More Typography and Simple Backgrounds
Lesson 8 from: Digital Scrapbooking with Photoshop ElementsMichelle Stelling

More Typography and Simple Backgrounds
Lesson 8 from: Digital Scrapbooking with Photoshop ElementsMichelle Stelling
Day 1
1Day 1 Pre-Show
05:43 2PSE for Photographers and Scrapbookers
37:32 3Editing Photos in Photoshop Elements
45:20 4Favorite Features
39:30 5Typography
23:24 6Creating Textures
33:57 7Making Patterns
45:25More Typography and Simple Backgrounds
19:54 9Tools and Techniques
31:41 10Creating Layouts with Digikits
27:43 11Day 1 Wrap Up
01:28Day 2
12Day 2 Pre-Show
11:08 13Using Thumbnails, Templates & Masks
18:38 14Designing a 2 Page Spread
38:57 15Photo Composition 101
22:04 16Poster Creation
27:19 17Card Creation
37:18 18Custom Brush Creation
26:23 19Layout Creation
15:28 20Working Creatively with Brushes
38:01 21Social Cover Templates
45:56 22Create a 10 by 10 Layout
30:54 23Day 2 Wrap-Up
02:33 24Thanks + Credits
03:55Lesson Info
More Typography and Simple Backgrounds
for hours. Pull it out and it's not going to fade. So we're going to do a little test a little water test. We're gonna dip one of my photos in there and then pull it out tomorrow sometime and give it the test. But if you print it out at home like that, you're right with your regular printer. You're not gonna want to do this so we can go ahead and dip that in. Chris, go for thing is gonna be You're gonna get wet. Put your put your goggles on. Alright. That is what is especially what Michelle and her family are are underwater. We're holding our breath for hours. All right, so I have a couple little pieces of typography that I wanted to throw out there as well, because I didn't get to all of it. The first, this not last segment. And then we're gonna talk like Jean Marie was saying about some of the top tools and techniques that ever been. Body should know. I'm going to also show you a couple of layouts that we're gonna create. It's well, we're going to start tying everything together. Th...
e last segment tying things together. Tomorrow is going to be even tying. What do you do with Karen and kind of wrapping everything up. So let's go ahead. And And this may be simple to some people, but I thought, Well, I better go through this just in case. Now, this is part of the typography where you can change color of different words you can dio letting. So let's just go ahead and create this real quick. For those of you who may not know, just gonna do a blank file eight by five. Fine. Go get my text tool. I'm gonna go ahead and use aerial. I'm gonna click one time. Now. This may not be the size that I need, but it's OK if you don't want to take the size up at this point, you can go ahead and type in as is, and then we can always move it up. So I think it was first, first day of school and I didn't put space is in there just because I am going to be changing the color and I didn't think it was necessary. So what I'm doing is I'm using my transform tool to pull these little nodes around to kind of make it the size that I wanted to be that way. I don't have to guess down here on the point size because I know what I need to fill up in that area right now. It doesn't look readable because it's all one pretty much one word and all one color. And I dont really particularly care for the font. So I am going to go in there and just try something really quick, a different. Um, it's just use this one. So I'm going to highlight what I want to change as far as the color goes so I can click and drag. I am on the correct layer. You always want to make sure that you're on the correct layer when you get ahead of yourself. Sometimes you'll be on the wrong layer. And then you're working on something. You're like, Why is this not working? First thing to do is go look at your layer. Make sure you're on that right layer. I do it all the time, so don't worry about that. I'm gonna highlight that. I'm gonna go in there since primary colors. I'm just gonna go ahead and use the primary colors. I can take this slider up and down Just go with a blue and then I'm gonna click and drag go back into the color scheme. I go in deeper. I don't use thes regular set ones Here I go in deeper, so I'm gonna go with it, read pull it up to the side up top. And we got maybe yellow for of going in. Pull this up a little bit. If you know the exact RGB colors, you can punch those in. Or if, you know, have any of you heard of Hexi decimal numbers? Those of you who are Web savvy might have heard of that. So Hexi decimal numbers that looks kind of warrant are not orange but green but chiloe. And then we're gonna go with, um Green. Let's go pull this up a little bit. And now, if you don't like the letting of this, you can go back into your text tool and then down here, where it says letting you can either a click on this little arrow that points down and choose it from here. But what I prefer to do is just click and drag it to the right to give us a little bit more letting or click and drag it to the left, of course, to tight end up the leading. So that's pretty self explanatory. If you don't like left justified, then you can always do center, and you could have it centered or you can right, Justify right now we talked a little bit about rotating. Fonts are types. Let's go file and new, another blank file. And I'm just gonna go ahead and get my text tool. And in this point, I'm gonna go ahead. I know that it's gonna be a brown color. So I'm gonna click on this screen notice, pull a brown from this swatch area and I'm gonna click one time. It automatically creates a new layer for me. I'm gonna type in. I love groups. Let's put a space in there, and at this point, this is what I want to rotate. So when you go to one of the corners of the transform box, you're gonna notice that it turns into double arrows. If you hold down the shift key, it will toggle between I think it's 15 degrees or something like that. But you know, when it stops, it kind of bounces. So I wanted to be straight up and down, and I want to go ahead and move it on over, and I'm gonna scrunch this up and make a little bit smaller. I just want this to kind of be the height of the next word that I'm gonna put next to it. I'm gonna go ahead and get my text tool again. I'm gonna click away so it doesn't get confused with tryingto adhere itself to this text because you have to kind of get used to that. And then I'm just gonna put football and then enlarge it and maybe go ahead and they get tall, condensed, and this is kind of boring still, but at least it's not just straight. I love football. Got a little bit of variety there, and you can go a step further if you wanted to put the, you know, footballs in where the O's are. You can do that. We've already kind of covered that in the last couple segments ago, but you can go in and change the colors. So it's a maybe. I want football to stand out. Of course, that's the larger font are the larger size I'm gonna go with. I love a little bit lighter, So let's try going into care and show you this little troll weight. She might show it to tomorrow, So I'm gonna go with a little bit lighter color. Click on. OK. Oops. I forgot to highlight it. Cold air. Okay, now it's not so in your face. The word I love because we want football to stand out And maybe we want that. I love to have the same color stroke around it. Let's go back to I love go to our layer Earlier style sale settings click on stroke. And now this is way too thick. But we are going to change that color. So we're gonna click on that, come out to the word football because I want to keep that consistent. Go ahead and click on, OK. And I don't want it to be three. I'm gonna try to put in to to see what that does. Maybe one. I wonder if it does. 1.5. I'm just gonna check. I don't think it does, but no. Okay, So has to be increments of one. All right, So we're gonna go with two. Click on, OK, and there's a different type of headline. Pretty straightforward. All right, Another thing, actually. Keep this up. This will be a good one. We have text warping because ever used that tool. Okay, so it's kind of bubble gum issue. No, it's I just want to show you where it iss. So we're gonna go into where is that layer type warping, text layer type and warping texts. And you want to go and make sure that you're on the correct layer. So I go warp. We have all different types of options. This might be good for Fourth of July. You know, we've got the flag. Could go red, white and blue. Um, it's got a fun to play around with. So just so you know that it is there, let's go with the flag. Could do flight football, I guess. And then you also have these little sliders where you can kind of make it look. However you want Teoh, so it puts a little spin on it. Sometimes it looks good, sometimes not. Um, we I think there's a fish eye in there or something, and all kinds of crazy things you can do with your with your type and then click on OK, you can do this with vertical type is well, so if you go get your text tool, you notice you have all different options. Sound here where it says type horizontal. You don't have to type horizontal. You could type vertically, and we covered this in the introduction class. But I just want to kind of refresh your memory on that. Uh, it's getting It's getting hooked up with that. Someone move that away and then I'm going to get my vertical. And now sometimes this is hard for me to read, to read it. So just to make sure that when you do stuff like this is kind of easy to read, so kind of pull it. Maybe for book covers or something. Let's just pull this up a little bit, Okay, so that is there. It's usually better when you have just maybe two or three. Peace is not to read. Please don't tooth that we don't have, like everything floated all right across there, so that's there for you to use as well. All right, so let's go ahead and move on to Karen Kind of talked a little bit a lot about textures and patterns and all that kind of stuff. And I'm so glad that she came because that's not my area of expertise. But I do do some backgrounds, everyone, some while do stripes and, um, take pictures of really cool textures and such. But in this case, I wanted Teoh create a pillow that looked just like some of my other pillows. So let me show you a picture of the outcome. So you have an idea of what we're gonna create here in our loft upstairs. It's pretty black, bright blue. So we decided to go with the theme of what I love is the Ocean. So I cost goes one of my favorite places. They had these really nice bright blue and yellow pillows. And I noticed that, um, what was its, uh, Shutterfly? If you get on cheddar flies list, they will send you free things or 50% off for a lot of different things. So I was on their list and they said pillows are 75% off this week. I'm like, OK, whenever they send me seems like Oh, no, Now, I'm gonna have to spend time making this because it's only one for one week. So I thought You know what? I want a pillow that's gonna match my other pillows. So how am I gonna do this? Well, I wanna hadn't scanned in the pillow, and Karen talked a little bit about scanning, I think, or she will tomorrow. So what I did was I scanned in the pillow or No, actually, I scanned it and it didn't really look right. So I took my camera and I took a picture of it, and I thought, Well, it's not perfect, you know? And you do see that texture, which is fine. We could use this for something else, but this pillow is gonna have texture anyway, so I wanted to be solids. So what I did was I went ahead. Thought OK, what size is this? People have to be. That's the first thing you want to check it out cause if you're doing a by 12 and you notice that they are only 18 by 18 you don't want to take a 12 by 12 that you spent an hour to on. Then go. No. Now I have to enlarge that. It's gonna pixel ate. So first thing you want to do is make sure you know exactly what size it's supposed to be. So I went to their site. They came in two different sizes. I think this one was the 18 which was a little bit bigger. So I said, OK, I'm gonna use this kind of as my template. So I'm gonna open up this and then I'm gonna go over to my crop tool. I must say, OK, let me close this one out because we can close that out, I must say, Okay, I want this to be 18 by 18 and it's gonna be printed, so we're gonna go 300. It might be a big file, but should be okay and then I'm gonna crop this out. I'm just gonna have kind of right about there. You don't have to be perfect. And now at least I have a background that I can start playing my stripes on top of, and I could pull the color from this as well. And I didn't think that the colors we're gonna match up that great whenever I got it. But it was almost perfect. Who's I looked out because you never know what prints gonna look like when it gets to your door. It looks usually beautiful on your computer, and then you get to go. Oh, it's like Dole and all that, but it actually matched up pretty well. So you can do this so many different ways. But I'm just gonna go in and do a quick a little quick. I'm not gonna create the whole thing. So I have this in my background. I'm gonna save it. I'm gonna go file and save as and I'm gonna save it is a PSD Photoshopped documents. I thought maybe I forgot these boy PSD, where are you? Right there and here. Here's the original there, but I'm just gonna go ahead and do that. Thank you. How does do Beach? All right? Saying that sometimes I'll put the size of it there. So just so I remember. But if you forget, you can always go up to image resize and image size. And that will tell you what that size is just in case and you can pull up your ruler. So if you go to view and rulers, you can see that it's 18 by 18. All right, so I'm gonna be working on layers, and you could do this a bunch of different ways. I wasn't really accurate with it, so I went in there and I went to create a new layer. And maybe I want to dio the yellows first. So I'm gonna go and get my rectangle marquee tool. And I'm just gonna do a big yellow block right here, and I'm gonna go ahead and get my color. So I'm gonna pull that color from there now, because there is texture involved, It may not pull a yellow that you want, so I just kind of click around a little bit is a little bit muddy, and I don't like that. So I kind of went and I guessed what yellow I wanted, but I wanted it to be really, really bright, cause that's what the actual outcome Waas. So I'm gonna click on that. I'm gonna fill that with that yellow, and then I can take this opacity down if I want to To see that other stripe that's in there. Um, we can work on layer after layer after layer or if you wanted to. You could feel that whole thing with yellow and then start cutting, just like you would regular. You know, traditional. So a couple different ways, you can do it. So I'm just gonna go ahead and start building on layers so you can kind of get a visual of that click on a new layer. But you have to remember to go back and take that opacity back up. You don't want it to be muted, so I'm gonna do it. Looks like there's a little white stripe down there, too. I'm gonna get my my rectangle marquee tool. Make sure I'm on that layer. Come on in here and click and drag, and I'm not. I'm not getting real picky. One thing you don't have to really be too picky with it and then fill it with that. And then there's another little striping, and that's blue. And you can always copy and paste these as well. I'm gonna go into another layer. I am gonna take this down so I can see that Oops! Down to this layer, working with that and I could zoom in a little bit as well. And I'm going to go that top layer and this one's gonna be a bright blue. So I'm gonna get my rectangle marquee tool de select. Just kind of eyeball it for now. You can bring in your grids and guides and all that. We talked about that in the introduction class. Um, a few months ago, when I fill it with a blues, I'm gonna pull this color blue. That looks pretty close. So I'm gonna get my pay bucket tool. Feel that Go ahead back. And now when we take everything up to 100% that little area looks okay, go ahead and pull that up. And then what I did to because I didn't want it to be all straight I want hadn't rotated at the very end and had it kind of horizontal instead of vertical. Let me just go over to this side just so we can kind of budget a little bit. Gonna fill this. I'm gonna get another layer. I'm going to go into my payback. A tool. I've got that same blue. I feel that. And there's another aqua blue right in here. It's gonna go ahead and fill that. I do like to put everything on their own separate layers. You don't have to, but it's nice because then you can, you know, throw away that layer if you want to. So I am going to make sure that I go click on that making a new layer go in and get this color aqua blue a little bit brighter. And we're gonna feel that Take the opacity down and let's just get another yellow in there. You get the idea, another layer and let's fill that with that yellow. So I pulled out yellow back and back up. Okay, so this is kind of how I created that. And then I rotated it. And then I brought in the photo that I wanted to place on top. Now I wanted to make sure that because the pillow it's it's not flat. So I had to make sure that I kind of made that that photo they brought on top much smaller because if I would have put it to the edges like 1/4 of an inch, then you would have seen those stripes anyway. So I'm gonna go get the photo that I want to use. I'm gonna go with I'm just gonna guess, and I'm gonna go with maybe 16 by 16 instead of 18 by 18. We can always reduce it in size. I'm gonna go in here, go to my crop tool, and instead of 18 I'm gonna type in 16. 16 300. And I'm gonna go ahead with this right about here. Take my move, tool. Try getting drop it. I am going to go smaller. Probably about like that. If I wanted to rotate this this photo at that time that I can. So then I turned off my background layer when I saved it off because I don't didn't want any of that. It wouldn't be shining through anyway. But once you get all those different stripes in there, it'll match up. And then you can send off this, too. Um Shutterfly. So just digital scrapbook and doesn't just have to be all the papers. It could be, um, have any of you guys done canvas before printing things on canvas? That's really cool, too. So you can always print things on canvas. Um, and I don't know if persnickety this canvas or not, the Costco does canvas, and, you know, they could find places on the Internet. Any questions on that? Oh, good. Okay. Perfect. And he was saving office a J peg, just like you normally would. Anything else?
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Ratings and Reviews
Prairie Chicken
I found this an excellent course on the use of PSE--not just for scrape booking but for any use. And of course the scrape booking ideas and methodology was great. I enjoyed Michelle's approach very much, and also liked Karens.