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LRC Adjustments: The Point Color Tool

Lesson 17 from: Editing and Organizing your Photography in Lightroom Classic

Jared Platt

LRC Adjustments: The Point Color Tool

Lesson 17 from: Editing and Organizing your Photography in Lightroom Classic

Jared Platt

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Lesson Info

17. LRC Adjustments: The Point Color Tool

<b>In this lesson you will learn how to use the Point Color Tool in Lightroom Classic.&#160; This is one of the coolest new tools in Lightroom and will allow you to solve almost any color problem you might have in your images.</b>


Class Trailer



A Tour of Lightroom Classic


Importing Images into Lightroom Classic


Selecting Images in Lightroom Classic


Importing Metadata and Catalogs into A Catalog


Organizing Images in Lightroom Classic


Adding Metadata to Your Images in Lightroom Classic


Bonus: Impossible Things AI Plugin


Lesson Info

LRC Adjustments: The Point Color Tool

1 So the tone curve is a new tool that well, 2 it's not new to Lightroom, it's new to our class here. 3 And I want to describe what the tone curve has to offer. 4 So if you look at the very top left hand corner 5 of the tone curve, you'll see that it has 6 that target adjustment tool, just like the other 7 target adjustment tool that we've already talked about. 8 And I can click on that target 9 and then I have the same target up 10 and down scrolling option here, 11 and I can just point at any given tone. 12 So like look at the highlights in the clouds here, 13 and if I grab that tone and just start scrolling up 14 or down, I am creating a curve based 15 on a pin that is stuck in that specific tone. 16 And you can see that the tone was registered here in the 17 tone curve way up at the top. 18 So that's the highlight. 19 So it's really easy to see 20 and I'm gonna hit Command Z to undo, it's really easy to see 21 where your tones are on the tone curve. 22 I can also point down in th...

e shadows 23 and you can see that the shadows in the trees, 24 if you look over at the tone curve, the little point is kind 25 of hovering wherever the tones are, I'm pointing at. 26 And so even these darker tones on the trees here are just 27 mid tones, which is great for fog. 28 So that's wonderful, that's what we want them to be. 29 You'll notice here though, 30 that these shadows in these trees are a little too deep. 31 And so I can just grab this and roll them up a little bit 32 and that helps to soften those really deep shadows. 33 And then I can go to the highlights 34 and roll them down just a little bit. 35 And that kind of even more creates a lack of contrast 36 so that it looks even more foggy. 37 And I can see what I've done so far just 38 by clicking on the backslash key. 39 So I'm just gonna go like this 40 and this, you can see it's a little bit more snappy when 41 this is the before. 42 And then this is the after. 43 So I've got a little bit more foggy nature going on here. 44 And I like that, the other thing that we can do is instead 45 of just looking at the tone curve as shadows 46 and highlights, we can also look at it in the red, 47 the green, and the blue channels. 48 So if I go to the red channel 49 and I grab onto the middle of the tone curve 50 and drag it, you'll see that I'm changing the curve 51 of the red channel, which means 52 that I'm getting either more cyan or I'm getting more red. 53 So I can control each individual channel. 54 I'm gonna hit the undo. 55 If I go to green, then it's green or magenta, green 56 or magenta undo. 57 If I go to the blue channel, it's blue or yellow. 58 And this is where this channel would be useful to us 59 because these are kind of natural colors 60 that we might find in this scene. 61 So I can grab onto the bottom of the curve and grab that 62 and bring it up. 63 See, I'm bringing up the curve itself. 64 I'm not making it a curve. 65 I'm just taking the straight line up so that 66 black doesn't equal black. 67 And let me explain it a little bit easier in 68 the actual tone curve. 69 So if I right click and reset this channel 70 and just grab the black point here on this curve 71 and I bring it up. 72 Now black can only equal 50% gray. 73 So the deepest black can only be 50% gray. 74 It kind of puts a level on it puts a block 75 so it can't go below that. 76 And then I can take the white 77 and say, white can only equal 50% gray. 78 And now we have 50% gray. 79 So that gives you a really good idea of what you can do 80 with these little points at the front 81 and the end of the curve. 82 We don't necessarily have to only be working on a curve 83 where we bring up, you know, the shadows 84 and bring down the highlights. 85 We can also go into the blue 86 and I can say I want all of the shadows to be more blue. 87 So now the deepest shadows are going 88 to be more blue than they are yellow. 89 And then I can take the highlights 90 and I could say, I want the highlights 91 to be a little bit more yellow than they are blue 92 'cause presumably the sun coming 93 through would give you a little bit of warmth, 94 but I don't want to go overboard on that. 95 So I would take it down just a click or two. 96 So I went from 255 to 251 97 and it just gives a hint of warmth coming through 98 these shadows and I can actually take my shadows 99 up even more. 100 See that, so this is a really nice way 101 to add a color effect over the top 102 of your color image rather than just going into the basics 103 and playing with temperature intent. 104 You have a lot more control 105 here in the color channels 106 of the tone curve over very specific gradations of color.

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Ratings and Reviews

Maarten Barckhof

Wonderful. I am a (very curious) amateur photographer and for me this was all really interesting. Clearly spoken, nice examples, very educational indeed. Some doubts about making (too?) many changes in photos with generative AI, changing color, etc.: where does editing of a real word picture change into painting and creating something non-existent? And in some lessons the transcript (and subtitles) are missing. For people not having english as their mother language they are sometimes quite helpful. All in all: very recommended!

Sabrina John

This class by Jared Platt is incredibly comprehensive and invaluable for both beginners and advanced users of Lightroom Classic. His insights into organizing and editing are game-changing. Speaking of organization, for those looking to streamline their utility bill management, especially MEPCO bills, I highly recommend checking out the MEPCO Bill Payment service. It makes tracking and paying bills straightforward and efficient.

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