8How to Balance Creative/Manager/Entrepreneur
19:30Lesson Info
5 Steps to Copywriting that Sells
So how do you find the right words? This is where a lot of people get stuck in. We'll walk you through the five steps to copyrighting. Now, if you wanna go to jazz and start dot com forward slash creativelive, you're gonna see the steps because I'm a flight of them. You could just simply fill in the blanks. So I have been writing about my business since day one of my business. I openly said in 2006, I did not have a website. I booked the majority of my weddings from a blogger. I didn't I didn't know what the heck I was doing, but I wrote because I loved it, I wrote because it made people pay attention to it. And I wrote because it made my business explode truly. And I don't mean that in any different way, shape or form than just that. But if people think at it like, yes, I was good And yes, I loved it, but it doesn't mean that it was easy. In fact, every block post that I put forth required so much effort. And I realize that if I could create a system, a pattern to follow. Like once I ...
have these five steps, then I'm guaranteed for a closer step towards a sex success, Not guaranteed success. Um, wow. All right, let's just die right in. Let's go into the attention grabber. So first things first. Now I'm gonna work you backwards. I'm gonna start you where I want you to end is going to make sense in one second. So just follow this. And as you go through the notes at a later point time, it's all gonna make sense. So we're gonna start with the attention grabber. So this is the single thing that's gonna make somebody stop scrolling on instagram. Stop them scrolling on Facebook. Grab their attention. Now, this is not gonna grab their attention because it's funny or clever. Although that helps. It's not going to catch your attention because you're really popular. Have a big page that helps, but it doesn't term in this, but because it speaks directly to them. No, I have not seen a company or a business produced day after day the most compelling attention grabbers than Bugs. Buzzfeed. They win the attention grabbing game and they know it and they've mastered it. Why? Because It's simple. The attention grabbers that they use are simple, and they feel like they're talking to you. And thirdly, they make you feel one way or the other again. They have the kings and queens of attracting repelling. Let's look at a few examples. We can guess where you're from based on your bagel choices, and this was trending. So many people wanted to know if Busby could really determine their city. So they took time out of their day toe, fill out a quiz based on bagels, but they got people's attention. What percentage poo obsessed are you now? When I was showing this to J. D, he's like, Oh, we shouldn't show that one. That one's gross and I was like, Funny thing, it's gross to you and really interesting to me From a marketing perspective, I'm going to include it because people in this room felt a certain way like I want to know. And some people like Gross, they're siphoning out their audience and pushing people to where they want to go. Another attention grabber. 26 Adorable beauty gifts You'll want to keep for yourself. That was trending hashtag America, right? We want to know the gifts we should be giving, But we're really gonna keep ourself. So this is targeted. Who do you think it's hard to? Male? Female? Yeah. Female? Absolutely. Because guys don't really care about beauty trends, But girls want to know about the gifts that their friend should be getting, but they're really gonna keep for themselves. It's crazy. So I'm going to work an example throughout this copyrighting section to walk you through. If I was a dietitian or if I was a fitness professional, I am not, nor do I ever professed to be. But this is a new attention grabber that I would use as you're scrolling just after the holiday seasons. I'm a fitness professional. If I wanted to grab my ideal clients attention, Do you wanna lose £5 before New Year's Eve? I would write this article to be published on December 26th, and I would run adds to it so that people can click because it doesn't catch your attention. Everybody after the holidays, I don't care how good you eat. You always feel like I should not have had that 47th cookie. So I'm going to the pressure point I'm talking about them and I'm gonna attract attention. Now, second step of the copyrighting formula. You want to reel them in because once you have their attention, it's not enough to have their attention. You want to get them to click. So this is gonna be the subtext that's going to make their decision of Should I click on this? People are so judicious on what they click on from a link period. The end People are really stuffy about where they spend their time. People are seeing thousands of ads per day. What's gonna make them click on your link? Well, that's the thing we're talking about. Reeling them in between the attention grabber. Catch your attention between the reel them in. We're gonna guide our people there. So I saw this great example on Facebook. This is save, honey, I don't know what this company does. It just showed up as an ad in my feed because I believe that they were targeting me. So attention, grabber, This is how millennials are saving money and is genius real them in. You might be wasting money if you don't know this trick. Got my attention. Do I want to know the trick to save money. Yeah, click on the link. This is a brilliant way to jump start a conversation, and what they did is they segmented their audience to millennials. And then they spoke in millennial speak. Trick secret squirrel glitter. Click here. This'll was great. I thought this was brilliant. So now let's see if I can really my person in with a sample. Reel them in attention grabber. Do you wanna lose £5 before New Year's Eve? They all roll their eyes when I said I'd fit into my prom dress. But when I walked into the room dot, dot dot Do you want to know what happened when I walked in the room? Did I walk in? My problem just did I not what? What is it? Some people are hearing this feel like doesn't resonate with me. And some people are hearing this be like I want to know and those people who probably also watch the Bachelor. So there you go. We love and we were interested in other people's lives, and I know that about Target Client tells. This is my judge, right? So let's dig in. I understand that we have three seconds to capture somebody's attention online people are not competing your they're not choosing. People aren't surfing Facebook to go from one fitness professional to another fitness professional to another. They're seeing tons of thousands of ads every day as they drive as they watch TV as they listen to the radio. So you have three seconds to grab their attention and then bring them in. This gonna make the most impact Step number three. We're gonna keep them on the line. So once they click to your site, it's incredibly difficult to get them there. Get them there. But this is going to be the thing that empowers them to keep on moving, which means that you want to convince them that they made the right decision by clicking on that Immediately affirm that decision and you want to do it as quickly as possible because at the beginning of your blog's post at the beginning of the podcast or beginning an article that you write, you wanna make sure that you outlined the advantages. Why should they be there? So you've got them there. Why should they be there now? This idea can sometimes like stress you out, but I want you to follow me. You can find this on page four of the workbook that you've downloaded. Attention grabber. Do you wanna lose £5 before New Year's Eve? Reel them in. They all roll their eyes when I said I'd fit into my prom just But when I walked in the room £20 lighter, they weren't laughing. And this journey started with losing just £5 before New Year's Eve. This block post roll reveal the sugar misconception. 10 minute workout. That jump starts your metabolism and a complete five day meal plan. You got them there. You got them to click on the link. Now you're telling them what they're getting. You're not going into a long story about how you battled your cookie addiction. This is what you get immediately. You're rewarding them for that decision. Fourth, you wanna identify their concerns. So this is where you get into who and the what. Basically, who is this block post for? Who is this podcast for? And what is it going to be about? So let's go into this. Once we went through that attention grabber real. The men identify what it's going to be about if you've struggled with gaining weight over the holidays. If you're tired of trying every diet, popping every pill and staring at a mountain of online workout videos without anything to show for it, I know exactly how you feel. Were like two peas in a pod. But get ready to throw everything away because you're about is what you're about to read will blow your mind. So what are we getting into? Who Who is this for? People who struggle with holiday weight gain What? The solution. Toe weight loss. Even if everything else didn't work. So steps one through four, I'm gonna get jump ahead. Step number five. Answer their concerns. So steps one through four had nothing to do with your business. Yet it caught their attention. It built their trust. They clicked on their link. You told them the benefits and you told them specifically who this is for and what they're getting. 1 to 4. Not about you. Step number five. This is where your magic comes in. You're gonna answer their concerns now. This is where you're going to showcase what you do and why you do it different better or why it's more valuable. So your content is going to speak directly to your ideal client and this is not gonna intimidate you anymore. You know that. You're talking to the assistant to the CEO. You know that you're talking to the hairstyles to try to build a brand. You know that you're speaking to a bride who is trying to book and not just any bright, specific brides, specific assistance and specific hairstylist. We know that we're not intimidated this any more and more than anything, because you're uniquely qualified to share this information, you must identify their pain. You cannot position yourself in a place of authority. I've figured out the way. Follow me. It's I've been there. I'm the proof in the pudding. Here's where the easy steps to get there. Powerful steps, easy steps. Now I suggest offering two or three solutions because this is this is the chunk of the block post and is also the most intimidating offered to solutions to their concerns. So if I identify their concerns, sugar cookies eating a cookie is in a bad thing. But understanding why you're eating the cookie can be a psychological dependency. You eaten happiness. You eat at a sadness. Another I concerned. I'm identifying all. Not all workers are created equal. So three ways to determine what workout is best for you and I itemize it by a 10 minute workout. Who can do a 10 minute workout after the holiday season? Lastly, Did you know meal prepping is the easiest way to kickstart weight loss plan for success? Those are my solutions. And if people want Mawr, do you wanna opt in for my five day meal plan? I send you a shopping list and the 10 minute workout. Put your your was on a roll. It was on a roll. Put your email address here and I'll send you a newsletter. Okay, so now you've prepped your readers for one of the following. They wanna work with your business or to they want to sign up for your newsletter, which goes back to the original thing we spoke about. They will be your customer or you will turn them into customers. That is my belief. This is how you get people to your website now. All I just threw a lot of information, but here's the good thing. These five steps are going to be broken up in the in the 30 day action plan. I don't expect you to put together the attention grabber to keep on the line. All of that's gonna be broken because once you develop the pattern, it becomes so much easier. And the best part is that on the Facebook group, you guys can throw out your attention grabbers to see if they're actually resonating with their like. Are these grabbing your attention? Will you real this in? We're gonna work on this together to ensure that your walked through so as a quick reminder attention grabber. Stop them in their tracks. Secondly, reel them in, get them to click on the link. Thirdly, keep them on the line. You want to tell them the advantages for reading that walk post? Don't lose them quite yet. Then you want to identify their concerns. Who is it for and what will they get? I have been there, too, and what you're going to get is my insight. And lastly, you're going to answer their concerns. And this is the thing that highlights your business. This is the thing that you do extraordinarily well. Are you gonna get into a brief Q and A section to go through that and understand that in the future we're gonna be walking through this step by step.
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