Replacing The Sky
Lesson 9 from: Editing 360 Degree Photos in Photoshop & After EffectsChris Converse

Replacing The Sky
Lesson 9 from: Editing 360 Degree Photos in Photoshop & After EffectsChris Converse
Lesson Info
9. Replacing The Sky
Class Introduction
01:43 2Software You'll Need
00:36 3A Brief Intro To After Effects
01:54 4Class Materials
00:56 5Isolating The Tripod Area
07:17 6Seamless Tripod Removal
02:04 7Replacing Tripod From Bottom Of Sphere
03:37 8Retouch And Reset The Panorama Center Point
03:39Lesson Info
Replacing The Sky
Now we're going to replace the sky in this image which is really blown out from this overcast day with another 360 sky that I took on a different day. So to begin, let's go to the file menu with are like more retreat modified PSD file open. Let's come down and choose place linked from the exercise files. Let's go into the original files. Let's choose sky dot jpeg and then click place, press return and this will make a new smart object file in the layers panel. Now the sun was right about here and we're gonna be adding a son to our image just to the right of the house. So the first thing we'll do is use the offset filter to move the sky so that the hot spot here is matching where we're going to place our son. So with the skylight is selected. Let's go down to the filter menu. Let's come down to offset. And what we're gonna do is set the horizontal offset to negative 1300. Set the vertical to zero and make sure we have wraparound turned on. We can see the hot spot here is going to be abo...
ut right there. Let's click OK, next, let's grab the slayer and move it to the top with the layers selected. Let's come up to the image menu. Let's come down to adjustments. Let's apply hue saturation. What we need to do here is de saturate this image so it looks more natural in the original image. Later on, when we add the sun and do color adjustments, we're going to enhance the entire image which will bring back some of this color. So in the saturation, let's come down to lightness. Let's bring this up to about 32. Then click. Ok. Next let's select the retouched layer. Commander controlled J to duplicate that layer. Let's move this above the sky. And then we want to set a blend mode on the retouched copy. So with this selected let's come up to the blend modes. Let's come down and choose multiply. What this will do is take the darkest pixels which will be all the trees in this area. And help superimpose the detail of the trees back onto the sky that we just imported. Next. With retouched copies selected. Let's come up to the layer menu. Let's come down and choose credit clipping mask that will clip the retouched copy layer into the sky layer. Next let's select the sky layer. Let's add a layer mask. Let's make sure that we have black and white on the foreground and background in the color swatches. Let's come up and select the gradient tool. Make sure the mask is selected. And let's come over here, let's get our cursor about halfway down the height of the windows. Let's click, hold the shift key. This is really important. We need to make sure that the gradient is a perfect vertical line so that the pixels match on the right and left. And let's click and drag up and apply a gradient mask so that might be a little high. Let me come back and just make that not quite as high. Do this to about right there next let's zoom up on the image with our masks still selected. Let's select our brush tool. Let's make sure that we have a soft brush selected. I'm going to make the brush rather large and we want to paint some additional masking shapes in here to get rid of the blue cast on the house so it's going to click a little bit near the edge, click and drag and just sort of paint that back in. I don't want that blue cast showing up on the green of the house and so now that we have the sky added to the image, let's come up to the file menu. Let's come down and choose. Save Once this saves. Let's close our Photoshop file and now we're ready to create a brand new after effects project based on this new modified spherical panorama and then add our special effects, including the sun and our colour adjustments.
Class Materials
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Ratings and Reviews
Rex Maximilian
In Lesson 8 I would highly recommend grouping the layers into a folder named "Components," then duplicate it and turn the duplicate into a smart layer. Then rename the smart layer "Composite," or something like that. Then turn off the group of layers leaving only the composite layer displayed. This way the files remains editable for future lawn/image cleaning. The way the instructor did it would delete all of the layers for potential future editing.
Miguel Marnoto
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