Lesson Info
10. Submitting to Playlists
Introduction and What You Are Going to Learn
00:58 2Audio Files Preparation
03:27 3Distributor Choices
00:41 4CD Baby Setup Overview
01:07 5Spotify Artist Profile
07:18 6SubmitHub Overview
02:55 7SubmitHub Artist Profile
01:43 8SubmitHub Dashboard
01:34SubmitHub Setup
05:29 10Submitting to Playlists
10:14 11How to Get Your First 1000 Streams on Spotify
03:04 12Design Artwork for free with Canva
06:29 13Photoshop Templates
04:24 14Music Visualizers with After Effects
04:01 15YouTube Videos with iMovie
01:09 16How to Create an Email Newsletter for Your Audience
04:13 17Outsourcing with Freelancer
03:56 18CD Baby Setup - Part 1
16:19 19Uploading Artworks and Tracks
01:59 20CD Baby - Payment
01:46 21Distribution
04:33 22Thanks and Bye
00:14Lesson Info
Submitting to Playlists
Ok. Now we're going to find some playlists. So this is the submit section on submit hub where we can fly in playlists. I do have 30 credits. You can see up here. Uh Let's go and find some playlists. Now, remember we will have to pay for our credits and you can see here, I've got 30 premium credits and two standard. We can get more credits by clicking on this credit section here. But for now let's find some playlists. So I'm going to narrow this down by genre. So this song that I've selected is kind of an alternative rock song. So I'm going to click on rock. You're going to click Alternative. There's a few more things that I would like to include. I guess it's kind of electronic alternative rock. However, I think this is kind of the closest one if we hover over each genre as well, it tells us what it actually means. So a rocky or slightly grungy sound often drawing inspiration from 90 smashing pumpkin Radiohead, My Bloody Valentine. This song, to be honest, sounds similar to Radiohead w...
ith some electronic influences. So I'm going to check Alternative and here we have some playlists. So it's a good idea really to find a high response rate and a playlist with a lot of fans. So this one here has 325,800 fans and 99% response rate. So let's actually click on this. So this playlist is a personal music blog on youtube with over 50 million views and 230,000 subscribers. So that sounds pretty good to me submission. So it's got 6/6000 submissions and 37 approved. So this is the percentage calculated on the number of songs responded not too received. So this one really has uh quite a low chance of getting on this playlist because it looks like a lot of people have submitted their songs and not that many in comparison, 0.7% have actually been approved. So let's have a look at another one because I do want a slightly higher approved rate. Have a look at this one. So you can see here. It's got a few social media followers just click on this here. There is a much higher approve rate. It's 5.5% but it does have 46,000 submissions and has 1354 approved. So this might be a better one for me, but I do recommend going through and reading about these different playlists. So I might have a look at another one. So on here. Bob's Music Box. So this one has a slightly higher approve rate. So nothing is really guaranteed here. You do have to find a playlist that suit you and just hope really that they're gonna choose your song. Of course, the quality of your song, the quality of the composition, the production, the recording is important. If you have a song that isn't very good or is, hasn't been recorded very well, don't expect to be accepted on all these playlists. However, if you have a really high quality song that's suitable for these playlists, you're a lot more likely to get on them. So I do recommend spending some time looking at these playlists. Don't just go for the first one, go through and find ones that have similar songs to yours and then once you've found them, have a look at submitting. So I'm actually going to pause this now and find a few different playlists. Hi, Christopher here. I'm just gonna take over, um, from Thomas here and help him narrow down his criteria to just some specific Spotify playlists that he can submit his music to over here on the left hand side cos we've got lots of different options and it's quite overwhelming at this point. What we're gonna do is narrow it down and just untick all of the outlet types other than Spotify Play Lister. So we're down to much fewer than we were before. So it's gonna be a lot easier to narrow down. We can also hide blogs with lower rated feedback. Let's do that. And we're gonna do has a Spotify playlist and I'm gonna leave it at that actually because we're down to just a few now. Ok. So we've got still a for you to look through, but let's have a look. Ok? So ideally, we want a response rate that is really, really high, if not 100%. Because even if the music doesn't get pushed into the playlist, at least you get a response, at least you might get some feedback, which will be constructive. So even if you don't get on the playlist, at least you have a takeaway. So let's see what want to go with, let's have a look at this one. Reach thousands of listeners on Spotify shares quickly 20 hours average. That's pretty cool. Tends to give above average feedback. Excellent, typically shares as Spotify listens to each premium submission for an average of two minutes and 19 seconds. Now, that's really good because a lot of play Listers and bloggers they'll only listen to like the first bit of the song and that's not always what you want while the extra cost fairly engaged. Spotify following wants to spend more time on fewer submissions. So this is why I'm a big fan of going for the more expensive ones where it's more justified. They do have a low response rate, but I'm kind of liking these guys right now. Uh I'm just gonna check them. This blog costs extra. Ok. We'll leave that there for now. Uh What we got here, canal off and surf music doesn't sound really relevant to me. So I'm probably just gonna scroll past that. Carlos Calza. Spotify joined two months ago. Lots of fans which is a good sign. 99% response rate. I'm happy with that. Shares quickly. 13 hours. Very good. Typically shares as Spotify for genres. Oh, ok. So maybe not this one. The genres just don't really add up for me whereas they did for this one up here, it might be worth paying more for that one check vibe sound. Hm. Don't think that's really gonna be the right one for us. Electro pop future based EDM. Not really our thing. So it's just a matter of looking at all of the information that you have here and finding the right guys for you. So let's actually go ahead now and just go with the first one that we chose. The only thing I'm a little bit worried about is the low response rate. However, it does say here shares quickly tends to give above average feedback and listens for an average of two minutes and 19 seconds. So I think we'll take a risk on this one. Now, all of this is a risk at the end of the day. There are no guarantees, but at least, you know, you're gonna get some feedback, at least So that's cool that submit, confirm submission. You are about to submit, Thomas George falling out of love part one to make this happen, enter preferred email address below and if you want to want to provide a 100 character quick pitch optional. So here are some examples of this. Anything like this, do it. Like if if the option is to do it or not to do it, just do it because you have to think about everyone that you're up against. If you're adding more value than everyone else, put yourself in the shoes of the other person receiving all of this stuff. If it were me, if I was the play Lister and I've got all of these submissions. I'm looking for the people who just seem to put more effort in. So anything that allows you to communicate more effort on your part, you wanna do it. So I'm just gonna pause this video and we're just gonna write a quick pitch. So we just jotted down this little pitch dark electronic alternative rock song, Tom York inspired. We look forward to your feedback. So it's inviting the feedback, which like I said before, if you only get feedback, then that's something. So submit. OK? And now it's taken us to our submit hub artist profile. So it says here this page makes it easy for anyone who approves your submission to find out more. So you want this to look good. This is kind of what they're gonna see. And this is a big opportunity for you to make a good impression on the person or the people that you are submitting your music to. So let's go through this process. We've got the soundcloud link already in there, but we wanna also add some more social media links and there's an option here to keep your profile private while your submission to history will always remain private to the public. This option lets you completely hide your artist's profile from everyone except bloggers and labels. So if you have it on public, anyone can see it. If it's on private, only the people you submit to will be able to see it personally. I'd just say keep it public unless you want to stay private until you release, basically update your bio. Yep. So anything that you can do don't just don't just leave stuff out because you know, it, it takes time or anything like that. If you just choose not to do something that communicates to them that you know, you couldn't be bothered and that you couldn't put the effort in um any opportunity that you can seize to put in effort. Do so manage your track. Click here to view available options to manage this approval, including the ability to create a duplicate artist. If your artist is not the same as those previously uploaded that doesn't apply. So got it. OK. So we're just gonna fill this out now and I'm just gonna pause the video and we'll get back to it.
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