Customizing Sharing Web Pages
Lesson 31 from: Editing and Organizing your Photography in LightroomJared Platt

Customizing Sharing Web Pages
Lesson 31 from: Editing and Organizing your Photography in LightroomJared Platt
Lesson Info
31. Customizing Sharing Web Pages
The Lightroom Ecosystem
08:33 2The Tour de Lightroom
07:49 3Image Organization
05:20 4Finding Your Images in Lightroom
14:28 5Lightroom's Right Hand Panel
13:43 6Lightroom's Lower Panel
13:03 7Setting Lightroom Preferences
18:57 8Adding Images in Lightroom
06:46Adding Metadata to Your Images
06:32 10Lightroom Cloud vs Local File Management
11:35 11Selecting Images in Lightroom
16:49 12Adjusting Images: The Light Panel
23:09 13Adjusting Images: The Color Panel
17:30 14Adjusting Images: The Effects Panel
12:47 15Adjusting Images: The Details Panel
09:50 16Adjusting Images: The Optics Panel
10:16 17Adjusting Images: The Lens Blur Panel
15:16 18Adjusting Images: The Point Curve Tool
09:17 19Image Enhance: Noise Reduction
16:31 20Image Enhance: Details and Super Resolution
05:05 21Image Merge: HDR
11:50 22Local Adjustments
10:47 23The Crop Tool
09:51 24Image Merge: Panorama + Full Image Edit
16:25 25Masking and Retouching
11:54 26Range Masks
07:46 27Creating Adaptive Presets with AI Masks
10:24 28Importing Presets
04:34 29Retouching Brush: Clone, Heal, Remove
09:53 30Sharing Your Images
13:05 31Customizing Sharing Web Pages
08:44 32Conclusion
01:25Lesson Info
Customizing Sharing Web Pages
1 Now if you've created a website through Lightroom 2 and you want to do some additional work on that website, 3 you can always go to the website, click on Share and Invite. 4 So go to that album, click on Share and Invite. 5 And when you're in there in the Customize area, 6 you can actually customize that website quite a bit 7 by clicking on Customize on Web. 8 So when I click on that, 9 it's gonna open up that particular album on the web. 10 When you get to that particular album on the web, 11 you actually have some controls down here 12 that help you determine what that website's gonna look like 13 and what it can do. 14 So in this case, I'm gonna change it to a light website 15 and I'm gonna use a different style 16 so that it's got the side-by-side shots, the bigger shots. 17 I like that better. 18 And then I'm going to open up this little chevron here. 19 It's allows me to change the title to the website. 20 I can also use a cover. 21 So I'm gonna choose a hero shot as the cove...
r 22 and click on that. 23 So now if I go to the top, 24 you can see that I've got a hero shot up at the top. 25 Once I have that hero shot, 26 I can go over to the top right-hand corner, 27 you see that little icon? 28 If I click on it, I can kind of renegotiate. 29 Let's do that. 30 So now you see the title to the website. 31 You see my images on the website. 32 If I wanted to change this image to be the hero image, 33 all I have to do is go up 34 to the top right-hand corner of it, checkbox it, 35 and then I've got all of these options here 36 that I can do with this photo. 37 So in this case, I can set that as the cover. 38 And so now it is the cover up here, 39 but I'm gonna have to renegotiate the way it looks 40 and hit Apply. 41 There we go. Now that's the cover for my website. 42 Now in addition to that, 43 I can create what's called a proofing site. 44 So when I click on this other button down here, right there, 45 when I click on that, 46 it allows me to create what's called a proofing site. 47 And once I click on that, 48 you see that there are no proofing images here 49 'cause it's not been enabled. 50 So you gotta go over the top right-hand corner 51 and click on this little button. 52 That enables it, 53 and now there's a link 54 and you can actually limit the number of images 55 that someone can choose. 56 So I can say, "I am only letting you choose one image." 57 And so that's the only, they can only choose one image. 58 Copy that. 59 If send this link to somebody, 60 it looks a little bit different. 61 It looks like this. 62 And they can click in and look at the images. 63 And then when they click on one, 64 so they click on this little check box, 65 that's the one they want. 66 But if they go to the next image, 67 so if I go to the next image, 68 and I try and choose it, it says, 69 "Nope, you can't do it. 70 You've already chosen your one. That's it." 71 And so they can still make comments over here 72 and they can choose up to one image. 73 But I could give them the option 74 to choose 32 of those images if I wanted to. 75 But it's a really beautiful system. 76 Very simple, very easy way for people to select images. 77 And then those images, once they select them, 78 when you come back to your web version, 79 your web portal of that site. 80 So from Lightroom, you would just come back to that album. 81 They call you and say, "Hey, I chose my image." 82 You just go to that album, right-click it, 83 go to Share and Invite. 84 And then once you're there, go to the Customize 85 and click on Customize on the Web, 86 it's gonna open it up for you. 87 Once it opens it up, go down to the Proofing area, 88 this little button right here, 89 and wait and there is the selection. 90 You know exactly which one they chose. 91 And if you say, "Okay, they chose this one. 92 So I'm gonna give it a five star." 93 That's it, once you close this down, 94 if you go back to Lightroom, 95 one of these is gonna end up with five stars on it 96 in just a second. 97 There it is right over here. 98 That's my five star image that the client chose. 99 So it's a really great way to work back and forth. 100 Now the final way that you can share a set of images 101 is through Adobe Portfolio. 102 Now, Adobe Portfolio is a whole topic 103 for an entire nother workshop, 104 but it's a free website creator 105 that you have access to because you have access to Adobe. 106 If you're paying for an Adobe subscription of any kind, 107 you have access to Adobe Portfolio and it's free. 108 So you can build a website, 109 you can build five websites if you like, 110 and you can post your images directly from Lightroom. 111 So the way you do that is another connection. 112 So you see that it's called Adobe Portfolio, 113 right up here in your connections, 114 you can drag an entire set of photos 115 right into Adobe Portfolio, 116 or you can share an entire album like this self-portraits 117 by just going over to this top left-hand area 118 where the triple dots are, click on it, 119 and say Share to Adobe Portfolio. 120 When you do that, it will send the entire set of images 121 to your website on Adobe Portfolio 122 and allow you to use those images 123 inside of your portfolio website. 124 Very simple. 125 I'm not gonna go into it 126 because it's a whole different workshop. 127 But that's a connection point. 128 So all of these connections allow you to share your images, 129 but the most important thing about any system, 130 Lightroom or otherwise, is once you're done with the images, 131 can you find them and is it easy to share them? 132 And so that is why, at the beginning of this workshop, 133 I taught you how to find images. 134 You can find images by date, 135 you can find images by the type of image 136 or what camera you used or any of these criteria 137 even focal length or f-stops or ISOs 138 or whether or not you had the flash turned on. 139 So you can find your images even by people. 140 You can go over and click on a people set 141 and you can look for people that you have photographs of. 142 Or you can come down to the Albums area 143 and you can click on a specific album 144 that you know things happen to be in. 145 If you find an image 146 and you wanna find more of those images 147 that were shot on the same day, 148 all you have to do is click on an image, right-click it, 149 and say Show Photos from that Same Day. 150 There they are. 151 If you click on an image and you say, 152 "I know there are other images like this 153 in a album somewhere," 154 I just simply go to that image and go to the Info panel 155 and there's all the albums where this image 156 is part of those albums. 157 So now I can say, 158 "Okay, I'm really interested in Hallstatt." 159 So now I click on, there's all my Hallstatt images. 160 So there are so many ways to find including AI finding them 161 just by typing in a search for a swan. 162 There we go. And there's my swan in Hallstatt. 163 And so I found the image that I want to share 164 and now I can share it. 165 That's why we went through the whole process 166 of finding images, making sure your images are organized, 167 and then you can adjust your images to your heart's content. 168 And then you can organize them into albums. 169 But in the end, finding them and sharing them, 170 that's what it's all about. 171 If you can't find your images, you have a problem. 172 And if you're not sharing your images, 173 that's an even bigger problem 174 because you're a photographer.
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Ratings and Reviews
Ross Copperman
Jared really does have a fantastic style. His pace and articulation are perfect for following along and the detailed editing of the videos, themselves, makes it really easy to absorb. Well worth the clams, for sure.
Tim Byrne
Great job, Jared! You have delivered a master class for anyone beginning a journey into Lightroom, presented in absolutely clear and relaxed style. And for those with more experience with the program, every old dog can learn a few more new tricks. Teaching software is tough. Jared does it by breaking down each function and including not only the what, but the how and why as well. And each step is amplified by crystal clear photos which are manipulated with the function at hand. Bring a pad of paper, some snacks, and a cup (or two) of coffee. He is relentless in his presentation. You might watch this course as a freebie, but buy it to be able to refer to it for specific steps and processes. I've been using Adobe products since the mid 1990s and this is the best instructional presentation I've taken. ABSOLUTE WINNER1 Thanks, Jared
Caroline Faure
Really good class!! A lot of classes I've taken thus far have gone too fast or had an instructor that just tells you everything without you being able to actually follow along with your hands on the software. I learn best by doing... not just listening. With this class, it was easy for me to split the screen and do everything the instructor did - and really learn in the process. I will definitely watch for more classes from Jared Platt!