Lesson Info
19. Keeping Your Readers Engaged
Day 1
15:19 2Why Email?
22:35 3Understanding the Framework
36:52 4How to Set Up Your Email List
35:53 5Creating a Signup Form
37:28 6Crafting Content
27:16 7Calls to Action, Closing, and the P.S
41:44Student Questions
16:18 9Newsletter Types: Updates
20:00 10Newsletter Types: Posts
23:20 11Newsletter Types: Promotions
23:11Day 2
12Students Discuss Yesterday's Assignments
12:45 13Simple Web Design Tips to Build Your List
28:08 14Building Your List By Using Bait
29:03 15Leverage Your Network
17:54 16Measuring Engagements
29:49 17Skype Guest Tim Grahl on Metrics
21:58 18Practical Applications of Metrics
14:45 19Keeping Your Readers Engaged
36:02 20Blacklists, Ethics, Consistency and Feedback
44:57 21Selling to Your List
33:24 22Making the Ask
37:32Lesson Info
Keeping Your Readers Engaged
Now we're going to talk about some of you have had email list for a while, or you've inherited, you know, an email us from somebody else or another organization knows we're working with companies. For those of you who are just getting started, what I want you to imagine is, what is life going to be like in a month from now, or a year from now? And you've got dozens or hundreds or thousands of people ready to hear what you have to say, engaged with what you're saying, and you have a bad day, or you get tired, or you get burn out, or you get busier than you already are. How do you maintain those connections? How do you continue that trust building relationship to move from permission to trust the conversion? This is the framework that we talked about yesterday and were ultimately moving to getting people on our list, to act, to take action, to buy what we're selling, to engage with what we're sharing, to take this message, that we're delivering to them and do something with it, and in or...
der to do that, we have to have a healthy list, we have to have a list of people that are engaged with what we're saying and following us wherever we're going to go, so we've been talking a lot about relationships we've been talking about, how this email list is not just a piece of technology it's really a tool that allows you to connect with people in a meaningful exchange of value and information. S o tell me what does a good relationship, a long standing relationship, what are some of the characteristics of a healthy relationship? Where there's two way communication between two individuals or an individual in a group tell me about that. What what does it take to have a good, healthy, long lasting relationship? Trust, huh? Yeah, respect, respect. Okay, because you have something about trust was the first thing that popped yeah, that should be mutually beneficial. Okay, yeah, if somebody's getting consistently getting something mohr out of the relationship than somebody else, it feels kind of weird and it feels weird on both sides. You know, if a friend that you know takes out the lunch time always pays you, come on, let me pay. You know, it feels weird whether you're getting too much out of it or whether you're giving too much out of it. Definitely what else anything else about, you know, good, healthy relationship? I feel like I'm always learning something new, even about the friends that I have maintained long, even my wife, you know, there's always something new that I'm learning about her, about my friends yeah isn't that I mean you're the coach, so I won't put words in your mouth here, but is it that, you know, kind of an essential characteristic of a healthy marriage for a long standing relationship is not taking for granted that I think I know everything about this person and it's challenging? I know I've been married for six years and you can kind of get into these slumps where you think you know the person instead of continually trying tio learn something new about them continuing tio date and learn new things about them and take that relationship deeper just going say something listening is important. Oh yeah, absolutely so these air great words trust listening, mutual respect and, you know, benefit from each other these air great words to apply to, certainly our personal relationships and also the relationship that we're having with her email list not with that, you know that that piece of technology that manages all these names but with the actual people that are sitting in front of the computer screen waiting to hear what you have to say. And so as you build your list, it's very important that you don't take for granted the trust and permission, but your audience has given you that you continue to you know, we've been using this dating analogy for a while you continue to do date your list you continue to earn their trust just goes there on your list doesn't mean they're going to stay there. So every newsletter every time you hit send is a chance to take them deeper in and your trust relationship or to lose the I trust you know and we've talked about you know, when do you measure you know, certain numbers when you look at how many people are on subscribing and why they run subscribing the's are metrics these air numbers that that point to this trust and in some cases we're losing trust and we're losing people granted, we're gonna have people that come on board and it's just not a good fit and other people leave, so I'm not saying you won't have unsubscribed you will, but we want to pay attention to how we're continuing to deliver value to this group of people, this tribe of followers and we're continuing toe listen to what they have to say, you know it needs to be some sort of two way communication medium even when you've got hundreds or thousands of people responding to you you want to let your people feel heard now there's challenges with erika sometimes that doesn't ultimately scale sometimes you run out of hours in the day to respond to all of those e mails, but the point is that you want the people on this other side of the relationship to feel heard to feel like they're getting something valuable out of this relationship and that there's still this exchange that if they speak up enough, forgive you enough feedback that year going to adapt, I mean, that's what a relationship is, and I think for the kind of email marketing that we're talking about and and the kind of trust that we want to build to ultimately lead to conversion, which is what we're going to talk about in the final session, you have to have this kind of mutual exchange of trust and respect and permission, and if you don't have that, you're not going to get to a point where you can convert them to sales or you can convert them to customers it's just going to be kind of a dead list. And so years ago, when I was managing email lists of hundreds of thousands, thousands of people for the nonprofit that I was working for, we had inherited some very large lists that were basically dead. There were lots of names on this list we had done this I hadn't done this, but somebody had I had done this kind of like pseudo not so ethical tactic of scraping a bunch of email contacts for of a bunch of different websites, and they had hundreds of thousands of contacts where they had gone to all these different websites and grabbed all these public email addresses with them on a list, and we started emailing them. I don't recommend that not one hundred percent ethical, but ethics aside, and I don't usually say that, but ethics aside, it didn't work. So the temptation to circumvent the process of building trust have some sort of short term profiteering benefit where you're taking advantage of, you know, a big group of people so that you can make a quick buck or get, you know, a million people on your website, it won't work it's like a newspaper, they even ask for arriving on your driveway and just sitting there it's not going to work, nobody is going to open it and definitely not enough people are going to open it. And so in this new era of information where there's no shortage of advertising messages where you're not like, gee, I wish that I got advertised to more. I wish I got more unsolicited telemarketing calls because nobody's really asking me to buy anything, and I just I'd be open to buying a random product that I've never heard about nobody's ever recommended to me pushed to me over the phone or email from a perfect stranger. I wish I had more of that in my life, nobody's saying that because we're constantly getting getting interrupted with messages and so the way that you get your message to spread the way that you get more people to use your product the way that you find more couples to help for your coaching program is you build trust, you ask permission and you continue to build that relationship forever, you know? It never ends, you never go, ok? We're going to start building trust and I'm just going to pummel you with sales pitches now it's always this process of continuing to earn permission and at times when I am not doing my job as a husband, which, you know, unfortunately more often then I'm proud to admit, you know, my wife basically calls me and says you've gotten lazy, you know, you've just assume that I'm always going to be here because that's what you know that our marriage commitment means and, you know, you're not continuing to court me or date me, and so when our relationship goes into a slump, the way that we get out of that slump is I get my act together, you know, start writing her some love notes again, this is going to be true for you and your email list, you know, you're going to hit slumps, you're gonna run into moments of in activity, people are going to maybe get exhausted with your message and you've got to be thinking about ways to keep the list healthy and there's some technical ways to do that, you know, things that were going to do to, uh, get out of spam filters and make sure that your message is air actually getting into people's in boxes, but then there are also some messaging ways that we're going to do that where we're going to continue to build trust that's going to lead to un ask that's going to lead to an invitation or even a sales pitch, so we're going to talk about how to keep them engaged and what I hear a lot is people focusing on the numbers and we've talked about numbers numbers are important in terms of how you measure things, but ultimately numbers are not critical if you know, people aren't engaged, and so I don't really care how big your email list is if people aren't engaged with what you have to say. If the list itself isn't healthy, you have thousands of people on that list or hundreds of thousands in the case of that list I inherited on the people aren't engaged, they didn't ask to be on it, it doesn't really matter, and so what we want to do from day one is we want to get that list healthy and we want to keep it healthy we want to put some tools in the place that will allow that to stay healthy and for those of us who have big list or managing, you know, marketing assets that maybe we inherited or you know, somebody else helped us build, we may have to do some things to get that list healthier than it is right now, so I want to talk about from day one from getting started with your email is for those who were just getting started and I go all the way through wherever you know we might be in terms of the process about keeping it healthy, you know, a hundred, a thousand so from the get go, you are going to get people on your list and you're going tio give them a bonus, they're going to get something when they sign up, we've talked about different pieces of dates and then what? You're going to start sending the messages, right? And then what? I haven't thought that far for some of you, for many of you it's going to be like an orientation process, you are going to bring people on board your email list just like maybe bringing somebody into your place of work or your home or introducing somebody to a new city, you don't want to show them around, okay on and just like we've seen at the beginning of every day, where even takes us through kind of a, uh a tutorial if here's how to use creative live we want to orient our readers to how this newsletter works, how your website works and what they can expect from you it's not enough to just put the promise out there on the opt in and then say all the out like they remember it's it's like saying, well, my wife knows my wedding vows because I told then to her six years ago on a wedding day and I don't need to reaffirm that I love her, that I'm committed to our any of that so she knows that cause I told her a long, long time ago he still likes to hear it and your readers still want to be reminded of your commitment to them and how you're going to continue to build trust with them and add value. So I want to give you ah handful of techniques and tools that I think will be beneficial to getting that list healthy from the get go, building some things in place that will keep that trust building so that you don't just assume it and don't just rely on and the messages that you're going to send but some things that you can kind of put into place and then also how to keep it healthy in the long run so the first suggestion first tip that I have for you is a tool called auto responders oh we've talked a little bit about this before another term for this is an email drip campaign they're used interchangeably um and basically what this is is this is a message or siri's of messages that automatically come to your readers regardless of whatever they sign up so there's basically no two ways that you could run your email list one is getting much people on the email list get them signed up deliver the bonus you know debate that you've put in front of them and then you just start sending e mails and so let's say you know, in a thirty day process we've got a bunch of people that sign up on on day one but then we've got a few people that sign up on you know day to through fifteen then we've got a few more people that sign up you know, towards the end of the month and you're sending weekly messages so you know person eh gets week one week two week three week for right but person be who signs up somewhere in the middle of the month maybe only gets you know, two three inform somebody sends it to the end maybe one gets the last message so that's ok in one sense but it's not ok if there are certain things that everybody needs to know so this is one way to do email marketing is to just go what's new is new and uh and I don't I'm just going to repeat myself about the things that I want to continue to orient you with, but if you missed last week's, I'm sorry you missed it, or you've gotta, like, continually linked back to the previous newsletter, and, um, you know, it's good in one sense that it creates a lot of urgency, like when you're getting ready to send a newsletter, you might tell people on on social media or even write on your block post, I'm getting ready to send out a newsletter, make sure you're on the list was, oh, I want that. I mean, there is some of that urgency that you can create, but I would argue that there's some things that you want all of your readers to know, whether they signed up, you know, one person aided or one person see your to your ear f did, and so the way that we create some consistency with her messaging across the board, is we use on a responders, and when I use the term madras ponder, typically you think of something that's like a, you know, I send an evil to somebody that they're on vacation says, I'm sorry I'm on vacation, and you keep sending me e mails and keep getting that unknowing message, but that's basically what it is, but it's a lot more than that and so on auto responder is a message that's triggered by an action in this case the action is when they sign up we want to give them probably a series of orientation messages that say here's what you can expect for me here's what I am about here's what we do around here and because you're part of this tribe a part of this community we we want you teo you know we want you to be caught up so it is an orientation process and typically the best way to do this is if you have a weekly email newsletter schedule when somebody signs up they're going to get a few messages that are sent probably mohr frequently than you would normally send a newsletter on you want to let people know like hey when you first time up we're going to send a few extra messages just to kind of let you know how things were going and there's two benefits to doing this one it trains your audience to expect content from you because nobody wants to send it for an email list and then wait four months before they get the first message and they go why did I why did I set up for this but doing this allows you to if you don't have a weekly newsletter system or a monthly in a frequency it allows you some flexibility that you know if I'm not goingto write something for another month I know that people who signed up today or yesterday are still getting some consistent messaging and it just creates a second expectation that I'm going to expect content from you instead of standing up and having toe wait a month because you said last month's monthly newsletter yesterday and they've got away twenty nine days for the hear from you that's a lot of dead time and that's aa lot of opportunity that's lost where you could be bringing them on board and getting them used to what you're going to be about does that make sense? You know I mean if you think about somebody coming into your store front you know, as a business and you have some big grand opening you would want everybody to understand before they ever want to buy from you you would not want people understand here's this store here's where things are here's how you can, you know, find a way around and then whenever you're ready to buy, you know here's the cash register so what we're trying to do is as soon as somebody walks into the door we want to connect with them you know, we want to say hey, how are you doing? What are you struggling with? How can I serve you there's some really great opportunities to interact with your audience and the best opportunity to build trust with your audience is at the beginning when they first sign up for your newsletter and you don't want to miss that time those air missed opportunities typically with every email newsletter that I have ever started and any kind of content that I've ever written or helped other people write the most engagement is at the beginning and in a tends to decline from that because people get used to it and they kind of understand what messages to anticipate from you in which ones maybe they're not going to pay attention to so trust is high at the beginning and and so the risks are also high because you can when somebody or you can lose them in those first few days and first few weeks of them standing up for your newsletter so you want to use auto responders to get people oriented with what you're going to be about and give them some expectation of the kind of content that's going to come down the line and you also want to use it as an opportunity for them to do the same tell me a little bit about you I want to get to know you a little bit it makes them feel heard and it also gives you a sense of who's signing up for your newsletter and will hopefully inform the kind of content you're going to create for it so here's some examples of some ways that people are using newsletters right now auto responders on their newsletter right now I should say so we just heard from tim girl, if you go to tim's website out, think group dot com, you're going to see that he he's actually done a number of these. I've followed him for years, and every year it seems he does like a new email course, and all that is is it's a drip campaign it's a siri's of message is that when you sign up for his email list, he's going to send you a siri's of lessons that air delivered exclusively through email that you can't get anywhere else. And you know what he's doing right now, he wrote a book called your first thousand copies and he's helping train other authors on how they can sell the first thousand copies of their book, which is an important milestone for an author and so he's got a course basically helping people figure out how to do that and what's cool about that is it's educating people on why they probably need his book and it's also, you know, helping people and maybe even opening up opportunities to work for new clients because these are the kinds of people that he would work with so that's an example of free email course, I actually sometimes do these short, like, uh, auto responders, siri's email courses to promote a product and I learned this from a friend of mine who's a speaker and women's author names lisa turk er's every time she has a book come out she will do like a short five day auto responders siri's based around the subject of the book you know so she wrote a book for moms and women who are in a stay at home and she wrote like five ways to you know basically stay sane and it was a siri's of e mails that went out to these women and at the end of every melt was hey if you want mohr you can check out my book and it sold a lot of copies of her book every time people would go through that five day siri's she would see a spike in her book sales so there are some fun ways to even do this around products in the tie this with sales down the line which we can get to eventually but first I want you to be thinking about as you set up your list what are some of those initial messages that you can send out within the first few days in first few weeks and even first few months to your list so that they can get oriented with you? So another person is my friend pat flynn who runs the website smart passive income dot com and pat teaches people how to make money online passively s so you know, people like to make money without putting a lot of effort forward or not having to show up to continue to get paid, and what pat does is he has a blawg on dh then he's got a separate newsletter, and he will sometimes referred to block post on his newsletter, but every blogged post does it necessarily go out through his newsletter and so here's an example of kind of one of those hybrid models where he's got he's got an update that he sends out, but then he also has posts on his blawg and there's some relationship there, but he doesn't email his list very often, maybe once a month except when you sign up for his email list to get a siri's of messages and his auto responders serious, I think almost goes throughout the whole year, so when you sign up, you're getting we feel like regular newsletter messages from pat and they are for you, but they're not for him. He set that up a long time ago and you're getting relevant, helpful content but everybody's getting it at a different point because they've signed up a different times and so he's got a long auto responders siri's that is basically his best advice with links to some of his most popular articles and resource is on passive income because he's found that people have the same questions over and over and over again, and he kind of has the same advice to give and you'll find this is you establish yourself as an expert in your industry in your field and trust me when you are creating a newsletter, when you're delivering content, you are an expert, and people are going to start viewing you that way, and they're going to want to have questions for you, and a lot of those questions are going to be the same questions and so creating an auto responders siri's will allow you to answer those questions, stephen, anticipate some of those so that people go, wow, that's just what I was thinking and you've already helped me. And by the way, if you don't know what those questions are, that's okay? This is why having calls to action asking people at the end of newsletters could be a great way to get some of that information to start plugging into your auto responders. Siri's so that's, another way to do it is to kind of have your best advice. That's what pat does another way to do it is what danny edie does. Danny, any runs marketing website called fire pole marketing dot com, and he does, uh he does frequently asked questions basically similar to pap, but a little different in that. He's answering questions that people have about his business about certain products that they have and he's got I think almost a daily email newsletter now so he's sending a lot of content and one of the messages in his email auto responders within the first week or two is but I think they're subject is please unsubscribe and in that message he basically gives you an ultimatum and he says, look, I know that I'm sending a lot of messages and the reason for that is because I'm really serious about this subject and if you're not that serious about this then maybe this isn't for you and that's totally okay but he's giving people permission to get off his list so that the people that stay on his list are really engaged and so that's a tactic that's a method and what he's trying to do he's trying to go deep with a smaller group of people s so that he could get them on board with some of the programs and products that he has on and, you know, I think it's it's admirable to say if this isn't for you no hard feelings but you know that I'm gonna continue to do it this way so he kind of answers questions and then in his auto responders serious is this is the way it's going to be, you know, so that we're all understood if this is for you, only fine here's how you can get out of this. Lastly, another way to do it is to, as I mentioned before, with lisa's website, you know where she was using it to sell books. Another guy who uses auto responders eyes john morrow, who uses email out of responders to sell products, and he does that with a website called guest blogging dot com helping other bloggers become great, you know, guest bloggers and john has realized this is a great way to build a personal brand online isto write a bunch of content for other people's blog's, and so when you have guests blocking dot com, you're going to see, you know, basically an email capture that says you're going to get some free lessons on howto start guest blogged and put your email on their and immediately, you know, go to a video page where, you know, he walks you through like a webinar, but it's something that's, it's not lie that's something that, you know, has been up there for years now and then after you sign up, you get a siri's of messages that lead you to a point where he goes, hey, like I've sent you these free videos, if you think that's bad news for you. You could take my full course about this and at this point he's already basically given you a free less a few free lessons in the course and so you're seeing the value and if you see the value there's an opportunity to buy and then he sends an email, it feels like it's happening in real time like a product launch would but it's all automated and you go to you know, at some point you get an email that says, you know, go check out this this page and it's basically ah webinar that's a sales pitch that says here's, why you need this product and at this point you're pretty engaged and you are going to go on in or I'm out and he's using an email on respond er to consistently deliver these sales letters I mean, it is this sales process where he is getting you ready to convert to a customer and it's consistent across the board so that's, you know, a person a who checks that out, you know, today in person bu checks it out a month from now they're going to go through that process and they're going to hopefully get to a point where they're going to trust john enough that if they're ready to buy, they're going to do that, which is great because I mean, can you imagine if you were trying to sell something, and people were always coming and going, and you're in the middle of this process of persuading them that this is a good thing to buy, but people are coming and leaving the person was there from the first part, they're more likely to buy, then the eleventh person who came by, you know, and here's you should buy. Okay, I'm sold, you know, it's not gonna happen, you have to build trust of people, and using on auto responder is a great way to not only keep your list engaged, it's also going to get them to point where they trust you and are ready to buy from you because otherwise you might have a product or a big release for big launch that's coming out at the end of the year, and you've got people that have been with you from the beginning and there likely to buy and that's cool on. Then you've got somebody who signed up the day before you gonna do this big launch, and this feels like, oh, my gosh, like, I just signed up and you're already trying to sell me something on auto responders, a great way to go work people up to that without burning out those people who just signed up yesterday. By the way, we didn't talk a lot about this, but we looked on male chimp about how you can segment certain parts of your list. If you're coming to a point where you're going to launch a big product, you can actually, and you do this with a lot of different email services. You khun segment out, you know, the recently subscribe people. So you could say I only want to email the people that have signed up, uh, longer than a month ago so that some of you sign of yesterday, it doesn't feel like they just got hit with a sales pitch on day two, you know, because that might feel a little drastic. Yeah, appearance. I was getting familiar with male chimp yesterday. I believe the auto responders is the added feature or something. You have to pay extra forces. Do you know what that costs would be? A good question. Yeah. I think it is part of the more pro version on dh. So auto responders are you are part of one of the page structure for mel chip. So yeah, with that there are lots of different models. You can basically you pay a certain monthly fee based on the amount of subscribers that you have. And I think it starts out low twenty, thirty bucks a month, and then it goes up from there based on how many subscribers you have, um, or you can like by a certain amount of, like, monkey credit, you know, but anna's, baby, and on ben, you know, if if you're sending less frequent messages to targeted groups of people, then this is probably the wise way to go because you're going to save more money because you're on ly getting charged, you know, per message you're getting charged, you know, certain of points per message, but the point is, it varies depending on how many subscribers you have starts for their low, I believe, and yeah, I think auto responders are part of that. That feature aging brand wants to know about aligning the delivery of the other responders with your promise. For instance, if you just promised on ly one email a week, how do you incorporate auto responders into that? Would they just be a year behind? Great question. So what you want to do is you want to have your promise, and then when people sign up, you could you could do one of two things you can, uh I mean, the bottom line is, if you're gonna have auto responders, uh, and you're going to have something like a regular email newsletter, then there's going to come a point where these messages air kind of coming on top of each other, so you want to do is you want to stick to your schedule, so say you send everyone stay at seven a m, right? And so when you set up your auto responders say you have ah, weekly auto responded for the first four weeks that people come on board so that first month people are going to get eight messages from you. So the first thing that you want to do is you want tio instead of your auto, responding to say, I'm not going to send on wednesdays, which you can do, you can select the days that the auto responder can and will go out so you could do that. Uh, and then how do you protect from basically people saying, well, you live, you're sending me to messages a week, you can tweak your promise or when people sign up, you could say this is a weekly newsletter on then when people sign up, you could say, thanks so much for signing up, I can't wait to send you next week's newsletter but in the meantime, I'm going to send you a few extra messages just to get you on board with what we're about here and so that's that's up to you, you can either change the message or as soon as they signed up tweet that first auto responder message that says you're going to get a few extra messages and here's why, whenever you do that, I have found that people appreciate that and they're gracious about it and there's something about what danny does where he says, look, if this isn't for you this's ok it's ok to unsubscribe it's okay to use auto responded to kind of test how serious people are and to give them a sense of what's to come. Good question. So so those air some examples about how to use auto responders or email drip campaigns I think a great way to start is to have at least a few messages have the first welcome message this is an honor an essential auto responder message usually comes either within the hour of signing up for the newsletter list or within the first day and it's basically thank you so much for signing up you rock high fives here's a list of some of my most popular articles if you're a blogger here's a list you know here's a neff a queue of things that most people ask about this newsletter here's what you can expect from us, you're just kind of this is like orientation one on one, and then what happens after that is whatever is relevant to your audience, but it's usually a series of things that get them deep into the heart of your content so that when they're getting that next newsletter, there's, some sense of ok, I know what this is about. I know what these terms mean, so we've been using a lot of the same terms, you know, over and over again throughout the course of this course, and I've found that it's really helpful to help my readers understand what those things mean, because outside of what we've been talking about here, we're talking about permission so much everybody knows what that means, but I meet lots of years ago. What do you talk about? Permission? I don't understand whose permission do I need to do this? Well, we're talking about permission with the reader and, you know, here's here's some examples we're talking about. So I send out a short little, uh, article the email about that because that is a word that I use kind of flippantly in all of my newsletters or a lot of them, and so I want people to know what that means if you've got a product and you've got certain features with that product that you want your users to understand it would make a lot of sense to dedicate a few newsletters if you wanna responded messages too here's what this means and here's how we use this and maybe here's ah link to a video about how to use our software dashboard s o I recommend that welcome email and then a few a series of e mails that orient people to your product your service and give them a sense of what to expect sometimes you know if you're a content creator and you've got a certain piece of content maybe it's gone viral maybe it's a big video maybe it's you know a certain point maybe it's a product that's a bestselling book or resource and you want people to know about it at some point in the other responders siri's you could say here's there's a great piece of content that a lot of people have really enjoyed we talked about having a resource list as a piece of bait something that I used in an auto responders siri's is I send my resource a list which is just a link to a page on my block of resource is that I use as a writer as a blogger as business owner and people find that really useful and at the end of that auto responder I say hey did I miss anything? Is there anything that you're using that I should add to the list list so I'm constantly curating this list in collaboration with my audience because they're saying hey you should you should add this piece of software this book or you know, etcetera etcetera so yeah what do you think of as an approach for getting started with the other responders looking at the most popular if you've already sent a few e mails just looking at the ones that got the most engagement and putting those at the beginning I guess that's sort of like the might your best advice but but without due to much structure is just sort of like this is the most popular stuff that it's a great idea yeah eric did you have a question and when setting up the mail chip count and the list is there anything special that you need to put in so that people can email you back just the reply to email was making sure you have when you sign up for male chimp you're going to sign up with a certain email and if hopefully that's a riel email and we've yet to see if joe bob at gmail dot com is a real email uh but I hope not because he got a message from yesterday um but yes so if if that's not the email that you want people to see because it's maybe your personal email or whatever in the messages I mean first of all you can change in the settings you're registered email uh, and you can also change per email news letter that you sent out. You can change the reply to address if you want, and we've talked about some reasons to do that might be if you work for an organization or a company where multiple people have access to that email newsletter list, and you want this to come from a different email address. For some reason or the call. The action is reply here, and we want this to go to our customer service department. But there's, nothing that you need to dio with that it will come from a real email address. When people reply, it will go to real email address is long of you. You've set it up that way.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I really enjoyed this course. Jeff did and does a great job. Very nice flow and interaction with participants and questions, great content, relaxed yet authoritative. Jeff has a nice presence and his humility makes him easy to receive from. I was equally impressed with the general flow through the program. You could tell Jeff was well prepared, comfortable and believed in what he shared. I also want to give kudos to the CL team for being top shelf hosts and creating an environment conducive to this type of learning program. A great big thank you to the hosts, the team, Jeff, and the chat room facilitators! WELL DONE!! Kurt Poole
William Emmons
This is a wonderful course and enjoyed it very much. Covers so much material in an interesting and easy to understand way. Great for both the person just starting out and a great review for those more experienced. Definitely cover the A-Z of getting started and maintaining your mailings. Love the resources they talk about and recommend for getting started. Loved the interaction with the live inhouse group and also on the chat room. Great response. To sum it up in a few words.... RICH AND FULFILLING! Thanks to Jeff and CreativeLIVE for a job well done. William Emmons @ askHim-Ministries.org
Jemma Pollari
I love Jeff's teaching style and applicable information and this course was no exception. For me, the set-up information was longer and more detailed than necessary, as I already have a list set up. The "effective" part of the course was much more useful at my level. I was able to get some good strategies to implement for my email marketing. This is definitely a great course to go with if you have no idea where to start with on email marketing because of the focus on getting set up from absolutely nothing. If you are looking for a more extensive pathway to success reaching beyond simply starting the email list and getting it going, I would recommend Jeff's course on here "Starving to successful: how to become a full-time writer." Even though the name talks about being a writer it's excellent info for anyone in the content creation space. Ryan Deiss' "Launch a profitable digital marketing plan" (also on CreativeLive) is another one I'd recommend as an excellent follow-on to more advanced concepts from this course.