Calls to Action, Closing, and the P.S
Lesson 7 from: Effective E-mail and Newsletter MarketingJeff Goins

Calls to Action, Closing, and the P.S
Lesson 7 from: Effective E-mail and Newsletter MarketingJeff Goins
Day 1
15:19 2Why Email?
22:35 3Understanding the Framework
36:52 4How to Set Up Your Email List
35:53 5Creating a Signup Form
37:28 6Crafting Content
27:16 7Calls to Action, Closing, and the P.S
41:44Student Questions
16:18 9Newsletter Types: Updates
20:00 10Newsletter Types: Posts
23:20 11Newsletter Types: Promotions
23:11Day 2
12Students Discuss Yesterday's Assignments
12:45 13Simple Web Design Tips to Build Your List
28:08 14Building Your List By Using Bait
29:03 15Leverage Your Network
17:54 16Measuring Engagements
29:49 17Skype Guest Tim Grahl on Metrics
21:58 18Practical Applications of Metrics
14:45 19Keeping Your Readers Engaged
36:02 20Blacklists, Ethics, Consistency and Feedback
44:57 21Selling to Your List
33:24 22Making the Ask
37:32Lesson Info
Calls to Action, Closing, and the P.S
Which brings me to my next point that's an open loop but called action so a great waited to do an open loop is too introduce a kind of conflict that maybe the reader didn't know was there before and allow that toe bring a question to mind that wasn't there before. So for example, let's talk about kayaks our subject line is the most overlooked secret too effective kayaking I felt I needed throw, you know, description in there um and and then the lead is about using your core, not just your arms and so by the way, here's three ways you can strengthen your core and we're going to go through those three things and then at the end we're going to say something like so that, you know, that's how you strengthen your core, but how can you strengthen your core if you don't have blank on a regiment, a place to practice? I don't know the problem, you're going to have to come up with that, but you have to introduce something new and so they go, oh, yeah, yeah like I know how to do this, but now I n...
eed to know how to apply it or I need a place to practice or I got a by this video or whatever it might be, it doesn't have to turn into a sales pitch but you have to open up another potential for conflict resolution and that's where the called action comes in in line, and I think every email house have a called action of some kind, so we're going to be big go buy my thing and some are going to be small. Tell me what you think about this, but they're all important in that they create engagement, they train the reader to respond and that's a good things we mentioned because it teaches us that what we're saying actually matters that's people are reading and responding and that this is a sustainable business for, you know, when we actually do want to monetize it and it's not a waste of our time. We're not just throwing stuff out there, but it's time well spent, and those responses are going to be fuel for the next time that you don't feel inspired have to discipline yourself to sit down and write again. So how do we call people action? Three ways to do it art invite feedback I love doing this is so fun when you're building your list when you're trying to create an engaged tribe trying to build trust is make their voice heard, so I mentioned before asking people, what do you struggling with is a great way everybody always has a problem it's a great way to create engagement get feedback find out where people are even if you have one reader when you ask something like this you're likely to get a response another way to get people to act is to drive traffic so example I just created a video on youtube I want I want to show you this method of how I kayak more from my core than from my arms go watch this video so we way want people through the process we said hey that's that's great that we told you how to do it but we really need to show you don't wait and so that's why we want you to go watch this video right here so this is a this is what we're doing is we're kind of leading people through this relationship where we're taking the next step we're asking permission to go to the next level and so you know you start with here's the problem I don't know how to kayak here's how we're going to start helping helping you solve the problem here's the what where you go ok I understand this intellectually but how do I do it well now we're going to show you how to do it you can keep moving this way and you have a responsibility to your audience to keep moving them down the line to the point where you go you know what if you need this information in some sort of extensive course or product, or you need the perfect or you can get this here. And so this is the process of how you lead an audience to action as you keep moving them along that trajectory. But in a typical message, we're just going toe do one of these three things, we're going to invite feedback, we're going to drive traffic somewhere or occasionally. And for some of you, it might be every time, because that's, the way that your newsletter is set up in the it's, the expectation you're going to sell, you're going to create a you're going toe, not just create a problem, you're going to identify, identify a problem, but you gonna bring attention to something that maybe people didn't quite understand? You're goingto educate them through that process somehow so they come to the end of the message and they go, yeah, I need that I need to take action. I need to respond, we need to go read this article are maybe need to buy this thing, so those are some ways that we can get people to act and I want to pause there for a second and because there's a lot of stuff, and I don't want this just kind of blow past you so be really good to apply this to where at and how you might begin to start putting together an email because as I said by the end of this time I want you to have that email list I want you to have sent your first message there's going to come a point where you're going to do some work so how are you going to put this together so let's talk specifically about taking action what would that look like for your audiences and what questions do you have on that ultimately I want for my coaching practice for people to move from where they are to where they want to be um we were talking I was talking earlier and some people think they can do it on their own I haven't great ideas and so why do I need somebody else to do this and just the challenge people to think out loud to say something right me back give me your idea you know put your idea in front of you versus just leaving it stuck up here yeah you know it would be interesting especially you know since you've identified a world view in your readership is that too and I always think it's it's better to not try to change somebody's mind that agree with them and then lead them through a process where they get to discover how much they need you and and so I mean what's interesting about that is you could take the stand with your newsletter period and say like, I'm going to try to give you everything that you need to do this on your own and ultimately they're going to come this morning to go either yeah, I got this no sweat, thank you so much for helping me at which point I think he would go great because you help somebody, but I imagine that there's going to be a good chunk of people that go just cause I know what to do doesn't mean that I know how to do it just because I see a video about proper rowing technique doesn't mean that I can actually sit down and do it, and so some people are always going to be willing to pay their time, their money, their resource is to get that training, that information, and so what I love about it something like that is you can take the stance of an educator and you can say, ok, I'll walk you through this as far as you want to go, and then you can give me feedback along the way, and then there comes a point where they can't do it without, you know what's cool about that is you've just been teaching them, you're not really persuading them, you're just helping them move along the way that's, great because our online audience is actually taking action and figuring out what kind of emails they would write butterfly vanessa says, hey, you know I can use e mails to see send the craft tutorials that she does in video form and I don't know if she actually teaches crafting I am familiar with her she's been another chat rooms I think she actually is an artist so doesn't that establish credibility as well even if they're not there to learn? The other thing is mary lou says they've really understand that they can create the type of email content that teaches persuades explains encourages so that's resonating that's great yeah, you know, I was just in africa visiting a friend's business who's basically doing this export business where he's working with some local artisans in nairobi, kenya and they are creating these handmade crafts and jewelry and really amazing stuff high quality stuff and with those kinds of things I mean that's becoming more in vogue asses I think we all know there's power to the story behind it. And so when I was visiting this shop I got to see how these products were being made. It was really cool I mean, I saw them casting these thes these molds you know, these metal molds and they're pouring molten uh metal into this claim old with their bare hands and then out comes this piece of jewelry and it's really cool on I took pictures of the whole thing and so, you know, talking about that that person was her name butterfly vanessa butterfly vanessa uh is it's even if you're just selling the craft just teaching how to do it? And this is something that I hear people say that's great you're teaching people how to write or how to do this, but that doesn't work for my business. Well, that's not true I mean, if you sell a product or a service or some information expertise, people want to know the story behind it, especially something that I'm going to buy from you and then I'm going toe I put on myself from my child or on my spouse I want to have that story to tell you know? And so when I was at my friend's shop, I was looking at all these things that I've seen available online and I want to buy those things now because I know the story behind them I go, I know how this was made and when I give this to my friend ago, you're not gonna believe how this was put together I was created it's a really interesting story, so it adds value to the product itself and it makes the experience of customer experience that much better, which frankly means you can often charge more, which is good we actually had another somebody else in the chat room. Carla cano, who has joined us before and she runs a health and fitness that's what? Hurry there her group is focused on she said she has had trouble with the calls to action and she just lost where she responded that she was giving some examples of some typical things you might dio in terms of calls to action, but not getting a good response. Are there any reasons why that might be happening? Well, I mean, there's lots of reasons. I think the obvious reason is people don't want were calling them to do or it's it's either it's too hard or it's too complicated or it's not relevant to what you just taught me. So I do see this sometimes or somebody writes about one subject and then they say, ok, now go do this, you know, they wrote about something because they go ok, I need to teach or informer inspire, but I really want people to go buy this thing and there's this connection between what they just talked about and what they were preparing to call people to action too. So it's hard to tell, but I think if you aren't getting good, response is the best thing to do is to ask a question to just invite very simple feedback and if people aren't responding, then you didn't ask the right question or maybe you don't quite yet have the right audience and that's ok too I mean remember were committed to sharing the message that we have to share and finding the right people for that versus constantly changing the message to fit the audience because there is an audience who wants to hear you have to say it's just a matter of finding them and then as you discover them, there is this relation all process of getting to know each other and walking through this process together where I put something out there I get feedback I kind of changed the way I do it next time because I see people really responded to the question but they didn't so much respond to me telling them go click this link but I think you want to keep trying, you know, and learning through trial and error and experience experiment with different things terry was going to say it may depend on the medium is well, you know you mentioned earlier blogged versus newsletter on dh there are things that khun b controversial and what's on my mind is worship styles and the music and the way churches can get really legalistic around that, um you know, turning tradition and something else yeah, but toe to approach that with somebody who's in a very sensitive situation I may not answer that question in a block, but he may in an email that's right like you mentioned earlier yeah, you know, I have some friends who are bloggers and and they are a married couple who work with, you know, other couples who are basically on the verge of venting their relationships a lot of them are recovering from some sort of affair something and they have a lot of people reading their blawg and nobody leaves comments because usually there's lots of shame somebody had an affair er they don't want to talk about that on a public forum, but they get tons of e mails because they have created a safe place where their readers khun give them feedback where they're going to feel heard they're going to feel affirmed and they're gonna get help you know they want help, but they don't want to feel judged and they don't want you know, they already feel shame. So yeah, I do think there's a lot of different moving parts and you just want experiment with different things different calls action that I use sometimes is sometimes will say, you know, go by this lot of times I'll say um go check this out go click this link tell me what you think about it a lot of times I'll just say I wouldn't know where you're at tell me what you're struggling with I'll give them an opportunity to reply directly to me and I'll read that email and I'll often respond to it another time I'll say hey like tell tell your friends about this tweet about this um I mentioned my earlier tweet herbal can't remember what it was but it's very clever you know that's an example where you're sharing something it's connecting with people and if you've done a good job of delivering great content sometimes your audience will feel like wow I would love that was so helpful to me I'd love to repay that back in some way and one of the ways that you can give that gift your audience to say go tell somebody about this go talk about this on twitter share this technique with a friend and give them an easy way to share the content that you just created with them this by the way is another great way to build your list to reach more people and teo expand that subscriber list any more questions on talked about so far yeah a few different types of c t s and our newsletter and yeah but you know one white might be um you know here's the importance of developing an email newsletter for creators and so your call to action this week is go you sign up for male chimp and created the list or or you know is really important to have a profile a profile picture in your on your web site somewhere so make sure you get like a professional hit job done but what's what's different about the things that you have appear and those is there's no real way to measure whether or not that's resonating with people in they're going out and doing it and you're not getting any feedback on it. S o is that it's not something that's recommended or uh well, so I like that what I think you could do is say it now come back and tell me about it. So what I do and I reach writers mostly, you know, people who have a a message that they want to share, but as we just learned were all writers of her writing where writers so that's everybody eyes my calls to action and explained with lots of different things, but hands down the most effective calls to action are now go right this and tell me about it and so I will do sometimes I'll do linkups in my block posts where I'll give them something easy and inspiring that they can go right about and then they can come back and share it and the benefits that are pretty clear, right? So I'm getting them to do something that they wanted to, that they've come to me asking for help, I'm giving them an easy way to take action right now and it just takes a few minutes, and then I'm giving them an opportunity to get some attention because they're going to come back and I'm going to share that link so there's a lot in it for them. And so when you call somebody action it's important that they understand clearly that they're getting more out of it than you are and then it's easy, you know, to a certain degree, I can go and do it right now and that I know I'm going to get something out of this. And as you mentioned, jessica it's, good to have a way to measure that, and I always like to focus on problems on pain, not really on success because people are reading you because they're one hundred percent already successful in everything that they want to be successful, that they need help with something they need help with their marriage, they need help with their business, they need help with their kayaking, they need help with something and you provide that. And one of the ways that you can get the most engagement is focusing on a problem, not just on I've solved this problem. You're welcome goodbye, but rather go through this and tell me something I missed. Or go set up this and let me know what else you're having trouble with give them an opportunity to say that's great, but I'm still human. I'm still struggling, I still need help that I think is a great way tio come spur people on to the next level of engagement, which is I took action, but now I need more help, and we're going to talk a little bit tomorrow about how you can identify what really your audience needs from you about surveys and getting lots of feedback from people because part of it is you got to know your audience before you call them in action, you got to know something about them so you can try a lots of different things, but you need to know them. And the best way that I know how to do that is to just open up dialogue, make them feel like when they respond to you, you are somebody in your business organizations going too reply or acknowledge that that they were heard, and you'll get lots of interesting feedback from people, all kinds of things where, you know they'll tell you what they're struggling with, the biggest problem that they're having, they'll confess all kinds of personal things and you get to know them and you get to understand not just the problems that they're having, but how they view the world and this is important, too, because you're not just calling somebody to do something, you're inviting them into something that really going to help them in the way that you make that invitation also effects how people take action conversation is what you really are, right? You're not just sending something out, but you're invited them toe like he said it feedback, but, uh, you know, a one on one kind of conversation where you say, hey, you asked them something, and then you are willing to respond to them, they respond to you, and then you respond back, and then you're able to shape your message, and I would think that early on in your email, that would be much more important, I think it's crucial in the first beginning, I don't want anybody to hear this and go, I don't have time to answer another one hundred e mails every day, it's not what I'm saying I'm saying, if you're trying to create engagement and what you're doing so far isn't working like one of things that I do in every block posted, it always works. Is that the very blawg post that I e mailed to people I say comment here, leave a comment here and there's a lot of discussion on those comments. Whatever you ask somebody to do be direct about it and you know make it easy for them but when I tell them to reply to me I get a lot of replies wherever I send people for the most part they go but when you're first starting out you I don't know what they want from me and I don't know howto engage them and you've got bandwith to respond and read um yeah invite that conversation and at some point at every point along the way there should be interaction of some sort because we didn't get into this to just blast mega phone messages all around the world we got into this business we started sharing these messages we wanted to reach people because this mattered, you know, the exchange and so there are scaleable ways to do that where you don't run out of hours in the day uh but just to see what's resonating with people, I think it's worth trying. Erica, it seems like a lot of topics could be either blogged posts or newsletters. So do you have any guidelines as to how you choose or die differentiate decide which is a blogger and which is part of the newsletter? Um, I used to and my process for this has really evolved we'll talk about newsletter types in the next session, but the bottom line is I found that um I was running I was following this process for everything that I was writing and soto have to differentiate between a newsletter and a blob post cause even my audience was confused they go hey, great blood possibly once a newsletter technically all they care about is that I'm getting content from you that adds value and so what you want is you want a process that is reliable that creates this anticipation that we're talking about someone somebody gets an email from you, they know what to expect and when you sit down to write that email when you do the work when you use that butt glue um you've got a process where you go, I know what to do I'm going to start with the subject and I'm gonna write the leader I mean right the greeting I'm going to write the lead I'm going to go through the body, I'm going cover these main points and then I'm gonna call people to action. And so having a set process it gives the read or something to expect so that your reliable source of content and it allows you to create more content cause you're not like reinventing the wheel every time, so I think it's good to have a method that's pretty consistent regardless of what you're writing, whether it's like I said, you know, a three paragraph email, a few sentences or you know, a big long article you've got the same process I want to hook people I want to lead them through the article and then I want to call them to action that should be consistent across the board because that's what's going to get the results it makes sense to our online audience we spamalot wanted to know why do these long e mails work and I think what you're saying is that it's really about the format it's in there? It just depends on the link that which you write correct yes she's asking how why do long emails were? Well, let me let me define that moore do you understand why those long e mails that for example, remember city on other send out? Why did they work? I'm sure there they think that roe meat tested them so they must be working they just never understood what about them works and why do people continue reading? Yeah, so yeah, there is this school of thought um and really kind of the online business world where if you're going to say something to your audience and you're wanting, you want to get them to do something right a really long, exhaustive email about it and the reason for that is because by the time you get to the end of this email, the people that are still with you are going to take action and I think that's true uh what I would agree with you about is it's not so much about the length as it is about the way the content is structure and there are some topics that you can't explain in a couple of paragraphs on and yet there are some things that we go on and on and on about that we don't need to and I am of the school of thought that says brevity is better don't go on and on and on just because you can say what you need to say say it well and then get out of there and then say it again tomorrow um the uh williams strong whose well known guy in the writing world said that's when a work becomes shorter it often becomes stronger brevity therefore is the byproduct of vigor and so what that means and early twentieth century jargon is shorter isn't necessarily always better but better is often shorter meaning that the more I work through this content and make it concise and say exactly what I wanted to say it gets it's a little bit shorter because I realized I don't have to say that in two sentences I can say it in one but if you need to say if you need to have a thousand word email to get your point across you need a thousand word email I think what room eat has discovered is especially when he's selling something it is very important toe walk people through this process to get them to a point where they're ready to buy especially with an email and we'll talk about that in the last session tomorrow talk about selling through, you know, copyrighting it's one thing to send a short, informative post and say here's something for free go get it it's another thing to say I need you to go behind this and we tend to think through those decisions a little bit more than oh this is free, I will take it I will have a free sample I mean think about being in the grocery store, you know? And they're giving out free samples you don't need a spiel about that it's free I can eat it it tastes good I'm in, but when I have to buy this type of meat over this type of meat or this type of protest over this type of produce and I know which one's better, you know there's a decision process that needs to be made. So when you're selling with email yeah, it is probably better to air on the side of being as exhaustive as you can without exhausting your audience and that really depends on the people that are reading it I rely on the feedback from my readers and I rely on the statistics so write a short email and see how people respond and right along email and see how people respond and go from there way discussed a little earlier in the segment the subject lines of the e mails and you may have covered this but I don't think you did syrian a few others in the chat room said that they often use their subject line to summarize what the body of the email will include do you think that that's a good idea bad idea? Maybe it depends I think that's one aspect okay I think summarizing in and of itself it can be kind of boring okay s o what a good subject needs to have as we talked about is it needs to be descriptive which is summarizing the body of the email but it also has to be attractive there needs to be a promise in it and it needs to have something interesting about it like something unexpected, something that I would be surprised by and I can't help but want to click it toe have a summary without those other two elements of having something attractive and interesting means that it doesn't feel urgent. So yes that looks interesting I'm going to read that some day but are enough and you want people to immediately open your e mails and the way that you create that urgency is by making it attractive and interesting and say here's a great way to change blank right now that's much better than how to do blow and you know, the great thing is that jeff is including with purchase thirteen subject lines that work, so yeah, so if you're if you're struggling with getting started and you want to get this course, there is ah, a little pdf document that I created that I'll walk you through that process of your thirteen prompts about how to write great subject lines so I won't move on. We're not quite done, but we're almost there is the last part of your email is the closing. So what are some ways that you would close an email to a friend? Would you say, by the way, I found the most effective way, at least when I've cold email, because I've done a lot of interviews out where we've had a cold and there's somebody they don't know, no right? And this is always to thank them and and speaking words of anticipation that what I've asked for is going to happen look forward to talking to you soon, and you're asking them to interview for your show, right? Yeah. That's, great that's good. Um, and any other ways to close an email? Okay, summarize what you just said good cheers, cheers you know, we don't know what you think well, what do you say? I wish the will yeah, all of us so yeah there's there's a couple that I use sincerely is a bit more formal all the best yours I think I probably and most e mails thanks. You know, grateful sometimes if I've talked about a certain subject um and I want to just kind of drive that home, you know, I've talked I've written a newsletter about howto build your audience, you know? And I'm using the word tribe for an audience I'll say something for you and your tribe, you know, since you're on then comma jeff so yeah, you want to close the email and then you want to end with your name and I know this sounds simple, but I'm telling you nine on a ten form e mails that I get from businesses and bloggers and, uh, you know, communicators who are sending out these mass e mails are not doing this. They're not greeting me. They're not having a lead telling me what I'm going to get out of it and they're not closing the email and so it doesn't feel like a letter it feels like a flyer and you don't want to send flowers you want to send letters, think about that thing that you used to do where you would write letters tio a close friend, you want to recreate some of that intimacy uh, we talked before about how this is sort of like dating and the way that I dated my wife for a year is I hand wrote letters to her every week for a year while I was on the road with a band, and we had dated two weeks and person, and then I traveled for a year and the way that we maintain that relationship and really got to know each other was through writing letters and, uh, every letter, you know, started with a greeting to her, and I told her what I was doing and how I was thinking about her and and we were talk about when we would be together again, and at the end of that year, we both moved to a new city to be near each other, because apparently, when you're dating it's, good to be in the same zip code. And, you know, a few months into that, I propose her, you know, we got married, and we would not have survived if we hadn't stayed in touch that year. And so, uh, a letter is a really powerful way to build trust with somebody it's a way to get a wife if you're interested, uh, but it is a great way to earn someone's trust a cz you pointed out it's a great way, tio invite somebody into something that you don't know, troy, you mentioned until you get interview requests, you know, you're sort of planting this anticipation that we're going to talk soon, writing letters is powerful, and although technology has changed this means of connecting with people, it has not, and so we need to find a way to take this technique and apply it to this technology in a way that still powerful that's still going to change people's lives and make the world a better place. The last part, the part that many of you made it maybe didn't think about the part that most people for sake, uh, almost the most important part behind the headline and probably more important than the lead is the ps. Why do you think the ps is so important? It's less than we see, you know, lots of studies have been done about this, but the bottom line is not everybody's going to read your email there arejust subject, they're goingto skim some of it almost everybody that gets the butter email it's kind of kind of read that p s because it's easy, it's, simple and it's sort of like a oh yeah, I guess I could read that it's one line that stands out, and they're gonna read it, most people will read the ps and so this is a great way to not just add something new but in some ways to kind of recap what you just talked about oh, by the way, you know that video is talking about here's the link to that again just in case you see you know have scroll up or the p s is a great place for remember when I asked you what you're thinking about this I really meant it reply to this email right now and I will read it that is powerful because the last thing that they see and they go oh he's he's serious about this so a ps especially when you're selling is a great time to reiterate you could buy this now this offer goes away at such and such a time it creates that urgency it's the last thing that people see and for many readers it's one of the only things that they see so put your most important information into your ps and don't neglect using it in every newsletter I use it every newsletter so a really quick question from an a she wants to know if closing the email by giving them something to look forward to in the next one is an appropriate method out just great a great idea great question we didn't we didn't talk about that, but you know an important part of permission marketing of this framework that that we're using is anticipation and so if you're writing a siri's, what you could do is you could say next week we're going to talk about such and such or you could say, you know, I'm thinking about writing whatever what do you think there could even be sort of ah dual combination of here's the called action and here's the promise of what's to come but there's but depending on what you say, I might change this but yeah, absolutely too if you know what you're going to write next, then that would be a great opportunity to sort of tease that great point okay, so after we've done all of this, we've written this all out what do you think comes next sending before we send we want to edit and so it really easy way to do that is to just review what we've talked about, so write a good subject line so when you're first starting, just write some some garbage subject line right something that's uh that's just going to describe what you're going to talk about and come back to it later this this process that we went through how somebody reads this is how I write it so I write the subject line I hope it up with the greeting of course ana right the lead which is usually tied closely to the subject and then I write the body and the body is usually whether it's listed out as main points or not there's a few points that I'm making and even if it's a story, I might tell the whole story and then at the end there there's there's an application there were a few takeaways and this is an important you're not just writing something and I just throwing something out there you wanna walk people through process? You want to persuade them with reasons you want to encourage them with tips you want them tohave stuff that will linger in their mind long after they're done reading the newsletter I like working in threes I know that can kind of become predictable, but I never forget three things I sometimes forget five things I can always remember seven things not sure that I could recite all ten commandments right now. Uh, but I couldn't remember three things and most people can and so the law of threes is a good way to start and if you need two or five, you know, like that's fine, but if you don't want to start think what three things that I could talk about or what's the beginning middle and end of this process that is your body and so when you go back and review those main points is a clear what I'm talking about here are the takeaways or is it just a bunch of information that isn't necessarily applicable that goes for whether or not you're teaching something, you're persuading something you're showing them how your product works goes for a lot of different things, so don't think that this is just about I'm teaching you how to do do something there needs to be points if you're if you've got a net see shop and you just created this craft, you could say here the different steps that I went through to bring you this thing and then the called action is isn't this cool combined probably come up with a better call action than that, but you get the idea, so you're going to go through. You're going to review this and make sure it makes sense to the reader. Uh, so you've got that lead. You've got those main points, you're going to close, you can t something that's going to come, you can call the reader to action and then oh, forget that p s where you put your most important stuff, whatever you want the reader to do reiterated in the ps, don't introduce something new. Uh, call them to action, remind them where they can go, invite discussion, do something that's going to linger, or maybe sometimes you go p s don't forget it's all about this, this and this, and those are the three takeaways, and then you're done so whatever you want them to dio you want to review that in the ps and so once you've done that you go I feel good about this that it is time to make that scary choice of hitting send and we've already done that once and it was very scary on and it will always be scary I never don't feel nervous, you know, there are certain things about, um, the important work that are always scary that never go away and sharing a message with the world I know we're talking in grandiose terms and maybe some of your just thinking I just kind of wanted to learn how to have an email newsletter uh but your leaders don't feel that way thinking guarantee you that your readers want help, they want what you have to offer, they don't just want a product, they want a business, you know, they want to succeed uh they don't just want tio they don't want to learn how to have a better marriage. They want to know that there's hope you know it's not just about the technique that's what we're teaching or sharing or delivering it is about the emotional connection that they have to your content and so I guarantee that there are people who need to hear what you have to say that air that air feeling like this is do or die big picture stuff and so you wantto be careful uh going through this process but at the same time be brave be careful but be brave and put that out there send that email because every time you do that you get a little bit better and as you do that you get mohr and mohr inspired I the only way that I know how to get better is by doing work failing at it and trying again and so when you start sending these newsletters you're going to go through that process and so I want to challenge you guys I mean you have all of the tools available now you know we've walked you through how to do it you know how to do it some people watching online probably have already set it up it's time to do it it's time to take action what I don't want is I don't want you to go home with all this information your head and say ok in a few weeks I'm gonna take care of that you won't I mean maybe eventually someday you will but you have time and opportunity to do that now what I want to challenge you to do uh by the end of the day a day before you go to bed is to write that first email because we now know how and send it because once you do it this is may being tricky because once you do it you're going to have to do it again, and until you do that first one, you're gonna wait and wait till its perfect wait till you have more than one reader. Uh, and I want to encourage you to hit send now, because once you do it, you've got a reader and they're going to go, okay? Where's number two and there will be this expectation and it's a beautiful expectation where people want to hear more of what you have to say, and you begin to create that consistency and, you know, we're going to talk more about that in the next session. How often do you send what kind of content do you said? I mean, this is that is how we create it, but really, what does that look like? Toys and link started this tell you that we'll talk a little bit more about that next, but what I don't want, I don't want excuses and I don't want you tow wait for everything to be perfect. I want you to hit send if you haven't done that in your first email because it will make a second and third one easier and better, and people often ask me when when should I write a book? You know, or what kind of you know, I've got all these ideas? Which idea? I pick to write first, and I always tell them right the worst one first, because you're only going to get better right? And hopefully you're only going to get more readers. And so don't think of the most amazing first newsletter to send. Think the worst one you could possibly say start very low, do your best, but do your best worst do your worst best, uh, so that you get started and so that the next one could be worth a little bit better. Not quite as worst is the is the worst one, and you will improve with time and practice and feedback from your audience. And remember, this is not called good at email and newsletter marketing, it's called effective. So what works for me doesn't work for you. What works for joe bob doesn't work for you. You have to find what works for you in the way that you do that is by doing it and giving people opportunities to respond, take action and then to measure that response and adjust as you go.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I really enjoyed this course. Jeff did and does a great job. Very nice flow and interaction with participants and questions, great content, relaxed yet authoritative. Jeff has a nice presence and his humility makes him easy to receive from. I was equally impressed with the general flow through the program. You could tell Jeff was well prepared, comfortable and believed in what he shared. I also want to give kudos to the CL team for being top shelf hosts and creating an environment conducive to this type of learning program. A great big thank you to the hosts, the team, Jeff, and the chat room facilitators! WELL DONE!! Kurt Poole
William Emmons
This is a wonderful course and enjoyed it very much. Covers so much material in an interesting and easy to understand way. Great for both the person just starting out and a great review for those more experienced. Definitely cover the A-Z of getting started and maintaining your mailings. Love the resources they talk about and recommend for getting started. Loved the interaction with the live inhouse group and also on the chat room. Great response. To sum it up in a few words.... RICH AND FULFILLING! Thanks to Jeff and CreativeLIVE for a job well done. William Emmons @
Jemma Pollari
I love Jeff's teaching style and applicable information and this course was no exception. For me, the set-up information was longer and more detailed than necessary, as I already have a list set up. The "effective" part of the course was much more useful at my level. I was able to get some good strategies to implement for my email marketing. This is definitely a great course to go with if you have no idea where to start with on email marketing because of the focus on getting set up from absolutely nothing. If you are looking for a more extensive pathway to success reaching beyond simply starting the email list and getting it going, I would recommend Jeff's course on here "Starving to successful: how to become a full-time writer." Even though the name talks about being a writer it's excellent info for anyone in the content creation space. Ryan Deiss' "Launch a profitable digital marketing plan" (also on CreativeLive) is another one I'd recommend as an excellent follow-on to more advanced concepts from this course.