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A Brief Intro To After Effects

Lesson 3 from: Editing 360 Degree Photos in Photoshop & After Effects

Chris Converse

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3. A Brief Intro To After Effects

If you’ve never worked in After Effects before, then you’re in for a treat. I think this is one of the most fun applications to design in, and if you are familiar with Photoshop then you already know the basics. After Effects works the same way as other Creative Cloud design apps, including Illustrator and InDesign.
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Lesson Info

A Brief Intro To After Effects

if you've never worked in after effects before, then you're in for a real treat. I think this is one of the most fun applications to design in. And if you're familiar with Photoshop, you already know the basics and after Effects works the same way as other creative cloud design applications including illustrator and in design. In fact the main panels and after effects function the same way as panels and other applications. The only real difference is what they're named the timeline panel and After effects works like the layers panel in the other apps. The composition panel is similar to the canvas and Photoshop or an art board and illustrator or a page. And in design the project panel shows linked files just like a linked smart object in Photoshop or the links panel in both illustrator and in design. And finally, a pre comp or a pre composed composition in after effects works like a smart object in Photoshop or a symbol, an illustrator allowing you to have multiple instances of the sam...

e artwork throughout your layup. And as I mentioned after Effects works a lot like Photoshop in Photoshop we can apply effects to layers. Then specify the properties After Effects uses the same workflow to apply effects to layers in the timeline panel. Now, when you first look at the after effects interface it can be a little intimidating. But for this course we're only going to be using a few panels. The timeline panel which is where we'll find all of our layers, The composition panel where we'll create our layouts, the project panel which shows us the linked files as well as the compositions and artwork that we may have created and the pre camps that can be opened or closed from the timeline panel or open from the project panel. Now there are two more panels that you won't see in the other design applications that I mentioned and these are the effects and presets and the effect controls panels. The effect of presets panel works a lot like the filter menu in Photoshop where you browse and apply effects and the effect controls panel works a lot like the layer styles dialog box in Photoshop, where you set the properties for the effects you've applied. And so now that we've had a brief overview, the best way to learn is to dive in. So next we'll take a look at what's included in the exercise files and then we'll begin editing are spherical panoramic photo.

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Ratings and Reviews

Rex Maximilian

In Lesson 8 I would highly recommend grouping the layers into a folder named "Components," then duplicate it and turn the duplicate into a smart layer. Then rename the smart layer "Composite," or something like that. Then turn off the group of layers leaving only the composite layer displayed. This way the files remains editable for future lawn/image cleaning. The way the instructor did it would delete all of the layers for potential future editing.

Miguel Marnoto

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