Class Introduction: HDR and Panoramics
22:44 2Light
07:47 3Profiles
07:23 4Tone Curves
02:57 5Color
08:35 6Effects
17:01 7Details
12:43 8Optics
04:05Lesson Info
the next panel down below details is optics and optics is basically, uh, lens correction. So your lens has the kind of ends up warping things a little bit, the whiter it gets on. And then there's also some chromatic aberration that can happen based on what setting your lenses on what your aperture is and whether it's a you know, really quality lens or not, or so and and it's always happening at, like areas of high contrast, you'll see these weird little edges of color. So that's what's happening in the optics area. So I'm gonna zoom in. This is our This is our panoramic image that we made early on in this second in this ah lesson, and we're going to zoom in and look at the windows up the top, and you can see that the windows have kind of a purple line around right next to the ironwork, and that is fringe. Or that's ah, you're chromatic aberration and also what we call fringing so you can just click a button that says, remove chromatic aberration right here. And if you do that, it's goi...
ng to do a pretty good job at removing any of those types of lines that you're seeing, especially on people's, uh, like suit coat next toe, like a bright light sky. You'll see that fringe happening. But if it doesn't remove everything, then you got to go into the D fringe area here, and D fringing comes in fairly known colors. It's generally the same colors all the time. Um, and usually for me, it's this Ah, this purple or this kind of magenta look And so we choose which one we're trying to accomplish. So if this was a green, I would be I would choose the green here, But I'm gonna choose the purple, and then all I have to do is just click the amount and drag it up and see it's gone. So it just looked from for magenta lines that are on the edge of high contrast, and it just removed him. Um, I can also choose if I find a very specific color. I can use the color dropper, and I can go and choose it. But I'm so far away from those that I don't want to do it, So I'm gonna put the color dropper back and just do it by hand. and that works out really well. If it's a green click on the green and just bring the amount up here and notice that I can do both of them together. So I've got purple here, and as soon as I remove that purple, I can also see a little hint of green there and so I can click on the green and bring the amount of the green up. And now there's no fringing whatsoever. Obviously, that was getting really into the weeds, because that's so far away that probably no one would ever see it. But it was a good example of one. And so if you ever see any kind of a weird fringe, that's where you're gonna take care of it. The other thing that's available right here is just your enable lens corrections, and so when you click on those, it just changes. So there's a certain warp to every lens, and you notice that even as we do a panoramic there's still that warp to the lens. And so, as you click on enable lens corrections, it cleans up the warp. But it's also cleaning up the, um, the natural Vinje of the lens And that's why you need to go into this drop down triangle here and you can deactivate. So I like the Lin's been yet ing so I'm gonna say no, Don't fix the lens vignette ing. So I have dragged that 20 and I'm just want you to fix the distortion and so I can choose how much of that distortion I wanted to fix. Or it could even go overboard and fix mawr distortion than I wanted it to, but that looks kind of cool. It made a little extra depth to it, so I'm gonna leave it at 200% which I've never done before. So that worked out pretty good. And that is the optics section in light room desktop.
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