Lesson Info
14. Next Steps
Course Introduction
05:46 2Provide Health & Safety Info Easily
05:08 3Assess Your Digital Assets
00:58 4Power Of First Impression
06:37 5Power Of The Face
15:05 6Power Of The Gaze
10:39 7Power Of Video
11:52 8Power Of Personality
17:18Lesson Info
Next Steps
here's specifically some next steps that I want to point out for you and then I'll open up the florida Q and A So if you have questions, be sure to go into the forum and some of them for me, first build with intention. So whether or not you're a designer entrepreneur or you just have a profile or linkedin profile or facebook profile, when you're building it, when you're putting your profiles together, do it with intention, do it to make sure that you know what impression you're giving, next test, test test. Once you make it, don't just leave it up as is put it up there and see how people react. Ask friends and family. When you go on dates or you meet contacts the first time, ask them how they liked your linkedin profile picture. So, I actually, when I first was playing around with my linkedin profile in my headline and all that stuff, I would meet with people whom I contacted through linkedin, or they contact me through Lincoln. I would say, you know, how do you find me? And they say, ...
oh, I looked at your linkedin and I said, what did you think of my linkedin profile picture? Did did you get it? Did you like it? I got the best feedback from those people because they weren't my friends, there were people who were in my industry who were trying to get to know me and they gave me really good feedback. Some guys said, you know, I didn't understand what you meant by such and such or, you know, I wish you had more links for me to see, or I thought it was really distracting how you use this. So I got really, really good feedback. So make sure that you're testing and you're not just building it once and leaving it be. Also we have tons of new research coming out. So go to science people dot com slash awesome whenever you want for the check in. Or you can send it to our monthly insights and I'll send you new research as it comes out because we're always doing new videos and things like that. And of course please use your powers for good and not evil. This webinar is intended for you to be able to optimize who you really are, who you are, authentically are and get your voice out there in a true and good way. It is not to manipulate people, It is not set up tricks. So I hope that all this information that I've given you makes you feel more confident in your digital brand and making sure that you're putting across exactly what you want to put across.