Embracing Yourself as an Artist
08:13 2Actionable Goals to Achieve Your Dream
06:09 3Setting Intermediate Goals
04:15 4Creating Actionable Tasks
05:29 5Develop Your Business's Personality
02:51 6Your Messaging & Communication - Part 1
01:11 7Your Messaging & Communication - Part 2
03:41 8Successfully Promote Your Work
09:21Lesson Info
Setting Intermediate Goals
All right, we're gonna move on now to intermediate goals and again, going back to this graphic, we're still in the middle. Rung here in the goal setting and planning. Rung So again, super important to articulate where you want to go, but eventually we got to get to action. This is just the step before that. So we never want to stop with the goal setting. Alright, intermediate goals, They stem directly from the gigantic goals on your vision map and actually that chart that I showed you earlier, that flip chart. I'm sorry, the flow chart um, Is the place to sort of break down one goal from your vision map. There are medium in size small enough to accomplish over a few weeks or in a couple of months. Okay, so you've got these big goals which can take you a year, two years, three years, four years, depending these guys, you want to make sure you could envision given your schedule, some of you may still have jobs and not be working as an artist full time, they're small enough to accomplish ...
over a few weeks or a couple of months you might even be able but they're not so small that you could accomplish them in a day. These are like medium sized, they're concrete and actionable. You can envision what it would look like to meet them. Or if you can't you can envision finding out what your next steps are because that's part of the learning curve in becoming a working artist. Is that oftentimes our goals exceed our knowledge, right? So I may have a goal, Gabby is gonna get up here in a second and talk about her goal to license her work to really like solidly plant herself in the licensing industry. That's what that's one of the things she really wants to do. But she may not know all of the tricks of the trade for breaking into licensing because she's new to it. And there isn't a lot of information out there. That's part of why we're here because we're going to talk about that. Right? So there's all, there's like a knowledge gap between your goal and the actual stuff you need to do to get there. Like how many people have fine art dreams? They want to have gallery representation, but you might you might have that goal, but you might say I have no idea how what steps I can take or what actions I can take to actually increase the chances that that will happen. So part of what you might need to do is a, you know, a bit more in the second rung their research. And sometimes research isn't reading, sometimes research is finding a mentor and asking a lot of questions. Sometimes it's taking classes. Sometimes it's um, going onto an online forum around that topic. So, research can take lots of different forms and that research you do will help uh fill in that knowledge gap between where you are and what your goal is. So, here's some examples of intermediate goals set up an Etsy shop. You can envision it, but are there a lot of things you need to do need to do to do that? Yeah, that's the one I'm gonna use as my example, as a real example, developed products to sell, Make contact with five publishers about submitting my work. So those are three examples of intermediate goals, medium in size. Could you develop products to sell in a week maybe? But for the most part, if you want to sell notebooks and cards and prints in your shop, there's a lot of other stuff you need to do to make those things happen. Or if you're making original pieces of art and you don't have a collection of them yet to sell in your shop again requires time and effort to get those going.
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