Making and Adding Presets
Lesson 11 from: Developing and Retouching in Lightroom DesktopJared Platt

Making and Adding Presets
Lesson 11 from: Developing and Retouching in Lightroom DesktopJared Platt
Class Introduction: HDR and Panoramics
22:44 2Light
07:47 3Profiles
07:23 4Tone Curves
02:57 5Color
08:35 6Effects
17:01 7Details
12:43 8Optics
04:05Lesson Info
Making and Adding Presets
speaking of effects that we've created on a particular image, Um, we need to learn how to make presets and presets air really easy to make. All you need to do is adjust in image until you like the way it looks. Make sure you remember everything you did to that image, and then, once you're ready, you can apply a preset to that image. Or you can save a preset, and you simply need to go down to the very bottom of the control panel for your developed settings or your edits and click on presets. So when you click on that preset button, it opens up an entire new panel of presets, and those presets are just buttons that will create movement in sliders. So basically, if you click on one of these presets, it is going to adjust sliders and you can see what it's going to do by rolling over the preset. And it's going to change various slider positions over here, and usually the best presets don't work on the light area because those air basic adjustments they actually work on the color area and th...
e effects area, because really a preset should just be adding an effect of things not necessarily adjusting images specifically because every image is different. However, if you've done something and you really want to add your own preset, you can go up to this little three dot button up here next to the presets, and you can either manage your presets. And by doing that, you can choose which ones show in which don't. So if you never use the ones that Adobe makes, just uncheck them and they will disappear. So now that there's, there's less presets to go through. But you can also click on that three dot button, and you can import presets so you could buy a preset and import it from someone else. So if you went toe, say Jared platt dot com, and you bought some presets. You download this presets and then put import and it'll bring them in and you can start using my presets, or you can create your own presets. If you click on create preset, you're going to get a dialog box that again check boxes the things that you've done to this particular image, you're gonna name the preset here. You can organize it by putting it in one of these groups or create a new group. And then you're just gonna uncheck the things that don't matter to this particular image in this style. So, for instance, optics details, those air completely unimportant to it, Um, color is probably fairly important. And I can open up this and say, Well, white balance isn't but maybe vibrance and saturation is, and of course, color mix might be, um, light and dark area. I don't want to do any of this, but I do want to do the tone curve because I remember that most of the effect is inside of the tone curve. Um, I could or could not. I don't need to have the profile attached to it. And in the effects. I don't need to have texture, intent and our texture and clarity all that stuff involved. So I'm just gonna leave everything off of this except grain. So now I know exactly what that preset is going to do, and I can create that preset. And when I do, it'll just show up here inside of whichever one of these groups I put it in, and then for the rest of my life, I can just click on that one preset, and it'll apply this very setting to any image that I'm looking at. So that's how you create presets inside of light room. Develop our inside of light from desktop.
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