Lesson Info
13. Photoshop Templates
Introduction and What You Are Going to Learn
00:58 2Audio Files Preparation
03:27 3Distributor Choices
00:41 4CD Baby Setup Overview
01:07 5Spotify Artist Profile
07:18 6SubmitHub Overview
02:55 7SubmitHub Artist Profile
01:43 8SubmitHub Dashboard
01:34SubmitHub Setup
05:29 10Submitting to Playlists
10:14 11How to Get Your First 1000 Streams on Spotify
03:04 12Design Artwork for free with Canva
06:29 13Photoshop Templates
04:24 14Music Visualizers with After Effects
04:01 15YouTube Videos with iMovie
01:09 16How to Create an Email Newsletter for Your Audience
04:13 17Outsourcing with Freelancer
03:56 18CD Baby Setup - Part 1
16:19 19Uploading Artworks and Tracks
01:59 20CD Baby - Payment
01:46 21Distribution
04:33 22Thanks and Bye
00:14Lesson Info
Photoshop Templates
Hello. In this lecture, I want to talk about creating Photoshop templates. So there's artwork here for this track called Angels Prey actually created this from a Photoshop template. This one here. So this wasn't a album artwork template. This wasn't a music template. This was actually a template for a nightclub. It was a banner template. So you can see here, Tech Noise. It's got the date. It's got a nightclub to actually turn this into artwork for this track, Angels Prey. The way I like to find templates is on Graphic River. So this is part of Envato market and the one I used is called Tech Noise. It's only got five sales right now. So it hasn't really been used that much, which is good because you want to find one that looks good. It it suits your needs. But at the same time, you don't really want one that's too popular. If this had say 10,000 sales, maybe other people would have similar artwork. But as this only has five sales, hopefully there won't be anyone else with a similar kind...
of artwork out there. So you can just click on it on in V so you can use this from Graphic River. It's only $7 for this template and you can see here you can have different colors, different themes and this does open in Photoshop. So it's a PSD file and the minimum version is CS two. So this can be used on older versions of Photoshop. I am using Photoshop CC. So this is the newer version of Photoshop and it's quite interesting really, you can go through and choose different colors. They have different presets here. So you can go and select different colors. So it's quite easy to add it really. This originally was a banner but I have cropped it to the correct size. But you can see I've hidden some items. This one here has a diamond and it's quite easy in Photoshop, you can just hit this I button here and this will hide certain elements or show certain elements. And I've actually gone through and edited the text. I've put a space in between each letter because I prefer this style. So you can just go through and click on the text. So if you click on the text icon and go over to the text tool and you can just change this around, it's quite easy to set up all this artwork behind all these shapes I just used from the templates. I have changed some of the fonts. I didn't really like this font here. So I just added my own fonts. You can add in new elements as well. Photoshop is built on layers so you can create new layers or you can edit the existing layers. I do recommend editing the existing ones to start with. So here you can see I've hidden this layer which is Tech noise and I wrote in Angel's Prey myself and I can unhide some of these as well. You can see down here, there is some fonts and up here as well. So if you're new to Photoshop, it's really about editing pre-existing templates. This way you can get this cool professional look without actually knowing too much about Photoshop. So I do recommend having a look at graphic River. You don't necessarily have to use album artwork. This was from like I said a nightclub poster. So you can type in say poster on graphic River and here there's loads of different ones as well. There's this one here, just modern poster, Photoshop action. So there's loads of different things you could go through. And here this one, you can actually open your image brush over subject and a lot of these templates will have instructions of how you can actually edit the templates. Like this looks really cool to me. And you can quickly create this in a Photoshop template. So you don't have to go in from scratch and build all of these different elements. You can just create a Photoshop template, follow the instructions and then you can create something really professional looking quite easily. So let's go back to the template. So that's basically it. All I've really done is crop the image to the correct size, change the font around, hidden some images. And I've used the preset colors down here just to choose the one I liked. That's basically it. That's how you can create album artwork in Photoshop. It's really simple and that's how I created this artwork for Angels Prey. So thank you for watching this lecture. I hope you found it useful and I'll see you in the next one.
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