Checking In: What Is or Isn't Working
Lesson 17 from: Fast and Effective UX Design: Learn the ProcessJose Caballer

Checking In: What Is or Isn't Working
Lesson 17 from: Fast and Effective UX Design: Learn the ProcessJose Caballer
Lesson Info
17. Checking In: What Is or Isn't Working
Class Introduction
15:08 2UX Facilitation Overview
07:02 3Brand Attributes, Customer Profiles, & Business Goals
18:32 4The Facilitation Framework
13:40 5Introducing The Client: SmartFeed
03:55 6UX Overview Q & A
14:23 7Meet the Client: The SmartFeed Stakeholders
07:45 8Alignment Exercise
06:51Creating an Agenda
07:41 10Creating a User Profile: Single Dad
15:17 11Creating a User Profile: Millennial Mom
16:40 12Defining Awareness Goals
20:40 13Establishing Efficiency Goals
22:44 14User Story Introduction
06:00 15Sketching The User Story
50:16 16Sketching Page 2
08:59 17Checking In: What Is or Isn't Working
25:31Lesson Info
Checking In: What Is or Isn't Working
There's an exercise that you can do in the middle of your facilitated work sessions that is tio from agile color retrospective and what you want to know is what's working and what could be improved and in this case what we're going to use it for in conjunction with um our goals in conjunction with our goal is to know whether we're getting value out of the session relative to the time line so here we have value versus ease this is the big question that was coming up now um deeper customers say shin I think that's what the customer we're going deeper prioritization fun um and then in this case that this process becoming dna to the organization okay but let's do this retrospective start all right? So very simple two columns what's working what do we still need what can be improved so here the two columns working uh and need or improve and we're talking about this session I'm not talking about app I'm talking about high my doing what we need to improve other than maybe you know, cursing le...
ss um I think we have good clarity around our user profiles and what need we're trying to solve so clarity around that's what I was working or has worked from today's session opportunities for engagement that I hadn't thought through is clearly until you had that that actual phone screen up suit that was super helpful so visualization no visualization helps great what else? The prioritization exercises that we did for awareness and efficiency? I think we're great in terms of thinking through top opportunities, I think this is surfaced for me that we really need to have built out the whole sharing loop, this community sharing as we prioritized it everywhere, and we don't really have it. I thought through on our upcoming release, caray looks well for me both in terms of seeing the process work and that it would need to be iterated that you're that you're planning for that to be part of the process. But the dna also works because I rarely see the three of them together and so again finding places for that to be but um uh reinforced and you can do this on the phone it's a little harder or so you knew it with google docks or with virgil I put but that's an interesting insight think you've seen everyone together um that's great. Anything else, megan? Yes, so I'm not sure if it was already said, but the prioritization of civilian for you yeah, feature design is super helpful. So privatisation. All right, what do we still need in this session specifically to meet, you know these these alignment goals from the beginning, what we still like to see in the last twenty minutes of this or I would love to figure out sort of I think we've got a real nugget with this idea of a shared playlist or or ah um you know, something that can be an entry point, but what's the how do we get from? I've viewed that to have signed up, and I think that's, what we've been struggling with for the last hour from I've seen a playlist from a friend I know and trust and but how do I then get from there to filling out my child's profile on smart? Okay, so that's a good one, because I also have the example of the sign up here in the app and it's really heavy duty on dh so, no, actually, you know, this is a red this is this is loggins, but the sign up is actually pretty pretty design is so, so dance for the web, yeah, so that that would be facebook that that that that would be a question for me about needing is what are we prioritizing? Is the entry point, and we just did the playlist is the entry point, but isn't is that our priority entry point to get right, or is there some other way to get a question coming in? You get you get you get set up, you can set up a hypotheses that what you think would work best as a released huge customer type and you can test those but there's one really easy way to test it um which is chris was talking about it which is actually to put out playlist already justin text like an ana blawg of stuff that you're choosing hey here's a list of the top ten things that are and then use your radiant system or your values based system for it already and see the response of what works and what doesn't if you back oh jeez that's a really great question so eric ass is there a way for a kid to get pete back? You want to know something crazy? I was at an event in arizona a few years ago started prevent and I taught the same exact process to fifth graders and it was a hackathon style event and from the beginning of the event to the end they got to pitch their ideas they came up with sketches of their product one kid came up is like um it's a kid to kid a rating system for absent movies and he totally blew the house down I'm like dad let's get a super smart and it was for kids by kids so that's a good question I don't know something I've thought about for sure but if this were really starting with this power to the parent concept and really enabling parents to take control and ownership of their kids screen time um and our assumption is that all of our probe the common thread of all of our profiles is that these are all parents who care about what their kids watch um what would make you think the kid would want to watch at that? Well this is this is this is a great question so it's part of our market segment questions so we start with k through second grade to talk to parents of those kids and the way you asked the kids to rate and review as well but they don't yet have their own sinan path mostly was a time issue not that it was I wouldn't think it was super important it was that we needed to get the parent path right first because k through second grade or kind of sitting there usually with their kids then pre caden third three set but we definitely have that on the road bath is how if we win kids will use this parents will just be out of the equation and if we do it right but I think we've equated it a lot to food and nutrition you know? Sure kids would love to eat gummy bears and cookies all day but their parents dictate for the large and large part what they eat so this is, you know, digital nutrition we still have a choice within a huge menu that the parents are filtering for so they get they want so this goes back to value and he's so going back to teo the value and these two d's thing I think that's the one that I'm looking at most and I've done several things like this in the past not specifically for media but for jamie oliver's food revolution and the value to ease relative so what they found was that what the easier the least work that you could possibly put into it was actually the most effective so like, you know, recipes that were really usually really simple and just giving it to them and not necessarily even thing any more than that but so what I'm I'm going to go and say this that so if we want to solve let's keep on going in the needs to improve so what it sounds like is this, uh what is that it's almost like not just how do we get them to sign up? But what is it that's going to hook them into it that's how much the question we want ask way can't answer this question today we're here want to give you all that information it's like the match dot com thing I want to meet a great guy so I'm gonna tell you all the details about what I'm looking for um and you know, I'm gonna I'm gonna just pull that back a little bit to say you don't have to give us all that information if there's another way, we can get that information and give you better recommendations. That's our job way need to get enough information to get you started and keep you coming back with good enough recommendations that you keep coming back. Well, the minimum is actually just facebook log in, so you're not giving anything you just doing facebook and it gets you the app lets keep it on the app right now. I think the second one and the reason why you saw me hesitating and the sketching to add all of the things that the main app has is because it's just a lot, so I'm trying to filter what is the thing that's most valuable to surface? What I'm doing now here, in your conversations, in the input from the audience is I'm going back to both what you guys want to get out of this what you're saying here in the retrospective, but more importantly, what's coming out of the custom, I'm not looking at my whole dashboard to see if I can find some of the answers at the end of the day, the way you use this issue, create experiments and you actually put them out, so you say, you know, before the millennium mom, her priority let's say eyes, you know, having shared um so you can try the hypotheses of you know the value to the millennium mom is going to be pierre base kind of feedback and you prototype this screen and you do share it with millennial moms but then you also share it with finn I'm sorry with david and with um with you guys and you see them give you qualitative data and that point it doesn't even have to be it could be you write the testing scripts or the questions directly to this you know so how would you you know uh would you share this if you saw this play listen they look at it a wood or no I wouldn't and at that point I was like okay how how would you you know why would you share the place and you start listening that so the tool and you ex designer you can set up each of these scenarios exactly as they are with corresponding screens segmenting the value proposition meaning the value proposition the way I translated is very directly to that needs so david's value proposition is he had lazy quick quick way quick and mobile way to let your wife know what your kids are watching david our two prototype the thing I would just prototype here's a profile shut to your wife or your ex wife right or whatever share it with and it's shows you where you can share it with that's it david would you like this? Damned yahoo dot! Awesome! Cool! Alright, done right? You're validating it and I'll get your questions in a second for her for the millennium mom, frequent um this is the running out of content. So expert feedback adaption to age that's an interesting well, this is the manager in the morning thing like toe lens, lee's last point it's the self learning I'm not having to tell it as much it's learning I love that so that self learning it's actually, well, I don't know that one was here, but so so let's say let's say let's say that is self learning ah, self learning feed uh, that adapts to the age range of your kids that you can access for your mobile. So, you know, uh, placate, you get content for get positive content for all of you for but she has to just to know her keys on that old foreign to yeah, okay, that might be a relatively non none let's. Just say let's say let's say feedback from experts, you know, that you can manage remotely and have frequent content suggestions let's, just call it that one for her. So that's her value proposition. So that's, what you're going to prototype frequent suggestions with people with people just isolated the scenarios really extreme in the sketch. And then again, you're going to show those three to the audience you're going to go. David, you're going to go fin and you're going to go. Umm here she is, kristina you're going to show them all three, see which ones they gravitate to so that you're basically like just proving which of the hypotheses is true because I don't know. I mean, I think it's too many value propositions already like you should choose one and use that as a membe p than there are. Then bp should be so narrow. It's not even funny. I mean it just it should feel wrong if it feels wrong to you, you're doing the right thing. If it feels wrong to you, you're doing the right thing is small. It is it's too small of an m v p but she doesn't feel like it's enough. Um, that it needs mohr in order for it to feel valuable to her. Uh, you have to feel really uncomfortable. It has to be really uncomfortable because most people will be comfortable with adding versus how many of you have done client services. Client wants everything. Um, so here here for for you, for for kristina. Easy to sign up better content options so offer kids now understanding that this one's actually not that accurate control the amount of time quick way to learn about new content. This seems a little too this is a really values based, so this is a comprehensive, values based system. This is what should be in this one. When we did this one, I now have a better picture, so I'll say comprehensive and and personalize it sounds like you guys have collectively, um, value values based. I'll call it scoring for now, so comprehensive, personalized, value based scoring that learns from you and gives you better content option for your kids. That's the value proposition christina, did you see how I came up with valid proper sessions for all three of those? Now you can do all three of those value propositions collectively in a product, but you need to segment it and choose, like what I would do, what I do usually, as I say, okay, comprehensive, remote and quick, so I'll add those, and I'll make that into value proposition. You notice that when you see taglines it'sjust three things share, do this and do that it's, because you can't really honestly tell people you can do more than that, I can tell you that I'm great at sitting down and doing wire frames and I'm really great at showing up on time to things and I'm really great at facilitating one of those is true the other two are not true mary like yeah so that's that makes sense it's called plausible deniability you know right so your value proposition that's why it's a wedge that's why it's a triangle? You know the only one of those could be the front you can do the other two um so you could be quick and you can give remote access but you're wedges comprehensive you know this might be your wedge right? And the question is exactly what is that which looked like and who's willing to buy it that's who you go after that's what you do it's the market big enough which is then the next hurdle that's market solution fit the first is product solution yeah it's a problem solution fit are you solving a problem? And if you are a great is the market big enough to actually make it into out mrs in your case it's a huge market you know that the question is who is it and how can you get traction and then got variables like investment and get all these variables so welcome to the world entrepreneurship it's hard so and fun it should be that's why I say the process is more important than what it is is we'll figure itself out the process has to be part of the doing it over and over again it's a judo I think one of things you surface forces that it's important for us to prioritize which user we're solving for first because that's part of our challenge here is kristina is kind of different than finn so if we're thinking through getting an anchor steak with christina you know the mobile app has to work for kristina not not just for offend so I wonder if we should when we go because we will take this away this is a ton for us to take away and she want and try to work through if we think about the mobile lab, we should think of it through kristina's lenz first yeah yeah, but you're still gonna have to strip it down it's definitely never was making it more complicated. I'd try to solve for every one of these users because there awesome, but they're distinct and if we only get that one right that's a that's a lot to get right it is a lot so you might want to do christina but then bring her back so like you can do christina like earlier so she might not be millennial mom she might be ex mom what was it five years ago or six years ago? Now there wasn't a lot of the devices but like she still has the same value system so there's a lot of ways of doing it, but I like your idea just narrow it down to one customer type and and simplify and simplifying, simplifying for the build for the actual build because you have a lot of priorities and a lot of stuff to think about, but ultimately what she just said it's the greatest summary awesome possible pick one prove it go to the next one because in the proving process you'll get all of the insights that you need toward the other features need to be it's an exponential game you throw a particle towards something explodes oh, that gives you the answer. So so I mean, from a practical perspective now we take this and we're going to try to synthesize this and shared across with our team and then tried to drill down on the mobile exercise with cristina in mind and then have something that's kind of clickable to test with different pods and keep it ready. You got it. You already found a really narrow way of doing and all these decisions were made just today from this let's give him a hand of applause. Just I think I want to thank you on behalf of myself and even more so when we have a creative life because this is actually a imagine that going on live broadcast to put your skivvies out and this way organized for us to hear him say sense of our scary I'm escapees organizer so if anybody wants to get this gibbs organize, you can look at the girl below that's the worst plug average and help me out here but that's just not right, but if it is true, it is a very intimate thing to deal with with the startup. So it one thing to leave of your designers, the context of the relationship in the what you have to set up in terms of, ah, the the environment that you have to set up for this to occur it's big deal, this is they're investing a lot of time, energy and money into whether doing so, the emotional, uh, connection is much higher than if it's a client who's an employee and they're just doing their job. So had a corporation there's still a lot of emotion there, but it's slightly different is political and it's more about different things, I guess I don't know, but when you guys were out there doing this and those of you that are watching when you're doing this, think of it always from the user point of view, so I did it at the beginning, so I'm gonna try to close real quick the loop on this in one minute sharon uh, how is this different, invaluable with what we kind of assess from this morning that you really kind of we're here to get out of it and somebody passing on mike if you have one uh did you did you see how this was different than maybe you you have a lot of experience so yeah no, you know what I think is great about this is it it was fast and quick if it forces to make decisions that even if they're uncomfortable decisions because not every question gets answered and not every point gets covered but the end but what I liked about it is a broad consensus to a group of people and if the process was quick so I like that cool so I can rip us up awesome. So that's that's ah I'm user testing this is this is validation right here, eric you're transitioning from print to web and this is to give you a sense of like you know what it takes what do you what can I rip? What? Tell me what you got out of it from bureau tio I would say well over seventy five today so wow, that's pretty fast. I hope you're not like slow down you're like I need a drink down so I can look this up yes all right, thank you appreciate that, uh, marie will cavalleri and a checklist of all of these terms yes, absolutely. And chungking, I got chungking, you know, the user profiles the goals, the you know, screens and all that stuff. So and yes, I'm going to change the name of this whole process from court and chunky yes, horrible chunk it so I can rip us up. Awesome. Great. Chrissy and customer now, we didn't actually touch the in customer per se. But there the end customer and we dialogued about that that there they are represent the customer? She is christina palmer. Does that make sense? Yeah. So you did go through a lot of who the end customers and to a certain extent for the consumers to there was certain dialogue about the child and the peer to peer sharing within the children. All that but building such a long term plan into something where you're just starting might be a little hard and I can sort of see the process and what you're thinking and you're going with it. So it was clear this was valuable. It was awsome. Ariel, I can rip this up. Uh, chris, your founder. Oh, jeez. Prioritization. Unlimited resource is this is what you wanted to get out of the beginning, um, passing to make did you get did you get that goal that you wanted to get out of the session? I do I think the thing that that I would take away that that's the ad on is the trust that the process does get embedded because if it were just this is the answer I wouldn't trust it if it's this is the answer and it's the foundation from which it trusts and build but everybody gets to come back and see their result then that's the I guess to me that that's the only thing that that can that can cement that confidence exactly this is the scaffolding around the actual product does that make sense? But you have to validate invalidated invalidate as you build so cool awesome second rip this up I love the ceremony of reaching these up um it's tangible perry startup insights howto manage people and process ah yeah, definitely incredibly valuable I think that the you know whats what's great about this. Is that a startup? You know when when I work with startup entrepreneurs they try to hit it out of the park when they launch and what's so value about this process is that when you launch it's just the start is just the beginning and sort of narrow your focus with something that's that's really strong and then straight from there is is key and so you you provided so many good tools toe to empower entrepreneurs just keep going and doing it and doing it and doing it again like the song goes awesome thank you um tino educating the people you work with up so that's a challenge I did a lot of facilitation conversations I'm not sure I'd address well, I guess a little bit you sure did I mean, just looking at the boards across you know, the stage all that information you were able to get from ah, your client um just by opening up talking to them facilitating like you do so definitely that this definitely helped and, uh and he gives us you know, tips too, you know, kind of take this back and put it in action also cool so you're gonna do is on monday with your team tomorrow all right? Awesome and last man at least uh nita yes, I need a sorry not need I'm missing a and your name would be so you're transitioning to u ex so with his help for that is already this of course is but it's always good to see some other people's process and I liked how fast it wass and how it flown and connected different parts off the user experience off the user to this story to actually your goals and how everything connected that was really great from poor people thank you guys, anybody else any insights that they got out of this whole thing? No all right, jennings all you cause a well done thank you so much great being ableto like it's a special experience where we get to see somebody you know inaction working with real clients because there's only so much education you khun dio with sort of fake stuff so we really appreciate it. Smart feed folks. Ladies, thank you so much for joining us today. Uh absolutely wonderful, everybody. Yeah, we're so excited for your product and toe put yourselves out there to help us with you know, this free education globally we thank you all. So thank you so much, jose. Where can we find your buddy so on twitter you can find me at whole stakeout yet, which is my name the way it's spelled wherever you see it. Um uh twitter for the school is at at this school rocks and the school is s k o l and our youtube channel is youtube dot com slash the school rocks, which is all of the twitters and the school rocks and the website is the school rox dot com so it's all the same great and twitter the school rocks as well we can follow you there great hall it's the same awesome well, folks, thank you again for joining us today here, a creative life for fast, ineffective you ex design learned the process
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Ratings and Reviews
Karey Covey
Great session. Covered a lot of information. Only suggestion for improvement was at the end, just giving a quick overview of the entire process again just to tie it all back together. Awesome info, well articulated, and very inspirational. Thank you!
Love this class and so glad I bought it. I'll be able to refer back to his lessons again and again. His work with an actual client is what really sets this class apart, having provided specifics on how to ask a client a question, how to get them down to what matters most and on and on! Can not express how valuable this will be for me. Thank you Jose and thank you Creative Live!
Carl Rosati
Loved it, big fan of Jose anyway but this is more comprehensive than the videos on youtube from Skool (or at least a deeper dive). Would be really useful if we could also download the slide deck for quick reference. Can this happen?