Class Introduction
08:23 2Your To-Do List & The Myth of Balance
04:57 3Trapped in my Success
16:26 4What is Exponential Living?
11:54 5The 9 Principles of Exponential Living
10:54 6Your 10% & Your 100%
15:29 7The 4 Pain Points
38:04 8What is Your Definition of Success?
13:28PEACE is our POWER
22:47 10Live In Your P.O.W.E.R.®
17:54 11Stop Working, Start Maximizing
14:37 12Happy is a Choice, Joy is a Lifestyle
05:46 13Build Lasting Confidence
06:30 14Stories of Confidence
13:50 15Attitude is the Key
15:52 16Broaden Your Definition of Success
14:38 17What is Your Vision Statement?
14:59 18Peace is the New Success
04:49 19BONUS WITH PURCHASE: Jini Thornton Interview
38:03Lesson Info
Live In Your P.O.W.E.R.®
- [Sheri] So, there is nine principles of exponential living that really serve as the guide. It's this continual cycle that sometimes we focus in on one, sometimes we focus on multiple ones, sometimes we just reference points from all of them, but we're going to dive into a few of them. And the first one is live in your power, live in your power. And does anybody remember what the one word is for living in your power? The very first thing we have to do? Do you remember, the first thing you have to do before you can do anything else? Make a decision, make a decision. It's about our choices. So live in your power. This is one...okay, I'm going to be honest, these principles are like your kids, you know, all of them are your favorites. So, if you hear me say this is my favorite, all of them are really my favorite. But the first key to inner peace and increased productivity is our perspective. What is our vision? What is our vision? And what this is, is so many of us have the dream or a vi...
sion at many different points in our lives. For me, I was very clear at 15 what I was supposed to do with my life, I had no clue at 40, right? So, it kind of goes in and out but we have this perspective, and what that really boils down to is, what is your vision? What is your vision? I've had the honor of meeting these two amazing women, their names are the McBride Sisters. And actually, one of them grew up out here, in the Napa Valley area, and the other sister grew up in New Zealand. And through a, you know, life circumstances, different moms, same dad, they didn't know about each other. They didn't know about each other, They both grew up thinking they were only children. And so, long story short, it's one of the most amazing stories you'll hear. If you get a chance, look it up. But as adults, one of them, the one who lived in New Zealand, when her mom passed, she got this call...well, her mom had passed, she got a call from her dad and her dad called and said a couple of things. One, he said, "I'm dying." Two, "You have a sister," and she went on this hunt to find the sister that she didn't even know existed. Long amazing story, they ended up, literally, after five years of her looking for her, she was in New York. Her sister happened to be in Alabama the day that she actually called and asked, "Are you, you know, Robin McBride?" And she's like, "Yes." And they ended up talking. And, you know, in happenstance, one is in Alabama, who lives on the west coast, the other lives in New Zealand happens to be in New York and they ended up meeting the next day and the other didn't know that the sister existed. The one in America didn't know the one existed in New Zealand. They come together, they're both adults. They're grown. They come together, they realize they're sisters. They have this amazing reunion and over time, they ended up realizing both of them grew up in wine country. Her in New Zealand, the other here in California, right? In the San Francisco area. The other thing that they had in common is they both always wanted to own a winery. They wanted to own their own wine company, right? Just random. And so, they came together, neither one of them knew how to make wine, neither one of them knew anything about the wine business and today, they actually have the largest African-American owned wine company in the world. At one point, they were distributed by the largest spirits company in the world, they're now distributed by the number one grocery chain in the world and so, I've had the honor of interviewing them, and moderating panels with them, and talking with them a few times. And the question that I've asked them is, "How did you do that?" Like, "How did you go from knowing nothing about wine to owning the largest African-American owned wine company in the world?" And they said, "Sheri, we could see the vision. We could see the steps. We didn't know what we were doing but what we could do, though, we had this unrealistic idea of owning something we knew nothing about, that was the bull's eye on the wall." But they had the vision of guess what? "Let's just start where we are." And where they started was, it was like, "Hey, I have relationships in New Zealand, let's just import wine. We don't have to learn to make it, let's just import," and then the next step was, "We can see this step." See, many times we get locked because we may have a perspective of what we want but we don't have the vision. We don't have the steps. We see the big elephant forgetting, what's the old adage? How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Really focus in on the vision. Steve Harvey, I've had the honor of speaking at several of his events and he shares all the time that at one point, he was $20 million in debt with the IRS. Right, exactly, right? Yeah, I'm an entrepreneur, so $20 million in debt with the IRS is very different than credit card debt, right? Credit card debt, you get an interest every month. IRS debt is like interest and penalties every second. But he said his perspective, his vision was that he would be a multi-millionaire and build a multi- million-dollar business, the vision. And as we all know, because we see him on show after show, after the show, that's what he's done. So many of us don't move forward because we have the perspective but we don't allow ourselves to get focused on the vision. And what I say all the time is, let's have a broad vision and a keen focus. A broad vision and a keen focus. Many times, we have the keen focus but we can't see the big picture, or we have the broad picture and we get overwhelmed. What I want you to come out of here today with, is the tools and the resources, the paradigm shift, the mindset, the confidence, the courage to generally have that broad vision and that keen focus. And I love what Andy Stanley says, "Many people die living a long life with their dreams never fulfilled because they don't have the vision to guide them through the process. Vision is born in the soul of a person who is consumed," here's the key, "with the tension between what is and what could be," where so many of us get lost is in that tension. We either look at where we are and say, "I don't have the money to do that," tension. "I don't have the resources to do that," tension. "I don't know enough people to do that," tension. But if we just get consumed and understand that tension, that tension, I like to translate that into say, "What is my end?" So many of us look at perspective as it's either this or that. Your friend literally wanted to go back to Atlanta with their family but had this amazing job out here but what she was able to do was go to Atlanta and work remotely here. Who would have thought of that? People who live in the end. People who live in the tension, not the either/or. What is your perspective? What is your vision? What is your perspective? What is your vision? The second key to living in your power is taking ownership, taking ownership. What are you focused on? And we talked about this, I can't remember who shared with me that the challenge is the focus. Yes, thank you, and I said we were going to dive into that, what are you focused on? In December of 2014, I had been working, at that point, on my book proposal. Not the book, the book proposal. Now, when you write a book, a nonfiction book, to get a publishing deal, you have to do a book proposal before you actually write the book, right? And fiction, it's the other way, you write the book. So this is just the book proposal. This is that 90-page document that says, "This is what the book's about. This is what I'm going to talk about. Here's the marketing." So I've been working seven years on the book proposal, I hadn't even gotten to a book, and I was just stuck. I was stuck. And so, December 2014, I did the most courageous thing I had ever done in my life and I don't take any credit for it, it was out of desperation. I was like...I literally removed 80% of everything off my to-do list, 80% of everything off of my to-do list and I left three things. I left three things: get my book deal, get a publishing deal, lose 25 pounds. Okay, Mark, we share that and secure my speaking engagements. Well, national and international speaking engagements. Everything else, if it didn't directly impact those three things, I took it off my list. I took it off my list. And what I learned with that...again, it was out of desperation. I can't take any credit, but it was the most...it was a tipping point in my life because 7 years working on a book proposal, 7 years, literally, the beginning of December, I remove 80% off my to do...everything off my to-do list. By the beginning of January, January 7th, I'll never forget it, I sent my book proposal to my agents, they called me in 15 minutes and said, "Oh my God, Sheri, you have found your voice. You have found your voice. This is absolutely amazing." By February, I had five offers from publishers for my book proposal, for my book, five. What had taken me seven years, I couldn't get done, literally, happened in eight weeks. What was the difference? I got focused. I got focused on the most important things. See, everything is important but isn't most important. What's most important? Now, I'm still working on the 25 pounds, we'll talk about that a little later but here's what I relearned, there's three things that I learned out of that desperate move. I learned, one, a third of the things that was on my to-do list, guys, I honestly, if you threatened me, I couldn't tell you what they were. I couldn't tell you what they were. They were so important at the time. They were so pressing that they were on this to-do list but I don't even remember what they were. So, every day they were weighing on me, weighing on my conscious, weighing on my energy because I didn't have them done and they weren't even important enough that I still remember them. The second thing that I learned, after removing 80% of everything on my to-do list is another third of that stuff, literally, someone else should have been doing, they shouldn't even have been on my list. There was things my oldest daughter should have been doing, my husband should have been doing. There was things that I could honestly give to a VA. There was things that other people could be doing, literally, but we get in such the habit of just putting everything on our to-do list that we don't even think about, "Does this even go on here? Can someone else do this?" And then the third thing I realized is many of the things on my list were chronologically out of order. Things that were on my to-do list in December, honestly, shouldn't have been on my to-do list until that following May. So they're just sitting there in December wearing me down, wearing me out, weighing on me and they just weren't in the proper time because when I got focused on those three things, by February, the first thing was met, "Take that off," and now you put the next thing on the list, does that make sense? You guys tracking with me? This is how we get focus. This is how we take ownership because you have to really genuine...it is very easy to dump everything on your to-do list. You have to really take ownership of what's important to you when you narrow things down to the three most important things, right? You can't just mindlessly go, "Boom-boom-boom." You have to think, "Where does this fit? Does this directly or indirectly move me forward? Is this a part of my value system? Is this the direction that I really want to take? If this item here, on my to-do list, moves me forward, does it move me towards what I want or does it just move me? Does this item have the ability to progress me in a way that I accomplish my goal or does it just keep me moving on my hamster wheel?" But see, when we think in the terms of focus vision and being really focused and taking ownership, we have to assess those things in that way. So we have to take ownership. The third key...oh, I love what Brene Brown said, she said, "We either walk inside of our story and own it or we stand outside our story and hustle for our worthiness." I may just love this one, for me. This one may not matter for anyone else but this was my truth. I was just constantly hustling for my worthiness because everything I did, and I think, Daniel, you referenced it earlier, it was outside of what I truly valued instead of, "Really, what is my story? What am I taking an ownership from me?" The third key is wisdom. What is your plan? And I don't mean that 60-page document that we're all used to, that, you know, the business plan is 60 to 80 pages. That executive summary is five pages, no, no, no, no. What is those two most important things, at the most three? What is your plan? What are those three things that you're going to focus on? What is the one or two, at the most three, most important next steps? Again, when you think in those terms, it allows you to get focused and most importantly, it allows you to do this one simple thing, it allows you to separate your opportunities from the distractions. It allows you to identify what opportunities are actually distractions. The thing that robs us the most, I believe, of our time, is great opportunities that are actually distractions and I had a bunch of them. I think, right now, one of the biggest challenges most of us have is FOMO, fear of missing out, right? Especially in this age of social media, "Oh my God, I got to do this, and I got to do that, and I got to be over there, and I got to go here." In order for me to really live in my power, at one point in my life, I had to stop going everywhere. I had to stop talking to everybody and I had to stop doing everything. I had to stop going everywhere. I had to stop talking to everybody and I had to stop doing everything because so many opportunities were just distractions. And what I realized is, in order for us to truly remove the distractions, we have to get in that point of even being able to identify, what is a distraction? What I have found is if the opportunity does not directly or indirectly move you forward, in those one or two most important things, at that time, it's a distraction. I'm a founding partner of the John Maxwell Team, excuse me, and we had this amazing opportunity with John where we could actually...he was on a live simulcast and we could actually, as team members, buy the simulcast and use it as a part of our business model. And I had the amazing opportunity to be the only Atlanta proper location. This is a great opportunity. I mean, it's John Maxwell, a global brand. Everything I make is mine. So, financially, it was a great opportunity. It put me in the room, I was able to bring people into a room, so it gave me exposure. Everything about it said, "Great opportunity," but it was a distraction. Why was it a distraction? Remember what my three most important things was: increase my speaking engagements, get a publishing deal, and lose 25 pounds. Well, Sheri, doesn't this fall and increase your speaking engagements? No. You want to why? Because every time I picked up the phone, I was inviting people to a John Maxwell event he's speaking. Every time I called a corporate sponsor, I was talking about a John Maxwell event. Now, I'm the one bringing it but it's not a Sheri Riley event because I got ownership and crystal clear with my three things, I was able to make a great decision about an opportunity that was a great opportunity, but it was a distraction for me. Do you all see that? So, you can't get clear when an opportunity is a distraction for you, if you haven't gotten your vision and the perspective, if you haven't taken ownership and really narrowed into what are the most important things now? That's how we get clear. That's how we have wisdom to have a plan that moves us forward. The fourth key to inner peace and increase productivity is our engagement. And, guys, this, honestly, is the most important piece of this principle, the engagement. What adjustments do you need to make, to implement? And the key to this, is so, so important. It's so important. I have an 11-year-old daughter and when she was about 6 years old, she started playing lacrosse and my husband and I know nothing about lacrosse at that time, absolutely nothing. But my daughter was so excited and we're like, "Hey, she's six, first grade, let's go for it." So her very first lacrosse game, you know, it was about a 30, 40-minute drive to the field, Saturday morning. She had to be there at 9:00 in the morning. So we're up and a good friend of mine that I hadn't talked to for a while called me while we were driving and what did I do, I let it go to voicemail. We don't drive on the phone and drive, right? Don't talk on the phone and drive but I let it go to voicemail. And so we're driving, we get to the field and my daughter goes out, it's, you know, stadium seating and my daughter goes out. She's out on the football field, I'm sitting in the stands. I have my iPhone in my lap, I have my earbuds in and I'm watching the game. I don't know anything that's going on, but I'm watching the game, right? So my girlfriend and I, we talked for the first quarter, a quarter and a half. Again, headphones, I can see. I see what's going on and after the quarter and a half we're finished, we get off the phone, my baby wins her first ever lacrosse game. I am so excited. I am so excited, right? I'm so excited. My daughter is a very affectionate loving child. So I'm waiting and I'm excited because I know she's going to run, get in my arms. We're going to hug, I'm so excited. So she's walking off the field. She's coming to me and I'm bracing myself because I know she's going to run and jump. She stops right in front of me, she looks at me, and she goes, "Mommy, I can't believe you were on the phone for my first-ever lacrosse game." And she walks over to go be with her team. Now, my ego was like, "Are you kidding me?" My ego was like, "Does that little girl not realize I just drove 40 minutes on a Saturday? Oh my God, does she not realize there's four parents here and I'm one of them. My ego was like, "Oh my God, okay, coach finish up because I'm about to have a conversation with my little girl." Like, my ego was like, "Yes, uh-huh, come on. Come on, finish up. Finish up." So they finish up, my little girl's walking over to me, my ego is like, "Yep. Come on, come on because we about to have a little talk." She walks up to me. I pick her up, and I hug her ever so tightly and I said, "Baby, I am so sorry. I am so sorry and I will never ever be on the phone again, not just at your lacrosse games, I will never be on the phone or distracted when there's something that's important to you," because what my daughter taught me in that moment, guys, is that my presence wasn't enough. I needed to be present. I needed to be present. And I realized that in all areas in my life that we need to be present, our present is not enough. What's hindering our engagement, what's hindering us from implementing is this whole idea of multitasking. You're sitting at your computer, here's your phone. Here's the computer. You've got the phone on mute. You've got your iPad over here. Conference call is going, phone is on mute with the conference call. You're on social media, you're typing an email, "Hold on. Yes, I did send that report. Thank you very much," and you go back but you're not present. You're not present. And so much of the creative ideas, the innovative ideas, the joy that we have in the experience is lost because we're not present. We just show up. We just show up. That's why I've asked you guys online, stay present. Put your phone away. Put the computer away as far as emails. Set everything to the side. Stay in tune. Stay with us because, guys, we have to be present. My productivity and the productivity of my clients grew exponentially, pun intended, when they committed to being present. When they committed to not just their presence, and I mean in their marriage. We're not going to talk about how many times we've been intimate and we thinking about an email...okay, no. We're not talking about that. Not that class, not that class. Okay, what keeps us locked? That fear, that fear. Sometimes, guys, we just got to press through with a little more courage than fear, "But, Sheri, what if they tell me no?" A little bit more courage than fear. "But, Sheri, what if it doesn't happen the way I want it to?" A little bit more courage than fear. "But what if I put everything..." someone said they opened a business, had to close the business, "How can I do this again?" A little bit more courage than fear. A little bit more courage than fear. The fifth and final key to living in our power is the reward, is the reward. How do you stay consistent? How do you stay consistent? We have to identify our triggers. We have to identify our triggers. What is that trigger? Is it a parent's voice in your head? Is it a failed opportunity that you just don't want to get up and try it again? Is it a loved one that you want to impress but they never say, "Good job?" Is it your fear that your kids will be disappointed in you if you don't do this if you do, do that? Is it social media? Are you just looking at everyone else's story and seeing their highlight reel and thinking it's the whole thing? What is your trigger that keeps you from moving forward consistently? And all of us have them. All of us have those things that we'll get on a roll and then something happens, that trigger. Is it a thought? Some of us, the trigger is actually achieving it. And some of us get so addicted to the process of it, that the fear is, "If I actually get it then what?" What's your trigger? So in order to live in our power, the five keys to inner peace and increase productivity: what is your vision? Seeing the steps. What are you focused on? Are you really taking ownership and identifying those one or two, at the most three, most important things? Your plan, your plan. Are you able to genuinely look at the opportunity and recognize, "Is this a distraction? Does this really bring fuel, and purpose, and focus to what I'm supposed to be doing right now?" The engagement, are you present? Are you just in the presence of everything? Are you really present? We've talked about our kids and work, one of the things that has really helped me with that mom guilt is when I'm at work, I'm 100% present and when I'm with my babies, I'm 100% present. When I'm with my husband, I'm 100% present. When I'm with my friends, I'm 100% present. It has brought so much more value to the experience I have with that person, that moment, that opportunity. My phone is not in this room because I want to be 100% present with you, guys. I don't want to get distracted. On the break, "Let me just look," no, no. It makes everything richer but it also removes the guilt and it allows the thoughts to not wander. Well, you know what I didn't do? No. Be right here. And the last one is the reward. How will you stay consistent? How will you stay consistent? What are those triggers? So class participation, class participation. Who is going to share with me what these five keys speak to them on the journey where they are right now, what is your trigger? What is an opportunity that you know now and it's actually a distraction? What's your one or two, at the most three, what's most important? And I'd love for you guys to share. And remember, this is where we're not going to be selfish because somebody has something in this room that is going to have not only an impact for you, but it's going to have an impact for others. So who has the microphone? Yes, Daniel? - [Daniel] So, one thing, for me, was, I've been trying to kind of grow my Instagram account as of lately, this year, and one thing that has always pops into my head before I post that is, "What are people going to think about it?" And on the days that I kind of make that decision, "I know this is going to do more good than anything else," I'm just going to go ahead and do it with no judgment, no anything like that. So that's one thing, is trying to get over the fear of what other people are thinking about it. - Yeah. So a little bit more courage than fear. Yes, who else? Have you passed the microphone? Yes, Mark? - [Mark] What really spoke to me was being present, that's huge. And in today's world, when we have so many phones, we don't. And something I've recognized is how much of life we miss out on. This story about your daughter, it's powerful, that's huge. And especially, this is especially where we are right now, at least for me, but I think it's for all of us, that we have to be far more present. - Have to be present, yes. That was a tipping point moment for me because I realized I wasn't present in anything, my presence was there but I wasn't present. And I thought that I would lose my creative edge or, you know, because I prided myself on being a multitasker, right? "Oh, I could get so many things done," but I realized I was not productive. I was not at my highest level of creativity. I was not at my highest level of thinking and strategic thinking, I just was very habitual. I just did stuff out of habit. When I finally fought through to be present and removed those distractions, everything elevated, and I get things done quicker. - Yeah, and it's how much of life...for me, I'm discovering how much of life I'm missing out on when you're on autopilot. And I used to think, "Oh, this is great." I could drive, you know, all the way up to Northern California in five hours, totally in autopilot and miss everything, it's crazy. - Yeah. I realized that there were amazing experiences that I had and I didn't even remember, and I thought it was a memory issue but it wasn't. I was there but I wasn't taking it in. Because even when I was there, I was thinking about what happened...you know, worried about tomorrow, stressed about yesterday but never right there and just losing the whole joy in the moment. - I did a bicycle trip around the world and when I was reading about other people who did it, they were talking about cycling across the Midwest, and the plains and the fear of dying of boredom. I realized when I was doing that, every experience became so extraordinary. When a little lizard walked up to the road, just connecting with him and seeing him. It's like the smallest little things then become huge and that's being present. And, wow, it's such a difference in life when you can live that way. - Thank you. Thank you, Mark. Yes, Denise, you've got to stand for us. - [Denise] I love this whole board. And just the idea of trying to interact with this and make this board happen is really exciting to me. And I think about what my triggers are and it goes back around the family and how you...I don't know if you guys ever heard of generational curses. - Yes. - But there's things in your family where everybody does it, and that's the way we've always did it, and that's just the way it's going to be, and so some of the things that I need to do were going to upset my family but has to be done. That's it. - Yes. That's a big one. That's a big one. I, probably being from, you know, an African-American experience, man, my dad, at some point, thought I was crazy, you know, because I had to break a lot of those traditions, food and, again, stress. In my family growing up, worry was equated to love, "Oh my God, you know, I'm worrying about sister so and so. She's just..." right? That...right, yes, right? It's like, if you're not worrying about someone, you're not loving them and so just breaking that. Or, you know, if you're working at a high level, that means there's some anxiety because you're, "Oh, you've got to get it done." So, everything about my family experience, I had to go against to get into this place but what's amazing is, and I encourage you with this, so much of my family now has come into this new paradigm. So much of my family has gone on this journey...and it was tough at first, but so much of my family has been blessed by this journey. Wow, we really can shift the paradigm and do this differently. And my grandmother, before she passed in '98, you know, she actually realized, "Wow, worrying is not loving someone, it's just worrying." Yes, I saw them. Yes, right here. Please, stand. - [Woman] So I'm happy you shared your experience in terms of the lacrosse game before softball season started. But then, my question is, if you've been running on this same, do all the things to all the people at the same time, when you get through to your three commitments and it's lacrosse season, how do you set those? Obviously, you're going to need to be present with your family but is it just...because I want to revert back to the to-do list which I've recognized isn't the answer but is it just regimented and segmented in terms of, "Nope, I'm shifting my focus to there's a game this weekend," or do you plan around it? - Both. - Okay. - Both. So, for example, lacrosse season is coming up and so that means Tuesday, Thursday, practice, and Saturday, game. And so what I've learned is how to integrate accordingly and I really learned it writing my book. Because when I wrote my book, my email response...and this was a huge trigger for me because with email, as soon as it would ding, I'd respond, and I had to learn, "You don't have to respond when the email comes in." And so, I literally set an auto-reply that said, "Hey, I'm writing my book. I don't know when I'm going to be able to get back to you." It was something like that but it let people know, "I'm not going to be able to respond and if this is really an emergency, text me." And I now use kind of that pattern and everything. So with, now, softball season coming, lacrosse season, what are those things that you have to either remove until afterwards? What are those adjustments that you have to make? What are the conversations that you have to have? So, now, people know, I can't meet on Saturdays, or I can't...I don't meet on Sundays, or are there things that I did on Saturday, i.e. maybe clean the whole house, where now just once a month you clean the whole house and you only clean the most important areas every week, right? - Absolutely. - And so we make those adjustments that really have more to do with how we integrate all of these amazing things because what you don't want to do is you don't want to miss softball, right? - Right. - So the house may not get cleaned every Saturday. - Oh, I know it. - Yeah. Does that answer it? - It does. And the thing earlier, you said, "What do you want to surrender?" When we started this, mine was fear. So fear, a little bit more courage than fear is super impactful. - Ah, wonderful. Wonderful. Yes. I'd love to hear at least two more. Two more. Living in your power. I don't want to call on Rachel but, hi. Thank you, Rachel. - [Rachael] Speaking of emails, yeah, me and email have a special relationship. And, yeah, I feel like I'm constantly on it and it runs my life and I don't need to do that. And I've heard this advice before, and I try to take it, and I'm like, "Okay, I'm just checking my email once a day," and then I find that I've spent hours and hours on it because something's always coming in and I'm going to take care of that, and I'm going to take care of that, and I'm going to take care of that and I'm going to give up my emails. - And it derails your whole day, doesn't it? - It does. And I can just spend a certain amount of time on it per day and not let it take over my life. - When you tried before, did you actually put it on your calendar, "Check email?" - Yes. And then I check it off, and then I check it again later, and then check it... - How many times a day were you checking it? - Oh, ah... - No, when you tried to adjust it. - When I want to just do it? - Right. - I just want to do it once a day. So I want to do it in the mornings, and spend an hour, and stop. And if I don't finish them, I just do the important ones first and if I don't get to that, then I'll get to it tomorrow. - So, let me ask you, was that a realistic solution for you? - I don't know because it's not really working. - And I would say, you know, how we said, make a decision, rinse and repeat or course correct? - Course correct. - Course correct. So, I think, the framework of that timing once a day is kind of going from, you know, "I'm going to sit on the couch my whole life and now I'm going to go run 26 miles the next day," right? So it's like, "I'm going to check email all day, I'm just going to check once." Give yourself a more realistic but still stretched goal that, honestly...and it seems like email for you, you may need to check more than once but not as often as you are. Is that a fair assessment? - Yeah. I just need to reassess how much I need to be on it, and when I can be on it, and then check it and have the guts to say, "I'm not doing that again. I already did it, it's done," and leave it alone. - And is it the FOMO, fear of missing out? - Yes. I'm afraid that someone has emailed me and I haven't looked at it yet. - So have you thought about setting an auto-reply that says, "If this is an absolute emergency, text me?" And then it allows you to have that space in place because what you do...you've got to create a new habit and you've got to give yourself enough ammunition to create the new habit. So it would give you that peace of mind, "I'm not going to miss anything because they really do know how to reach me." And then over time, you're going to realize, "Nobody's texting me for six months." - Nobody, yeah. - Have you ever thought of something like that before? - I don't know if I know if auto response is the right course for me, but I can definitely make changes, and reassess what I'm doing. - Wonderful, thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you. At least one more. Yes? - [Michelle] I think for me the challenge is engagement. So that really resonated with me because I feel like it was kind of what you were talking about earlier with Fitness of, "I know the right things to do, I can clearly see the path that A,B,C,D will get me to where I need to go," but there's something that I will just resist on that and I think that's been my challenge as I course correct and adjust as to, you know, how to get beyond that. And you're right, I'm totally looking for you to give me the wise words to-do list of, "Michelle, do these five steps and you'll get it done." But I think that's the challenge, is when you're like, "I know the right thing to do," but I'm resisting it. - Yeah, thank you. Thank you.
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Ratings and Reviews
Daniel Viscovich
This course is fantastic! I had the opportunity to attend in person and I will tell you that Sheri is the real deal! An amazing, insightful and inspiring presence on stage and a very down to earth, humble and caring person when I had the chance to chat with her. I have no doubts that anyone watching will be a person human being for it. She utilizes so many great reflective exercises and questions that really forced me to think about what I want out of life and how I define my success in life. A big thank you to the Creative Live studios for putting this together and to Sheri for an amazing class!
Tracy Washington
This was an amazing class. I have the book and it was great to hear the author teach the principles and share all the nuggets of wisdom in this Master Class. Thank you for providing such wonderful, relevant content that truly is life-changing that causes people to pause and reflect and question what success looks like in their lives! Great class and highly recommended.
Luwana Edwards
This class is one of the BEST classes that I've taken. I'm really excited about all of the great information that I am leaving with. Sheri's approach to teaching is refreshing. She is an engaging speaker who is passionate about her topic. She is very unselfish about sharing value gained from her years of experience and insight gained from working in the music industry. It wasn't just a list of actions to follow, so it was truly enriching. Anyone who is considering this class should know that it's a great investment of their time and money.