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Introduction to Workshop

Lesson 1 from: Don't Get Pushed Around: An Introvert's Guide to Getting What You Need at Work

Ilise Benun

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Lesson Info

1. Introduction to Workshop

Lesson Info

Introduction to Workshop

Thank you so much everyone and I'm really excited to be here. And I'm excited to have my introverts here in the studio audience with me, so thank you for all coming. And I wanna set the stage with a big idea. And this idea is that life is an experiment. And this thing we're doing here today, is an experiment. And I wanna tell you a little story about how I came to do this. Because I did my first Creative Live course called Command the Fees You Deserve three years ago. And I prepared in a certain way. It was a compilation of 20 years worth of material and so I prepared that in a certain way. And so when I was called upon to do this new course, I started preparing that same way. And it wasn't working. And I was getting a little nervous, because it was kind of nerve racking. And I thought, this is just not working, what am I going to do? So I had to scratch everything and basically start over. And I started over with the idea that I have no idea what's gonna happen, it's a big experiment.

And so that's the reality of life. And so that's life at work and that's life at home and that's life everywhere. And so I'm gonna be talking a lot about confidence here today. But one of the things I want you to think about is that if you consider life to be an experiment, then you're gonna think, I wonder what's gonna happen, I have no idea what's gonna happen. And when you have no idea what's gonna happen, you can actually be free to let whatever happen, happen. So that's what's gonna happen today. I have a lot of ideas I'm gonna present to you. Some may make sense, some may not make sense. I want you to take whatever works for you and leave the rest, as they say. Because, later on, maybe 10 years later, some of these ideas may come back to you and then start to make sense. So just let whatever happens, happen. Let whatever come in, come in. And to me, this is the core of confidence. The idea of, you don't know what's gonna happen, so you're just gonna try something and see. Alright, so that's what we're gonna do. Are you ready? Alright, good. So I just wanna give you a little overview of what we're going to cover today. So in lesson one, as I said, we're gonna be talking first about confidence. What it is and especially what it isn't and how do you develop it in yourself. And I've already given you a clue, right, that it has to do with not knowing what's gonna happen. Then, lesson two is about getting to know yourself. Because we're gonna delve into the labels that you might apply to yourself and some of you may consider yourselves introverts, some of you may say you're shy, some of you may say you're extroverts. But then we're gonna focus on the actual behaviors that go along with those labels, because it's the behaviors that you can actually change, once you know what they are for yourself. Then we're gonna talk about getting to know other people, because in the workplace, you deal with lots of other people. And the thing to remember when you're dealing with other people, is that, for the most part, how they're responding to you may not have anything to do with you. So you have to be able to take a little bit of distance, a little bit of a step back and see how what they're doing may not, it affects you, but it doesn't have anything to do with you and so how do you handle that, especially in the workplace. And then, moving on, lesson four. Then we're gonna get into some of the practical things. So we're gonna talk about skills and strategies for networking. Now networking is an essential skill for everyone, whether you hate it or not. Because relationships are everything. So I'm gonna give you some very practical skills and tactics that you can use and we're gonna practice them. And then we're gonna go on to lesson five which is skills for in-person meetings. And we'll talk about how to make space for yourself, in your head and in the room, to say what you need to say and to present your ideas clearly. Then we're gonna talk about skills for virtual meetings because the virtual space is becoming more and more prevalent. A lot of people meet in a virtual space, where you can't see anyone and you can sometimes barely hear them, so how should you interact, especially as a shy person, as an introvert, in that virtual space. I'll give you some specific tips about that. Then we're gonna talk about the most effective communication tools for people who consider themselves to be introverts and shy people. And we're gonna go over which ones make the most sense and which ones you can strengthen. Then lesson eight, we're going to talk about an introvert as a salesperson, because sometimes, whether you like it or not, you are put in a position of having to sell something and you probably hate selling. A lot of people hate selling, even salespeople hate selling. So we're gonna talk about how to do that as an introvert. And then lesson nine, we're gonna talk about how to do boast-free self-promotion. So that's internal self-promotion, basically when you have to tell your boss what you're doing, because you know what, they may not have a lot of details about what you're actually doing and what you're accomplishing. So that is something that you're gonna have to work on communicating. And finally, lesson 10, we're gonna talk about the self-employed introvert. Because people who are introverted, but business owners and there are a lot of creative business owners out there, have to do a lot of strengthening of their weaknesses, in order to get the word out to find the right people. Right, or to let the right people find them. I just wanna give everyone contact information. I hope you will reach out to me and there are lots of different ways. You can sign up for my quick tips, you can listen to the podcast, you can find me on Twitter @ilisebenun. So here are all the different ways to contact me.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Exercise files for Introverts
Ilise Benun Sample Chapter
Resources for Introverts

Ratings and Reviews


It was interesting to learn from your program what experiences other people have in certain situations and how similar or different they are to mine. And that’s it’s ok to “own” your inner introvert, and to work with it instead of against it. The good thing is, the more self-aware we become, the more aware and sensitive we can be towards others, thanks to shared knowledge and programs like yours. So thank you Ilise, for an enlightening program. I look forward to going back over it sometime.


Was a great overall course with lots of tips and ways to frame in your mind what may be happening rather than making assumptions. I would have liked a deeper dive into dealing with conflict, people who just don't think and operate the same way, and getting what you need in situations where usual methods aren't working. Perhaps an additional course on that. Thanks


Was a great overall course with lots of tips and ways to frame in your mind what may be happening rather than making assumptions. I would have liked a deeper dive into dealing with conflict, people who just don't think and operate the same way, and getting what you need in situations where usual methods aren't working. Perhaps an additional course on that. Thanks

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