Lesson Info
22. Making the Ask
Day 1
15:19 2Why Email?
22:35 3Understanding the Framework
36:52 4How to Set Up Your Email List
35:53 5Creating a Signup Form
37:28 6Crafting Content
27:16 7Calls to Action, Closing, and the P.S
41:44Student Questions
16:18 9Newsletter Types: Updates
20:00 10Newsletter Types: Posts
23:20 11Newsletter Types: Promotions
23:11Day 2
12Students Discuss Yesterday's Assignments
12:45 13Simple Web Design Tips to Build Your List
28:08 14Building Your List By Using Bait
29:03 15Leverage Your Network
17:54 16Measuring Engagements
29:49 17Skype Guest Tim Grahl on Metrics
21:58 18Practical Applications of Metrics
14:45 19Keeping Your Readers Engaged
36:02 20Blacklists, Ethics, Consistency and Feedback
44:57 21Selling to Your List
33:24 22Making the Ask
37:32Lesson Info
Making the Ask
Now we're going to go through. How did you actually tell your audience how to make the ask? And I have chosen some fun, uh, awkward, interesting words for each of these steps, the process so that you will hopefully remember them? Uh, the first step in the process is what I call a tickle I wish I had a better name for it, but I kind of wish I don't, because it makes it a little bit more awkward and a little bit more memorable, maybe a little provocative, so the tickle in each one of these steps is a different message, okay? And when you're delivering content to your audience, the best way to sell is through an email okay, so selling through twitter and facebook not as effective because think about those kinds of exchanges of information, not a lot of trust a lot of people vying for your attention think about your twitter feed, which is constantly moving. Think about your facebook feed to sell on those platforms. It's not wise, because you don't have somebody's captive attention, you don...
't necessarily have their permission to sell to them, and you haven't necessarily done a job a good job of building anticipation for the launch, whatever it is you're going to sell because even though somebody's following on twitter like your page on facebook, you're you're one of many messages in that feed, and that feed is constantly moving, and so it feels like an interruption. It's not the best place to sell the best place to sell is through siri's of asking permission to get to a point where people go, yeah, of course I'm ready to buy I mean, think about when you go test, drive a vehicle, you go to, you know, a car dealership, preferably no one where it's, not a used car, someone salesman with his hair slicked back, but think about you know what? When that experience is good and you go in and you're kind of looking around, you think you like the red one and we think it for a test drive, and then they take you inside and they sit you down and you kind of talk numbers and and then you make a decision and basically what each of those steps is those air a serious of asks where the car dealer, the salesman, if he's doing a good job, is asking permission to take you to the next level so that by the time you get to a point where you said yes, yes, I would take a test drive. Yes, I'm interested in that. Yes, here's our budget by the time that you sit down, there is a good chance that you're going to buy so that's what you want to do through an email, because this is the best way online to capture people's attention and build trust with him over times when you get that final email message, they're ready to buy. And so when you're selling to an audience, you're rarely going to do that with one single message it's going to be a siri's of asks over time that lead to a decision that they get to make and you get in the cool thing is it's up to them? They don't have to say yes, but you have a responsibility to give them the opportunity to say yesto, let them pay you so the tickle is is basically a short message. It can be embedded into a newsletter. It doesn't have to be the whole message, but it is just a short little way of addressing the problems at this point. You've already asked your audience, what do you want? And the tickle addresses a problem or desire, and the reason I call the tickle is it's just a quick mention and sort of like tickling their ear like, hey, I'm working on this we're building this amazing thing thanks for everybody who took this survey I was overwhelmed you can even share the results I was overwhelmed by how many people need help with their online business where I was overwhelmed with how many people needed help editing photos and so we're gonna work on that I don't want to tell you a lot about it we're still kind of figuring out what that might look like but we're going to build that for you and you know just stay tuned and so the tickle addresses that problem or desire it affirms with a lot of people are already feeling and that's it and so it creates a lot of mystery a lot of intrigue but it's just hey, I hear you and we're working on that so uh some some examples some headlines that that might be helpful in sending out these messages would be the problem with blank and this part of the process you would say something like, you know, the problem with most photography blog's is they show you all the pretty pictures but don't show you how they make them or you know, the problem with what you know with most marriage counseling is it's a lot of information without application you want to address the problem that people feel and then you want to tell them that you're working on it so the blank you've always wanted does this bug you too it can be a rant it khun b hey, I want to confide in you you have really been shrugging with this I know you have to and we're gonna work on that but the tickle is just a little a reminder that we know we hear you and we're working on this and it in and of itself if that's all they heard, they would forget about it. But it's, just the first step into the selling process. The next step is the teaser again, you know, a little bit provocative. Uh, the teaser tells you it's possible. So in this message, the teaser is going tio not only affirm that there's a problem, but they're going to hint at a solution. So remember when we talked about, you know, the problem that everybody was having and how we're working on this solution for editing, editing photos for wedding photographers? Well, we're really excited about it. We've got something it's it's in beta mode right now, and we are really excited about this solution for you or it could be a story about here's, how we solve that problem. We noticed that a lot of you have been struggling with with this and here's our story about how we overcame that, and we're excited about telling you more about that soon again it's a tease, it's mohr is coming but but this kind of content you can actually teach people with so the tickle is just a real short prompt affirming a problem the teaser is here's an opportunity for you two say yeah, we figured that out or figuring that out and here's a little bit of content so my crazy story about how I got booked solid for, uh, speaking gigs and two weeks oh my gosh, how did he do that and there's a big long story, by the way, if if you're wanting to figure out how you can do this too, we're working on something for that and we're going to tell you more about that soon understand what's happening here we're building lots of anticipation were also delivering content for building anticipation for what's to come again it's a siri's of asks that get the reader to a point where it's an irresistible offer that they're going to buy so the surprising truth about such and such what it really takes to build I use this this headline wants what it really takes to build on audience of a hundred thousand readers in a year, and I told my story about how I did that finally you too can have a happy marriage you're telling them that it's possible it gives them hope it's not enough to touch on the problem now it's time to give them hope that it's possible that in and of itself of course is it isn't enough and this is where aa lot of communicators a lot of bloggers a lot of content creators fall short they just inspire and they assume that well here's how I did it and you could go do it too well a lot of people won't do that and people aren't willing to pay necessarily just to be inspired they need to be shown how to do it break the process down for me helped me understand it just like we're doing here so next comes the sample the sample is really a picture of how this thing works the sample shows you how it works to show you here's here's what this thing maybe looks like you know there may be an actual picture of the product at this point um here's here's some uh here's some screen shots here's a teaser video uh here's five free lessons from my online course the sample shows you um what you get when you buy and so this point people understand that there's something that you're working on but we haven't yet uh given it for celia we're just telling them we've got this thing here's some screen shots here, some pictures at this point in the process you're still delivering newsletters to your email list but maybe you're also teasing stuff out on social media hey, we've been working on this thing here's, you know, here's a picture of what it looks like people love, especially when you're selling something online, you can't test drive it all the time, you can't walk into a storm, pick up and look at it, and so the sample is sort of an opportunity to give people as much as you can, a tactile, tangible experience with the products they understand it's a thing, I don't just have a story and you don't just have a problem, and I'm not just giving you hope this is a thing that we are building or have built and here's a little sneak peek at it, so it shows you what you get. It tells you why you need it, and then it can even demonstrate who has used it. And so at this point in the process, understand where is walking through the messaging? I'm not telling you how to build the product that's a whole other thing, but if you had a product or service or something that you were building for your audience, or maybe you found something somewhere else before you bring it to your audience, you would want to have some testimonials you would want to have a breakdown of okay, this is an online course or this is a dvd siri's or this is an event that you attend or this is a training uh exercise or this is a piece of software that you plug into your website here's how it works here's what you do and here who hears who has used it and what they have to say about it. So examples of headlines that you might use a brief lines in these e mails would be here's how it works uh what most people do and why we're different you know? And you could talk about what most people do about this what most people think about kayaking and and why what we provide is different this is an opportunity to offer a value proposition really hone in on what makes this product or service unique to you and why people need it or what it takes to finally have a happy marriage what it takes to take amazing wedding photographs just some ideas of you know, giving people hope you're saying here's how we're going to do it and you can even in that sample you can teach people you can give them a sample of the product of the content it's not just a picture it's you showing the value and I do this with an online course that I teach where if you sign up the email for a free lesson you get I think five messages that air dripped out to you that our short little lessons that are the first few lessons in the course okay, next comes the offer and the offer tells you how to get it. This is when it's time to sell it. So the offer tells you how to get it because it's not just enough to tell somebody about it and what it does and why it's amazing. You have to actually tell people here's how you buy this thing, you go into the apple store and somebody in a blue t shirt comes up to you and makes you feel like you don't know anything about technology, but also makes you feel cool at the same time. So you feel kind of good about yourself, and then you buy a three thousand dollars uh, you know, product, I tell you how to get it, and they serve you right this still about serving there, walking through the process, not coercing you, but helping you make that decision. They're telling you how to get it. Go to the website, click here to download and make sure you under your credit card information, because we want that you tell the person how to get it. And so when you make an offer, this is where we get into maybe some of the more sales, the things that I was uncomfortable with and at first didn't do, and this was the difference between the fifteen hundred all their product launch in the fifteen thousand dollars product launch, and frankly, it was when I really honed in on these things. It was the difference between the fifteen thousand dollars product launch and one hundred thousand dollars product launch that happened later s o the offer tells you how to get it, and a good offer has three characteristics uh, if somebody's not buying from you it's because they don't know about it and there we talked about when you're beginning to get tired of your message, people are just beginning to discover it. They're just getting the hang of it. So when you've been talking about this thing feeling like everybody's hearing about it, they're just beginning to get it, and this is why you take this five step process going through all of this stuff because it's going to take time for them to catch on and so somebody's not buying from you, it's, because they don't know about it even though you think they know about it, they're not quite aware of it isn't quite urgent, so they want it, they need it, but they don't need it right now and there's, nothing bad is going to happen, or at least I don't think anything bad is going to happen if I get it a year from now or a month from now. Or it's abundant you know it's there's no scarcity and so why would I get something now if it's always going to be there and so think about the reasons that we sometimes by the things that we buy I wish I was more rational about it I'm rational that somebody decisions in my life not rational about the things I buy I buy things emotionally even when I try not to and most people do on I would say almost everybody does they buy because, uh, somebody has made it clear that this thing is for sale on its in some way been made scarce and and it's earth shit to buy now now remember that these kinds of sales tactics can be misused and abused, right? So think about when we're buying the couch or trying to buy the couch and this guy was pushing us we're very aware that it was for sale we knew that this was going away soon and he said, I don't know how long it's going to be here he was pushing these buttons, but he wasn't doing it in a servant minded way. And so I'm gonna tell you about some ways to apply these sales tactics in ways that don't feel pushy but also helped create that urgency because the truth is when something is an urgent when I don't know about something when it's not quite scarce, I wait and I tend the things that it's in the wait to buy I often never buy and I don't get them when I need them and I kind of drag my feet until it does feel urgent and then I buy it and a lot of times I'm just wasting time I wish I could be more decisive about it need a good salesman toe make it known urgent and scarce to me, so when you're making your offer, you want to touch on each of these points here's what that might look like in the messaging now available for the next twenty four hours dot dot dot you know or this is available for the next twenty four hours or we're only taking the first hundred fifty students with a message like this you want people to know hey, it's, time to get this thing we've talked about it it's available, by the way, here's some features about it here, the benefits that you get from it um but that in and of itself isn't enough to get people to buy. You've got to tell people this is only going to be available for a week or in my case went when I opened something up for sale I go instead of doing a discount later, I'll introduce it as kind of an introductory price because remember we talked about when you, uh sell something and then try to give it away for free that creates this buyer's remorse the same thing happens if you've got a twenty five dollars product and then it goes on discount for seven dollars later on everybody who bought from you that you know when it first came out for twenty five dollars when you put it on sale for seven dollars, you'll get more sales that way but everybody who bought it twenty five dollars your premium customers are no now going I'll never buy I'm going to wait for the discount next time. In fact, this happened to j c penney, right like a year or two ago where like seventy percent or mohr of j c penney's inventory was always on sale was always discounted on then one day they got a new ceo and they decided, you know, instead of having something like a shirt that's fourteen ninety nine that retails at forty nine to nine and then discounting it down to six, ninety nine for, you know, a sale we're going to help for seven dollars and that makes sense, right? Well except that there's this emotional thing that happens when you get a deal and you go I feel good about getting a deal I remember going toe by a car with my wife about a year ago and I was talking to the sales guy and I said I want a deal and he says that's the best price thing in town I said, I know I want a deal and he says look like we're going to lose money on this if if you know if you don't buy at this price I don't care I want to feel like some my job to take care of you is my job to get the best deal uh and I wanted a deal just because I wanted a deal not because because there was a certain price that I was going for because it feels good to get a deal, right? So j c penney did this and their sales dropped drastically they lost a lot of business ah and so what they had to do and I know if you remember this they actually had a commercial where they said we're going to make it right we're going we're going to go back to the way things were and they did that because they trained their audience to expect discounts. Now so is the answer you need have a discount you need always give people a deal. No, but there is a psychological thing that happens when people feel like they're getting something that's worth this much and they're getting it for this much so there's two ways that you do that I'll talk a little bit more about this in the next section you know, for the final point uh but the first way that you give people a deal the way that I like giving people the deal is not starting high and going low starting here and going up and it doesn't mean that you ever charged less than what you think the product is worth but when you say hey, this is this is available for seven point nine next week it's going to be forty, ninety nine what it does is it it trains people to buy from you immediately and that is way better than somebody saying I'm going to wait for the discount because all of a sudden you have this engaged tribe who goes yes, I want this now because I know the price is going to go up later and you're going to reward me for paying attention now and so I've done this with every product I've ever released on in some cases the value has increased almost tenfold from the initial product price and sales always increase and part of the reason for that is as more people buy it and I improve the product. I feel like the value does increase and part of it is because when you're first selling something, sometimes you're even under value what you have and I certainly did I want from a for ninety nine e book too like a three hundred dollars course over the course of a year and part of it was because I wasn't fully valuing my product as muchas customers were, but the point is you want to create a sense of urgency, and one of the ways that you do that is you limit the amount available. If you've got a coaching business, you only take so many spots. If you're starting something new, you let people know that when you buy the first week, you're going to get the best deal possible. The price is going up after this. We're going to close this over the course of a week on these things work, but it can't be fake, you have to mean it, and there is false scarcity there are there is false urgency sometimes when you go to, you know, really ugly looking marketing pages, sales pages online that got a little ticket, you know, little counter and it counts down to zero and then you reload the page and it refreshes and it's still counting down to zero that's false urgency. It's not riel. You want it to be riel because that'll work once, uh, but it won't work twice or three times, especially if you're continuing to sell to the same audience. And what I have found is when she have created a tribe of people that are engaged with what you have to say, people who buy from you once by from you again and again and again so you don't want to burn them you know? You don't want to burn them on the first sail and you want to train them to expect discounts you want to reward them for being engaged, you want to give them the best deal now, eh? So that the next time you've got something to offer they're ready and it works and it's it's ethical I mean, they get the best deal you get people who are readily buying from you and you don't have to pummel them because you're giving them a really good deal, so those are almost all of the steps but the offer even though it creates all that stuff, all that scarcity, all that urgency makes people aware of the product it's not enough it's not enough without a close we talked about at the end of every email there's a closing this is a little bit different a close is your closing the deal and we all know what that feels like when it doesn't feel good where that rug salesman was kind of pushing me he was trying to get me to say yes, there is this adage and sales always be closing abc I think you know really what sales is about has always be serving and one of the ways that you can serve your audience is by letting them know that this is this is right this is good for you right now and I would really hate for you to miss out on this into mean it when I'm selling to my audience, I've created something that they've asked me for so I don't feel I'm not selling them something that they don't want or need and now it's my job to remind them you wanted this and if you can afford this, you know, I mean, if I never try to sell somebody something if they can't afford it, sometimes people email me and say we're in dead or, you know, we don't have the money to pay our bills I go don't buy this, you know, like you're not ready for this that's okay? Um but it is my job to persuade them to do something that they told me they wanted to do, and I know what it feels like to be in that position where you go. I don't know it does feel like a lot of money now, and I know I said I wanted that, but I oh gee whiz, I don't I don't know a good sales person is going to make you feel good about it and and that really is the close they're going to make you feel good about the offer and they're going to understand that you need this now so the clothes makes you want it now and in terms of email marketing what this looks like is going to sell something kind of a typical way that I might do that is the first week or first ten days is going to be big and what that means is the offer is going to come out there's going to be some some great big um you know, specials some really cool thing where I would say here here's this neat thing that I've created this online course this e book uh this event whatever it might be here it is check it out and hear all these moving parts and I'm gonna tell people in a week the price is going to go up or we're going toe close the card if it's like a course on educational program, I'll let people know that registration is going to close because you know, that makes sense this isn't kind of an ongoing service because we're taking people through a guided experience like an event for example um excuse me and uh and so that's going to go for about a week and through that process I may send a siri's of messages helping people understand how it works but the offer comes out and you know, people understand that this is available the first time I sold something, I just sent the offer and I made good sales, but then I started talking people about what I was doing it and somebody said, will you send an email on the last day? Right? As of now, people know the last day is coming and it's fine, you go no, no, no, no, if you send an email on the last day, we will double your sales, and so I sent an email on the last day, and I doubled my cells, and any time I saw something online now forty to sixty percent of the revenue from anywhere from a five to ten day launch comes from that last day. So what happens is the first day there's a big spike, and then it kind of goes down from there and in the last day, there's an even bigger spike. And so I can kind of count on the fact that if I've made a certain amount of money, you know, five hundred dollars or you no say five, five hundred dollars the first four days of a five day launch on day five wanna make another five hundred dollars, or if I made ten thousand dollars won't make, I'm gonna end up doing about twenty thousand dollars by the end, so it's it's pretty incredible kind of feels magic to me, but then again, I realize, oh, yeah, I always put off everything to the last minute, especially when it comes to saving money. Remember when my wife and I were running around the last day at the last hour of that weekend sale for columbus day trying to find a rug? Uh, people tend to put off uncomfortable decisions buying things is often uncomfortable, but your job is to remind them that they said they wanted this and you don't have to be pushy, but you are serving them by giving them a chance to not miss this, and I paid the price when I didn't do this when the price went out for my e book the next day and people email me complaining, oh my gosh, I can't believe I missed this. Uh, why don't you tell me why don't you tell me this was going away and I've had the same thing happened where the opposite happened we're doing real people and they go oh, thank you. Thank you for telling me that this was I wanted to get this. I got distracted, I forgot that the deadline was coming, I just bought it, thank you very much, I understand what they're saying they're saying thank you for selling to me thank you for telling me to give you money thank you so much thank you selling ethical selling is serving and it will evoke that kind of response from the readers who are ready to buy on the readers aren't ready to buy that's fine too you know, on I always tell people not everybody has to buy I don't expect everybody to buy but for those of you that this is for I want you to pay attention and I don't want you to miss this and so some of the message messaging, the ethical messaging that isn't pushy for you know this kind of clothes is to say don't miss this or I like to say, hey, I know that you know, if if you didn't want thiss that you know, maybe this feels a little bit annoying, but for those who were interested in product acts, I just didn't want you to miss this great deal because I know what it feels like when you know that window closes or you miss an opportunity get something that you really wanted to get, but you just forgot about it or got distracted. So um if you don't get no problems to go and delete this email, but if you've been waiting for this I didn't want you to miss that I love I love that phrase it works really well, it makes them feel like they're on your side and you are if you've been doing this well if you've been having a servant mindsets in helping people understand the value of this thing that you've built or found or created or connected people with than it really is just a matter of I don't want you to miss this this is the last chance to get it today's the last day using kind of urgent scarce language lets people know that this is legitimately going away and this is your last chance and you're going toe you might regret doing this and I'm on your side I'm with you I want to help you make this choice that's going to help you so uh so those were the five elements of a sales process and if you don't really know how to put together a launch sequence for something that you're going to sell their audience we're just going to go through each of those steps apps and creates a unique message for each one so uh real quick I'll go back through them and if you guys have questions we can we can talk about that so remember there's the tickle which addresses the problem you khun that could be a simple as a p s and a typical newsletter there's the teaser which tells you that it's possible again this khun b just kind of a short story about how you solve this problem that people have and letting people know that more is coming soon still a lot of mystery then there's the sample which shows people how it works it might have a picture you're gonna have testimonials that sort of thing shows you what you get why you need it and who's used it then there's the offer this is launch day, you know usually it's going to launch for a week or a month whatever works for you I like, you know, five to ten day launch window because beyond that it's kind of forgettable and doesn't feel urgent you know the offer tells you how to get it you make it known urgent and scarce ah then there's the clothes and that's just you serving your audience, helping them get this thing that they really need and making them want it now and letting them know that you don't want them to miss that all of those elements by the way, you know, we've been talking a lot about copyrighting this isn't this doesn't just apply to email marketing you could take each of those chunks kind of stacked them together on a sales page if you've got ah product or an event or a service and then you can sack each one on top of itself here's the problem here's what you know you guys asked for here's my crazy story about how I solve this problem or, you know here's something that you need here's what the solution actually looks like and how it works and how people have used it here's how to get it now go here click this uh you know, check this out and by the way this offers is going away it won't last soon while supplies last whatever you want to say, don't you know you don't have to use those kind of tried and true sayings about while supplies last, that sort of thing, but there's a reason why you see those in those kinds of offers is because they work and what you want to do is just touch on that scarcity that urgency and that awareness of people know this is the best deal right now and for you I want to help you get this because you told me that you needed it. So how are you going to sell to your audience? What are some some ideas and thoughts or some questions on that? Yeah, I have a question about how much time do you typically allow between when you first put out the tickle and the last day of your sail? Is there like a best practice on how long that all should take? That's a great question I'm ok with like I like putting the tickle out and feels a little awkward to many talking about tickle way we're strong I like tickling a t least a few weeks in advance it is really a hey here this is coming I would apply this as like a five week launch process before the product it could be longer than that, but if you're on like a weekly newsletter schedule and you just want to plug something in you've you've got something that you've worked on, you already have the survey or you just know your audience and you know that this is going toe be good than week one of the promotion is is the tickle just a little mention of normal newsletter? Then comes the teaser so on and so forth and then once the offer comes you've got a week between that and the clothes and in between the offer in the clothes it's okay to send an extra email or a couple of emails depending on your frequency what your audience can telerate maybe you want educate them on the process kind of revisit you know, some of the features or benefits of that I mean, you would have already touched on that, but sometimes it makes sense to maybe send an email I like emailing like highlighting testimonials like here's how this is already helping people kind of go back and touch some of that stuff or you can actually break up the offer in some multiple emails if there's a lot in there, you could talk about uh, here's how it works and how you get it and then what people are saying about and even bring in some of those, you know, those elements from the sample? What's your question, I've got an event happening on march first. Yeah, one of the things I wanted to do was give a discount for people who've registered two weeks in advance early bird presale, or what have you about lee price doubles after valentine's. So on fifteenth, so I've got some work to do between now and the end of this weekend to get people signed up at that early bird, then the regular price kicks in. I guess the question is, do I do I also send out another reminder the day before the event? Because you said, you know, do that through the last day is that the last day before the pri is the last day, the early bird? Is that the last day for event or doing do both? So you're asking, should you send a message before the price goes up? Right? Yes. Ok. And should you send a knee email before the event to get more people to sign up? Is that yes? Okay, yeah, unless, unless it's looked at that point, and so good thing to hit on with this period, you probably really thinking about this, but because you have an event and you probably have a venue and it's got a certain capacity you want to talk about that stuff you know? And once early bird goes away you know and you have so many seats left you want to tell people you know, half the tickets were gone there's not much left on dh if that's true you know mean it and it's not a bad idea and if you've got if you've got a a big venue and you've got a thousand seat auditorium and this is your first event you don't think you're gonna book it would be ok to partition that down to twenty seats two hundred or whatever you know you think it's going you could fill it's better to say we've got a certain capacity and then if you can somehow increase it or you know, doing overflow or just say next sorry we're going toe and had to come to next event uh it's better to do that then you know have twenty people one thousand room odditorium but talk about that as people are signing up let people know because that's kind of social proof hey people are signing up for this the tickets are going um we don't want you to miss this so for the sample the testimonials you talked a little bit earlier about reaching out to people on having them take a look at your book um is that normally what you do or do have us do you have a select group of people that interact with you a lot that you reach out to? Yeah, so a great idea for launching a book, plunging resource, any sort of educational or, you know, content based product is to work with a launch group launched him and that's basically a group of volunteers that you say we want to give you a free sample of our product. It's it's, the real product it's, a beta version of the product of free book, a free piece of our software, whatever it is, and in exchange for this free thing that you're getting, we would like some feedback let us know what we could improve on, and if you like it, we'd love, you know, honest testimonial about it, and I like doing that a month before I'm going to launch, and so I do that with every book I launch, I will email my list and I will just say, I've got one hundred slots or twenty slots, whatever it might be and will often use like a facebook group to manage that group and everybody gets a free book or a free whatever and and and usually this is kind of like a month long process where I go, you know, for this month, I want youto read this book or use this product and then tell me what you think about it and then we're done it's not a lifelong commitment it's just you know for the next few weeks what we're getting ready to launch this thing before that we would like you know we'd like some testimonials and stuff and you need it you get it for free and you want to limit the amount of people that you do on that so in the early days of building an audience you might have to make those ass usc's individually or throw something up on facebook you know, use your kind of local network and just reach out to some friends that's what I had to do with my first book I just emailed a handful of people and there's two kinds of testimonials there's expert endorsements you know, people that other people know I mean that's especially true for books but it's also true for, you know, great products. Jessica I mean, you guys are kind of doing that with gum road you're intentionally building relationships with celebrities who are using this, they're having success and then you're sharing this with you know, the people who could use your product and say, hey, you know, bon jovi's used it and there's instant social proof there he'll go well like it's legit and same thing true if you're you have a book or a product or program. And a recognizable name of relevant name endorses it. And the way that you connect with those people is the same way that you network with people who are going to help your brand grow. You serve them. You tryto find people that you can help and show them that you're not trying to get a bunch from them. You're trying, tio, add value to them and those you know those. Those relationships take time and respect, and, uh, but you can build those.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I really enjoyed this course. Jeff did and does a great job. Very nice flow and interaction with participants and questions, great content, relaxed yet authoritative. Jeff has a nice presence and his humility makes him easy to receive from. I was equally impressed with the general flow through the program. You could tell Jeff was well prepared, comfortable and believed in what he shared. I also want to give kudos to the CL team for being top shelf hosts and creating an environment conducive to this type of learning program. A great big thank you to the hosts, the team, Jeff, and the chat room facilitators! WELL DONE!! Kurt Poole
William Emmons
This is a wonderful course and enjoyed it very much. Covers so much material in an interesting and easy to understand way. Great for both the person just starting out and a great review for those more experienced. Definitely cover the A-Z of getting started and maintaining your mailings. Love the resources they talk about and recommend for getting started. Loved the interaction with the live inhouse group and also on the chat room. Great response. To sum it up in a few words.... RICH AND FULFILLING! Thanks to Jeff and CreativeLIVE for a job well done. William Emmons @ askHim-Ministries.org
Jemma Pollari
I love Jeff's teaching style and applicable information and this course was no exception. For me, the set-up information was longer and more detailed than necessary, as I already have a list set up. The "effective" part of the course was much more useful at my level. I was able to get some good strategies to implement for my email marketing. This is definitely a great course to go with if you have no idea where to start with on email marketing because of the focus on getting set up from absolutely nothing. If you are looking for a more extensive pathway to success reaching beyond simply starting the email list and getting it going, I would recommend Jeff's course on here "Starving to successful: how to become a full-time writer." Even though the name talks about being a writer it's excellent info for anyone in the content creation space. Ryan Deiss' "Launch a profitable digital marketing plan" (also on CreativeLive) is another one I'd recommend as an excellent follow-on to more advanced concepts from this course.