Email Marketing Introduction
1Class Introduction
02:09 2Course Files
00:14 3Email Marketing Overview
05:57 4Email Lists and Segmentation
03:48 5User Journey Overview
06:16 6Email Automation Overview
03:00 7Checkpoint 1
02:30Checkpoint 1 Review
00:57 9Email Service Provider Walkthrough
05:48 10Quiz - Email Marketing Introduction
Creating Your First Campaign
11Navigation and Features of Mailchimp
04:25 12Campaign Planning and Checkpoint 2
07:47 13Checkpoint 2 Review
07:47 14Creating Forms
12:55 15Creating a Campaign
10:34 16Quiz - Creating Your First Campaign
Analytics and Testing
17Analytics and Checkpoint 3
12:08 18Checkpoint 3 Review
02:16 19Anatomy of an Email and Checkpoint 4
03:18 20A-B Testing Intro
10:25 21Creating an A-B Test
04:52 22IEM Drip Trees and Checkpoint 5
06:51 23Checkpoint 5 Review
04:49 24Quiz - Analytics and Testing
00:36Final Quiz
26Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Email Marketing Overview
So let's start with why email marketing? It's kind of a ridiculous question because there are so many reasons why marketers should do email marketing to start. It's a core way marketers can have a one on one conversation and dialogue with their users. You collect their email address, have information about them and then can send them catered messages just for the right time and the right place. Organizations like e consultancy and D. M. A. Have asked marketers which channels yield the highest R. O. I. And they all say email. Part of the reason here is because if you compare high intent actions that we want users to take, such as give us money to give us your email address, it's a lot easier to ask people for their email address, which then correlates with spend you pay less money to get an email address than you usually do to get someone to give you money and therefore email does have the highest R. O. I. So let's start with some terms. The first is E. S. P. It stands for email service...
provider and the one that we're going to walk through today is male chimp. It's free and that's why I'm going to walk through it. But eventually you're going to want to graduate to a bigger product such as Watson campaign automation. That's my favorite. I'm also biased because I work there in addition to that there are E. S. P. S. That are specific to industries such as part Made by Salesforce. That specifically is for B two B organizations who use lead management. There's also large data processors such as local which is part of oracle and the list goes on and on and on. So good for you. You have the pick of the litter, some other terms that we need to go through our prospect quality and conversion probability. What are these prospect quality is the measurement for how well the user understands your industry and your brand. Whereas conversion probability is the likelihood that they'll actually take your intended action. So again, everything from giving you money to giving you their email address. Email marketing is great for both of them because they've already signed up to give you their email address, which means they understand your brand and given the nature of sending one on one messages and building this narrative along multiple messages to them also has high conversion probability. So E S. P S conversion probability, prospect quality. Some marketers aren't great at email marketing and it's actually been labeled as abuse and harassment by some governments and that's why we have laws in place such as can spam which is specific to the United States. This originated when people would just send really malicious emails that cluttered our inboxes and now the United States is able to hold marketers accountable and there's fines in place when a marketer actually spams people, which is probably the word that you know, spamming. Canada for example also has their own laws and regulations and it's called Castle C A. S. L. The big one that was recently put into place just this past May in 2018 is G D P R. In the Eu. It stands for the general data protection regulations and this focuses on a term that's called P II. Or personally identifiable information. And it puts the power of our own data back in our hands. So it's not just specific to email marketing but it impacts email marketing greatly. Which is why you need to know it to get through everything that we're going to talk about. So what does this mean? It means if we store or abuse personally identifiable information such as email address, name, actual real address, things like that. There are also finds in place such as 4% of a business's annual revenue. There are three general types of emails first bucket. These are nurturing emails. These usually come in the form of newsletters. The second it's engagement emails. These are usually pieces of content that help us take intended actions and the third one, these are transactional emails which are follow ups to completion of the intended actions such as confirmation emails. In addition to that you we can break it down into newsletters as well as content lead gen and then the various types of automation in transactional emails. So I'd like to walk you through some examples from my time at general assembly. General assembly very well dictates how these emails are sent out in the overall customer journey. Usually let's think of it this way someone signs up and they get a confirmation email such as a transactional email after that. You don't necessarily know the quality of the user and therefore need to indoctrinate them or onboard them into your brand. And that is done with a series of nurture emails well named you are nurturing them through the process of increasing their brand quality as well as the quality of the conversion probability. And as they progress through this cycle, they get more and more acquainted with what you're doing as well as get closer to taking that intended action. So email marketing with all of these things combined can be very powerful. Now General Assembly, here's an example of the newsletter. You can see that it has tons of content and it doesn't actually ask them to take a heavy action. Instead it asks them to read something or perhaps to watch something and this builds the brand equity. This other example is a content email and it has a longer narrative than what a newsletter has. And in this example you actually see that it's kind of just one part of the newsletter. But further built out this third example here is legion and this is what I'm talking about engagement emails. It is short to the point and allows users to really only take one action and here that is learning more about a course. And finally this last transactional email. Super simple. Just shows the confirmation for a user signing up. That's email in a nutshell.
Class Materials
Bonus Materials with Purchase