What You Know About Weight Loss is Wrong
Lesson 4 from: Eat More, Exercise Less & Lose WeightJonathan Bailor

What You Know About Weight Loss is Wrong
Lesson 4 from: Eat More, Exercise Less & Lose WeightJonathan Bailor
Day 1
Day 2
1Chef Carrie Brown's Transformation
29:27 2Cooking Demo With New Recipes
30:46 3Class Introduction
16:28 4What You Know About Weight Loss is Wrong
21:42 5First Fallacy of Weight Loss
36:51 6What Determines Our Set-Point
08:38The Four Fallacies of Weight Loss
32:20 8S.A.N.E. -The Four Calorie Quality Factors
32:13 9S.A.N.E. Food Spectrum
35:18 10Eating More and Smarter
30:24 11Fat Myths and Protein Intake
16:31 12S.A.N.E. Eating Testimonial - Dr. Mike Keen
09:36 13The Food Pyramid Scheme
24:55 14Dietary Goals Report Inaccuracies
16:35 15Cholesterol Confusion
20:32 16S.A.N.E. Cooking Demo with Carrie Brown
37:43 17S.A.N.E. Cooking Demo with Carrie Brown Part 2
46:22 18Exercise Less to Lower Set-Point & Burn Fat
16:39 19Five Principles of Smarter Exercise
40:53 20S.A.N.E. Exercise Demo
25:05 21S.A.N.E. Exercise Demo Part 2
38:51 22S.A.N.E. Exercise Q&A
22:40 23Smarter Science of Slim Summary
17:18 24S.A.N.E. FAQs
22:30 25S.A.N.E. Lifestyle Testimonials
33:56Lesson Info
What You Know About Weight Loss is Wrong
Just how ineffective is eating less and exercising more because chances are we've all tried it and to be very clear we've all probably lost weight right and that's that's where some of the confusion comes in we watch television shows we see people do these extreme things, they lose weight and we see anything to ourselves okay? It must work well, what the research shows very clearly is weight loss is in the problem and if you think about it personally, weight loss is probably not what you're struggling with its maintaining health and fitness over time that's the hard part so how ineffective right don't ever take my word for it go to the data how ineffective is just eating less and exercising more a study done in the international journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders just got a quick side note here there is a journal called the international journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders those are the kinds of places where you find accurate information sort of general m...
ainstream stuff that's not so much right so if you're going to read things, try to focus on these these kinds of resource is it's hard and it's boring, but it works so international journey of obesity and related metabolic disorders did an analysis of eight hundred fifty four subjects so very large sample set between the ages of twenty and forty five so quite diverse and they found this is quoted directly from the study that lesson less than one in twenty was able to lose and maintain weight successfully and in fact ninety five point four percent of the participants we're not able to do this which yields a four point six percent success rate obviously that is extremely low but how low is it, jonathan all right here's how low that is to put that in perspective we all know that quitting smoking is very, very, very hard anyone who's tried to do it can speak to that anyone who knows someone has tried to quit smoking knows it's hard and there's a reason for that tobacco's a third most addictive substance in the world trailing only heroin and cocaine and it's quite close to cocaine. The american cancer society did a study on the long term success of quitting smoking cold turkey so no pills, no powders and potions, no patches, no counseling, no help nothing. What was the long term success rate of giving up the third most addictive substance in the world? Something we all know is extremely hard to do when we accept that we aren't like just try harder to quit smoking. We know it's really, really hard doing a long term success rate was for quitting smoking. It was five point five percent which is obviously low but for all the math wizards out there five point five percent is greater than four point six percent, so you are more likely to quit the third most addictive substance in the world without any help at all then you are to achieve your health goals via what I was taught as a trainer, what cathy was taught as a physician and what we hear about all day every day I personally think we actually have a moral responsibility to fix that and we're going to get into some statistics that hopefully will show you that this is about wei wei mohr then like a vanity and the number on the scale this is about people being broken biologically and emotionally because we're just being told like try harder like try harder and what we're being told is demonstrably wrong way have to fix that and we love innovation right? Like if for no other reason think about it think about it, ask your parents what they were told about eating and exercise is basically the same thing we're hearing today. Why that's ridiculous it's not like researchers have just been sitting on their hands after the nineteen sixties just saying you know what? We've got it all figured out we're just gonna pause no more research the research has happened but we still just get continued to be told eat less exercise more so people might be saying jonathan is reasonable however I know lots of people that ate less exercise more and achieved results and maybe some of the people watching are those people so first of all I want to say congratulations to those people because this is not a session to say like it's bad and you should stop eating less and exercising more if it's working for you if it's working for you if you're one of the fortunate let's call him the fortunate four point six percent be fortunate we'll just put a f there well that's the hold on that's that's indicating some negativity that I don't want to they don't get enough they're the fortunate four percent if you're part of the fortunate four point six percent congratulations what we're going to show you here one it will probably save you a lot of time but too for the other ninety five point four percent of us now we can achieve results too so that's great but think about that four point six percent success rate there's a single the law of large numbers which is basically if you have a big enough number a big enough sample set you can prove anything right so it's estimated that in the united states at any point in time there's about one hundred million people attempting to eat less and exercise more let's do some more math here for a second so again right turn on the television turn on the infomercials go to any local gym you will find people who eat less exercise more and it works for them and therefore will reasonably tell you to just skip lunch in addition to skipping breakfast because it works for them okay, so we've got one hundred million people in the us attempting to eat less and exercise more that's not a hundred million that is a hundred million ish masa romano's for all of our listeners who speak espanol all right one hundred million times point zero four six equals four point six million people so there are four point six million success stories four point six million testimonials on your favorite reality television show but what about the other ninety five point four million people right? So just think about that when you see that this works for some people one congratulate them that's great, but remember that there's a lot more people that it isn't working for. So while we're talking about large numbers let's talk about some more useful large numbers and when I say useful I mean in terms of motivation if if you look at the really any world philosophy or general psychology, we know that our motivation like we've probably heard the phrase a person with a strong enough why I can bear any how and if our why is like some arbitrary number on the scale or because like we think we need to look a certain way that's not a noble lie like when it's ten o'clock at night and you've had a horrible day and you don't take drugs but you need a an outlet you need something to relieve that so oftentimes you'll turn to things that we were now proving to be drug like sugar oreos. In fact, quick side note, speaking of drugs recent study showed university of connecticut that this fund white stuff was the camera is this the camera that's our what's up the white stuff in the middle of an oreo was actually preferred to cocaine by rats? Yes, so there's a reason that you like oreos? S o once you start to know things like this once you see that you've been lied to and that you've been manipulated and that this obesity diabetes problem is actually by many estimations one of the largest if not the largest problem we face is a global community, then not only will you throw your scale out, but you will feel a sense of passion and empowerment and social responsibility to change the way you eat and move your body that will enable you to do it for the rest of your life because it will make you feel better and not worse. So what do you what I'm talking about? So some fun facts we all like big fun printed fax the rate of obesity is more than doubled since nineteen, eighty doubled that's a that's a long that's a lot for only thirty years. This is one of my favorite. There are more overweight people alive today as there were a total people alive a century ago. Let that sink in for a second. The entire population of the world as of a century ago equals the number of us that are struggling with overweight today. Most heartbreaking is what we see with our young people because these individuals haven't really even been alive a long enough or faced enough stressed there's really no reason someone who's only been on this earth for less than five years, let alone forty million of them should be struggling with overweight, which is what we're faced with globally now and over weight is just one side of this right there's this potentially fatal disease, which has now become a bit more like the common cold in the united states called diabetes, which, again, is a potentially fatal disease. The rates of that potentially fatal disease and pre diabetes, the precursor to it have increased one hundred thousand percent in the last hundred years if the rates of lung cancer increased one hundred thousand percent in one hundred year time period like what? What do you think we as a culture would do about that, or like stomach cancer or breast cancer or prostate cancer? So anyway, so I get to whom so keep it keeping it going right? Obesity is now shortening average life spans more than all forms of accidents, homicides and suicides combined. So we talked about just ending suffering in the world there's a massive amount of suffering going on right now back to our little ones one in three one in three are overweight or obese now that's heartbreaking. But what is much more heartbreaking is that the research has shown that an overweight or obese child has at least a seventy percent chance off struggling with that for the rest of their lives. That's important right? Because we've been taught I mean think this is a this is in some ways this is sick children's food is defined by food that contains the things we all know are bad for us like that's what makes it on the kidsmenu what's the difference between adults cereal and kids cereal kids cereal contains things we all know kill you like way have to stop doing that right especially when these children like why don't mothers give their children cigarettes? Why? Because they know it will harm them for the rest of their lives once we have proven that the metabolic dysfunction the neurological inflammation that is at the heart of obesity because it's it's not a moral weakness it's not a failing it's a metabolic disease once we realize that inputs into our children give them a disease that will not only make their physical life harder but their emotional life harder we're going to talk about cigarettes a lot because we never give our kids cigarettes ever but even if like even if someone in middle school smoked, they wouldn't really get teased in fact, people might think they're cool I'm not encouraging you to smoke but ask a child who struggles with their weight like how easy it is to get a date to prom or like when they get picked for teams on the playground so we wouldn't give our children cigarettes but when they're predisposed to this condition that will affect them for their entire life way sometimes turn our head and it actually will affect them more because not only will it break them physically, it will break them emotionally we only get to be kids once let's not steal that from our children and I'm gonna bring this up don't worry like so but I've got a way rock bottom first currently for the first time in u s history today's children are expected to die at a younger age in their parents. I don't know what else really needs to be said right like that's never been true before and I'm not a parent myself but I can only imagine that if there's one thing a parent wants for their child if it was just one thing that they should live a longer, fuller life than their parents in the world we live in that we have the power to change is for the first time ever, not that world, so we need to change it. Speaking of changing things and getting a little bit less emotional little more economic obesity and diabetes globally is costing us nearly two trillion dollars to put in perspective that magnitude of economic burden, because when numbers get that big, they start to lose all meaning to put in perspective the magnitude of that burden let's again contrast this with tobacco, the u s incurs about ninety billion dollars of healthcare costs for tobacco per year for diabetes alone, diabetes alone, we incur about one hundred and forty billion dollars per year in health care costs. So again, smoking bad continues to be bad. The message here isn't smoking really isn't that bad for you? Is everything that we think about cigarettes and everything we do to protect people who can't protect themselves from cigarettes. We're now living in a world where things that are sold in schools are harming our society and our citizens and our economy more than smoking, and I get really, really amped up because a lot of the ways we've been taught to solve this problem actually make it worse. Like eating less and exercising more not only does it not really work but if you try to eat less and exercise more and you are one of the ninety five point four percent we're going to cover this and prove it out you're actually more likely to be overweight diabetic in the future like if you try to eat less and exercise more doesn't work you yo yo diet that's that's the worst thing you better off doing nothing sing then yo yo dieting so we have this horrible problem this horrible unequivocally horrible problem and we have been given recommendations what we're going to do for the next two days is show how those recommendations are wrong oh an alternate recommendation so for example more large numbers the national heart long and blood institute did one hundred fifteen million dollars study million dollars study on nearly thirteen thousand men with high cholesterol something we always hear about talk about read about in the media read about in the popular press the group that ate the healthy low fat low protein high starch diet for seven years had a seven point one increase in heart disease deaths it's not it's not a small samples it's not an anomaly that's crazy or consider one of my favorite cities of all time the national health institute seven hundred million at dr evil was like conducting this study one hundred million dollars of nearly forty nine thousand women for eight years dietary intervention that reduced total fat intake and the reason I keep bringing up fat is right we hear about calories and the reason we're told to avoid fatty because it supposedly has more calories and therefore will make us fat a dietary intervention that did reduce total fact intake did not significantly reduce the risk of coronary heart disease stroke of cardiovascular disease seven hundred million dollars study nearly fifty thousand women eight years pick up a magazine off the shelf today what will they tell you to do to reduce your two to reduce your risk of coronary heart disease disease stroke cardiovascular disease so you'd eat less fat why that's not what the research says let's keep going six years study on nearly thirty thousand folks and you'll notice my fund quotes here so this is again this is not jonathan paraphrasing this is from the study itself individuals receiving more than thirty percent of their total daily energy intake from fat did not have increased mortality current dietary guidelines concerning fat intake are thus generally not supported by our data keep going three more studies where if you combine them all together the track nearly three hundred thousand folks none of them none of them showed that increasing fat intake increase the risk of heart disease. In fact, the only conclusive finding across the studies with relationship to fat is that eating certain kinds of fat actually reduce your risk of heart disease and the harvard public school of health tells us that the intake of unsaturated fats was universally associating with the risk of heart attacks is not what we're told so again more ammo, more ammo this is from the chair of the department of nutrition at the harvard school of public health in regards to what we've been told to do to solve this global emotional physical and economic crisis the usda pyramid which now looks like a plate but it's the same basic guidance the usda pyramid is wrong it was built on shaky scientific ground and has been steadily eroded by new research from all parts of the globe. Some recommendations on diet and nutrition are misguided because they're based on an adequate or incomplete information not the pyramid. It is wrong because ignores the evidence that has been carefully assembled over the past forty years that's not from a celebrity that's from the chair of the department of nutrition at the harvard school of public health but what do we teach in schools? Why? Why right? We've got to keep asking why? Well, maybe we'll get into this a little bit more at the end of today or beginning tomorrow did you know that the food company unilever bought weight watchers the same day they bought ben and jerry's ice cream right? Or like philip morris that's a tobacco company they merged with craft general mills excuse me general foods and post that's all one company, so we're going to get into all kinds of exciting stuff over the neck two days, and really, we're going to empower you were going to empower you with a deep deep why, but also the how the very practical, how, but really, I think more importantly, the underlying model you've got to understand the underlying model, you have to understand your metabolism the way it actually works, not the way a fictional mathematical equation works in order to make it do what you wanted to do, right? That makes sense. So we're getting into the intro. We'll talk about this problem, and the problem is incredibly simple. We're gonna cover a lot of science, but the problem is really, really simple. Please don't turn this off right after I say it, but I'm going to kind of give away the farm right here, which is we've been told to think about quantity, quantity of calories in quantity of calories out, eat less quantity, exercise, more quantity, what we need to think about and what the research shows in which is much simpler, much more empowering and much more invigorating is to focus on quality it's that simple don't worry about eating less, eat mohr, but do it smarter. Eat higher quality foods. And, of course, we'll define that. As ken alluded to, we call them saying foods, we actually have a little spectrum behind me, of saying insane foods and also the quality of exercise, just exercise more false. The researchers unambiguous that for metabolic change, lasting metabolic change, you actually must exercise less, but smarter or with more safety and intensity, we'll talk about exactly how to do that.
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Ratings and Reviews
This course if phenomenal! I've been on a 20+ year journey of trying to find the solution that will help me achieve my body goals that I can stick to, without going crazy. I have tried everything (keto, paleo, low fat, weight watchers, dash etc). Jonathan goes over a massive amount of research to help you understand the 'why' of why these diets don't work longterm and how to eat in a way that's sustainable. In addition, I've always struggled with exercise. I was an athlete growing up but as an adult it's been very difficult to find something that I like and will stick to. This exercise methodology is perfect because it's fast, results oriented and doesn't take longer than 15 minutes. I've recommended this course to everyone who asks. It's absolutely brilliant and I'm so, so grateful!
Mila Petruk
It is the first time that I really want to leave a review on Creative Live. The course has touched me, although I am not new to the topic. But the ability of a knowledgeable person to base his lifestyle advice on science, his energy and wisdom are amazing. Thank you!
a Creativelive Student
This class was great - I love that it is presented as a framework so you can fit your own personal needs into it. Jonathan exhaustively covers the ideas, examples, and benefits of this strategy for better living.