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Hook Up Payment for WooCommerce

Lesson 15 from: Ecommerce and Accepting Payments on WordPress

Brian Wood

Hook Up Payment for WooCommerce

Lesson 15 from: Ecommerce and Accepting Payments on WordPress

Brian Wood

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15. Hook Up Payment for WooCommerce

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Hook Up Payment for WooCommerce

Products. There's a ton weaken, set up tell me, khun, put in there, the less thing. Next thing I wanna do is I just want to talk about setting up payment, and this really won't take much time. I got to be honest because we have to, you know, a lot of it's already set up for us, but if we're starting to set up our products starting to a little bit testing and what I'd like to do is I'd like to take it further and add the card, then maybe click check out to see what we can do. What we're going to do is faras buying things and actually processing credit cards and things like that. We're going to go back to wu commerce settings and take a look at this. So we go back to a commerce settings I briefly mentioned earlier that we have certain number off possibilities for accepting checkouts like fraction accepting credit cards. I go to check out here and take a look. Scroll down to the bottom you'll see that these air all of the different payment gateways he's there all the different ways that w...

e can accept payment for it if you look down here you'll see that we can do direct bank cheque payment cash on delivery paypal or credit card now papal by default is dead simple it's already set up for us. Okay, we just davis could go in and use a credit card or user account by it and they're done it actually goes to paypal to make the payment if we want to go in, what we need to do is we want to set up some settings here. So for instance for paypal check and cash on delivery there's not much to set but papal if I click on settings and take a look at it by the way you could see a little check mark in that status column I'll see you in a second. I'll go back that actually means yes under it actually means it's turned on okay, so if you go to each one of these and you'll actually see look right up here it's just kind of a fancy way to go each one of these settings papal, etcetera you gotta pay, pal it's already turned on. Well, you need to do is take a look here is you need to give it your email. This is your account that you set up. Okay, so I'm gonna set mining here don't use mine please I'm gonna get in orders all over the place all right um we can if we want to go in and set up e mails and different things now this is going to go kind of far here but we can use what's called people sandbox this plug in works awesome with it because with papal sandbox you've got to go in and set up this dev account with papal it's kind of it's a little more advanced but it allows you to do testing and they actually believe they will give you a credit card number like a fake number to use to kind of test so you could do that but it requires a developer account you can set up by clicking that link right there you also see things like receiver email if you have an idea token if you take a look right here if there is data transfer you look right there if you want to be able to take a lot of this stuff further you can do that we're not going to get into this stuff you guys if you want to send shipping details to papal I would do that you can say instead of billing it's up to you you could do that too and then the rest of this is really pretty pretty straightforward not going to touch a lot of this stuff I got to be honest the only thing you might work with is the guy, uh, the guy is to process refunds, and I hate to say it, but you're gonna have a refund or two, ok, and some time in your career selling stuff I have as well. If you wanted to refund it's kind of hard, you can't do it through the card system like this. You have to go, like, go to paypal and do it through them and it's a little trickier. But what you could do is if you set up your called ap, I credentials just look right here in this link, says a p d credentials. Go there to that link and take a look. Once you sign up for this thing and it's part of your account, they just give you much numbers. You just paste them in here and you, you do refunds with paper out it's actually pretty cool, it's not that hard to do. You just follow directions given number. They gave you paste in these these fields and you could do refunds so it's pretty cool. There's not much we have to do here I mean in the least you just got to give the tree mail for your account that's pretty much it if you want to accept if you see a payment method 00:03:58.875 --> 00:04:02. here like amazon or stripe or any of those other ones 00:04:02.84 --> 00:04:05. out there that you want to be able to accept there 00:04:05.49 --> 00:04:08. is going to be a plug in for that it's above and beyond 00:04:08.14 --> 00:04:10. what will commerce out of the box khun do okay and 00:04:10.74 --> 00:04:12. I'll see a little bit in the next section about just 00:04:12.56 --> 00:04:15. taking it a little bit further but if you want to 00:04:15.4 --> 00:04:18. accept credit cards without having to go through paypal 00:04:19.84 --> 00:04:22. this is pretty neat. But mastercard actually created 00:04:22.86 --> 00:04:25. this simplify commerce which is something you sign 00:04:25.1 --> 00:04:29. up for you gotta you gotta look at it okay for fees 00:04:29.5 --> 00:04:31. and percentages and all these kinds of things that 00:04:31.67 --> 00:04:34. they had taken out it's fair they do it but you can 00:04:34.92 --> 00:04:36. go in and enable this and you have to sign up and 00:04:36.95 --> 00:04:39. give a credit card no like kind of stuff and this 00:04:39.92 --> 00:04:42. allows you to accept payment credit cards, different 00:04:42.54 --> 00:04:44. things like that without having to go through paypal. 00:04:44.62 --> 00:04:47. This is actually mohr shopping card ish. Okay, because 00:04:47.67 --> 00:04:49. it doesn't go through the interface, but you have 00:04:49.81 --> 00:04:52. to turn it on. You have to set up an account with 00:04:52.07 --> 00:04:55. this company and then you give the information you're 00:04:55.05 --> 00:04:58. done you can start accepting, okay there's a lot of 00:04:58.08 --> 00:05:00. ways to accept payments and like I said in the next 00:05:00.4 --> 00:05:02. section we're going to take a look at maur options 00:05:02.71 --> 00:05:06. for doing payments but these are the big ones let 00:05:06.23 --> 00:05:10. me just go back over to check out options and the 00:05:11.39 --> 00:05:14. last thing I want to do here this just to mention 00:05:14.69 --> 00:05:18. uh it's important okay you're going to see down here 00:05:18.68 --> 00:05:21. that we actually have all the things that are turned 00:05:21.77 --> 00:05:24. on look at the status column here can you see that 00:05:25.39 --> 00:05:27. anything that has turned on is a checkmark the rest 00:05:27.82 --> 00:05:29. you're not going to use because it wasn't turned on 00:05:29.66 --> 00:05:32. you need to go to the settings to the right and turn 00:05:32.91 --> 00:05:35. that thing on okay so for instance the credit card 00:05:35.08 --> 00:05:37. payment acceptance just the credit cards without papal 00:05:37.55 --> 00:05:39. you've got to go turn that on by setting up accounts 00:05:39.54 --> 00:05:42. doing all that once that is turned on which you guys 00:05:42.19 --> 00:05:44. could do and I think this is actually pretty cool 00:05:44.49 --> 00:05:48. you can set a default payment method so you just selected 00:05:48.08 --> 00:05:51. I want maybe you want to direct people towards paypal 00:05:51.14 --> 00:05:54. or you know check or whatever it is all these different 00:05:54.27 --> 00:05:55. ones you can use 00:05:56.07 --> 00:05:57. just selected right there and that'll be the one that's 00:05:57.64 --> 00:05:59. highlighted by default because they can choose which 00:05:59.47 --> 00:06:00. payment methods they want 00:06:01.62 --> 00:06:04. last thing I do want to say here before we kind of 00:06:04.36 --> 00:06:08. end this section the were hooking up payments and 00:06:08.69 --> 00:06:11. I kept talking to you guys about setting up remember 00:06:11.07 --> 00:06:13. this ssl on security and all that stuff I made a big 00:06:13.7 --> 00:06:16. deal about it talked about it well if we're using 00:06:16.22 --> 00:06:20. paypal once again you know we need to not we don't 00:06:20.09 --> 00:06:22. worry about that because they're taking part of the 00:06:22.02 --> 00:06:26. credit card content credit card information okay but 00:06:26.12 --> 00:06:28. through the payment process if we decide to use credit 00:06:28.58 --> 00:06:30. cards or use another payment method or other payment 00:06:30.77 --> 00:06:34. methods if you take a look right here in this settings 00:06:34.86 --> 00:06:36. for the checkout process you're going to see what's 00:06:36.69 --> 00:06:39. called force secure check out 00:06:40.36 --> 00:06:43. now this is something that a lot of times when I don't 00:06:43.28 --> 00:06:46. know about you but when I go to a cart goto by something 00:06:46.58 --> 00:06:50. I look for the little green icon or little lock the 00:06:50.1 --> 00:06:54. little ssl signature that says https that you know 00:06:54.5 --> 00:06:57. there's other ways to do it but that this is secure 00:06:57.1 --> 00:07:00. it's sending a secure payment via some kind of encrypted 00:07:00.85 --> 00:07:04. data okay if you don't have that in your sight you 00:07:04.14 --> 00:07:08. can actually get well some people it's a trust issue 00:07:08.27 --> 00:07:10. in some cases it could also be a data stealing issue 00:07:10.29 --> 00:07:13. in other cases it depends on how far you take this 00:07:13.42 --> 00:07:17. but if you guys want to and they do suggest this you 00:07:17.24 --> 00:07:19. should use an ssl certificate you want actually go 00:07:19.6 --> 00:07:24. buy one okay now to get in as herself and it's actually 00:07:24.18 --> 00:07:26. it's not as bad as it sounds all the security stuff 00:07:27.96 --> 00:07:31. if you go to let me go back if you guys go to your 00:07:31.64 --> 00:07:34. host you're gonna buy the ssl through your host okay 00:07:34.78 --> 00:07:36. is all part of payment processing this last section 00:07:36.81 --> 00:07:40. here go to host bloo host goto anyone one whatever 00:07:40.31 --> 00:07:43. it is and you get into your admin ok you're into your 00:07:43.73 --> 00:07:46. your control panel a sense of your c panel you're 00:07:46.55 --> 00:07:50. going to somewhere in there find ssl I can almost 00:07:50.99 --> 00:07:52. guarantee it there's mine right there ssl 00:07:54.16 --> 00:07:56. you can do this through third party companies but 00:07:56.16 --> 00:07:57. a lot of times people will just buy them through their 00:07:57.75 --> 00:08:00. host because it's it's exactly a lot easier it depends 00:08:00.74 --> 00:08:03. on how big the site is in what you're doing but if 00:08:03.2 --> 00:08:04. I click on us to sell there 00:08:05.43 --> 00:08:07. it's gonna direct me around kind of my thing if you 00:08:07.54 --> 00:08:09. go to the ssl section your site like I said third 00:08:09.64 --> 00:08:11. parties khun sell this to outside of your server but 00:08:11.67 --> 00:08:13. then you gotta hook it up if you do it through your 00:08:13.39 --> 00:08:16. host if you look down here you can see that you basically 00:08:16.78 --> 00:08:19. just purchased this ssl and what it will do is it 00:08:19.57 --> 00:08:21. will say let's hook it up to your earl and hook it 00:08:21.91 --> 00:08:24. up to your specific site and we can tell which page 00:08:24.95 --> 00:08:26. is we need to protect and you're going probably protect 00:08:26.84 --> 00:08:30. like your cart page uh and you know your shopping 00:08:30.08 --> 00:08:31. cart page essentially that's pretty much it 00:08:33.67 --> 00:08:35. it might be a couple of hours you look on their like 00:08:35.09 --> 00:08:37. yes I need to secure that but you can see right here 00:08:37.31 --> 00:08:39. how much a month you can add to cart and you need 00:08:39.48 --> 00:08:41. to take a look at you know the different settings 00:08:41.49 --> 00:08:44. talked your host if you're not sure about an ssl which 00:08:44.98 --> 00:08:47. one you should buy if a three dollar one a month is 00:08:47.56 --> 00:08:49. good enough or if you two by the thirty dollars a 00:08:49.56 --> 00:08:52. month or whatever it is okay there's different encryption 00:08:52.06 --> 00:08:54. levels in different methods for doing this so talked 00:08:54.39 --> 00:08:56. your host about that it's a good thing and they have 00:08:56.88 --> 00:08:58. their wonder here it says that the car you just added 00:08:59.24 --> 00:09:01. they will install it they'll put it all in there for 00:09:01.38 --> 00:09:04. you associate it with the girl with the website and 00:09:04.56 --> 00:09:06. then what we could do is say let's force the ssl you 00:09:06.58 --> 00:09:08. could say let's use that certificate so tied to the 00:09:08.98 --> 00:09:12. actual earl to your website which is great so once 00:09:12.78 --> 00:09:15. you have that in there you can then safe or secure 00:09:15.62 --> 00:09:18. check out and this is kind of cool you could say force 00:09:18.09 --> 00:09:21. http when leaving check out you've got to be careful 00:09:21.06 --> 00:09:23. some browsers will actually show an error like an 00:09:23.18 --> 00:09:26. error message if you have this https the security 00:09:26.8 --> 00:09:30. thing set on every page in your website you got to 00:09:30.22 --> 00:09:31. be careful with that that's why they give you this 00:09:31.79 --> 00:09:35. option force back to http or not encrypted when leaving 00:09:35.84 --> 00:09:37. the checkout area. Okay. 00:09:39.48 --> 00:09:41. Don't turn that on my default, because if you don't 00:09:41.74 --> 00:09:43. have ssl it's gonna throw errors and do things like 00:09:43.8 --> 00:09:46. that, okay, so just leave it off until you get the 00:09:46.68 --> 00:09:49. sl installed the certificate, and you can kind of 00:09:49.96 --> 00:09:50. work from there. 00:09:52.19 --> 00:09:54. But there we go. That's. Pretty much setting up and 00:09:54.92 --> 00:09:57. working with, well, commerce. Getting it in there, 00:09:57.99 --> 00:09:59. getting it set up, getting a lot of the settings, 00:09:59.36 --> 00:10:01. doing some products and different things we can do 00:10:01.55 --> 00:10:04. on going through little bit of the payment and check 00:10:04.3 --> 00:10:06. out process up. Next. We're going to going to kind 00:10:06.93 --> 00:10:08. of take this a little further, and then look at some 00:10:08.56 --> 00:10:09. other methods for selling.

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Ratings and Reviews

Danielle Allen

I appreciate all of the knowledge that Brian offers. He has a wealth of knowledge, however he tends to "jump around" while speaking on a topic. For example, during the PayPal section, he spends more time speaking about other sites instead of just delivering the content. This made it a bit harder for me to follow along. I actually became frustrated. Overall, the course is useful but in the future, I recommend that he look at the topics and ensure that he sticks to the information we actually need.

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