Forming the Habit of Drawing Everyday
Lesson 9 from: Drawing the Everyday Every DayKate Bingaman-Burt

Forming the Habit of Drawing Everyday
Lesson 9 from: Drawing the Everyday Every DayKate Bingaman-Burt
Lesson Info
9. Forming the Habit of Drawing Everyday
Class Introduction
01:36 2Finding Inspiration
08:03 3Developing Themes in Your Drawing
06:01 4Types of Paper for Drawing
06:12 5Mark Making Tools for Drawing
05:37 6Dedicated Space for Drawing
05:03 7Drawing Demo
21:04 8Refining the Sketch and Adding Color in Photoshop
13:09Lesson Info
Forming the Habit of Drawing Everyday
So that project from start to finish was about a half an hour so just imagine if you could take a half an hour every single day in order to make something you would be making piles of work before you knew it um but it's always really hard to figure out where you can find that thirty minutes in your day and that is it's all about habits forming habits and it's really difficult sometimes to make time for ourselves and once you start realizing that it's actually important for your mental well being for your fee physical wellbeing teo be able to produce something creative every single day I feel like finding that time is actually going to turn into a top priority just like going to the gym or eating well or you know whatever you goto bed you just got to figure out where you're going to fit that in and which I struggle with like there's days that I go when I haven't made anything and I could just tell I'm feeling gross I am in a bad mood and I realize that's because I haven't drawn or I hav...
en't created something I've spent too much time in front of the computer doing things I don't want to dio and so that is when it becomes code red for me to sit down and draw and make something so I can start feeling good again so again that last project was thirty minutes and that was just all contained one project with several drawings about around one theme on one page there's other ways that you can start incorporating the drying habit into your daily routine if you do have a theme focus on maybe just doing one thing a day you don't have to do the computer every single day you khun just make time before breakfast before you go to bed maybe you have some time during the day over the lunch hour to go and draw and work it's just about finding that space and realizing that it actually doesn't take as long as you think it's going to take so for example my daily drawing project I did one drawing a day again like we talked about earlier it was just one drawing but after you do one drying a day little things add up to a lot and then that's when you can kind of start moving to the collections and so these were all daily drawings that just kind of then got formulated into a print that has all these different objects and tools about making and these all started as daily drawings and now it's just a print that's all about different alcohol that I've consumed over time um one thing that I did with the daily drawings to which kind of came from the fact that I wanted this project teo exist online but I also wanted it to have a life in the real life too and that's where making scenes came into play and zines are short short for magazine number one and they're all just low cost easy to produce books that you can share with people and so I put out monthly zines and again each page just has the one drying a day and then at the end of the month I would create a pattern based off of something that I purchased that month and I would make these books and I ended up with ninety different volumes of monthly scenes that I would you know, give to people whenever I would see them there's so much more fun to hand out then just like a business card teo instead of being like oh, let me give you my business card like hey, do you want my zine that's filled with drawings that I made like the response from people's like, oh yeah, I want this was ok I guess I'll take your business card I know that that's been personally satisfying tio and plus you get to make a fun item that you can share easily with people is well so that's one really cool thing to do again when you just do a little thing a day consistently it really adds up to a lot of overtime and it's all about just getting used to the habit of drawing and you will see the benefits overtime and he'll become addicted to it. And it's. Actually, really good thing to get addicted to, because it's, good for you.
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Ratings and Reviews
Love, love, love Kate Bingaman-Burt's art and innovative ideas, and this class was just great. It's very brief--you can watch all the videos in one morning--but the effects last for a long time. This course totally revitalized my illustrations. I was stuck in a sort of "cute" mode until taking this course. Then I started using different materials, approaching my illustrations in a different way, and doing exactly what Kate says: drawing the everyday, every day. This hit the refresh button on my style, as well as my desire to draw. My only request would be a little more step-by-step on how to get the background completely white in PhotoShop; Kate demonstrates, but it's a little too quick for me to catch the process. Maybe Kate or someone could give a step-by-step followup here? Otherwise, if you need fresh inspiration, a kickstart for a drawing habit, or just a good pep talk, this is a great course! it's as valuable for inspiration as for instruction.
amy greenan
As an experienced artist, I really enjoyed this class a lot! I found a lot to be inspired by and appreciated Kate's easy, conversational way of presenting the material. I loved seeing her process, her workspace, and favorite materials. I loved hearing about what inspires her. Sure, this was maybe less a "how-to" kind of course, but there is certainly a LOT to take away from this hour and a half or so. I watched course live, so didn't pay for it, but I would recommend this as a good, small investment in your creative toolkit. (I would have just bought it myself except that I just lost my job and trying to save every penny I can!)
Emmon Scott
I'm writing this review not immediately after watching the class, but a year after doing so -- and the impact on my life has been tremendous. Upon taking the course, I began drawing an everyday object every day, and have kept it up for a year, missing only a few days here and there. At some point, I expanded this to also sketching a great work of art every day as well (usually from an art book I got from the library, and sometimes on a trip to a museum). I don't spend a lot of time at this -- I just do it on breaks from work. The result has been my seeing a lots of things I would otherwise miss -- little details in every day things that I'd never otherwise notice. And that, in turn, has given me a greater appreciation of life, of the the visual world, as well as the amazing art works humanity has created. Looking back, I particularly value this teacher's point that your drawing doesn't have to be perfect. For me, that's been hugely helpful. I haven't fretted or been stuck or given up -- I simply draw, and in doing so, ALWAYS notice and appreciate details of whatever I'm drawing, whether it's my coffee mug, or a painting by Georgia O'Keeffe. PS: The drawing has impacted my editing of photos and doing any kind of visual work. I'm much more tuned in to details than I used to be. I may or may not draw better, but I definitely SEE more. And for me that's a wonderful and enriching thing. Cheers!
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