Day 1
Day 2
1Chef Carrie Brown's Transformation
29:27 2Cooking Demo With New Recipes
30:46 3Class Introduction
16:28 4What You Know About Weight Loss is Wrong
21:42 5First Fallacy of Weight Loss
36:51 6What Determines Our Set-Point
08:38The Four Fallacies of Weight Loss
32:20 8S.A.N.E. -The Four Calorie Quality Factors
32:13 9S.A.N.E. Food Spectrum
35:18 10Eating More and Smarter
30:24 11Fat Myths and Protein Intake
16:31 12S.A.N.E. Eating Testimonial - Dr. Mike Keen
09:36 13The Food Pyramid Scheme
24:55 14Dietary Goals Report Inaccuracies
16:35 15Cholesterol Confusion
20:32 16S.A.N.E. Cooking Demo with Carrie Brown
37:43 17S.A.N.E. Cooking Demo with Carrie Brown Part 2
46:22 18Exercise Less to Lower Set-Point & Burn Fat
16:39 19Five Principles of Smarter Exercise
40:53 20S.A.N.E. Exercise Demo
25:05 21S.A.N.E. Exercise Demo Part 2
38:51 22S.A.N.E. Exercise Q&A
22:40 23Smarter Science of Slim Summary
17:18 24S.A.N.E. FAQs
22:30 25S.A.N.E. Lifestyle Testimonials
33:56Lesson Info
Eating More and Smarter
So we haven't talked about the whole exercise less but smarter yet so you'll have to trust me on that one until tomorrow when we'll get to the science, but one study would you really, really need this has done its skidmore college and it really pitted this smarter approach up against the harder conventional approach, so we had the try harder group this try harder group eight fewer calories over the course of the study and their calories consisted of much more indicative of a standard american diet so very hard carbohydrate eh percentage of carbohydrate that is only possible if you eat a lot of starches and sweets sixty percent carbs, fifteen percent protein, twenty five percent fat and did traditional cardio for forty minutes per day so they ate less and they use the traditional diet a traditional american diet, traditional western diet and the exercise a lot forty minutes a day another group eight mohr they ate more calories, they ate a saner ratio of macronutrients of forty percent c...
arb, forty percent protein, twenty percent fat and they exercise less. Actually they only exercised sixty percent as much as the first group but with higher quality or higher intensity. The study lasted for twelve weeks and the at the end of the study the harder group exercise for eighteen more hours I mean they were really trying harder from the study directly from the researcher directly, the primary finding of the current study is that a lifestyle modification program consisting of less higher quality exercise combined with a sane diet obviously they didn't say, saying in their study, but I'm summarizing resulted in greater improvement in body composition, cardiovascular risk factors and muscular strength in a program comprised of traditional diet and exercise regimen commonly recommended for weight loss. So basically in summary, eating more and exercising less but smarter beat eating less and exercising more but harder in all relevant measures. So body fat percentage change individuals eating more and exercising less smarter dropped more than twice as much body fat individuals eating more and exercising less but smarter built and developed a metabolically healthy lean muscle tissue while, as we would expect, those who were starving themselves lost muscle tissue. Individuals who were going smarter dropped their belly fat twice as much as individuals who are trying harder and individuals who again we're taking a smarter approach reduce their ldl cholesterol mohr than twice as much as individuals just trying harder, very, very exciting stuff. So how do we eat mohr smarter concretely, we've covered a lot of this already, but again we say we want to eat smarter by eating mohr but higher quality calories so what are the highest quality calories just to summarize satiety calories that phyllis that the quickest keep us well it's the longest aggression how easy it is for a body to store those excuse how likely our body is to store those calories is fat nutrition how many nutrients we get per calorie and efficiency? How many of the calories are burned during digestion? High quality calories satisfying unaggressive, nutritious and inefficient low quality calories unsatisfying very aggressive not nutritious and efficient at being stored as body fat. So where do we get these calories as common sense would have it the wettest, most fiber rich and most protein packed foods are the foods we find in nature directly in nature and they're edible as they're found in nature think about that that makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? Because wouldn't it make sense that the fuel were designed to run best on is the fuel that existed while we were evolving depending on your beliefs or that which is naturally available to us in nature if you believe in intelligent design in either case wouldn't a designer design an environment that provides an optimal fuel set and wouldn't evolution dictate that we've evolved to thrive in the environment as it existed throughout our evolutionary history? Of course that only make sense and isn't it amazing that we went through all this science and what the science showed like that in some cases maybe boring science showed water fibre protein or the common denominators and the natural world is packed with water, fiber and protein rich foods so when science and common sense and nature and natural law all point the same direction that's really, really exciting and it makes a lot of sense so this is what we already covered why do we want to eat mohr high quality calories like I actually want you to eat not only more food but mork calories from high quality sources? The reason for this is is you are going to be hungry until you eat a certain number of calories bottom line and if you're hungry and if you're in a emotional state which hunger is, you are much more likely to fall victim to all of this insane nonsense whereas if you go out of your way to eat more saying natural water fiber and protein rich food you will be too full for a lot of this insane nonsense you're you're sort of being proactive and protecting yourself, returning to a diet that is comparable to the ones that human's air genetically adapted to should postpone mitigate in many cases prevent altogether a host of diseases that debilitating us. So a lot of folks who are listening may start saying that sounds a lot like paleo diet I never considered the paleo diet a diet I consider the paleo diet more to be a thought process which is doesn't it make sense to eat the thing so we have a problem. How did we eat before we had that problem? What if we just did that again? Well, I don't really see that as a diet. I see that is logic. Um if it hurts to raise your arm above your head and you don't raise your arm above your head, it won't hurt anymore. So it is very similar to the paleolithic diet. We can make some refinements on top of that understanding how our biology works, for example, people sometimes say, well, well, what about dairy? What about these protein powders? What about protein bars? Things like that? These, of course, we're not available to our ancestors, but when we understand the underlying biology, we can use advancements in the modern world to make this lifestyle work more easily for us. So think of it as as a paleo diet with some refinements, but obviously a paleo diet, which shouldn't be called a diet more. Maybe the common sense approach to eating is on the right track, as evidenced by the science great thank you, because that comment there in question had definitely coming already. Absolutely and that's why it's, you know the fastest growing movement in the country from an eating perspective because it is working so radically well for so many people and a lot of people who practise a paleo lifestyle see sanity as the reason why it is so effective that, like all man like paleo has been so effective for me. I don't really know why now I do, because they understand the science, and then it comes to this point of not dieting. We talk about cheat days earlier cheat days are a remnant of a dieting mindset it's a it's a mindset of you're doing something that isn't sustainable isn't pleasant, and you have to cheat on it. I would urge you and urge you to find your sanity or a way of eating that you do not feel like you need to cheat on because it is enjoyable for you and and we've got a lot of resource is that help you do that? But a diet is something that is abnormal and temporary that's why we call it a diet, right? You don't say a vegetarian is on a diet because of vegetarian, always he's that way, that's just how they eat a diet is something that is temporary. Anything that you're going to do temporarily will not give you long term results. Nothing temporary will leads a permanent results. If you're driving on the freeway it's sixty miles an hour, you take your foot off your gas tank, your car is going to slow down. So if what you're doing from an eating and exercise perspective isn't sustainable, your health and fitness will also not be sustainable and that's. Why we always advocate that people pursue progress rather than perfection you don't need to be perfect or be completely saying tomorrow, but continue on your saying journey, always striving to be sane or insane or insane, and also this isn't abnormal. This way of eating is normal, this is the normal way of eating. This is how every person eight prior to the previous three generations, we're just getting back, like it makes sense that getting back to a normal way of eating will restore health to normal. It's not normal to be obese it's not normal to be diabetic when you eat as humans are normally, or were normally eating through the entirety of human civilization and human evolution so toe, break this down in a numeric way that folks, folks often think about macro nutrients and what our various macro nutrient ratios. First and foremost, I want to give a disclaimer that precise, macro, nutrient balancing falls victim to the same kind of calorie math problems we talked about earlier, where health shouldn't be hard like you don't, you can't need to consciously regulate the precise ratio of macronutrients you're eating, because no one was able to do that prior to this problem, existing so it can't be required to solve the problem, however, generally when people go saying they end up getting about a third of their calories from protein that's, that's pretty consistent, then fat and carbohydrates, it varies there's, a there's, a hire car version of sanity where you're eating more fruits and there's, a higher fat version of sanity where you're eating more fatty pieces of meat and fish and whole food fats. This really depends on if you're an individual that prefers sweets more or prefers savory flavors more so, you could have a same diet that is very balanced from macro nutrient perspective in terms of thirty three, thirty three, thirty four or one that's got a little bit more of a twenty percent carbohydrate, forty percent fat plus ratio, just depending on how you want to implement it. It's not a stringent set of rules, but rather a guiding set of principles. And if you see that relative to various low fat and low carb diets, it's generally going to be a bit more moderate in all senses of the words, then a lot of popular, more traditional diets. Any questions about macronutrients? I have a question you're going back to the thirty three percent carbohydrate, I have a hard time doing that fate upon a spinach, what is that? I forgot the number of calories slesin seven it's not a lot you know I have the ten pounds of spinach every day to get my thirty percent absolute and so I sneak over occasionally and have some sweet potatoes drain bring it up I have only moderate fruits I'm not getting much sugar because I think that's worse than anything else so how do we get to that thirty three percent? Jim? I wouldn't I wouldn't worry about getting to the thirty three percent right like if if what you're doing, I personally eat a higher fat lower carbohydrate saying diet and if that is working for you, you should do that. I just I know there are some people that they really really like fruit and getting thirty three percent of calories in your diet from fruit and vegetable carbohydrate is certainly not military ous so that's that's why I put that more on the upper end of the spectrum so I think what you're doing it's fine, I don't think you should feel like you need to hit that ratio, but just more of that. The takeaway from that slide should be that thirty three percent of your calories and protein is a pretty good target the other things are malleable as long as you're getting over from st sources feyerick sense ok, ok cool so let's keep going here a same plate how does the same plate look the same paper plate will have, at minimum, half of it covered with non starchy veggies minimum, so I mean, at least you could even go a half of it about a third of it is gonna be covered with your nutrient dense protein and then the remaining fourth of it, and this is more conceptual usually don't have like nuts sitting on your plate, but things like berries or citrus fruits using fruits for desserts is always a good option, as well as nuts and seeds or other sources of fat as a dressing or sauce is great, but basically your plate is by and large non starchy vegetables and then as a close second nutrient dense protein, adding fruit for sweetness and adding fats for flavor. Comparing the same lifestyle to a typical western diet in terms of kind of ah nutrient label perspective, you're going to eat way more food going saying than you will in a typical american diet way more take breakfast, for example, a toaster pastry is small, a giant omelet full of vegetables is huge. It would like philip a giant plate, so you're going to eat away more food when you leave the grocery store, your cart will be overflowing with groceries, because, again, they're packed with water, fiber and protein they take up a lot of space. However, fat storage will be dramatically less for all the reasons we've talked about your carbon taken general will be lower than the average american, so you will be taking in fewer carbs because you're not eating concentrated sources of carbohydrates such a sugar and such a starch which are pure carbohydrate the glassy mk loaded the stress on your pancreas likelihood for diabetes is going to dramatically lower you're gonna be eating more fruits than the average american you're getting way more veggies and what the average american eats one serving a vegetable per day we're going to multiply that by ten that's that's the big one of the big difference is people sometimes notice between the same lifestyle and some types of paleo is in a same lifestyle like really about like vegetables, vegetables, vegetables, vegetables and also were really, really up on seafood so there's just two refinements that were really fans of protein you're gonna be more fat you're actually going to eat in the same amount as the typical american diet, but from dramatically different sources. Most of the fat in our current traditional american diet is coming from horrible process sources, whereas we're just going to shift to natural anti inflammatory sources fiber way more vitamins and minerals way more and fiber or in any accidents way way, way more in summary if it's not clear already who weigh more non starchy vegetables way more let's, call him hard to find fats like unless you go out of your way to eat these healthy, specific fats I mentioned you're not gonna eat him like you need to try to eat more. Um, academia nuts you need to try to use coco and coconut mohr and you're cooking. It just doesn't happen accidentally. Chaiya and flax seeds eat more fish. Most people find it very easy to eat more meat really try to eat more fish not because meat is bad, but because fish is really good and most of us don't eat a lot of it. We hear, like, eat fish once a week for good health. Why once a week? Like, what else are we eating on the every other meal occasion? I'd fish once a day, if not more maur meet barry's citrus fruits and nuts were getting so full on that stuff. We weighed about the same amount of eggs, beans and natural oils less dairy in general, because the only forms of dairy I recommend our cottage cheese and greek yogurt generally there's other things like kiefer and such and such. But most of all don't know what those are and then way, way, way less starches, sweeteners and trans fats. Hopefully you don't need to try to avoid these because you're just too daggone full it's like you're always full for dessert really, you don't have to be because we'll show you how to make same desserts tomorrow it's not complicated and it can't be complicated avoiding disease and obesity cannot be hard if it was that hard for homo sapiens to not become obese and diabetic, we would have died out as a species so long ago like this can't be harder complicated if anyone ever tries to make it seem harder complicated, it would highly recommend maybe running in the other direction because it can't be nobody thought about this nobody worried about being healthy up until what fifty, sixty years ago, right? Actually, right when we started to become horribly unhealthy is the time period where health became something we thought of other than that we were just healthy insulin by default. It has to be simple, and it is simple if you just eat the foods we ate the whole natural fiber water and protein rich foods found directly in nature that we ate prior to having this problem. So a little case study karen karen is one hundred seventy pound thirty five year old woman who needs about twenty, two hundred calories per day please don't get too hung up on these numbers, they're illustrative only I really you know I'm about simplicity and trusting the brilliance of the body, so any time we bring up math I get a little scared but some people like numbers so let's show this according to the pyramid scheme as I like to call it of the food guide pyramid or my plate she's going to consume about eighty three grams of protein three hundred and fifty eight grams of carbs and forty nine grams of fat she's eating an extremely high carbohydrate diet like that's not normal that is a very high carbohydrate diet in the same lifestyle karen would be eating upwards this would be the upper bound of one hundred eighty two grams of protein is a lot of protein she could get away with less and she could get away with more fat if she wanted to. Her carbohydrate intake would be at mac's one eighty two I would recommend dropping it down mohr and dialing fat up and then her fat intake would be significantly higher. So if your diet adhered to the traditional pyramid scheme you're eating more protein you're eating dramatically fewer carbohydrates and you're eating much more fat you're not eating a low carbohydrate diet. This is a low carbohydrate diet is sub fifty grams of carbohydrates per day and it's not bad for you low carbohydrate diets have been shown to be some of the most therapeutic diets available there's a vast amount of research supporting them just understand that the definition of a low carbohydrate diet is much lower than what we're talking about here for a sane lifestyle, sane lifestyle is much more of a moderate carbohydrate diet in a high quality carbohydrate diet. In terms of where we're getting our calories in the traditional my plate food guide pyramid, we'd be getting about three hundred thirty two calories of a twenty two hundred calorie diet from protein, fifteen hundred calories, some carbs, it's, all coming from carbs and then a good little chunk from fat again with the same lifestyle you're dialing up the protein calories you're dialing down the carb calories, you're dialing up the fat calories she's not dieting, right? This is just how she eats. This is how all of her ancestors eats, and she loves it like it did take a little bit of getting used to, but it's so much easier than being hungry, like she just eats as much as she wants whenever she wants, and it's really delicious food and it's satisfying and sweet, salty, bitter fatty, like all the major flavors are available to her, she doesn't need to do without fat or do without carbohydrate, so after about twenty one days she's just doing this automatically and she's dropping. Pant sizes like no one's business, we really don't like to talk about weight in the same lifestyle because especially when we get into the exercise section and with the amount of protein you'll be consuming high quality protein, you're going to build muscle. You're not gonna build bulky crazy muscle, but you're gonna build metabolically active and extremely healthy muscle and muscle is very small it's very compact is very dense, but if you drop ten pounds of fat and you gain ten pounds of muscle just very common in the same lifestyle, your weight didn't change at all. Your pants will fall off because your body will have shrunk dramatically and all the time karen gets back like she's, not spending ten hours a week exercising anymore she's spending at max one and she's eating so much more the ability to look the way she wants to look and feel the way she wants to feel and live the life she's always wanted to live while still experiencing every flavor you could ever want. And tomorrow, like we could have a q and a with the internet like, what about this? What about this? We've got saying substitution for everything that's food, we don't have a say in substitution for process garbage because it's not food. No starch or sweet in the world tastes as good as living this way feels as you'll hear from some members from our audience and some members who will be calling in shortly. So it's not about low carb. To be very clear, we are not low carb bashing, low carb diets, just like really any form of dieting can be saying some are harder to make saying than others, but sanity is just a framework to apply to any kind of diet, right? You could be saying kosher saying whole all saying low carb saying south beach saying adkins saying vegetarian it's not about low carb eating a massive amount of non starchy vegetables as we've talked about it, I'm gonna keep saying that is the single most important part of eating more but smarter vegetables or a carb. We're advocating a lifestyle where the single most important part of it is eating mohr dramatically more of a type of carbohydrates. So anyone who tells you this has gone on a low carbohydrate diet it's, not a little carbohydrate diet, it just doesn't even make any sense. The reason those people are saying you're on a low carbohydrate diet is because the average american diet is an extremely high carbohydrate diet. Just because you don't get sixty five to seventy percent of your calories from carbohydrate, which just to put that in perspective on a low carbohydrate diet like on an adkinsside diet, you're getting sixty five to seventy percent calories from fat. People acknowledge and openly say like this is a very high fat diet. But the normal american diet, with sixty five to seventy percent of its calories coming from carbohydrate is is moderate that's, an extremely high carbohydrate diet, and the only way to get that many of your calories from carbohydrate is to eat things like added sweeteners and processed starches to jim's point you cannot eat that much carbohydrate, your stomach would explode if you were getting it from high quality sources, so they're just mathematically misinform. They do not realize that the vast majority of foods were told to eat, and even food sold in grocery stores are carbohydrate, like the vast majority of food products were sold, our carbohydrates. So when we eliminate those, it seems like we must be doing something extreme. In reality, we're not we're avoiding extremism. The extreme thing is what we're avoiding. We're doing something much more conservative. What I mean by this is when we look at the three sources of macro nutrients have fat, protein and carbs. There's a relatively finite set of sources of fats and proteins and I define a good source of fat and a good source of protein as something that gets more of its calories for fats for example from fat than anything else a good source of protein is something that gets more of its calories from protein than anything else. So for example, an egg that gets thirty four percent of its colors from protein is not a protein it's a fat because it gets sixty four percent of its calories from fat other than fish meat, egg whites way eggs, tofu oils, nuts and seeds. Everything else is a carbohydrate the vast majority of foods in the world of carbohydrate so that's why it seems like we're eating a low carbohydrate diet but we're not skim milk is fifty three percent carbohydrate non fat yogurt is eighty percent carbohydrate basically beans or carbohydrate bananas, apples, broccoli, carrots, potatoes a lot of things that we think of as way don't really think about it they're all carbohydrates, so we by default at a very high carbohydrate diet we're not going to do that. That doesn't mean we're getting a low carbohydrate diet, so just keep that in mind it's also not about high protein say oh this is a high protein diet high protein relative to what high protein relative to the diet that's making us fat and sick I mean, what do we have to lose like who is defining what is high or low if we get a third of our calories from protein? How is that high protein like there's? Three sources of macronutrients we're getting a third from protein doesn't seem particularly high to get eighty percent of our calories from protein now that's a high protein diet so we're going to eat between one hundred two hundred grams of protein per day, depending on our exercise levels and the size of our body. This is a bunch of data showing that protein is helpful we don't have time to go through it, but it's in the book and it's exciting but protein from a very high level is really important because it's so satisfying like eating protein is what helps you to not need teo eat so much starch and sweet because it fills you up and also it protect surely muscle tissue and it protects your metabolism because when you have an abundance of protein you're taking in, we talked about how your body can you have muscle tissue get cannibalize. Studies show that that muscle cannibalization can be almost completely negated even if you're in a caloric deficient state if you increase the amount of protein you're eating especially if you exercise smarter it's incredibly important so uh that's more science hey protein super healthy so what emotion that protein is healthy because there's a lot of fun out there in terms of protein, so protein has has never been shown ever to, like, just conclusively, like the bad or cause cancer or a lot of the myths that are out there. We debunk every single one of those with copious amounts of data in the book. If there are questions about like, well, what about this book that I read that said protein kills me. We can totally talk about that from a really high level. The whole protein causes cancer argument is easily addressed like this cancer grows backing up protein causes growth in the body, growth of healthy cells, growth of muscle tissue. It allows your body to regenerate itself if you have cancer already, because protein is anabolic because protein causes growth protein will cause the cancer to grow. But it didn't cause you to get cancer in the first place, saying that protein causes cancer is like saying that watering your garden causes weeds watering your garden is what causes your garden to grow. If you don't water your garden, it will die if your garden has become contaminated with weeds, the answer is not to not water it it's to figure out what caused the weeds in the first place and to extract the weeds. Protein is an anabolic substance and enables you to grow and maintain your body over time rather than having it waste away with a condition known asarco pina which is like osteoporosis but for your muscles eat protein it's good for you, there's a lot of fun out there and there's a lot of data to come combat that fun and this is some of it we don't have time to go through it so we're looking at all that s o the only bad thing about protein is there is in this information on what are good sources of protein. We touched on that earlier, but remember a good source of protein is something that contains more of its calories from protein than anything else on egg, for example, is a great thing to eat but it's not a good source of protein it's a good source of fat. It gets twice as many calories from fat as it does from protein it's a good source of fat, not a good source of protein. There are basically four good sources of protein where good is defined as again it gets fifty percent or more of its calories from protein or just more from the other two macronutrients fish fish across the board a great source of protein egg whites not that whole eggs are bad for you but if your goal is to eat protein egg whites are ninety one percent protein the vast majority of protein in an egg is in the white skinless white meat some white meat with the skin on khun still have enough protein relative to fat that it's a good source of protein and then low sugar protein powders there are pretty good sources of protein these are not as dense and protein but they're fairly concentrated so skinless dark and red meat so these are things like chicken thighs chicken trump of that's thigh drumstick and wings as well as certain forms of well marbled red meat there's very lean red meat there's also more marbled red meat soybeans are cited as like the definitive source of protein for vegetarians a soybean is only thirty three percent protein the reason to keep that in mind is if you're eating soy and you're trying to eat one hundred grams of protein per day you're goingto have to eat a ridiculous amount of soy like too much soy that's why getting protein from concentrated sources is important whole eggs again pretty good source of protein everything else isn't even close doesn't mean it's bad for you it just means it's not a good source of protein right milk, for example, milk, skim milk, good source of protein, right? You look on the label. A serving of skim milk, eight ounces has eight grams of protein. It asshole has twelve grams of sugar, so it has fifty percent more sugar than it has. Protein. That's, not a good source of protein on egg white has no sugar. It's, one hundred percent protein, or close to a hundred percent protein doesn't mean its bad doesn't mean you should never drink milk. Just don't use milk as your source of protein.
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Ratings and Reviews
This course if phenomenal! I've been on a 20+ year journey of trying to find the solution that will help me achieve my body goals that I can stick to, without going crazy. I have tried everything (keto, paleo, low fat, weight watchers, dash etc). Jonathan goes over a massive amount of research to help you understand the 'why' of why these diets don't work longterm and how to eat in a way that's sustainable. In addition, I've always struggled with exercise. I was an athlete growing up but as an adult it's been very difficult to find something that I like and will stick to. This exercise methodology is perfect because it's fast, results oriented and doesn't take longer than 15 minutes. I've recommended this course to everyone who asks. It's absolutely brilliant and I'm so, so grateful!
Mila Petruk
It is the first time that I really want to leave a review on Creative Live. The course has touched me, although I am not new to the topic. But the ability of a knowledgeable person to base his lifestyle advice on science, his energy and wisdom are amazing. Thank you!
a Creativelive Student
This class was great - I love that it is presented as a framework so you can fit your own personal needs into it. Jonathan exhaustively covers the ideas, examples, and benefits of this strategy for better living.