Course Introduction
05:46 2Provide Health & Safety Info Easily
05:08 3Assess Your Digital Assets
00:58 4Power Of First Impression
06:37 5Power Of The Face
15:05 6Power Of The Gaze
10:39 7Power Of Video
11:52 8Power Of Personality
17:18Lesson Info
Power Of First Impression
So let's start with the very first one, the power of first impressions. So first impressions I've already talked about are so important, but I want to drive an exercise home right now before we continue on your handout or on a piece of paper, I want you to think about. What are three words to describe? Your digital first impression? So look at your linkedin profile. If you pull up your facebook profile, your linked in profile, your dating profile, your instagram, even your, your, uh, any of your online dating apps. If you have any tinder, you have a Tinder app. So pull that app, pull that profile up and I want you to take a very quick hard look at it. What are the first three words that pop into your head? If you had to describe yourself as a human being or as a corporate brand, what are the three words that would come up? We are pretty good at assessing our first impression and I think that's really important before we change your online assets to figure out where you are now. So I wa...
nt you to write those three words down somewhere cause we're going to compare them in a second. Research has shown from the behavior and information technology institute that online you have 50 milliseconds, milliseconds. I mean that's, we can't even comprehend how fast that is. In fact, we've made a first impression before we even realize that we're making a first impression, right? It's already done and gone why? This is important is because people decide if they like you, if they trust you and if they want to know you in that first split second. So those first three words that popped into your head, that's what you want to control with someone else. I wanted to do a quick example here, So pull up this website. What are the first three words that pop into your head When you look at this website, you can put them in the chat if you want. Put them in the forums. The first three words. What is this website's first impression? So we actually did this and we found that these are the most common words that people think of when they see this. Are you ready to see if they match yours? Cool. Happy fast. I think that this tire company would love that. That those are there three words, Cool, Happy and fast. And these are the most common ones. I wonder if any of them were the same for you. Why? Why is it that this website? This little snapshot of this website brought up those three words for the majority of people, those were the most common additives that people came up with. Now we're going to talk about why later and I'm going to give you a couple of hints first color notice the use of black, yellow and white. Yellow is a very happy color. It's one of the reasons why we use yellow at the signs of people. We like to keep that kind of happy, fresh look fast. Obviously we're seeing tons of tires and if you'll notice the lines on this page are slanted as if the whole page is leaning forward right? So that gives you the impression there is forward movement. Cool. This is they're lucky they got cool, right? Like that's a really hard one to nail. I think it has something to do with the fact that these pictures show little brief snippets of cool scenes and cool scenarios. One looks like kind of like an urban building. One looks like you're on a desert, kind of a rocky road on the side of a mountain top and then one looks like they're out on the, on a lake, on a river. So you get these really these three interesting words. How about this one, blush bridal lounge. Three words really quickly. One of the first three words that pop into your head don't even over think them. You want to see the ones that were most common. Let's see if they match yours, elegant suite, vintage. So totally different kind of website. And when we just saw and I think that blush bridal and would also be quite pleased with these three words because obviously there are bridal gowns. They sell bridal gowns and accessories. So elegant. I think that elegant also comes a little bit because we see the pink perhaps also because it's such a graphic image. Sweet. We see those little birds and also hearts typically bring that sweetness and vintage. Something about this brings breeds that feeling of vintage. It could be the kind of font that they're using. Um, Jeremy also just submitted a question on our discussion forums. Thank you, jeremy. He said, what is the best background for each common situation? Like facebook, your resume website bio. Is it trees? Is that monuments, Is it a solid color? Is it a wall? Great question. So let's look at these three examples of how they use backgrounds. I think backgrounds are incredibly important because they literally set the stage. So I'm actually gonna gonna wait specifically address that question when you get to the section that we talk about colors and when we talk about movement. So specifically I want you to wait and see that while we're doing these, you can see how they've used background to try to influence their first impression. One more. What's the first three words you think of when you look at this website, freelance portfolio emotions by mike, what do you think comes up? All right. So here are the most common ones that came up for this fresh, quirky, right? Did you get any did you guys match? So I think the reason why these came up green is the background. So jeremy notice how uh freelance emotions by mike. Use green as the background. That is a very fresh colour, which we're going to learn. You also see these kind of interesting position of legs and it's not a sexy picture right there. Pictures of legs, but it's not a sexy picture of like it's a funky, funky, quirky picture of legs, lots of different colors and a kind of interesting foot position, right? The feeder pointed inwards, which is a very quirky way to stand. So I think that's why people think of quirky when I look at this page and also bright and that has to do with the lighting and the white of the font and the cleanest of the font. So now that we've done those three examples, I want you to think about the next question and this is the second column in your chart. What is your ideal digital first impression? So there should be a difference here a little bit in what is your current first impression? And what is the ideal first impression? And I want you to think of three words to define what you wish. People would think of when they first come on your page. What words do you hope will pop into their head? Is it charismatic? Warm, funny, quirky, clever, witty, fresh. It's really important to look at both of those columns and see where you are now and where you want to go, because today is going to be all about aligning those two, making sure that your current first impression and your ideal first impression is one and the same and how to do that purposefully.