Creating Effective Marketing Graphics
Lesson 5 from: Designing Marketing Graphics in Photoshop and IllustratorPaul Trani

Creating Effective Marketing Graphics
Lesson 5 from: Designing Marketing Graphics in Photoshop and IllustratorPaul Trani
Class Introduction: Design Fundamentals
07:33 2Creating Graphics in Illustrator
13:12 3Using Type in Illustrator
16:43 4Creating a Branding Library
08:17 5Creating Effective Marketing Graphics
06:03 6Global Image Adjustments
11:13 7Touching Up Photos in Photoshop
08:12 8Selecting and Removing Backgrounds
06:59Lesson Info
Creating Effective Marketing Graphics
Before we actually make graphics, let's talk about creating effective marketing graphics. That's what we're gonna do and your marketing graphics should really be a direct reflection of your business, which seems very straightforward but it's something that you need to keep in mind. What is the business trying to say? So just picking our example, Richard Cory, classic and fashionable men's wear, made with high quality fabrics. So we're keeping in mind classic and fashionable, made with high quality fabrics, so, just a fun little example here. It's like which one says classic and fashionable? Hopefully you don't say the one on the left, and you say the one on the right. But that's what we're going for. So a lot of times, designers will create these mood boards that exemplify visually what the brand is all about, and that's what you would do at this stage. Now when you create this graphic, you need to make sure your audience can really only retain one key point. I know lots of marketing d...
epartments want to say a lot of things, and it's your job as the designer to say, you know what, what key take away does the audience need to have? And that's that one point that you want to get across. So we always need to ask that question. So we need to make sure we're saying this in a way that's compelling, right, and that creates a call to action. And that speaks to your audience, and those are the three points. Let's make it compelling, appeal to their emotions, let's get them to potentially do something or even feel something, and then we need to make sure that we always have our audience in mind. Knowing that I might not be the audience. Your audience might be someone else. So let's dive into that. Evoking emotion can be done a number of ways. Visually this is what our industry is built on, visuals. But you must speak to that primal need, and that's how you appeal to their emotions. So, there's three different reasons why consumers typically buy. It might be to satisfy a basic necessity, that's that basic emotional need. It's like, oh I need food, I need clothing, I need shelter. We're on Instagram, you see that food, we're hungry. You're meeting that primal need. What about to solve a problem? So what concern or challenge or problem do they have that that image is trying to evoke or solve there? Or even bettering themselves. Their body, their life, you know, their bank account, whatever the case may be. What primal need are we trying to tap into? That's the emotions. So what do we have here? Of course, food, desire obviously to eat, which seems a very straightforward. We could have more of a connection in the center. I think us as humans feel the need to connect, and then also on the end this need to better ourselves as well which is what that fitness photo is all about. This is huge, we always make this mistake, businesses do all the time, they talk about the benefits and the features and what's the difference between these benefits and features. A lot of companies just talk about their features. Hey this is what we do, I don't care about that. You wanna speak to the benefits, not the features. Like what can we do for you? How can we appeal to your needs and your wants and your desires? Right, so let's just kinda take a look at a couple of examples. You know, toothpaste has stain removing properties, that's what this toothpaste has. It's great, it's gonna whiten your teeth, the benefit really is that you walk away with a brighter better smile. That's what I care about as a consumer. I don't care about the ingredients so much, I just care about the results, the benefits it's gonna give me. A car has antilock brakes. Great, well what does that mean? Well the car will stop and potentially save your life or your family's life, right, so we wanna appeal to that benefit. For instance I have on the left a picture of vitamins. Means nothing to me, hey guess what it has vitamin e this that and the other thing. I don't care. All I wanna know is does it give me clear, youthful skin and luscious hair, right, appealing to the benefits and not the features that are on the bottle. And we wanna know our audience. This is key, because you might not be the audience. So you want to kinda just check yourself saying hey you know what, am I really the consumer of this product being the designer or even being the business owner? So when you take a look at the target audience this is just and example this is what you go through, so in the case of this Richard Corey, I'm thinking the audience you would think would be male. That's the person that's wearing it, but who's really buying this stuff, might be a female, the boyfriend or the girlfriend as a present for them. So even for children's books, you would think the book is for the child, but who's buying that book? It's gonna be the parents. So keep in mind not only the target audience, but who's actually doing the purchasing here. Age 25 to 55, higher income, I'm keeping all of this in mind as I start to develop this, urban and more fashionable as well. So again, Kate lives in Chicago, just an example, she's married to Michael they don't have kids, they have enough money to spend on these ties and accessories and men's clothing made with these high quality fabrics. Because she thinks you know her significant other could dress better, right. So we're building this case scenario, and this is what will happen, is you'll have a persona of your audience saying, this is this person that might be purchasing this product, and you're putting yourself in their shoes. And that's what we're gonna do at this point with this brand so with that said let's dive into actually making some of these marketing graphics and images, actually, in Photoshop.
Ratings and Reviews
Tomas Verver
It's a fun beginner class/project. I already has advanced experience in the programs, but as a part of Creative Pass it's still an intresting/fun watch. I played on double speed:) because the information was not really new. Still you see the teacher is engaging and inspiring.
Christine Wigaard
This was a great and informative class. Even as an experienced user I got great value out of this!
Lacey Heward
This was by far my most helpful class for graphic design!! I've watched so many classes, and even went to school and didn't learn the tricky tools in Illustrator and Photoshop I just learned today! And it was so short!! I didn't have to watch hours of tutorials to learn it! In one day I already feel like a master designer! Thank you, Paul, for sharing your expertise, tools, and tricks! You solved so many problems for me today! :-)