Class Introduction
03:41 2Finding Hidden Filters
11:58 3Halftone Pattern
07:06 4Liquify
07:06 5Lens Flare
02:30 6Flames
05:16 7Variations of the Blur Tool
10:29 8Field Blur
04:33Lesson Info
Field Blur
Let's take another look at how we can blur things so we can also use blur. Teoh, um, draw. Focus. So in this particular image, for example, if we wanted to draw focus to the little girl, we come up to the filter menu, and this time, instead of blur and any one of these blurs, we could go to Blur Gallery and choose I wrestler. And this allows us Teoh, put a center focus point moments. Bring this down and we can move it so I can position this on her face, and we can control how big this focus area is. By dragging the outside of the circle around, I can control the transition of the blur and where it happens by adjusting knees. So if I bring it in, um, it's a softer transition or more brush transition. And then this little dial is actually the same thing is dragging this slider, but this will blur everything outside of the circle and when we're happy with it, we can click OK, and it will render ever so slightly. And there we go so you can have a before and an after so it can help you crea...
te a different look for your image is one of my favorite applications of this is in this example. So every day is a good day to go for a run. Um, any runners in here? One. Yeah, right. Although some days you really don't feel like it, I don't care how cool this little piece looks. Some days you don't feel like it, but so what I've done here is I just have to type players. And then I took the this layer, the run layer, and I duplicated it. And then I flipped it, and then I distorted it to create what's called a cast shadow. Okay, so that's different than a drop shadow. There's a button. There's actually an action in Photoshopped to make a cash shadow, but it's not very customizable, so I just make my own if I want them. So anyway, that's what I have here. But if we're going to make this look more photo realistic, it would be blurred as the shadow gets further away from the object. It would get blurrier, and it would be less blurred by the object. So previously you can accomplish that by duplicating the shadow and then blurring one and not the other and then adding a mask. That's a Grady Int mask, Teoh. So they sort of blend together the blurred one in the not blurred with and it sounds complicated, but it's pretty simple. But now we can just run this other filter. So if we go to the filter menu and we choose Blur Gallery Field Blur, we get the ability to put points. So if I can drag this point, so here, close to the letters, I don't want a big blur, so I'm going to drag that down so, like three points. And if I click down here, I can add a second point and then I can increase the blur. And now you can see I can see if I zoom in the effect that that's having and so I could and I could move this, however I need to or blur it more or tap this one and then blur it less. But you can see I'm getting that Grady ated effect. And when I'm happy with it, of course, Then I click. OK, but these So there's two points in whichever. When I select, that's the one I can then at it, and that was, like, so simple. And now I don't have to mess with the ingredient layer mask. So any questions on those so far? I just think this is so fun. Makes me want to go for a run.
Ratings and Reviews
Amy Vaughn
Khara is knowledgeable, creative and has a fun and easy to understand teaching style. This class goes over some of the default Photoshop filters and offers ideas about how to use them for creative effects. My favorite new thing I learned was about displacement maps, but I'm looking forward to trying more of these out.
I have been using Photoshop for many years. Although I've made use of filters now and again, I never spent time learning about them. I appreciate how clearly Khara explains filter settings and the examples she provides.