Lesson Info
12. Preliminary Sketches for a Living Room
01:14 2Materials and Tools to Use when Drawing
14:27 3Preliminary Furniture Plans on a Floor Plan
07:45 4Using a Scale Ruler and Templates
05:36 5Rendering Furniture on Floor Plan to give Volume and Depth
06:06 6Line Weights and Adding Texture
04:24 7Architectural Lettering
08:11 8Complete House Floor Plan
03:23Isometric Perspective
03:42 10Why 3-Point Perspective Doesn't Work
04:05 11Benefits of Two-Point Perspective
03:06 12Preliminary Sketches for a Living Room
11:29 13Using Different Textures of Materials in your Drawing
03:51 14Adding Color to the Couch to Create Shiny Leather
11:26 15Rendering Soft and Shiny Textures
09:09 16Starting Elevation for the Kitchen
07:54 17Full Rendering Elevation of the Kitchen
07:28 18Putting the Elevation at a Different Scale
10:33 19Two-Point Perspective for Kitchen
10:04 20Canson Paper with Pastels
05:35 21Transfer Line and Heights
08:27 22Finishing the Rendering Using Canson Paper
08:48 23Creating Chrome and Color Reflections
10:43Lesson Info
Preliminary Sketches for a Living Room
All right, We're gonna be covering preliminary sketches for during preliminary sketches on for a living room. And what I have done over here to save you some time would be in your packets. You have different types, different grids. Greatest nothing more than a simplification of what you would find in real life. Um, but I have Over here is my floor plan. And I drew in pink a grid, a two foot grid so that I can actually see all my furniture pieces with a sense off location where they are. I transferred that grid into these kind of pre done, um views so that we would have an easier time in this class. So feel free to print those out the package that you have at home print it out and tested. You can do your perspectives that way. It's a lot more fun and easier. So what I did in the packet, though, is due to different sets. One a full grid and another one that would be trimmed showing exactly just a floor plan that we are going to be working with. All right, So again, looking at the grid in...
pink, we have all the squares and they relate to thes. If you have a different layers, you don't want to practice with the one that I provided in the handout. You can just mark your floor plan. We have a full great as well, and then you can just trim it to fit exactly your layout that you want. So I'm gonna be working on these, and this is a much faster way off getting a perspective done when you have a grid. You wouldn't. You might be wondering what this means. Really? Remember, we have a great that is two feet by two feet. Right. So these represents a person. So this is two feet, another two feet that makes four and then one foot and then six inches. So that's five feet six inches. So once we have this, we can go a lot faster. We have a sense off, um, scale. Um, before we move forward, this is what we're going to be doing. They start some renderings that I have, um, started just halfway through, so we would have a sense of what we can dio how we can go from here to here. All right, so we have a living room here different than the one that I would be drawing here. And then I have just a little study on a day bed here on this Rick Amir. I think they're called. But you can do is just you. Just what you can do. You can photocopy a piece, put tracing paper on top and kind of render it differently. If you want to kind of practice with different materials. This is another living room that would be partially completed. All right, so first, let's get over here. The trim grid. What I'm gonna be doing here is just very quickly show you how we can go from here to getting things done. All right, so let's see. We can make some sense out of all these papers. It's very fun. Remember our, um Let's make some room over here. You would think I was kidding here, right? I had taped together these pieces of paper to show how Remember the exercise that I drew before, how we want to be extended lines, we can find the vanishing points sometimes. Actually, it's better that you have your vanishing points falling outside your paper that you would be drawing on, um, all this just to show this. All right, But we're going to go in stages, so don't worry about this. So first, this is what I have over here. Okay? Just I got this grid and I blew it a bit larger so that I could draw bigger here in class today. And then I added my person, knowing that my five foot six mark would be exactly where he needs to be. So this is the height of my kitchen, and I made a mark over here. This is my height of the living room. I wanted to be a 10 foot. It's gonna be a grand living room. I really want to have the big space tall ceiling. The light would be pouring in. So this is already something that you already have in your package. So we'll start with that. Once we have that. The next phase would be to start adding extra elements to my interior. So once you have your bread, it's very hard to draw to render directly on top. So what I recommend is that you would put tracing paper on top or graphics 3 60 paper. The nice thing about this paper is that it's see through Excuse the market baker that I have over here. I put it under and you see how it really shines through. And you want that? So what? I did that. What I did over there. Waas too. Yes. Just remove this quickly. It's just a matter off knowing where your grid elements are. It's not very difficult, but you have to pay attention here, For example, You see this, um, table and this sofa, What I do over here is im mark on the floor exactly where they fall in my grid. All right, so you see, I have these points over here I am. Mark them over there. And that might help me drawing this piece. I am market this species over here. And then I placed them. Exactly. You see, for example, this point over here False. Exactly. Over here. This point matches exactly this point. This point matches this point. They just transferred these points from your floor plan to the perspective grid, and that gives you an idea of where you are. Once you have that you mark, it's better that you work on the floor and then you work from the floor up, so I have. All the pieces were very free drawn over here. You have your floor plan. And then from here, you raise your vertical lines. You start working, going higher. All right. But again, follow your points whenever they intersect. Your grid, your pink grid. That would give you or very a clue. And then you start working from there. I already drew this guy over here. This little square falls roughly over here. Now you will notice you draw first on the floor and then you bring your vertical lines up. Remember, on the packet that I had covered vertical lines stay vertical. It's a two point perspective. We're going to do three point perspective. Three point perspective means that vertical lines go like this or like that. If you are on the floor looking up and we don't want that vertical lines stay vertical. So you do in pencil a quick layout. You transfer all the layout here on the grid on the floor and then you raise your vertical lines as boxes. You draw first all your furniture pieces, see if they were boxes. It's a lot easier to work that way. And of course you have. That's when you would use tracing paper. You tape it and then you find your good vanishing points. PPL vp are vanishing point on the left. Vanishing point on the right. Okay. When a flat surface. All right, Um, another thing that I would want to, um, discussing this classes. Let's imagine. Let's imagine that this is me. Hey, I'm standing here. Where are you going to be standing to take your your views of the interior. Remember your 90 degrees right between 60 and 90 degrees. You have if you purchased rulers. Uh um in a drafting store, right on a finite store, you'll have this one that has 45 45 90 and then you have 30. 60 on 90. And remember that I said your cone of vision could very between 90 and 60 degrees. We'll use but 90. But in case you wanted to have 60 it's this one here. So we're used 90 on, Remember, this is you. You put it there, then you draw these two lines. That's your cone of vision. That's what you're going to be covering standing from that point. Whatever faults within these two lines. You'll see. It's like if somebody is standing behind you, you will not see the person. You don't have an eye on the back of your head. Right? So we have this point over here. I have I practiced with this one. This one here, this one here. And this is my 90 degrees. All right, So you first take your point of view. And that's why I have different grades in the package so that you can practice from different angles. What would be your your best shot? All right, so now that we know how mention points would be very far away from your drawing, I can talk full that in. That's my four plan. And you always work in layers. You can just put another piece of paper on top once you have your main furniture. Pieces drawn by sparks is you put a piece of paper on top and then you trace your best lines had it'll registered before, and I removed it. So now let's see if I can just match it. That looks like something like this. All right,
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Ratings and Reviews
It's difficult to find a class like this -- but that's exactly why it may be best to start with some sort of quick foundation in perspective drawing. This class puts together the process at a level that is not easily available outside of formal study and while it's not difficult, it is involved.
Creative LIve Why don't you re-do this class! Its a great subject.....get a new camera operator, who knows the concept of learning from watching.