Lesson Info
6. SubmitHub Overview
Introduction and What You Are Going to Learn
00:58 2Audio Files Preparation
03:27 3Distributor Choices
00:41 4CD Baby Setup Overview
01:07 5Spotify Artist Profile
07:18 6SubmitHub Overview
02:55 7SubmitHub Artist Profile
01:43 8SubmitHub Dashboard
01:34SubmitHub Setup
05:29 10Submitting to Playlists
10:14 11How to Get Your First 1000 Streams on Spotify
03:04 12Design Artwork for free with Canva
06:29 13Photoshop Templates
04:24 14Music Visualizers with After Effects
04:01 15YouTube Videos with iMovie
01:09 16How to Create an Email Newsletter for Your Audience
04:13 17Outsourcing with Freelancer
03:56 18CD Baby Setup - Part 1
16:19 19Uploading Artworks and Tracks
01:59 20CD Baby - Payment
01:46 21Distribution
04:33 22Thanks and Bye
00:14Lesson Info
SubmitHub Overview
Hi there, Christopher here and in this section we're gonna talk about submit hub. So submit hub is basically just a place where you can pitch your Spotify release or your music releases to bloggers play listers and record labels. I highly recommend if you are self releasing to push your music to Spotify, playlists. If you get on the right playlist or if you get on the right handful of playlists, it can really accelerate your brand on Spotify and accelerate your career and then record labels could be more interested. And if you pitch yourself to record labels afterwards, they'll be more interested in you knowing that you've got a good following on Spotify. So I recommend that you use submit Hub to push your music to Spotify play lists, at least some channels and some playlists will accept free submissions. However, I do highly recommend that you buy some credits and you use paid submissions because you'll just be up against less competition by doing that and you'll get on to higher qual...
ity submission processes for blogs. Playlists and labels submit hub is not the only way to do this. I do recommend supplementing this with your own research, find out play listers, labels, bloggers who don't use submit hub and use their own processes to submit your music to them. And that just comes down to research. Maybe you wanna make a spreadsheet of the labels and playlists that you want to submit to and find out and document their submission processes and push out to them as well. At this point, you're also gonna wanna make sure that all of your social medias are ready that they look good that there's activity on them because they will look at those when you do submit your music to them, they want to know that you're already building a brand. They want to know that you're already putting in the work and you're doing things daily to communicate to your audience that you are making music and that you are pushing stuff out on a regular basis. So make sure everything looks good, make sure that you've got your Spotify artist profile set up and ready and your soundcloud and your Facebook and all of those other things before you go ahead and push through this. Because if you're paying money to submit to these people, you want to make sure that you're communicating as much value to them as possible. So I highly recommend that you do that before you proceed with using submit hub in the next video. Thomas is going to document the process of him submitting his music via submit hub. So definitely tune into that video just to watch the process before you go ahead and do it yourself just so that you're prepared for anything that might surprise you along the way. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next lecture.
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