30 Day Calendar and Business Freedom
Lesson 12 from: FAST CLASS: Branding Strategies to Grow Your BusinessJasmine Star

30 Day Calendar and Business Freedom
Lesson 12 from: FAST CLASS: Branding Strategies to Grow Your BusinessJasmine Star
Lesson Info
12. 30 Day Calendar and Business Freedom
Class Introductions: Branding Strategies To Grow Your Business
08:48 2Your Ideal Client Profile
10:18 3How to Create Your Ideal Client Profile
07:54 4Ideal Client Profile Questions
07:48 5How to Attract Your Ideal Client
13:53 6Work Day of Your Dreams
04:23 7Definition of Creative/Manager/Entrepreneur
03:59 8How to Balance Creative/Manager/Entrepreneur
19:30Lesson Info
30 Day Calendar and Business Freedom
And now we're gonna be moving in to a 30 day action plan. And this 30 day action plan is going to be the thing where, actually the work begins. All I simply said is this. This is where we're going. Are you going to join the marathon? So I've addressed the most commonly asked questions I get from entrepreneurs. And today I believe that I set the foundation to grow, and now the option is for us to grow. And as we grow and as we become more successful, the question that I am asked by most entrepreneurs once they meet a level of success is how do I get more freedom? They've gotten to a point in their business where they want more time with their family. They want more time with their friends that they want to spend every weekend bound to their thoughts in their office. They want to create work that inspires them. That to them is freedom. And freedom also comes in the form of not setting rules for yourself. I'm going to create. But the more you grow your business and the more you've built u...
p your ideal client, the more success that you're met and you're finally running that profitable business. We have this fear that if we stop working as hard as we're working, it's somehow going to disappear that if I don't keep up this pace, I cannot continue to grow. And if we built up something and later can't sustain it as a result of us stepping back from the business, we deem that as a failure and we're afraid of failure. I am afraid of failure. I will come out and say It is my biggest fear Now the idea of bracing and failure seems totally crazy. I know it absolutely does, because I know what failure feels like. And to say that I'm going to embrace failure means that I'm going to embrace desperation, embrace fear, embrace embarrassment. But I need to break it to you and I need to be very honest. You are going to fail. It is not a matter of if it is a matter of when. I have failed more times than I can count. I have failed my friends. I feel my family. I have failed privately. I have failed publicly in a blazing ball of humiliation. I have failed the people I loved and I have failed myself. But over a decade as an entrepreneur, the thing that I can tell you is that failure has taught me that this is not the end. It is on Lee the end. If I decide to stop where I am, if I get up and I dust myself off and promised not to be the version I was yesterday I didn't fail. I learned, And every time that I stand up after failure and every time that you stand up after failure, you are guaranteed three things. Grit. This is the strength of character. You're guaranteed determination. This is the strength of purpose and you are guaranteed the strength of dedication, which is the strength of commitment. And these three qualities are what every entrepreneur needs. And you get them in spades when you fail. I remember a time that I was devastated by failure, a failure so bad that I couldn't get up out of bed for months. Value is so bad that I cried every single day and I wanted to quit because I was I didn't want to quit because I felt like it was over. I just wasn't sure if I wanted to still continue moving on. And as I spoke to a friend, she told me one of the most profound things. She said, Baby, you hit rock bottom. You can't mess up no more than you already did. There is freedom in failure, freedom of lying in your back in the gutter and staring at the stars. You can Onley go up from here, darling. So get up. And I realized that freedom freedom to choose my family over work, freedom to explore new projects, freedom to saying no to things that paid my bills. But they left me feeling vacant that freedom I freedom. I realized that embracing that type of freedom meant that he also had to embrace failure and everything that came as a byproduct of it. The thing that I realized when I stopped being afraid of failure, I was free. And I hope that you are that person here today. I hope that you look at what everybody else is doing, and I hope that you run in the opposite direction because that is freedom. Your freedom is a version of your success. So if you want to take the day off and take your kids and pack a lunch and go to the beach. That's freedom. And that a success. Do you want to spend a month volunteering at an orphanage in Vietnam? That is freedom and that is success. Do you want to open up a studio on Main Street, America? Good for you. Do you want to write and publish a magazine that nobody may ever read? That is freedom, and that is success. And guess what? As a result of all of those things, you may fail. But if you do, I wanna look atyou in your face and say, Baby, you hit rock bottom. You can't mess up no more than you already did. There is freedom in failure Freedom in lying on your back in the gutter, Staring at the stars You can Onley go up from here, darling. So get up on that note. I say thank you for a fabulous right
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