Join Objects to Create Multiple Icons
Lesson 6 from: Designing Kitchen Icons in Adobe IllustratorJason Hoppe

Join Objects to Create Multiple Icons
Lesson 6 from: Designing Kitchen Icons in Adobe IllustratorJason Hoppe
Basic Drawing, Line Weights & Corner Styles
19:57 2Alignment & Spacing Tips
05:16 3Icons with Multiple Shapes & Tools
12:19 4Simple Drop & Slip Shadows & Highlights
10:11 5Scale Stroke Options for Consistency
10:27 6Join Objects to Create Multiple Icons
13:28 7Add Depth and Texture to Icons
07:05 8Add Consistency to Icons
03:34Lesson Info
Join Objects to Create Multiple Icons
you know, some people like pots with little edges coming out. So this is a fun one to we have a pot like this and I'd like to go in, and I would like to create little edges that flip out because you need a little rolled edge right there. Here's what we're gonna dio So I can always just take off the top here and then round the edge. But I could also go in and have a little bit of fun with this as well. I want to create a little rolled edge pot that's got some flair to it when you go in with my arc tool and I'm gonna draw the ark for my little flared end of the pots. And so I can do that. And I can snap that right to my object. However, these air not attached to each other. So what I want to do is I want to attach these to each other here so that they act is one unit and they're not just two separate pieces. Really simple way to do this. I'm going to zoom in and I'm going to copy this over here and rotate it. Here's what I'm gonna dio. I'm gonna select my objects so that both of these ob...
jects were selected object path join. So it joins the end of the path. They don't even have to be touching. Fact. Check this out. If I have my path that's here. Not that one. Sorry. This one right there. And they're not touching. I can select these two paths. Don't even have to select just the ends. I can select these two paths. And Aiken do join joins them right together. Now they've become one. So instead of trying to draw this spot, I'm just putting these things together. I joined these together right there. Then, of course, in the pot. You to put a chicken, right? Of course. Gotta have a chicken in the pot, because then you gotta put all your vegetables in the pot too. Certainly. So here's how you draw a chicken. Okay. There's the chicken. Uh huh. Looks like a chicken, doesn't it? Of course it does. And I'm gonna fill that with black right there. There's my chicken. And then, of course, you have to have a little, you know, drumstick coming off there as well. A little hot dog ends like. So here we go. Snap that to it. Okay, Cultural chicken. But of course, with every little chicken, you gotta have little flowered ends on there as well like this because you got a cree little bone. Turn that into that. Here we go. Now we'll need to turn off my snap to grid copy. Made little. You make a little bone right there. Okay, Now there's your chicken. Super simple chicken. Yes. Or it could be any type of meat that that look kind of weird. So we're gonna go in, and we can just take this and rotate that. So if you want to do, like a leg of lamb or something like that, There you go. Little chicken wing drumstick, whatever it may be. And with that, of course you need You will highlight noodle because its glossy chicken There it is. Original drumstick. Right in there in the boiling water. Awesome. Yeah. Throw a little bacon ripple in there because you got to have bacon or water. There it is. Pretty sweet, huh? Absolutely one other fun stuff. Can we create vegetables? Of course. You know, gotta have vegetables when I want to do a potato. Awesome way to make a potato greater. Oh, like an even better potato. Like a a greater potato. Like for the greater I got you, There is a cool way to make the greater I'll show you. Here's how you make a potato potato stew Circles joined together. And if you want you conjoined them kind of asymmetrically so that one's gonna be bigger, like so join them together. There it is. There's a potato. Could also be a peanut to if you wanted to have that as well. And then, of course, you do your highlight noodle in there like so and that's going to be black as well. I'm gonna need to bump that down a little bit. There we go. I don't want it filled with that. There's a highlight noodle and of course, potatoes have little eyes on them. So yes, you have to go in and you have to land a little Well, teeny circle right there, too. So you get your life for the potato. There it is. And there's your potato. Yes, because it looked like a potato course It does. Even if it doesn't, the right answer is yes. it does. You could do care. It's all that other stuff. We're gonna do a potato. Greater. So how do you go in and create a greater, well, the shape of a greater literally If it's a handheld grader, Could be something like this with our rounded corners like so. And then we need to go in, and we need to make the little greater things. So those are actually just circles. We start off with a circle, and the way we actually create these little greater items is we go in with this need to turn off my snap to grid here. So I'm gonna copy this, and I'm gonna subtract the front and we can create little greater openings. Yes, because this is what it looks like. If I wanted to do a greater I could go in and turn my snap to grid back on. Copy these over. Gonna snap this one more. There it is. There's my little greater holes. Command D to duplicate. There's my greater need. A handle on it. Awesome. We got handles. There it is. There's a handle. Copy that. Bring that over. Put that right in there. And to snap that during my grid off here so I can get that right in the middle. Are playing a little bit better when I'm drawing. And there is my little greater with all of my little greater holes. Looks pretty sweet, huh? Some people want a slicer in the middle of it. Okay, fine. So you only great half of it. And you want a slicer in the middle. Oh, my gosh. What's the best way to make a slicer? Yep. Piece of bacon. Put that right in there. Need to copy that over right there. I'm gonna go in and reduce the size of this so it's a little bit smaller. Fits in proportion. Snap that to the grid. There's your little is is everything. Now, if you've ever used effects like this little wave, I would like to edit this to give more little waves on it. And the thing is, if you ever go back under the effect menu and you want to go back to distort and transform, it says something like blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And you're like, uh, sure I want to change the look of this. So what? That's has is going to your appearance menu, and your appearance menu will allow you to go in and edit your effects here. If I go into my little zigzag right here, I can click on this, and I can edit my zigzag effect right here so I can change that right there. By the way, this is a great way to make little twisty pasta totally awesome. Okay, there it is. So there is the greater If you do want to have a little playing greater, you can have that. Got the little handle on it as well. And you got your little circles. They're adjust the size wherever you want to go all out and stagger them because sometimes they're in line. Sometimes they're staggered. Absolutely other vegetables here. Onions are great. And you know what makes an awesome onion this. So if you make an onion, what I can do is I can do something like this. And the same way that I went in and I made my egg. I could take my onion. I could do something like this. Gonna cut down the stroke. Wait a little bit. I'm gonna copy this. Copy this. Paste it in place, and I can move this in by holding down my option key. Move that in. Copy that, paste it in place. Move that in as well. And I can create an onion like so there is my onion and, of course, what sticks out the top oven onion, the bottom of martini glass, of course, which is a triangle. So if I do that, I flipped us around like so squish it down. It's great to create any type of leafy object on whatever it is that you're doing and turn off my grid so I can snap that right to the middle. You've got yourself a little onion that works or could take it one step further, and you could select the inner ones here and move them down, snapping it to the grid. If you want your little onions to kind of for brings inside there, you can do that as well, and you can create multiple little rings of onions. Even better, I love it character the same way you start with a triangle and you make a triangle and with a triangle, him in a rotated into position, going to squeeze it right there. Five millimeters stroke on the inside. Awesome. There's my carrot. Carrots have lines, so I create a little line coming off here. Hot dog. The ends. Move it in ever so slightly because I wanted sticking out the end there. Turn that off of that end. Here we go. Now, of course, you have to have greens growing out the top. That's really easy. That just becomes your ark tool. I snapped my grid. Got my arc tool. Go in, get that down and stroke right there. Use that. Start over here. There it is. There's a carrot. Sweet. We got a question from the audience here. It's a super simple question. Can you round the point of the carrot? Absolutely. If one around just around the point, weaken. Select. Do the direct selection tool. Pull that in and around that ever so slightly. Keeps it nice and easy. Yeah, as we go. Cucumbers, obviously. Well, we've already done the cucumber. We called that a sausage. You want to do an apple or a tomato because it's kind of got that little curve on the top. Another simple way of doing this as we start off with our circle to do more of an oval here. And what I do with this is I go in and I rotate it ever so slightly. And then I'm gonna copy this and I'm gonna flip it over on itself so I can right click and I can choose transform. And I'd like to reflect this directly in the middle so I could do it vertically. Here click. OK, so I get my little object copy right there. I can snap Thies to put the stroke on the inside. Gonna snap these tear by grid. It's like both of these. Put these together Now you have an apple. I know seriously, if you want a tomato, we can go in and we can just pull these whiter to make them a little bit flatter. Pull those together, but those in then you can have a tomato. And if you'd like to, then round this edge You can go in and select just that point right there because you're gonna get your corner widgets on any corner point. I could then pull that up and I could corner widget, that I could pull this down and I could corner widget that she could make it just about any type of fruit. A cherry and apple tomato, Whatever. Not a problem. Super easy. Call it whatever you would like. Whatever you want to call that you can. Maybe it's a tomato. So you get something like that on their Or maybe it's an apple and we can go and grab our leaves off here, Of course. Paste them right onto there, so on and so forth. Whatever you want to do that you want to put a cherry and they're sure you put your highlight noodle in whatever you want. Fruits and vegetables. You want to do a lemon era line? Super easy. Go in. I'm going to draw an oval like so stroke on the inside. And with that and then going to go ahead and lemon and lime the ends. And it's a very technical term. By the way, folks, when you lemon or lying the ends and what you do is, you go in and I'm gonna put the stroke in here make a little bit bigger. There we go. I'm gonna turn off my snap to grid kind of move it there, put it all together, and then I can limit airline the ends do that to both ends. There you have it and turn my snap to grid back on. Then, of course, when you do that, you have to show a little skin in there, our little circles. So you put little dots in there and copy that, and that's lemon or lime ing.
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Ratings and Reviews
Tomas Verver
I like Jason's teachingstyle. Nice to see that just using symple shapes and a few trucs can help you make icons.
I learned some nifty techniques! For example, how to easily change sharp corners to round ones, and how to subtract simple shapes from each other and use them as building blocks to create icons.