Class Introduction
08:23 2Your To-Do List & The Myth of Balance
04:57 3Trapped in my Success
16:26 4What is Exponential Living?
11:54 5The 9 Principles of Exponential Living
10:54 6Your 10% & Your 100%
15:29 7The 4 Pain Points
38:04 8What is Your Definition of Success?
13:28PEACE is our POWER
22:47 10Live In Your P.O.W.E.R.®
17:54 11Stop Working, Start Maximizing
14:37 12Happy is a Choice, Joy is a Lifestyle
05:46 13Build Lasting Confidence
06:30 14Stories of Confidence
13:50 15Attitude is the Key
15:52 16Broaden Your Definition of Success
14:38 17What is Your Vision Statement?
14:59 18Peace is the New Success
04:49 19BONUS WITH PURCHASE: Jini Thornton Interview
38:03Lesson Info
Attitude is the Key
- [Sheri] Attitude is the key. Attitude is the key. I need everybody on their feet. Everybody on their feet. At home, I need you on your feet. Everyone online, on your feet. Put everything down, put the paper down, put the phone down. Everybody on your feet. So, we have a little engaging exercise. I want you guys to repeat after me what you see on the screen, okay? Now, we've already touched this today. We've talked about it. We have talked so much in so many ways about everything on here. Everything that's on the screen. So I want you to repeat after me. You ready? - [Together] Yes. - You ready? - Yes. - It's your declaration. Today. - Today. - I will. - I will. - Dive into my deepest fears. - Dive into my deepest fears. - To elevate to my highest faith. - To elevate to my highest faith. - To accomplish my greatest achievements. - To accomplish my greatest achievements. - That was awful. That was awful. Guys, I need some conviction. Think about what all we've talked about today. Think...
about what you've surrendered, what you're celebrating, the victories you have, the awareness that you've gotten, the breakthroughs that you've had, the thoughts that you've shared, the ideas that you're going to implement, the paradigms that you shifted, the information that you have consumed, and the results that you're going to get. Think about that. Think about that. Now, this time with some conviction, today. - Today. - I will. - I will. - Dive into my deepest fears. - Dive into my deepest fears. - To elevate to my highest faith. - To elevate to my highest faith. - To accomplish my greatest achievement. - To accomplish my greatest achievement. - Yes. Give yourself a hand. Yes. Sit back down. Give yourself a hand. Did you guys really hear what you just said? Did you really take in what you just said? Your deepest fears. We talked about the vulnerability. Elevate to your highest faith, the highest level of believing in yourself. To accomplish your greatest achievements which are on the other side your comfort zone. And what I'm calling each and every one of you guys to be from this moment on, is a disruptor in your own life. Are you guys familiar with that term when they, from a marketing standpoint, when they talk about a company as a disruptor, right? When they talk...like Starbucks is a disruptor, right? They took the idea of just a coffee shop and created this whole phenomenon about the experience. It's not just about the coffee. Or with Uber, they are a disruptor in the whole transportation. The Atlanta Airport has built an entire new area for cars to come, for Uber and Lyft. And New York has built LaGuardia, a whole another area, they disrupted the way we deal in car service. Being a disruptor is when you come in and you change the whole paradigm, the whole industry, the whole thought process. And what I want you guys, is to be a disruptor in your own life. I had a client, and she literally kept asking permission for her to be. Permission from me, permission at her job, permission from her boss, I literally finally just said to her, "Can you just be a disruptor in your own life?" Can you do that? Can you be that disruptor that you want everyone else to be? You want your boss to give you the promotion, you want your husband to change the dynamic of some things. You want... Will you be the disruptor in your own life? And the key to that is, when we dive into our deepest fears, when we decide to elevate to our highest faith, we become that disruptor in our own life. Does that make sense? Does that make sense? What does that say to you, Daniel, about being a disruptor in your own life? - [Daniel] Well, lot of thoughts going on right now... - I could tell. - Yeah. Lots of thoughts going on... - I saw. It was just like... - Yeah. Seriously. I think...I guess it just boils down to getting out of your own head, committing to a process of some things that you've said today. What's really connected me today is the three things that we need to do, and get everything (inaudible) list. So I think I've experimented with doing that a little bit, and I've seen success, but then I revert back to, "Well, is there something on there that I should be doing that I'm not?" Instead of fully committing. So I'm connecting a lot with the disruptor on committing to the process. - Yeah. Yeah. That's good. That's good. Anyone else would like to share? I'd love to hear from you. I have not heard from you for a while. Tell me your name one more time? - [Shellina] Oh, Shellina. - Shellina? - Yeah. - Yes. Will stand for us, please? Yes. - So what should I be addressing here? - Yes. So, is there any area that you know in your life that there just has to be one of them drastic shifts? Those drastic changes that...a decision that you can make, that you know is going to disrupt business as usual, but it's what you need to move forward. - Well, I think it's... The disruptor, I suppose, would be more just that mind shift of trying to surrender the negative thoughts, because I think that it's easy to cling to those, and then it makes it more difficult to move forward, and so then...and then it also puts a damper on your confidence, too, even though you know you have the confidence in certain things. And so, I guess being the disruptor of just trying to just shove aside the negativity and really keep reframing things so that it moves you forward. - And that's a big one because it's so...it looks so simple or basic, or I should know this, or... But that's one of the biggest ones because it is those simple things, those little things, the things that are habitual that are just our second nature, that when we decide, like you have just identified, to tackle that habitual nature, it's our second nature. That's where we make the biggest change because it's the hardest to attack, but it's those simple decisions, reframing the thinking, catching the thought. Just saying, "I'm going to do it," making the decision. So thank you. Thank you for sharing. I want to say it right. Emanuella? Yes? - [Emanuella] Emanuella? - Emanuella. Now, you have already made a disruptive move coming from Italy to the States. Talk to me about how that disruption, and where you are on this side of making that decision. - So in this moment, I do actually have something that I should push more in my life. That is, I really need to spend half of my day for my creativity, for my painting, photography, performance, everything together. I just need produce art. But in the meantime, my job, in this moment, I'm instructor, and so I spend, basically, all my day or teaching, or preparing my class, or answering to students' email and really the time that I spend for my creativity almost does not exist in this moment and I don't like that because I really need it. And so, of course, I don't want to cancel classes. No, right? I just need to be harder with myself and say, "No, forget it. I'm ready for class. I don't want to keep preparing myself." Or, "No. I cannot keep answering to all the possible mails that I receive for hours, right?" No. I have to quit some of them. I need to take some strong decision and say, "From this time to this time, I have to just dedicate all my time to my artwork." And I really need this and I struggle finding this time in this moment. - So, thank you for sharing that because you now have made a disruptive move, and now and it's really disrupting that calendar and getting in there and creating that bandwidth like we talked about with the four pain points, creating that bandwidth. What can you either say no to or where can you allocate that time in your calendar? - I think it's about me to be maybe too picky. I should just be a little bit better with myself and thinking, "No. I'm done. I'm ready." Not trying getting better and better to perfectionist. And so this isn't good because this is a never ending story and there is no way I can learn everything possible in a topic so I can be super-prepared. No. It doesn't make any sense and I know that I'm already prepared for my teaching, for my classes. But still, there is something in my perfectionist part that it doesn't make me stop and I get addicted. - To just that process, right? - Yeah. To the process of keep getting ready. But I'm already ready. Why do I have to get ready? - Yes. And what is that old adage, what is it? Perfection good is the enemy of...I can't think of it but there's this amazing adage that basically, the summation of it is, "Perfection is just not a reality." And it's really a lot of fear that's just keeping us from walking in what we have to do because good gets us to great, and great gets us to better, but we never reach perfection, right? - Yeah. And now I can now move forward. - And you're moving, started good knowing that it can get great, knowing that it can get excellent, and then it just gets better, but we never reach perfection. It's like we never get to tomorrow, right? Tomorrow never comes. Perfection doesn't exist. - And so in this sense, because in all my life I always have been an artist in Italy, and so I came here. Of course, you cannot make a living as an artist right away, right? There's no way you can do it. And so let's say that I had to put myself in a more regular schedule because of the need of making money. But in this sense... So I love what I'm doing, I love teaching, but I need to get back my time as an artist and... - How many days a week can you commit to your art form? - So I will use just to spend every day. So, I need to make at least every day, half a day. When I... - So how many hours? Oh, seven days a week? - Yeah. Four hours a day, let's say. - Four hours a day, seven days a week? Is that realistic? Is that going from 0 to 100? Is that going from the couch to the marathon? - That's true, you're right. This is not so realistic. - Yeah. So give me realistically, how many days could you actually work into your schedule. - So let's say I could realistically do one hour a day. - One hour a day. What time of day? - Well... - What time of day? Do you have to get up an hour earlier? Do you have to go to bed an hour later? Do you have to... - Yeah. Probably I could just do it in the early morning. - So an hour earlier? - Mm-hmm. - Not to invade too much, but time do you get up now? - At 6. - You get up at 6? So would you be willing to get up at 5? - Oh my. I think it's not realistic in the morning. I should do it... - Not realistic? Okay... - Better I do in the night. - At night. - I should do it in the night. - What time do you usually go to bed? See how we do this? This is what we do, right? See how we do this, right? So what time do you go to bed? - Eleven. - You go at 11? - Yeah. - So are you willing to go to bed at midnight? - I can do that. - You could do 11 to midnight? - Yeah. That's... - How many days a week? - Every day. - Every day. Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday? All of them, all seven? - Yeah. I need to do that. - So, seven days a week, from 11 to midnight, you are committed to your art, you are committed to your creativity. - It's a good plan. - That's your plan? - Yes. - That's what you're committing to? - Yeah. - There we go. You've got a room full of accountability partners. - Okay. - Yes. Thank you. - Everybody wouldn't miss. - Yes. And here's the thing, that's realistic but it still stretches you out of your comfort zone. - Yeah. That's true. - To write this book, I had to commit to getting up at 3:45, four days a week for six months to get it done because I had...I write best in the morning. And I have a daughter that at that time was much younger so I still had to get up with her in the morning. And I love to exercise, and I do not exercise unless I do it in the morning. And so in really doing this, my window was, I got up at 3:45, I prayed between 3:45 and 4, 4:15, and then I'd write from 4:15 until she got up at 6:15. That's the only way I could get this done. It works. It works, and some of my clients, their adjustment has been, they do the lunch hour. So instead of them going out and talking to their friends, and hanging out, they would bring their lunch, and they'd work on them during their lunch hour. We can do it but it's little tweaks like that. - That's true. - So if we had stayed up here, and you had just said, "I need to find time for me." Guess what, wouldn't have happened. But now that you've said, "I'm going to commit seven days a week, from 11 p.m to 12 a.m, for my art, my creativity, and what I'm going to bring into the world," you'll do that. And if you miss a day, you just get back up and do it the next day because you have to have that keen focus with flexibility. - Yeah. That's a good thing. Yes. - Yes. That's right. - Thanks. - That is excellent. Thank you. - Thanks to you. - Thank you for sharing. That is so important. So, guys, if there's nothing else that you all remember today, because we've done a whole lot in this short window of time. But if there's nothing else that you remember today, I want you to remember what I'm about to share because, honestly, this is the most important thing that we're going to talk about today. The most important. Exponential living, critical. Peace, clarity, and courage, critical. This right here is the most important because if this, if what we're about to share, if you get this, it shifts the paradigm. If you get this, the resistance goes away. If you get this, it allows you to really open up to the journey that we've all shared individually here today.
Class Materials
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Ratings and Reviews
Daniel Viscovich
This course is fantastic! I had the opportunity to attend in person and I will tell you that Sheri is the real deal! An amazing, insightful and inspiring presence on stage and a very down to earth, humble and caring person when I had the chance to chat with her. I have no doubts that anyone watching will be a person human being for it. She utilizes so many great reflective exercises and questions that really forced me to think about what I want out of life and how I define my success in life. A big thank you to the Creative Live studios for putting this together and to Sheri for an amazing class!
Tracy Washington
This was an amazing class. I have the book and it was great to hear the author teach the principles and share all the nuggets of wisdom in this Master Class. Thank you for providing such wonderful, relevant content that truly is life-changing that causes people to pause and reflect and question what success looks like in their lives! Great class and highly recommended.
Luwana Edwards
This class is one of the BEST classes that I've taken. I'm really excited about all of the great information that I am leaving with. Sheri's approach to teaching is refreshing. She is an engaging speaker who is passionate about her topic. She is very unselfish about sharing value gained from her years of experience and insight gained from working in the music industry. It wasn't just a list of actions to follow, so it was truly enriching. Anyone who is considering this class should know that it's a great investment of their time and money.