Embracing Yourself as an Artist
08:13 2Actionable Goals to Achieve Your Dream
06:09 3Setting Intermediate Goals
04:15 4Creating Actionable Tasks
05:29 5Develop Your Business's Personality
02:51 6Your Messaging & Communication - Part 1
01:11 7Your Messaging & Communication - Part 2
03:41 8Successfully Promote Your Work
09:21Lesson Info
Creating Actionable Tasks
actionable tasks and you'll notice I put little like raise outside of this one because this is where the magic happens, this is where you start to feel a sense of accomplishment, right? Um because here we are now, we're actually here, we're like in that outside rung, this is still a list, you're still writing it down, that this is the stuff you can do tomorrow, this is the stuff that is broken down into small enough pieces, you can actually do it. You've got, you know, sometimes when we've got big goals and dreams, they feel super overwhelming. They do even for me and I've like one of my big goals right now is home decor and I'm thinking about going the path of like trying to do my own thing instead of licensing my work for home decor and a friend and I are talking about how we can make that happen. You can imagine that for somebody who wants to do use, there are working home decor. Um, and actually, maybe even, you know, produce products that there's a lot of stuff you have to think a...
bout like how is this gonna get printed, where is it going to get printed? Am I gonna do pillows? Am I gonna do ceramics? Am I gonna, you know, what am I gonna do? Um so lots of intermediate goals, I need to develop to get me to that big goal and then actionable tasks, otherwise I will never make progress on getting to that goal because it's just always going to feel overwhelming and big, so really important to break things down all right. There are fairly small and grain size. There are things you can do in an hour or a day and again, they stem from your intermediate goals. Could take action on them in a day or less. They're the kinds of things that are on your daily to do list. So that's like this idea of taking all of this stuff and putting it into some kind of system that sort of forces you to do it. Um, so that the things don't sit on your list that they actually get done. They give you a quick sense of accomplishment toward your goal. Okay, so action examples reading. Okay, so let's say we're going with this idea of opening an Etsy shop and let's say you don't have one yet. So one example of an actionable task would be read and digest Etsy seller guidelines. So familiarizing yourself with everything that's written down about the rules for etc. Like how etc works. What are the rules and by the way, um in segment six tomorrow we're going to talk about etc. As a selling platform. So more on that. Tomorrow, prepare your files for the printer based on their specifications. So let's say you you're you've decided to make prints instead of printing them, you're spying a printer and printing them yourself. You're going to outsource your printing to a printing house and have a set of 25 limited edition prints. So you need to contact the printer. This is something I even put on here. But another actionable task might be contact the printer to find out how big the file needs to be. You know what resolution doesn't need to be C M Y K or RGB. What are this file specs for that? That printer needs, Write descriptions for five new shop items, photograph or scan five new shop items. See how specific this is. And I'm actually giving myself a number and I'm gonna give numbers to Gabby later. Like for example, one of her goals might be every day she's going to you know, make a new drawing of a person just to practice or one actual task for her might be every week. She's going to complete one collection, um one holiday collection. And so that in five weeks she has five holiday collections. I don't know if that's realistic, but that's the kind of thing that we're talking about. Place new items in the shop. So you have them, get the images up right. Your descriptions get the prices in there and make the shop live. That's usually a click of a button. That's the one that feels really good. And another thing I just want to say is that while I am going to emphasize till the cows come home, this idea of starting now and not wait until the perfect time if you are working full time and you are overwhelmed by your job or your family situation. It might not be the best time to launch your career as an artist. So maybe make your goals a lot different. Maybe your goal if if that's where you are, is to just make a portion of your income um selling your work in some way. I started off very small and it took me many years to get to the point where I was making a full time living. This can take years and um it can also happen in a matter of months. I've heard other stories that are really amazing. So um so you get to decide how much you take on, you get to decide what your actionable tasks are, but the idea is like breaking things down to really manageable chunks and then I love Darlene's idea of staying accountable to other people and figuring out who those people are.
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