Day 1
Day 2
1Chef Carrie Brown's Transformation
29:27 2Cooking Demo With New Recipes
30:46 3Class Introduction
16:28 4What You Know About Weight Loss is Wrong
21:42 5First Fallacy of Weight Loss
36:51 6What Determines Our Set-Point
08:38The Four Fallacies of Weight Loss
32:20 8S.A.N.E. -The Four Calorie Quality Factors
32:13 9S.A.N.E. Food Spectrum
35:18 10Eating More and Smarter
30:24 11Fat Myths and Protein Intake
16:31 12S.A.N.E. Eating Testimonial - Dr. Mike Keen
09:36 13The Food Pyramid Scheme
24:55 14Dietary Goals Report Inaccuracies
16:35 15Cholesterol Confusion
20:32 16S.A.N.E. Cooking Demo with Carrie Brown
37:43 17S.A.N.E. Cooking Demo with Carrie Brown Part 2
46:22 18Exercise Less to Lower Set-Point & Burn Fat
16:39 19Five Principles of Smarter Exercise
40:53 20S.A.N.E. Exercise Demo
25:05 21S.A.N.E. Exercise Demo Part 2
38:51 22S.A.N.E. Exercise Q&A
22:40 23Smarter Science of Slim Summary
17:18 24S.A.N.E. FAQs
22:30 25S.A.N.E. Lifestyle Testimonials
33:56Lesson Info
S.A.N.E. Exercise Demo Part 2
Question is about breathing throughout while doing exercises. So could you explain a little bit more at what point we inhale and exhale when it's the toughest part versus the easiest part holding the position? Do we hold the breath? Could talk about breathing? Absolutely so one with the eccentric exercise, especially when we're going very slowly breathing is is very important because if you try to hold your breath for a movement that takes upwards of twelve seconds that's that's very unhealthy, so don't try to do that. Do not try to hold your breath during these movements. In fact, what research has shown as eccentrically contracting your muscles as we talked about is very, very hard it's very, very intense, right? So I know this sounds a little bit silly, but what is the most intense physical activity? Ah, sir, uh, some people will ever experience childbirth. Childbirth is the most intense physical activity men can experience it, but that I would imagine a woman could ever experience ...
at least so I've been told, and from the videos I've seen looks quite intense. So when you think about how people breathe during very intense physical movement, such as giving birth that's actually very similar to the way breathing during east centric exercise can be done. It's this sort of rapid fire belly breath so it's a because if you try to do anything else to give you try a traditional like in traditional way trading it is fine to do according to some people a holding of the breath and then an exploding out and when a movement takes three seconds you I could do that but that's just a non starter if a movement takes twelve to thirteen seconds which is what an eccentric squat would take so you're really I mean you're going to look a little bit goofy doing it but you're gonna look really really good in three months so don't worry about it so so when you're doing any centric squat for example you would literally go I'm gonna do it for ten seconds and then you could just breathe regularly on the way up fan tastic we have another great question that we would love to hear so from foie gras and lb in atlanta way and and I photo lots of people want to know what does a complete workout session look like? So how many of each exercise do you do in a set? How many of these exercises would you do in one session? What does a complete workout look like? So remember, if you do already have a workout routine that you do, you can stick to that just make it smarter however, if you wanted a boy like if you just say, you know I want to get east centric I want to do the east centric workout routine that you, jonathan baylor, are recommending the general structure of that he's going to be one set to complete east centric failure per muscle group so for example, your legs what you would do is one set to complete e centric failure and generally I'd want you to use resistance that would allow you to reach completely centric failure, which means you can no longer slowly lower yourself concentric failure is you can't lift yourself e centric failure is you can't even lower yourself I would want that to take you six approximately ten second repetitions so it's really sixty seconds of what's called time under tension the reason this matters is, for example of you say, you know what? You know I'm good I'm strong I'm just gonna do a one legged squad and lower myself down you're like, ok, I'm too slowly lower myself down one too, okay, that was two seconds that's fine like I don't want you doing thirty repetitions to get to sixty seconds. It should take you six repetitions to get to sixty seconds off e centric time under tension and let's say that you are thinking maybe, you know my legs aren't that strong, so I'm going to do just a regular squat and I'm going to try to just hold myself here like I'm just going to try this hard as I can to not let myself sit down I'm just going to try to resist and you know you're watching and then you realize like forty five seconds and you're still here that you're not using enough resistance it should take ten seconds like despite your best efforts, like really a great way to think about eccentric exercise is you just want to not let the wait push you down right? So in a squat, for example, you're just trying as hard as you can ted not sit down, but despite your best efforts, your muscle is fatiguing and you are sitting down despite your best efforts not to it should take ten seconds for that to happen, and you should do it six times and then you would do that once per major muscle group. So you would do, for example, six ten second repetitions for e centric assisted squats and then you would do six ten second e centric repetitions for pull downs or let downs or for rose and then for push ups and then for a shoulder exercise so the general structure is sixty seconds of time under tension to complete eccentric failure per muscle group and I personally and we get into this and a lot more detail in the book the research I've done shows that you're going to get about ninety plus percent of the global metabolic benefit from doing legs back, chest and shoulders give you want to do caf specific exercise you can if you want to form specific exercise you can if you want to do crunches you can but those specific muscle groups worked in isolation are not you're not using enough muscle fibers to cause those hormonal changes were after so remember what we're talking about here is like not howto have great calves it's how to change your metabolic system and to do that you just need to work the vast majority of your musculature and to that point please don't ignore your legs like honestly if your arm is broken and you can do no upper body exercises but you could do on e centric squat or even an eccentric lunge and again I'm not gonna go through every possible leg exercise you could do is you're gonna find that online working from here tio here working your glutes your hamstring in your quadricep is going to activate upwards of sixty to seventy percent of the total muscle on your body so what that means is you're gonna get sixty to seventy percent of the metabolic benefit off any form of exercise in the east centric arena just from the leg exercises so please don't do what I call a a beach body workout which is biceps and chest but you're not you're not getting the metabolic results you're after in fact, if you were to pick one muscle group toe work it's this guy because that's the biggest muscle on your body so having a toned firm and let's call confident posterior is the single best thing you could do for your metabolism I don't think there are many people who would just like the looks confident way have a couple questions sure, absolutely so another one from our one from aaron I would love to hear give me suggestions for eccentric core exercises. Yep, so remember that really the thing that's so exciting about this just like with st eating is you can sanitize anything you can make any exercise mohr eccentric and it's also a fun play on words right? Because eccentric means kind of strange and weird but we're talking about e centric they're spelled the same way, but they're two different words so let's say for your abdominals there's a bunch of different abdominal exercises you could do more eccentrically right? So let's do simple first so my favorite one of my favorite at home abdominal exercises you could ever do and I'm gonna have to audio gods forgive me, I'm going actually can't alright hopefully I'm not gonna break the mike, but you know if we do it's live tv and it makes good life hell all right so what you're going yeah it's actually hold on a second. Got him of the mic okay can you still hear me? Okay good. All right, so how is a crunch traditionally done? First of all, I wouldn't ever recommend doing traditional crunches because they're really ineffective it actually working your abs but you're pretty much attention on your neck I don't want you to do that if you want to do a completely e centric like with really no concentric movement because it's very very difficult to do a concentric contraction in this way what I want you to do this is such a great exercise you're going experience sourness in your core that you've probably never experienced before and it's also great working your lower abdominals which is traditionally an incredibly hard area to hit I'm talking like right above your pelvis, right? So like right on guys, sometimes they call it the penis muscle it's like those muscles you see right down here, right? So what you're gonna do is you're going to get into a bit like a top of a crunch position heels flat on the floor palm's up, shoulders back chest out and if you're just getting started, I want you to put your hands behind your legs like this again don't roll your shoulders forward, keep them back, keep looking forward its own hyper extend your neck in any direction and just slowly lower yourself back you'll notice that you're gonna have to kind of move your legs out to counterbalance and oh my gosh you're going to feel so much activation your core as you're going down and then you can just get up however you want however you need to sit up but what you're trying to do is you're keeping all your weight on your cock six bone down here and you're really like the real way to do this when you went out in the real way I'm sorry the advanced way of doing this is really it's a balance activity where you're then slowly lowering yourself down like this you can actually see my core trembling because this is putting so it's demanding so much force of it and this is you can see this is the opposite of traditional exercise right? Traditional crunches are one hundred frantic concentric contractions where you really all you're doing is hyper extending your neck and hurting yourself you're not even activating your core if you want to activate your core why not put it and position like this and then you slowly again if you need help you can use it right here and you're slowly lowering yourself down and what you can again just try to do is hold just hold this position you'll notice that the closer you get to a plane the harder it gets and then to completion at the bottom row yourself up eccentric abs cool that's so great I think maybe one mohr kind of general subject area is for those of us who are just getting started with this who maybe need tto lose more weight are like just heavier in general how do you modify these? I mean you've given a little bit of explanation for that but where do you think people who are really just getting started and need and are not comfortable not confidence where do you recommend they get started so thank you so much for asking that question and actually if you don't mind dr kathy is great time for you to come up first and foremost I want to say it's these individuals for whom starting exercising and extras in this way is most important and it's these individuals who have been most underserved by the exercise community because telling someone who's three hundred fifty pounds if they need to go for a jog is is actually very unhealthy in very on city so they remind us a little bit of your background in this area well I'm a physician I'm a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation which is all about uh exercise and also dealing with people who have very significant disability is very significant physical impairments so we spent a lot of time working on special ways to exercise brilliant so let's say that this is I mean I'm so happy to have you in the audience so for for like a leg exercise what would be your recommended modification for someone who's really really struggling with their weight in just getting started with excess okay well first thing I want to say a shoes I want to talk about shoes because a lot of times people who are very significantly overweight don't treat themselves to a good pair of shoes and it's very important I mean these aren't grand but they have really good treads they fit well and they feel well so it's very important to be exercising and shoes that are not going to slip on a floor that is clean or in a carpet where you're not gonna have any chance of slip mint okay so just because you're not an elite athlete you shouldn't feel like you don't deserve zach nice shoes that will make sure they don't have to be two hundred dollars they just have to be good shoes that were well for you on then with the leg exercises sometimes people for example if they're very heavy they may be afraid of breaking a thing that they're holding on to to do they're they're a centric squat so I don't know if we can use a wall here I think we can we use which wall with me over here let's go over here. Okay um sometimes uh it's good and it's nice if you have a hallway so that you have a wall here in front of you on a wall in back of you but what you could do is take that's just little this's a foam roller it's available with wherever walmart sure you know wherever you want to buy it's not the same thing is one of those in noodles you use when you swim no no on it's a fairly firm foam and it costs about five, ninety five you know, but what we can do is so even you sorry you've got this you got this horizontally I've got this horizontally under behind my butt around show showed a good audience cool okay, I got this for us on when I do my squad, you remember what jonathan said we don't want our feedback here we don't want to squat with our knees going over our toes because needs particularly if we're if we're significantly heavy um our knees aren't any stronger on a on of three hundred fifty pound person than on one hundred twenty five pound person so we have to be really careful so we want to step fairly fairly significantly out from the wall lead back into the roller and then we can do very easily if we want to we'll have our legs our feet a little bit apart but do a very easy just to lake it's glass make sure my roller is going well over my microphone on then I can hold it asl ong as I need to and then come up or then if I wanted to have one like I don't pick up my foot but I could just put one leg behind a little bit, but I'm using it to stable is putting most of the of the weight here on my left leg and but I've got my wait behind and so I'm able to just do this very, very graceful easy squat with when I have very little um weight on this leg, but I'm I'm really working hard on your left leg here and then when I'm done and aiken about done now lift myself up with my two when cathy what I love about that right there is especially if we're if we're just getting started think about how empowering it is to no I mean, if anyone's ever done like a squatter a push up before and you're not a athlete, you know how uncomfortable it can feel tto be like, oh my gosh like, okay, I'm here like, what do I do now? I can't get back up what do I do? But if you're doing what we talked about with eccentric actualizing, what cathy's talking about here which is using one limb to help the other limb, you will never be in that position, right? Because even if you get down to the bottom and you're like I can't lift myself but that's okay you got a whole nother leg you could just step forward with and then bring yourself back up so you can feel safe and absolutely yeah so so it turns out this is my buddy I love you so that's for the legs anything for upper body for upper body cem cem really really cool things now these let's go out in front here in the light sees are not only good for lifting their good for handles because sometimes particularly afford not only very heavy people but for older people we have arthritis in our wrists on our hands okay so that if we're doing a push up or I will let down yeah sometimes using this toe hold on to rather than putting our hand flat out can be really useful for a wall push up and again can I turn my back on these folks sure I will explain you could look at my face and captain back so again I can I can choose how much work I do by how far I go out and it's nice again to do this in the hallway so that you have a good mind you this is a really good floor and I have a really good shoes so I'm going to put my my feet about us why does my shoulders and then what I can do is put these right here brilliant and then I can lower myself slowly down and you know just stay with my nose about an inch from the wall for us long assigned hunt on then instead of pushing myself back up I could just walk forwards I love that I love that I've got that I could see it it's like it's like with carrie's saying it's like we have recipes for exercise yeah where exactly these movements that otherwise would have been impossible for people they can now do and you can take your existing movements and made them even better and then if I want to make it a little bit more challenging or do you wanna give me that tears absolutely absolutely look at this dr kathy is breaking it down for us I love it yeah so I'm going to back up that chair right to the wall so slip here okay? Okay, now I'm not going to do this with this because I'm going to just just really quick before you do this I just want to show the folks in the camera why this was helpful so we're on the job quick so you notice right when you're holding this and using this as a grip your arm is in a much different position than if your arm was flat like this so you can imagine someone with arthritis and their risk this would be uncomfortable where as being in a more neutral position like this would not be right? Cool. All right, so what I could do with my chair is it's got to be a sturdy chair, but again I can go like this and I can hold on to this chair and I khun slowly lower myself and I could just wait until I've had enough and then just so let me just kathy's gonna do a bit of a testimonial and in segment four, but okay, so you said you were a size twenty w wait um in february of two thousand, so so so you've you've gone from a size twenty w to see what you see here and caring with carrie was just sitting here it's not like cary prepped herself, you know you're not a catholic she's catty like always going on and I get excited cathy is sitting here she's doing freaking eccentric push ups. I mean, how awesome is that without being really warm without getting warmed up? You're just seven, there are sixty seven I'm sixty seven, but I have some shoulder trouble now and then and so the but the push ups I can do them from the floor, probably not now, but I can do this from her, but I like to use my little my little waist they don't use them for anything else anymore because I have big weight so that if for this but they really helped me with my wrists because I'm also a musician and I really want to protect those risks but then the other thing is I don't do pull ups um two things I have my bar uh I do have a bar adore mounted martin and I have it right here oh, nice wait chin level so that I don't have to because it's not really necessarily safe for untold er person to be climbing upon cherry or if someone is for our somebody very, very heavy so I can just sink down that's see that's so great and I can lift my feet up if I want but I start right here and then I gradually sink down see this? This is amazing, right? So like dr kathy is showing how so dr kathy under students the sides of your positions you understand the science a lot better than many people but it's like you've done with exercise what carried it for recipes? You've taken these principles and found ways to adopt them to your unique circumstance in life and that's so cool. Yeah, I'm gonna tell you one more thing one more exercise band so it's cool exercise exercise bands I just want to jump in and say that the internet is rooting for you u n says how inspiring t l o says love doctor kathy wow go kathy's well thank you for sharing this with us because it is it's really inspiring um not everybody looks like jonathan not everybody goodness not everybody looks like well he's younger than my youngest child well and if you like dr kath you can actually get more of her in the smarter science of slim support group of some understand some dot com she's our community moderator so anyway yeah so but these these resistance bands are also great if for those people don't have to don't have a a place to hang a safe place to hang a bar and one of the things that last time my shoulder went out my physical therapist taught me because I was using the exercise is you can take up like a mega role that magazine and put it in a loop here put this on over a door and shut the door because a lot of times people don't have something toe hanging there you there but by doubting the role of magazine through there the door's closed here right so like the magazine can't sew a slowing is your door it is really so but you don't get monte you know that just but this is a really cool way to get what you need from the esther size bands again to two pans back and one hand forward and so really works well that's awesome we'll pay a round of applause for doctor thank you so much all right, well, so if we could get one more point of clarification suri, I love just on the concept of the full workout, right? So you do each different muscle group until you can't and then you move on to the next one. Yeah, so again from foie gras on a few other people so point of clarification we do, and it takes about ten minutes of exercise wanted two times per week because it takes a few days to recover or how many days a week, how do you figure that out? Absolutely, absolutely so one one quick thing I want to note as well. East centric exercise is very challenging, so make sure you're warmed up to write like so you don't want to jump right into one legged squad. Here we go cold, right? Like you'd want to do some regular squats beforehand to get warm and then you ease your way into the more intensity what you would do generally the standard routine for someone who's just getting started is one day a week you do the four major exercises so legs back, chest, shoulders till failure that takes about sixty to ninety seconds per muscle group, of course, there's going to be some warm up there's going to be some transition between exercises, but when it's all said and on the actual work time is about ten minutes so it's amazing you block off a half hour your day, you get it done and you're done with resistance training for that week because if you're doing it correctly, if you're doing it with sufficient resistance, if you're going to a complete, eccentric failure, your question the next day will not be how can this only how could this work if I only do it one day per week, but rather like, how am I going toe? Get up the stairs because I'm so sore and it's a good it's a healthy sore and then you're going to one other things that's one day a week that's a great segway into the smarter interval training because then you would you smarter interval training on a different day of the week, so I would say start not start a week, but whatever day it's monday, do you're smarter? Or do your e centric training? Wait two days, two, three days, then do your smarter interval training, then two to three days e centric training two to three days interval training when you get really advanced, what you'll notice is you actually have to cut out the interval training because you get so good at east centric ce that if you do intervals, you will not be able to do your eccentrics. Three days after doing intervals because your muscles didn't have enough time to recover because you're hitting them so adequately alright, so speaking of how to make cardio smarter and smarter intervals, let me show you how to do that right now. My preferred way to do this is on a inexpensive stationary bike I'm intentionally saying inexpensive because there are stationary bikes that cost two thousand dollars because they have a freaking multimedia display on them because we've been told we need to spend two hours on the bike and the only way a sane person could do that is by watching a movie or distracting themselves in some ways it's like being on a human hamster wheel it's incredibly boring you don't need that and you don't want that if you don't already own a bike, you would grab they have bikes on amazon for about two hundred bucks that air assemble a ble by anyone in about an hour I think carrie, you have one I have one cathy has won, you can grab when we have a same store on the smarter tonight's of slim dot com website. It just links to amazon's what has all of our recommended products so you can check that out smarter science slim dot com it's linked to their you want a h not a cheap but a non elektronik bike because the way you add resistance is mechanically and the reason mechanical resistance is important versus digital resistance like I set this on level twenty is for most bikes for example level twenty is the highest they go and you have to sit there and press the button over and over and over again whereas a mechanical bike has no upper bound to the amount of resistance you can add right because it's just metal on metal and you can also increase in decrease resistance very rapidly I'm hopefully not gonna break my mike but if I do we'll just make good tv so no way he would do smarter interval training first and foremost is you have to pick a device or a machine that is no impact not low impact no impact so people say like can I run smarter technically yes the way you would run smarter is by adding resistance though you would add resistance while running is by running on an incline or running at a faster rate or strapping a parachute to your back that's not our recommended approach because it's extremely high impact I want youto have ways to increase resistance without increasing any negative stress on your body because remember safety is priority number one cycle ing is come no impact at all and what I mean by no impact this resistance is really cranked up right now is you'll notice that when I cycle or when I used say an elliptical machine or rowing machine there's no banging or like sharp transition right when I jog my legs air hitting the ground and bouncing back up this is one fluid movement the traditional way you would do cardio on a bike is to find it some level of resistance that is really not hard because you have to do it for thirty to sixty minutes right that's not at all what you going to do here we're going to take the same time under tension approach and we're going to take the same increasing resistance approach or similar that we did with resistance training so like resistance training you need to spend some time getting warmed up generally the way you see intervals done is people would then recommend that you burst and you go on ugo really, really, really fast and that does work however it does increase risk if you take someone who's non athlete and you tell them to move their body very very quickly that can often be a recipe for disaster how else could we increase force while being on this bike? We could just crank the resistance up and we could crank the resistance up so high that no matter how hard we try to peddle no matter how hard we try to peddle we're pushing it we're pushing we have to stand up and we're pushing we're not moving fast we're trying to move fast but we can't and we're literally almost like doing one legged leg presses and one legged squats over and over again and at about thirty seconds you're like on then you stop at thirty seconds again not because you're lazy but because it's physically impossible for you to continue now if you want you could just keep going on the bike and do a bit of a cool down but you would get about sixty seconds to two minutes to completely catch your breath you will be completely winded when you finish this thirty second segment carrie you are nodding your head violently e I think you even had an experience at your house where you fed some of your saying foods to your friends and then they tried to do smarter interval training and smarter interval training right after eating a lot of saint food sometimes doesn't work so well right? Yeah one of them too go to the bathroom s oh yes make sure you don't get sane right before getting eccentric or smarter on the bike but the key thing so again it's it's going to be about three to six reps were a rep is one of these thirty second intervals worth it should take you thirty seconds to get to this points thirty seconds done right two minutes if you want to do two minutes on the bike you can what I like to do just to be really time efficient is to use the time in between sets to stretch just for me because I don't naturally stretch right, we do upper body stretches just general stretching after two minutes hop back on the bike repeat that so three to six thirty second bursts with ninety two two minutes in ninety seconds to two minutes in between so that you completely recover your breath. The reason I want you to completely recover your breath is because it's every single one of those thirty second bursts I want you to be able to maximized the muscular force and if you're out of breath, you're not going to be able to do that and that maximizing muscular force is an important point that's again why this is infrequent because if you do this what I just described correctly if you do smarter interval training correctly and at the end of thirty seconds you literally physically cannot move your legs anymore and you try to do that again the next day you will not be able to it's not because you're lazy it's because you're smart right it's taking you dramatically less time to get better results if someone's in a classroom when they finish their tests and they base their test in a quarter of the time it takes the rest of the students, they're not lazy, they're smart that's what we're doing right? We're just getting more done in less time because we're being smart about it, so answer the question day one do your eccentrics wait two to three days smarter interval training, two to three days repeat, and then once you get to the point where you notice that man, I did my smarter intervals three days ago, and I'm trying to do my eccentric squats, and I can't do them as well as I did them last time. You know that you haven't yet recovered from your interval training and don't ever train if you're not fully recovered, because you're not able to generate all the force we're dealing with it's like picking off that scab. We want to make sure that our muscles have healed after we helpfully break them down, or we're compromising the metabolic benefit. So that's the fourteen we do have a couple of questions on this for you, jonathan, we have people who have other devices, other other gear that they already own. We have, in addition to an exercise bike, could you do this on a real bike? What about a recumbent exercise, bike and elliptical? Are those things even apply the same practice, too? You khun, you can make any exercise smarter. There are some exercises which are the smartest let's say so for a that the gauge to evaluate whether or not something is a good device to do intervals on is how risky it is to add a resistance what I mean by that is like if you were writing a regular bike the only wayto add a resistance is like on a hill or to strap a parachute to your back or two I mean so you can add resistance but it's it's not natural maybe is the right word and standing with like running like you can add resistance it's just very difficult, but on an elliptical it is very easy to add a resistance. You might find that quickly the resistance isn't enough and that you'll be able to go for longer than thirty seconds because most elliptical machines you are not mechanical in their resistance, their their digital so you will upper bound but things like rowing machines that you can manually anything can be done smarter, but machines that our no impact and that allow you to very safely at resistance are the best options. So if you do go to the gym, of course I recommend investing again it's like two hundred bucks to get a bike like this and if you just think about the gas you'll save over the course of a year you paid for the bike so you don't necessarily need a gym membership. The bad news is if you do this correctly, eventually you will need to buy a gym membership because you will get stronger then you could ever imagine, and it will quickly become impossible for you or not practical for you to add enough resistance to make these exercises as difficult as we're talking about making them, but remember, they're still very safe without going to a gym, right? So if you're at a gym, the four exercises, which most closely approximate the exercises we just covered, would be a leg press, which, for folks who aren't familiar leg press is usually a machine where you're either seated or you're laying down and your legs are just like this, and you're pushing out the way you would do a leg press eccentrically, hopefully now is somewhat obvious where you could do it slower or you could push up with two legs. Take one leg, put it on top of the machine lower with one push up with two foot leg on top of machine lower with one push up with two much more advanced, and this gets like mohr mohr advanced but something people say, um if you wanted to do, for example, uh lunges, you can do an eccentric lunch in the sense where you could hold dumbbells and you could lunge down, put the dumbbells down, stand up, squat the dumbbells up, lunge down, right so there's all kinds of creepy it's, just like saying eating there's this is really just a tool kit that we can apply in so many different ways there's really no way to squat with a bar bell eccentrically in fact that's a very dangerous right because there's no way to then offload resistance if you have three hundred pounds sitting on your back and you're in this position, so be careful about things like that generally I recommend using machines that jim's to train eccentrically because there's no balance required and you can always spot yourself and in case you get stuck you khun let the machine catch the resistance so you're doing leg presses for your legs for your back you would continue to just do pull ups you could do pull downs, but I would always recommend that you do a pull up rather than a pull down it's one of the most effective back exercises you could ever do. The way you increase the resistance is by strapping waits to your waist so you would put a weight belt on dumb bell hangs in between and you I would if you can you get a power act like this there's little device is stuck in here you step up, you'd get to the top and then you would just try to hold the top position right? So you would you might not be able to do a pull up with forty five pounds hanging between your legs. But you can do a let down so it's the same basic movement. But you're just adding resistance for chest. You would do there's a couple creative ways to do it for chest. You could use a horizontal chess press machine and just push up with two arms lower with one spotting with the other arm. And then you would do, you know, six, ten second reps for this arm push up six ten second reps for this arm. You can also do ah movement. So chess generally has to movement. Suppressing a fly flies are more difficult than presses, so you could take dumbbells thatyou can't fly up, but you can easily press up, press them up, fly them down, press them up, fly them down so it's making it more difficult on the way down. Shoulder press get on the shoulder press machine push up with two down with one push up with two down with one so same basic movements but when you have these machines that you we'll probably never have it your own house, you can add a heck of a lot more resistance than you easily could in your home.
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This course if phenomenal! I've been on a 20+ year journey of trying to find the solution that will help me achieve my body goals that I can stick to, without going crazy. I have tried everything (keto, paleo, low fat, weight watchers, dash etc). Jonathan goes over a massive amount of research to help you understand the 'why' of why these diets don't work longterm and how to eat in a way that's sustainable. In addition, I've always struggled with exercise. I was an athlete growing up but as an adult it's been very difficult to find something that I like and will stick to. This exercise methodology is perfect because it's fast, results oriented and doesn't take longer than 15 minutes. I've recommended this course to everyone who asks. It's absolutely brilliant and I'm so, so grateful!
Mila Petruk
It is the first time that I really want to leave a review on Creative Live. The course has touched me, although I am not new to the topic. But the ability of a knowledgeable person to base his lifestyle advice on science, his energy and wisdom are amazing. Thank you!
a Creativelive Student
This class was great - I love that it is presented as a framework so you can fit your own personal needs into it. Jonathan exhaustively covers the ideas, examples, and benefits of this strategy for better living.