Day 1
1Polymer Clay: Mixing & Rolling
31:11 2Polymer Clay: Ice Cream Sandwich Necklace
22:58 3Other Polymer Clay Projects
23:20 4Homemade Soap: Mold Making
40:27 5Making Your Own Rubber Stamps
25:53 6Creating Puzzle Cubes
24:54 7Puzzle Cube: Finishing Touches
27:40The Antigravity Jar
14:11 9Making Mixie Sticks
33:23 10Crazy Card Magic Trick
18:40Day 2
11Making Minibots: Drawbot
37:04 12Making Minibots: Bristlebot
23:35 13Making the Friendstrument
33:31 14Connecting the Friendstrument
22:54 15Decorating Your Friendstrument
19:44 16Making the Balloon Camera
33:22 17Attaching the Balloon Camera to the Rig
12:05 18Making Giant Bubbles
11:46 19Making a Sled Kite
25:41Lesson Info
Connecting the Friendstrument
So once you strip this insulation off the wires you'll see that the speaker on the on the backside of your speaker you have a couple of terminals ones marked plus and one's mark minus and just uh be mindful of that and you might want tio take your needle nose pliers and then those circles up very carefully you don't want them to break up just so you have access to them and then take one of the um wires and bend it into a loop or bended into a hook more more like like this and then run that hook through the hole and once is through the hole you can take your needle nose pliers and close it off like that and then you can do that with the other wire as well but this one through close it off so it's on there ok, so now we have a speaker with two wires attached to it and so one of the speaker wires goes into the negative rail and so luckily your speakers are marked with polarity and so take the one that has the negative the negative wire and plug it into the negative rail and it can go anyw...
here the other one goes into whole j twenty seven so jane, what did you find j twenty seven and put that wire in there? Is this magnetic like you there's a magnet and speakers trying to see how close I can get with okay, I'm touch we have a little way have a little sauder so I thought this might be a good opportunity to kind of get our feet wet with saw during thank you um I am also going to hand out some wipes because I just so sauder is is the is the material that you used to teo connect components together in a permanent way and so it's really it's great stuff you could make very solid connections with sauder and so there's a couple of things to keep in mind when sauder melts it's really hot, and the other thing about sauder is that most sauder contains lead it's kind of a combination of lead and ten and so lead is toxic and but it's nothing tio worry about the thing that's important to know is that when you're done using sauder that you should wash your hands because after you use after you know you hands you if you west, eat food or rub your eyes or or pick your nose or whatever you don't want led to get into your body. So we have some wipes down here, so I'm going to distribute these wipes also so when we're done sauntering, please liberally use thes wipes to get the residue off again it's not it's, not a big deal it's nothing to be afraid of but it's it's just something to be mindful of so I'll give you some pieces of sauder here and some wipes lt sit right there in that little tray. Okay, so I'll give you a quick sauntering demo and, uh, let me just move this here. Could I do one of them? Yeah. Let me just do the first one kind of explain. So so your sodding I and should be ready here and hot so don't only touched yeah, he's not only the tip is hot then so make sure that your wire is is, uh, pulled up against make sure your wires pull up against the hole in the speaker and that you have a loop in it and then what you do is you actually touch the saw during iron to the wire and that little loop and then you touch the sauder against the wire to and you wait. You wait for the sauder to start to melt and it will eventually heat if it takes a little bit of time to do it and it'll start to smoke and then you'll see it and then just lifted up and you'll see that the sauder looks kind of shiny on there and that's good, you wanted to be shiny because that means you have a good sauder joint if it looks really rough texture that's called the cold sauder joint and it's not as good it could break off easily and to make sure you have a good sort of joint pull on it pull in and you can pull on it pretty hard and if it doesn't come off that means you have a good solider joint jane do you want to try the other one ok so here's the sauder I'm getting a wipe so just like right here yes tarred because it's magnetic you watch it so you jean jean pointed out that the magnet makes it a little challenging because of the saw during iron tip is magnetic also because I'm not sure kevin's on is on should should this daughter wouldn't be catching actual sauder um it's okay it's not a big deal but sometimes you need to just to get it started that looks good yeah now it's stuck touch it again just cut it off you go then set the sobbing on the stand when you're done on give it a little poll to see if it's on there good and here's a wipe I'm going tio I'm going to just hop over there and take a look and see how you guys are doing if you've never saw that before they could be a unique experience put that right there he uh have you done saw during the four bob that's been a while okay? He used to work on their planes cool like model airplanes a real one forty seven cool so now at this point what we can do is I would die going go ahead and pull out one of the uh we're ready to test the circuit so let's at this point pull up the negative I mean that the positive battery lead from your from your bread board yeah, I guess you guys they're still finishing up for the suffering but once you pull out the positively we can put the batteries and so jeanne let's get some received these with these air these are triple a you can still still work but they'll still work this is a double a holder but I think the tripoli will probably still work luckily that springs powerful enough when we're going tio test the circuit up but you guys let me know when you're when you're ready okay so uh so we're ready to test the circuit now and let's see here jane is jane is excited to try it ok did you hear that sound and pinch that with both your fingers now jane touch my nose it's just such a pinkies on so you can see we're actually connecting a circuit together is this working for everybody way luckily we didn't have to troubleshoot this circuit you can actually kind of this you can do it alone two you have a son that can so the cool thing is if you notice if you touch very lightly you'll get a different tone if you touch with more force you'll get a stronger tone and uh thie tone depends on the conductivity through your body all right data you could just do that that's true. How are you going? Do we need to do some? Are you sure they're dead batteries let me take a quick look over here, okay? One one way to do it when you're in a group is hold the circuit that works next to the one that doesn't work and compare yeah, it sounds like a european police car. No way ok it's not the batteries so let's tio let me just grab my book and I'm going to quickly run through these okay? So do you have uh, one of the transistors into in in column c twenty five, twenty six and twenty seven yeah twenty five twenty six and twenty seven ok do you have the other one in? Yeah. Ok. Ok, do you have a wire between a twenty seven and the negative rail? Yeah. Okay then do you have a resistive between a twenty two in a twenty six? Twenty two eight six? Yeah. Okay. Do you have one resister in whole b twenty six twenty six year okay and then another resister between twenty five and g twenty six five forty six yes, ok looks like it's touching here do between my hand okay and then do you have no jag one that you hold the I'll go twenty five twenty five and then do you have why between j twenty five and a hole in the positive rail side okay okay yeah I'm not touching the a success. Okay, so that's that's what trouble shooting is all about and it happens I'm glad I'm really glad that it happened so we can see how to do it so the first step is to like check the circuits make sure it's in if someone else has a circuit you can compare how they did it if that doesn't work then you start swapping in other components to see if like you have a policy component trying new components until you like replaced each component and see if that that works just keep on trying you will eventually get it to work right now let's see how many people we can do on a one until things but I think we want to try that after week we put this thing together that's excellent through the metal so I think the last time I checked from fingertip the fingertip my resistance was about one, five hundred kill oems their half of the mega home so you're you're human body you have a resistor going through your body it's a pretty high resistance of course with the high enough current that's going through you could really hurt yourself this is such a minuscule amount because it's already running through one may go on resistance that there's a very very little amount of current going through your body so it's not harmful at all so the next thing we're going to do you guys is pull out the saw during irons again and being mindful of the heat we're going to sought or some wires tio two pennies and to the ends of resisters so any once again let's take about six inches of water is the same kind of same length of wire that we did with the speakers about six inches two lanes of six inches wait we need to do it through here um yeah we'll do that later yeah ok you want to strip you want me to get jane is gonna strip those they say if you want to measure here kevin is a rule in the job so so dan and bob are you have you had experience doing electronics before I'm doubly so I you got boards and college is old hat yeah done wire wrapping all of that okay, I was mechanical engineering in college so you guys were in the enemy camp will be holding for you good job. So if if if well if if electronics turns out to be something that interests you and this is like a fun project and you want to pursue this one thing I recommend is checking out arduino, which is a really fun way to quickly make elektronik circuits that can do amazing things with that interactivity on are doing was a printed circuit board a cost about twenty five dollars it's the size of a credit card and it allows you to attach sensors that can do things like since changes in the environment anything from the press of a button temperature, humidity, smog, light and then you can hook and then once it detects something from a censor, it can can either ring a bell light a light bulb, send a signal to the internet, changed eyes, change colors so like for example, say you wanted to make a house plant that would detect win the soil around. It was dry and once if the soil around it was too dry, it would tweet that it would need water so it's a help on thirsty and so your plant could actually tweet that it needed to be watered. So are doing now is a really great I have an introduction to our do we know in the book and you can also just go online to find out tons of stuff powdered, we know it's a great way teo teo, continue your interest in electronics ok, so now we're going to do some penny sauntering this again remember we're working with heat and what we want to do is take one of the pennies and put it on the street of cardboard that we have in jean I'm going, tio, move this over here, and it takes quite a bit of sauder to get a good, uh, connection on here, and what I'm going to do is, uh, I'm going to take the wire and cut it, I've felt fold it over, so it was like an l shape, and then with that folded over part, I cut it into a v shape, and we see if we can if we can see that I'm going tio, sure, you guys, it looks like kind of like the letter v, and what we want to do is to be able to just set it on the penny, and then when you said it on the penny, it looks like the letter v in that way, we were going to have a nice amount of wire sitting on the penny, and it will be structurally stable, and so we're going to sauder this wire to the penny and and so if you if you want to buddy up on this, it might be a good way one person holds the sovereign nine of the other person holds the sauder and the wire, so I'll hold these gene, and then what you want to do is get the penny pretty hot so just rest rest the sodding iron tip on the penny and I just saw her win way don't we're not going to use the week so what you want to do is not just to hold the the tip of the sword ring on on there but what kind of angle the soldering iron down so you get is much of the surface of the sovereign right on the penny is possible to get a nice and hot I think it's better for me to work on a chain and then, um you can just start applying the sauder and, uh did next love it yeah, and so we just keep on going you're gonna get you're gonna get a pretty good size blob. Yeah, and, uh it it is a bit of a challenge to get this disorder to attach the penny yeah, it's, hold the wire. Okay, now lift up the sodding iron and then once thea, once the sauder kind of pools out around the penny just keep on holding just keep on holding. The wife is going to take a long time to cool down because it's very hot do not touch the penny and hold the wire near the top because the the heat will conduct along the top of the wiring and just wait until the sauder uh cools down sufficiently? I just sit here it probably will take a minute or so and then eventually it will stick like this don't touch it yet you're not touching and, uh it's still hot and what I would like you to do is just hold it by the wire and set it aside cited cool and it and we'll do the other will do the other penny and again folded into an l shape like that so that that your wire looks like an l and then fold that wire into a little the shape and, uh do the same thing to the other kenny jamie, get the penny nice and warm there's frozen solid right now you get a pot melt and remember after you're done with the saw during tio put it back, please. The white yeah ok that's what that's probably good. Okay, okay, okay. Don't touch my finger. Sorry. No, you didn't ok, go ahead put that sat in there in a way because right after you said I thought that the other thing is you'll see that that smoke rising that's the rosin in the from the sauder that's what helps it it here to medal so I just had it it's not it's not toxic or anything but it's it's just a little not going to be a noxious so if you're doing a lot of suffering it's. Nice to have some kind of ventilation in the room that you're doing. The saw during so that the smoke is, is, uh, sucked away from you while you're doing your work.
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Great time today learning with Mark and Jane was easy and fun. I will be sharing my new found maker talents with my grandaughters very soon. We will watch the videos and follow along. What a great idea in learning you have with CreativeLive! Congrats to the entire CreativeLive team, I cannot wait to see tomorrows show.
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