Day 1
1Product, Market Analysis and Fundamentals
06:49 2Overview, Tools, & Credibility
13:52 3Concepts and Inspiration
17:34 4Your Time and Action Assumptions
11:52 5Who's Your Competition?
21:39 6Define Your New Product
04:22 7What's Your Unfair Advantage?
03:44Collection Planning
03:42 9Building a Collection Pyramid
09:17 10Understand Your Price Variables
17:59 11Build a Price Structure
10:10 12Create Your Collection Plan
20:59 13What is a Concept?
18:39 14Where to Find Inspiration?
12:42 15Color & Fabric
17:00 16Build a Concept Board
09:56 17What is a Time & Action Plan?
18:14 18Understanding Timelines
24:12 19Create a Time & Action Plan
23:34Day 2
21:42 21Raw Materials
21:37 22Communication and Information Flow
25:48 23Growing and Managing the Line
37:33 24Understand Key Terminology
20:36 25How to Find Suppliers
10:25 26How to Document the Process
39:17 27How to Build Relationships
18:11 28How to Maintain Respectful Communication
17:30 29How to Build a Cohesive Line
08:36 30How to Manage Your Timeline
17:15 31How to Test the Market
07:08 32Sustain the Plan
18:15Lesson Info
Define Your New Product
Defining your new product ok so this's a recap of what we have we've talked about product idea whether it's in new or additional we've talked about mission of vision statement we looked a customer and target market and also the competitor analysis ok so really it's kind of that does your new product compliment or contradict what you're looking at right now? So this is something that you need to have in the back of your mind people out there in in the in the audience if you want to kind of give us some feedback on twitter on that be great to read about it ok going to susie scarves ok so my original thing is vintage scarfs that's where my idea started from I was sourcing them recondition then sold them and now what I'm wanting to do is develop my line okay so I have one idea emerging into another okay did a whole pile of brainstorming I got that light bulb going on the top of my head on by started brainstorming on dh what I do do for brainstorming is literally get a blank piece of paper ...
and just write anything kind of word association basically so for my brain storming I looked at vintage scarfs okay what's the first thing would be a natural product to add on to that if I was starting with us so I just thought ok silk scarf is natural you're sharing materials maybe a cotton silk scarf, changing the material a little bit, uh, maybe kind of a jersey infinity scarf. I kind of thought about that. And like, well, there's a lot of people doing jersey infinity scars. Not too sure how that's gonna work a rapper shore ty pillow, napkin beach cover up for a bandeau top. All these things, which I kind of when I think about scarf, I either think of a material connection or a print connection or to manufacturing connection something which is going to tie these things together. Okay, so if we're talking about, um, uh, purses, you know, I mean, I think about post I'll be thinking about maybe kind of a tote bag or maybe something using the same materials, maybe you know, a pillow or throw that you can use the same material and tie in a print. Um, so it's kind of like a random word association that I that I tend to start with. I never work in a very structured ways, always very unstructured because that's, when the best ideas come out when you're least expecting them. So brainstorming is a great way to kind of figure out your warning to add another product, what is the most logical product for you as a company to do brainstorm a whole pile of ideas? Stick him on a paper and this leave them there and don't make any immediate decisions just kind of focus on it let it kind of sink in and then think about the kind of how it's going to connect really so introducing cohesiveness so we talked about principles at the beginning of the session cohesiveness is something that you are going to hear a lot over the next two sessions having a cohesive lies how it all links together it's such an important feature when you have one product line and you're launching another one bringing to inside by side or learning how to kind of really build out your current one is understanding the cohesiveness of the product so I've got four elements here which I think about that kind of a cohesive product thinking about fabric or material ah I think about print the technique so laser cutting now in your instance and color so these things not all of it not everything has to be used to build a cohesive line you know one or two of thes with your product will help the customer to understand what the connection is okay so these are kind of very key points we're going to be looking at these in literally every lesson that we go through so it's going to be like drummed into as we go through it ok so another question think of two products that you could add and sharing a cohesive message okay, so now's a great time. Just to kind of just think, just write a few kind of little notes down andi. Any kind of questions in the audience, we can kind of come back to those. It doesn't have to be a mix of brainstorming mission. This it's really just putting ideas down on paper right now.
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Ratings and Reviews
Thank you for an excellent class on a key pivot point no matter what industry you are in. One stellar quality of this course is how collaborative, friend focused peer culture and (rather than hostile competition or dysfunction competition environment and psychological atmosphere). The structure suggestions enable creativity and acknowledges different mindsets required in different phases. Susie honors the joy that comes from making and creating. She celebrates the interdependence between all stakeholders and the fun and flow as well as learnings and choices from being a 'business'. She is pragmatic but high on the inclusiveness of fun and satisfaction. She is interested and interesting: safe, enjoys being a customer as much as teacher and expressions of creative generation for herself. You can be caught up in the delight of her view of the world if you have become jaded or burnout. This brings perspective and empowerment to your desire and goals.
Susie has this most amazing experience in business - she is fashion royalty - but has an amazing ability to put all her knowledge across in a way that you can learn so easily. I was so pleased that she could show you how to learn from her experience and it would make sense for your business. Pretty much whatever you are doing. I came away from these sessions with so many ideas. But of course ideas are cheap. She has made me understand how once you have an idea, how to make it real. So many great learnings about avoiding pitfalls, practical check lists and honest to goodness 'know how'. I am already putting her advice into practice and can see I am going to transform my business just because of these classes. I am going to come back to those videos again and again. Thank you so much for making this great resource available.
I LOVED THIS COURSE. After being a small business owner for 10 years it is easy to focus on what's right on your desk at that very moment instead of evaluating the bigger picture, to forget how to look at what is working as well as what isn't and how to improve upon your process. Courses like this make me want to jump up out of my seat and get back to work. Susie kept me engaged and focused. It can be a long day but time seemed to fly by. I am really glad I got the opportunity to take the course, not only would I take it again but would highly recommend future Creative Live courses and Susie's latest book. Thank you again for the opportunity and now I gotta get back to work!