Outsource and create logo with Freelancer Competitions
Lesson 27 from: DIY Music Business 101Tomas George

Outsource and create logo with Freelancer Competitions
Lesson 27 from: DIY Music Business 101Tomas George
Lesson Info
27. Outsource and create logo with Freelancer Competitions
How to choose your music distributor and collect ALL royalties
04:57 2Introduction to this Section
01:15 3Copyright and Royalties Overview
02:33 4Royalties as the Songwriter
02:50 5Publishing Admin Companies
04:43 6Performing Rights Organizations
03:00 7A Brief Overview of Copyright
04:38 8Record Companies and Record Deals
02:37Spotify and Spotify Pre-Saves
02:34 10Preparing for a Release
03:53 11Spotify Continued
06:11 12Money
03:45 13The Importance of Video
03:26 14Demos
01:46 15Standing out
01:50 16Followers vs Fans
03:32 17Websites
03:48 18Recommended Resources
03:34 19Building and Monetizing Your Fan Club
07:12 20Pre-Save Spotify Toneden
02:40 21Fan Links Toneden
03:04 22Creating a Website with Square Space - A Brief Overview
04:30 23How to make a Lyric Video in Final Cut Pro X
09:36 24Finding Templates for a Lyric Video or Visualizer
04:46 25How to Find a Freelancer to Editing a Music Video Template
03:28 26How to set up Amazon Affiliate Links and where to put them
05:32 27Outsource and create logo with Freelancer Competitions
08:52 28Creating a Print on Demand t-shirt with Merch by Amazon
11:02 29Thanks and Bye
00:19Lesson Info
Outsource and create logo with Freelancer Competitions
Hello and welcome to this lecture where we're going to be looking at creating a freelancer contest to get a new logo designed. So I'm on the website now, freelancer.co.uk/contest. If you're not in the UK though, I recommend just going over to Google and typing in freelancer contest and click on this and this will bring up the freelancer website for your location. So the reason why I like freelancer contests is you can actually go through and just choose the design you like. So say you get 20 entries and maybe five of them are suitable and 15 aren't that saves you actually just hiring one person where the design might not be suitable a contest as well for stuff like logo design or maybe even photo editing, you will get quite a few different designs and it doesn't really cost that much. You can get quite a good logo for maybe $20 or even less. So instead of going on post a project, I'm actually going to go over to start your contest. So with this, we need to fill in the details correctly...
. So I'm going to put create a new logo design on Adobe illustrator, you don't have to have this for illustrator, illustrators, basically Adobe software, which is good for actually creating logos. The reason I want this on Adobe illustrator is so I can actually go into the project, maybe tweak stuff around, change the colors or maybe change the size. However, you can just ask for maybe a PNG file. You don't always have to have it on Adobe illustrator. OK. So now I'm going to describe this. So here I've put, could you design me a logo in Adobe illustrator that is similar to the designs attached? So I'm going to actually attach a few different designs so they can see what kind of thing I'm after. So here I've put this is for a music production brand. So I want maybe an image of music levels or EQ, but I also want to have a cool modern design for just the letters DMM similar to the old logo and design number one. So I'm going to actually attach the old logo and design number one soon. Then I'm also going to mention that I want the Adobe Illustrator file just in case I need to edit the project later on. And then I've just put below. If you are awarded this contest, I will want the Adobe Illustrator file as well as the PNG file of the logo. Thanks and then my name and then I'm going to upload some files which are of some similar designs that I want. So here I actually have the current logo that I'm using. So DMM for digital music masters and then idea one. So I want something similar to this, maybe this meter pattern down here. And I've got another idea and the third one as well, I'm going to upload these so the freelancers can see what kind of designer wants so you can just go and upload file. And here I'm just going to select the different ideas and add these as well. Once you've done this, just hit next. And now I need to select what skills are required. Freelance has actually selected some and this is pretty much what I want. Maybe not Photoshop because I want this to be done in Adobe illustrator. So we've got logo design, graphic design, illustrator, illustration, which is fine. I'm going to hit next and says here, how would you like to get that done? This is where we need to go and start a contest. A project will just be one person you select to create a logo. A contest will have a load of different people, all add their ideas and you can actually see the logo before you pay them. And now we have the budgets and I'm going to change this to dollars us D and I'm going to add actually $20. So it says here, expect around 30 entries and then I'm going to hit next. And is your contest urgent? And I'm going to select 3 to 30 days because I don't want to pay any extra. And then how long would you like to run your contest? I'm just going to put three days because I don't want to spend too long on this and then hit next. Then you can choose basic contest or guaranteed contests. I like to choose basic contest just in case all of the ideas aren't suitable with guaranteed contests. You will have to pay a prize winner, even if none of them are suitable. Sometimes you might not find the right one. So I'm going to select basic contests because I don't want to pay someone if the logo design isn't what I want. And down here, this is just for checking the details. So I'm going to hit get entries now and this will take you through to a payment page where you will have to pay a deposit. Now, my contest has been posted and we may have to wait maybe a few hours or even a few days to get a few different entries. Hi, we're back and it's been around about 17 hours and so far I've got 49 entries. So I'm actually going to just have a look through these different entries now and see if any are suitable. And then when I find one or maybe a few that could be suitable, I'm just going to send a freelancer a message to ask them if they have this in the right file format because I do want an Adobe illustrator project file just in case I want to change a few settings and I also want a PNG file. So I'm just looking down here, this one looks like it could be suitable, going to go and chat. So I've just written there. Hi, if I award you the contest, could you send me the file as a PNG and also as an Adobe illustrator file? So I'm just going to copy that message, maybe send it to another person and then just have a look to see if any other of these logos are suitable. I actually like this one as well. I'm going to message this person, same thing, just copy and paste. I just want to make sure they have the right file format before I award them the price. OK? And just one more page and that one's been withdrawn. Ok. So from looking at these, there's two that I think are suitable. This one here, entry number three and also this one here, which is very similar, which is entry number 19. So I'm just going to see what the freelancers say. This could take a few hours or so it depends on the time zone. It depends what country they're from. For example, if it's morning for me, it could be the middle of the night for the person. It really depends where they are. However, as I actually said that one of the people just messaged me back right now. So that is the other entry, this one here. And to be honest, I actually prefer this because it's a circle. And just for this example, I'm just going to award this now. So I'm just going to message him now saying great, I'll award, you know, X cos a lot of the time. I don't want to spend too long on this. So I will award ones that are suitable. I don't want to wait around too long. However, if there's one that's really good, it could be worth waiting to see what the freelancer says. Ok. And then we go over to a transfer copyright section where you will have to put in your personal details. Obviously, this section is blurred for mine, then you will have to agree to sign the transfer agreement. If you want more information on this, I do recommend reading the transfer agreement and if you agree to the IP transfer agreement for the selected entry, make sure you check this box and then click sign agreement and then we're basically just waiting for the freelancer to upload the files and send them over. So let's just wait now for the freelancer to send us the file. You can download the contract if you wish as well. Ok. So around about 45 minutes has passed and the freelancer has uploaded the PNG file and the Adobe illustrator file. So this freelancer I'm working with has great communication and he's uploaded the files quite promptly. This may not always be the case. Sometimes you may have to wait a bit longer. It really just depends, everyone is different. But ideally you want someone to be prompt, polite and do a good job. So before I accept the files, I'm going to download these just to check them first. And then once I realize they're fine, I will award the prize and provide some feedback for this freelancer. So let's have a look at the PNG first. That's absolutely fine. And now I'm going to look at the Adobe illustrator file. Ok, great. And this works fine in Adobe illustrator. So I'm going to award the contest now and you can submit feedback as well if you wish. OK. So there we go. I've got the PNG file and I've also got this logo in Adobe illustrator. If you want to tweak edit or change anything in future. If you don't use Adobe illustrator, though, don't worry you can request just a PNG file, but you won't really be able to edit your logo even if you don't have Adobe illustrator. I still recommend asking for an illustrator file because you could always get someone else or another freelancer to edit the file later on if you need to. So that's how you can create a logo with a freelancer competition. I hope you found these steps useful and I'll see you in the next video
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