Icons with Multiple Shapes & Tools
Lesson 3 from: Designing Kitchen Icons in Adobe IllustratorJason Hoppe

Icons with Multiple Shapes & Tools
Lesson 3 from: Designing Kitchen Icons in Adobe IllustratorJason Hoppe
Lesson Info
3. Icons with Multiple Shapes & Tools
Basic Drawing, Line Weights & Corner Styles
19:57 2Alignment & Spacing Tips
05:16 3Icons with Multiple Shapes & Tools
12:19 4Simple Drop & Slip Shadows & Highlights
10:11 5Scale Stroke Options for Consistency
10:27 6Join Objects to Create Multiple Icons
13:28 7Add Depth and Texture to Icons
07:05 8Add Consistency to Icons
03:34Lesson Info
Icons with Multiple Shapes & Tools
fun ones. Forks and spoons and spatulas. My personal favorite. We're gonna go and we're gonna draw a fork and my personal favorite because I love corner widgets. So this is how I go and draw a fork. I'm gonna go in and make it fairly big here, and we're gonna reduce this down in size and I'm going Teoh, create three times to the fork. Something like this. Duplicate them. There it is. There's my fork. Dangerously close. Probably wondering where it's coming from. Wait for it. Okay, so there is my fork, and I'm going to select all of these, and I'm going to merge them all together Now. We went around all the ends of my fork direct selection tool, select just the tops of my fork. Widget them in to the maximum amount right there. And then I want to select my interior corners right here. This one, This one, this one and this one. So it's hard to just go in and select these corners in select one hold down shift to do this. So, in this case, I'm gonna go into preview mode, which is command. Wh...
y? Which allows me to go and select on the inside here without clicking on the Phil. If I weren't in preview mode here and I click on the Phil, I'm just gonna drag this. So I go command, Why? To get into preview mode, I'm gonna click and drag to select just those corners. I'm in a corner, widget those all the way in to create the little rounded Icahn's. And then I'm gonna go back into by normal mode here. I want to round the end of the bottom of my fork. So I'm going to use my curvature tool. I'm gonna click in the middle and with my curvature tool, I'm going to drag this down. It's not landing right in the middle of my fork, so I'm gonna turn off my snap two guides or grid right now to get that right in the middle and then turn my snap to grids right back on. I created my fork large, and now I can scale this down to whatever size fork that I would like to have. Beautiful needs a handle. Absolutely. Gonna put this in There is my handle. I'm gonna do my hot dog ends. Look at that. There we go. And then I'm going. Teoh, create a rounded box for my handle on. They can either have a rounded one that solid, or I can reduce the weight and have one. That's Phil. So there's a fork, maybe the head of the forks, a little bit too big. But we can always reduce that down in size. Make sure it snaps to my grid. Put that back in there like so and now my handles a little bit big, but I can reduce those down in size. Works pretty good if I want a spatula. Same thing I'm going. Teoh, use a rectangle and I've been around the ends of the spatula. Pull those in gonna set my stroke to the inside and spatulas have little vent holes in there. So with this, I can go and create a line and I can do my little hot dog ends and I can duplicate my lying multiple times. Get a spatula, a copy of my handle from over here. Option. Click and drag. Bring it over short in my line. Wait and there's a spatula of any length that you need works. Great. This so reminds me of a toaster. And if you want to create a toaster? Toaster is easy. You can start with a rectangle stroke on the inside. Select the top, pull the corners in for the toaster right there. You need handles, handles work. Great, and go in. And I could create a little handle here with the hot dog ends like that. Or I could rotate them so that they actually touch the edges. Rotate them so they actually touch the edges. Come on. There we go. And I could snap that to it. So we get little handles on both sides and, of course, copy this. Zoom in enough to grab on to right there. And I'm just gonna move this over right there. Of course, no toaster is complete without a little toasty, wavy icons. Or minute. Copy that. Now we have our toaster. Sweet J moving right along. Do you have any suggestions of what we could, Dio? Because we could go on and on and on. You can think about that. Okay? Clearly, there's a lot to go ahead and dio so few other ones that I have done over here. I had done this great little colander. That's a lot of fun as well. And that simply requires a circle or 1/ circle so I can draw a circle. I'm going to get rid of it two different ways. You can get rid of the circle. If you'd like the circle to remain closed, I can take a shape over the top of the circle, select both of them and then subtract the front rectangle. And that's gonna close off the object. If I would like the object to be open, I can always use my direct selection tool and select any of the line segments and simply hit delete. And that's gonna leave me with an open object. So right now it's just a line. And then, of course, a colander has holes in it. So we go in and throw a few little circles in here. Those are a bit big, so I'm gonna cut that down in size. Be a two millimeter. Probably a good idea to make that a graphic style as well. And then I can copy these, but he's in. Make sure they're all equally spaced. That means my colander here needs to be one step wider. Teoh. Get everything in there. It is duplicate that. Move that over right there and then course you have to have feet. Great little space alien If we want to do this, Here we go. These are my little space alien feet right there. Now it can look like a spaceship or whatever you want it to be and gonna move that down, Rotate that snap that into position. It's hard with the small lines to actually grab onto them because they want to rotate when you move them. So that could be my little space alien or my colander as well. Whatever you want them to bay air, we go sweet. Look at that. Awesome. We have a question. Somebody asked if you could make a people icon. People. You mean there's people in the kitchen like a person? Oh, yeah. I mean, weaken, weaken, do any kind of people. So people starts like this. You got people's head on. We're going just toe have a solid fill in the head with the easiest ways to do. This is just to do a normal body like this, where you can go in and just draw a rectangular body and then select the whole thing, and then you can corner widget everything. So you can have that. If you wanna have legs on, we're going to kind of trump Kate the body right there. And I can copy this. Put it down here, and I'm gonna overlap this a bit. We can hide the corner widgets, and then I can just bring those in to get little legs. Mike's out? Yep. If I want to put a skirt or something on there, that's what the bottom of the martini glasses for, You know, There you go. So if you have to have arms, you can do the same thing. If you want shoulders, you could just duplicate the legs, move them over here a little bit. Reduce those down and height, or if you want to rotate those, you certainly can put those in and then you can have arms as well. Make those different wigs. So you have it, but really easy to do That way if you want to round off the inside of the legs. Same thing with the fork, Select everything merged that together, going to go into preview mode. Maicon's like those and the making kind of corner widget. Right? And there go back into preview mode. You can have something like that. I know knives gotta have knives. Absolutely. So way you can create a knife. Obviously, a butcher knife is super simple. You got a butcher knife, and if you'd like to curve the blade and start off, use your, um, curvature tool. You go in and you can curve that at any point if you want a knife and that gives you a nice little curve. Of course, a butcher knife has toe have a hole in it. So we're gonna draw that hole. In this case, we're gonna fill it with white so that we can see that hole in there that's a little bit big. There we go. And then, of course, any of the handles. Well, we've created handles over here. We could just grab one of those handles. Copy that. Come in here. Pace that right in. Rotate it. If you want the entire handle or just a piece of the handle. We can do that. Recon. Sure that all up. Shorten it, snap it to the grids or guides. And we can have our little cleaver as well. If you want a little rounding knife Well, that's pretty easy to dio. If you want a sharp tip that starts with a circle and I can go and create another box over the top of the circle, I'm gonna select both of these. I'm a use minus front so we can have our knife. And then with this, I'm gonna chop off this portion as wells, like both of those, do the minus front. And then we can drag our knife any length that we want. Larger, smaller do the stroke on the inside. And again, we can then create a handle. Put that on there as well, and make that knife any length that we want Works. Awesome. It sure does all the time. So, what other things do we find in the kitchen? Waffle iron? Oh, there's always the people that have to do the crazy things. Square waffle, iron round waffle, iron, round waffle iron. Awesome. I was hoping is going to say that because that's more of a challenge. Okay, round waffle iron starts with round. And now what I'm gonna do is we're just gonna put a nice little grid structure in here, so I'm going to use my lines on I put them in and I'm gonna hot dog the ends right there. And I think because the waffle iron always has that little border right there, I'm going to do this. But drag that down and duplicate this as well and put one there. But when? There. But when there select both of these so I can pull these longer, longer, and then grab this and go even longer with that. That one looks just a little too long. So in this case, I'd probably turn off my grid, and I'm gonna move it over so that it balances it so that it looks appropriate. Well, you know, now we have a drain. If you're going to do a drain, there's the drain. Awesome. And now I'm gonna select all of my content here on a copy of this and paste it, rotate the whole thing, and I can put this in, rotate it when a group it so that I don't click off it, and I'm gonna put that in right there, and I'm gonna need to turn my grid off here so I can balance that. How's that for a waffle iron? I need a handle on that course video. Look, I've got a handle right there. Awesome. Maybe the handle goes right there. Snap that. Back to the grid. There we have our waffle iron. Nice handle on. It. Looks great. Okay, if I do say so myself.
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Ratings and Reviews
Tomas Verver
I like Jason's teachingstyle. Nice to see that just using symple shapes and a few trucs can help you make icons.
I learned some nifty techniques! For example, how to easily change sharp corners to round ones, and how to subtract simple shapes from each other and use them as building blocks to create icons.