Day 1
1A Vision of Success
51:14 2Student Vision Boards
30:46 3Portfolio of Talents & Gifts
28:58 4What do I Deliver?
23:10 5Yoga For the Mind
18:36 6Pick Your Ideal Client
1:18:12 7Packaging For Irresistable Appeal
18:03Create A Package Matrix
23:41 9YOU Control Your Business
37:44 10Pricing for Best Value & Profit
18:01 11How to Change What You're Worth
18:45 12Breakthrough Money Mindset Issues
35:42 13New Mindset & Value Transformation
13:45 14Point of Connection with Clients
37:36 15Creating Effective Follow Up Systems
29:02 16Promotion Offline
21:01 17Solid Conversation Openers
41:18 18-Stop Selling, Start Educating
22:13 19Basics of Social Media Practices
25:32 20Using Social Media Effectively
24:49 21Time Saving Social Media Tools
24:29 22Audience Engagement Strategies
19:01 23Prove Your Brilliance - Part 1
20:04 24Prove Your Brilliance - Part 2
41:48 25Performing with Ease & Grace
39:35 26Creating Happy Customers
22:50 27Providing Extreme Client Care
24:41 28The Blue Ocean Strategy
30:59 29Creating Unforgettable Experiences
23:53 30Producing Referrals
24:51 31Relevant & Meaningful Testimonials
39:40 32Fabulous Testimonial Formula
19:05Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Student Vision Boards
I've seen great progress I'm going to take a look and see how we're doing on the progress front here wow this's gorgeous look at this oh I've definitely got to get some stickers for my board thiss is beautiful okay so walk me through this board if you would um one of my visions is to be a paid speaker another is to publish a book so that's in my fame and reputation area so these air related and good fortune isn't just money it's going different places having experiences and being lucky and I except for this one little interlude I really do consider myself a very lucky person um family is important to me so I do want to add some of my own family's pictures in here and I think that it radiates out from you know, having a strong community that's my family too I am a creative person and they've been doing graphic design and marketing for over thirty years so that's in there and I with digital cameras I finally freed myself up I did I did photography back in college and was always like oh g...
od so precious well now I have a lot more fun with that and it's also a way of looking at the world on includes video and then on travel doing more of it even just local little trips and then doing some of my trips that I've never gotten to yet um not waiting figuring out how we're going toe how we're going to get there um I love being in the water I just got back from hawaii. Nice way, sister. We were and we were in waikiki. Ok? My aunt listen like, you know, it was fine a condo right there. Yeah, it was very, very good. I hadn't been back there for about thirty four years, so it was great. It was with me, my sister and we had a really good time doing awesome. I was there in june. Yeah, I hadn't seen her in about seven years. It was my last visited. Thank gosh, yeah, it is so different than what a lot has changed a lot too grown incredibly, they got, like, the rodeo drive right along and I was like, what is that way? What was other and the only thing that was very oh I opening it we might be when I first moved to san francisco when I from southern california that it was so international. Well, I'll tell you, I felt like I was in the minority there because it was just every kind, not just asia. There were a lot of europeans and you have every language, every different, you know, style so is very enlightening to you no should be in that causes enormous, very enclosed so I need to get out there and with more different kinds of people yeah, so that was fine and then I want to grow my business that was also in there and on the, um, learning learning more about, um how I can help people is part of what I'm about that one of the things that came up is that I was people kept saying, oh, you're so inspiring and you know, you want to smack him at some point because you're right you know what it's my choice I can either not be here, I'm going to be here given that I also know that I do want to help people look at if you have a challenge, what are you going to do with it? Because it's it's a decision and happiness is a choice, it isthe and I just I just wrote a block post about that because I was not the happiest person and up until probably in my fifties, so it is a choice and I want to do more things that choose life and I'm very strong in volunteering um so in my community corner I have one of my goals is to bring cancer care to cinema because it doesn't currently exist really it is crazy it's just totally crazy that it doesn't so everyone I know we all have gone to the same doctors but they're in marin or san francisco or davis and everything and they said it go yeah, well I got support and support for it. Well, I'm glad it's on here yeah, so it's definitely on there and then I sing and in here I need a new car before radio car I have an antique and it's not a good antique so I get a new car and I need to be more focused on getting paid what I'm worth because I help everybody else out but I have never been really focused on money but it's okay to be focused on it? Yeah, in a different way because it's just a no acknowledgment of what I've given to other people so that you know where that this is gorgeous. This is gorgeous and inspiring and I'm thrilled that you put this together and, you know, really um and I'm going to be checking in on the growth of all these various parts and pieces. Okay, and count on it, all right? Either one of you want to share your board? Oh, okay. All right, please be rich reluctantly. Uh oh, I need to put it out this way. Um, this is probably the biggest piece of it the dream bigger and bigger, ok, I have been telling myself that for I don't know how long now and I just can't get over that fact and it's funny because I was when I was putting this down, that's putting stepped down there, I felt myself stop really oh, yeah thought myself stop it, putting some of the stuff down there and also I want to remember that, and I just need to do a lot more of that because I limit myself constantly because I just don't dream bigger, so you can only do this, you can only do that. What happens if you if you go beyond what you think you can only do, um, I'm not sure I understand what you mean is well, you'll only let yourself do this, but if you let yourself go beyond that what's the what's, the result of that was the worst case scenario of another, nearly I mean, there is not a cz faras I can see you got to try it right? And you've got to put yourself out there, but I have these self limiting believes where did the messaging come from from when you grew up? Yeah, I think so. Anything you can write down and then shred, we're burning, probably that's probably a good idea I would really encourage you to do that because you've got a lot of talent and there's, a lot of value and what you're doing and want to bring that forward so I'm pleased that you've created as much as you have to tell me about some of these other images a loss yeah, I know I need to get another place to live um I from a health perspective that's the probably the top thing that I do because I take very good care of myself and I work out six days a week and I run so the gym and stuff like that I've always been very very involved in volunteering throughout most of my life I mean that's just sort of been in the core of of what I've done um I forget what what is sending this one the words that's this section if it's under there oh is that was well, yeah um I think I well again I'm sort of a non believer, but I guess more in the spiritual realm so I mean that's where that comes from and I think doing things with the earth is very good person and I've always I thought I've always wanted garden for some reason I just never do it, you know? So that's just like a balcony or anything you can do? Yeah, yeah um this is the work stuff, so it's I've got to do things that are more creative and I don't think I'm I'm using that that skill of mine and if I was going to say passionate about anything, I mean, the more creative I am, the more I get lost in the work, and I don't even realise that I'm working that's it I'm not going to be like, I know, I know we're not doing enough of that, so it sort of comes falls crossed all of this because that stuff always just speaks to me cause I just I think being creative is so cool, and I think I could be a lot more now can you infuse that in your current business in the architect change? Yeah, yeah, very cool in a muscle thinking that might not be what I need to be doing. Okay shift here, major shift, you know, very cool. Okay, the travel aspect. I have traveled the world extensively. I wasn't worked in the airline industry for years. I was appointed to know for a while when I first got out of college, so I've done that. But it's funny the other night I was I've gotto take a trip and I was on the phone trying to use this free hotel certificate and they said, ok, we do this and they said, hey, there's a there's an offer out there you might want to look at. So this guy gets on the phone something I would never, ever do. And he goes, yeah, I've got this great package, and because you're the top tier, you know, with our hotel chain I can offer to you it quite a discount, you know, just pick your place. And I and I said it was really strange because I would typically going to know things and just try to get him off the line. And I just I pondered and I went, give me why? Oh, yeah, because I hadn't been there a long time, and I was like, and I thought, why did I do that? Then I got off the phone. I was like, what the hell was I thinking? You think you dreamt bigger? Seems to say that I did for some reason it just do it and it's a decrease my circle of friends because I tend to be alone a lot and be a loner. So I think that's important to me to dio, I resemble that remark on and then from a relationship perspective, I'm in a few, so I just got to figure out what to do with and so this is great, because I'm really a rebel when it comes to things and like I'm anti corporate america even though he groped in corporate american stuff like that so to be able to do this I've got to be that be able to do this well, you know this goes along with the dream there it definitely does on I always have wonder list but ships and I think hard cool very cool okay, we're gonna work on unleashing that that dream where you yeah I think we'll see if we can get some of those really big dreams going I'm excited about that trip when it when you take it it I have no idea I could do it any time I want oh, that sounds awesome really that's where they putting you up? Um hilton waikiki I think that'll be fun easy location in there in a long time so that's great wonderful thank you, catherine about you yes, um I have uh ok I started to be a rock star not bitterly e handing in my field um and then I have this is more of a symbolic of like, you know, climbing that mountain and success ok, nice. Very nice. Um for health I have wondered you mental and physical I started meditating recently and yours and it's like me so much of a difference does make a difference doesn't yeah it's amazing and probably not even e o but even the fact that you're doing it can get big points for that yeah it's it's so good otherwise I'd be really running around like a chicken with its head cut off you know, we're trying to do business a man so ah and then ah travel I I love to travel and I really would would like to make that a bigger part of my life uh ah, you know, creativity is you know, one of the most important things for me so I have that like your favorite designer oh yeah yeah yeah, yeah, I could, you know, feel a longer list so just designers want tio so just say here's the plan I wanted to expand this board okay, I want you to put this is a centerpiece and expand off it in the areas that you want to especially on that side. Okay, right there. Great. And on the meditation, silas and I struggle with the chatter honestly, I have learned it the leverage guided meditations a lot and there's a really cool little tool it's a free app called insight timer. If you haven't tried it, try it yet in sight timer um dot com and it's the app I use every morning for my meditation and what it does is it connects you with all the other people using the app around the world and you can friend them and you can have little conversations with them and you could say hey thanks for meditating with may cause they'll pop up when they're meditating so you feel like you're not alone anymore because meditation is really solitary typically on and they also have a fabulous list of guided meditations and they're all ranked and start and they have reviews and everything and I listen to one of those almost every morning so you can pick your favorite one yeah sure absolutely yeah this is great really impress and and I want to see more coming off ok ok, I'll add more to that and keeping the yoga and meditation going and we all sort of question come up is this something that people could do say in pinterest or something like that or do you see the value in a physical for you know that the value of the physical is really important because anything you do physically for example I don't keyboard any of my notes when I go to conferences or events I write them all by hand when I write by hand it triggers my particular activator in the base of my brain which also impacts my memory I will remember farm or doing that and it also requires I think it's twenty five nerve endings to write by hand it only requires like eight to keyboard so you're not really engaging yourself when you keyboard okay and you're not getting the same impact pinterest is fun I love pinterest to pieces I can lose two to four hours there without a problem and I actually started a vision board on pinterest but to me the physical nous of finding images of applying the images and collage ing with them was really fifty percent the impact it put me in that feeling space I don't think pinterest enables you to step into that feeling space because you're not using your hands you're typing away exception that might be if you're doing it on like an ipad and you're at least touching it but yeah any any other questions I think that's good right now people are timing in and sharing their things to do share those not looking them throughout the course yeah I look forward to seeing them I definitely dio all right, ladies, look at you with all the writing on the board a lot all right? You want to show your board? Uh sure. Cool. So um so with the wealth and prosperity for me, abundance is really having what I need when they need it. You don't have the vision of the fancy car fancy house or um and health is about a lot of it a bit is about stillness for me and self honoring, but then there's also a lot of community here is well, um spirituality personal development wisdom is a big part of what I do and what I am yeah so so that that part's easy and I think for this faymann reputation is relieve the area that I want to work on more you get the rock story jeff there too I love it yeah, well the images were kind of limited to choose from but but yeah I think what I what I really what is that people know of my work and know what I have to offer and value it and those for whom it's right come on like this continually creating in concert with life huh that's beautiful yeah well that's I mean here's life's creating and here's me created basically yeah beautifully done thank you. Thank you for sure sure really appreciate that how're you doing rochelle well like collage queen aiken collage from the rest of my flies is our I have closures from when I was teaching kindergarten wow do you really yeah, we can go many years ago okay um I love this bagua this is so fabulous is that nate yeah it's really great. So if you remind me of the of the sections I can tell you this is the wealth section here so I just I've been looking for a car for ages I just found a jag that I want so that's on my that's on my destination less so wonderfully have the mercedes here um I have health plans that I've wanted to build for ages and ages, so this is a representation of building a house. I never thought I'd be able to afford one, but it's a wonderful thing to dream of. You have a flat of this for twenty five years, and I could never afford to live anywhere anyplace in the country for what I pay for my flat and it's. Magnificent. But to dream of building a health someday is a fabulous story. It isthe, um I think this is getting there is half the fun. Yeah, so I'm one of those people who always has to have a dream, and everyone has to have them to look forward to whether it's making french toast the next morning or saving for a pair of frida kahlo socks or just something fun like that. This one I loved it said growth analysis, planning, activity, vision goals that was really great than that. This picture was all kinds of gold bullion, john and gold coins. And this one was a fan of all these big bills and we never know what's going to befall us in life. So why not dream big? Why not dream just magnificently and hold in our mind the possibility of untold fortune? And not be disappointed when it doesn't come but a hole that in our minds is a possibility really when it does I don't write your own scissors I think that's genius did you see this way this woman comes prepared to collage into dream bed you gotta love that keep your own sister's with you just don't go to the airport like that you know that I also have a little life that goes to the airport all the time I met um this one was about um uh exit exploration or found reputation reputation I was always a big time speaker when I was growing up and I love public speaking and this man was speaking in front of a large group of people and this was at a concert and I put rial life here because I'd like to be speaking I'd like to be sharing my talents I've been a teacher for many many years I've taught cooking to fortune five hundred companies for ten years and teaching is my first love and to get back into that to teaching and teaching cooking which are my two favorite loves would be so wonderful for me and I've been looking back into that so that's something that I'm kind of looking at doing and tandem with what I'm here for today so are these next few days so that is something that I'm kind of bending towards and that feels really good to me um this was, uh I think real life kinds of, uh, soul kind of things meditation always brings me back to myself meditation, meditating and the ocean is just epitome of bliss for me um I believe fully and miracles I believe miracles happen around us twenty four seven if we open our eyes they volunteering I think is the greatest thing that we can do for ourselves and other people and walking is the thing that brings me most back to myself and it's something that I haven't allowed myself to do since my divorce I felt I had to break off all ties and I'm just now allowing myself to bring that back into my life great. So it's really lovely good fortune was kind of hard because it to me is less tangible things and more ethereal thing yeah, so it's more family tradition memories the things that bring me back to myself that are more intangible and that these things wherever you go go with all your heart exploit your dreams discover those air the kinds of things that bring the good fortune to mind. I knew these I think we're about relationships. The deep sea diving was about relationships with my soul, about digging deep inside being introspective, being willing to dig in the dirt, as peter gabriel would say and being with friends laughing and it doesn't matter why friends I've had for thirty forty years and whether you're gone for four months or two years it's on lee as if you've been gone for a moment right? So I feel very blessed in that way I have a huge gigantic family and no children of my own but many, many nieces and nephews and raised I don't know how many kids in my work um was um personal development that that meditating and for aspects of the earth gardening which I could no longer do because of my back but it's my greatest joy being my running water is incredible to me and the art of travel traveling is journals of passion for me relationships I had a very difficult marriage and when I got out of it I thought I've never been in a relationship and I'm so blessed this month I celebrate two years congratulations a rare treasure of a man that's wonder who is a gym and I call him punk he thinks it's for him being a punk but it's really in my family punk is short for punkin and it's a love name and he doesn't know that and my nickname is shell and to my mom calls this pumpkin shell I think that's so canned so we have a just a blessed amazing relationship and he's hysterical and funny and intelligent and amazing every present good for and I feel so blessed and I never thought I could feel this way and creativity and this aspect I'm a crazy creative of photo fool if I'm not creating something every day I'm not happy so this is my marmalade company called mark heads okay um and I'm always taking photographs people are sick of me taking photographs I'm always getting yelled at for for for my photo photography um and I'm always creating something and down here and family is really been to me really, really big to me I'm the eldest of five for my mom's the eldest of five my dad's the youngest of eleven so I come from a really big family and that is my house place that's need that's awesome thank you, rochelle I really appreciate that we have some people who are timing in the chat room and talking about their vision boards. We have about ten minutes or so in this segment so put having to answer questions great. Okay, now we have some people here. This one first comes from carol j I just want to share some of the things that she wrote in her vision board wealth and prosperity, fame and reputation, relationships, health and community, good fortune children and creativity, wisdom and personal development career and mission helpful people in travel and then this is a question that comes from me now and they say I actually have a hard time with external visual lt's I wish for them to represent my inner life so no matter how deep I try they keep being external and the idea and how to overcome this wow um that's that's one I haven't been thrown but these are not easy question now is really out there I think that you know whatever we have going on inside of us there is always an image that we can create it may not be existing out there, but there's always image that we can sketch or draw and I'm by the way a horrible drawer or sketch or I have no ability and that all I draft extremely well but I can't draw my way out of paper bag so um you know, I would say just keep looking and finding images that you khun merge together to make that work I think that's the best thing you can do okay. Anything else? Yeah, we have this another follow from carol and she says, what if our business dream is not so much of a business product but more of an ideal house? How do you get those abstract ideals into something like a vision board? Oh, you can put ideals that that's what vision boards are is ideals eating from a business perspective even from a business perspective it's about in her case it sounds like it's about a mission I think ok and the purpose less so the tangible nous of the business but without a tangible nous how are you going to answer the mission in the purpose? Okay, the tangible this becomes the answer to the mission in the purpose. And she could write the mission and purpose on there and then start pulling images that would deliver that to the world, to rick clients to customers and that sort of thing. Thank you. Fantastic. All right, we are going to wrap this up. This is about dreaming at planning it and doing it. You've got a dream it first and that's why we created these vision boards so that you'd have that opportunity, then we're going to dive into the planning and create that blueprint and then dive into the doing. Now you will get to do a fair amount of the doing while we're together, because the idea is not that you go forth with just a fabulous plan and tons of action steps you get to take some of the action while you're still here. Now there is a special bonus designing your signature success it's all about you two special report that I put together it's available at a bonus for being you dot com to everybody listening in and to my fabulous audience right here you're gonna want to collect that and then the first steps that you need to take to get there the steps ahead we're going to swat through really quickly what we've got coming up unpacking your portfolio of talent and gifts is next so we get to dive deeply into each of your histories and see what we can pull forward that you never imagined you were still good at we're also going to pick your ideal client really important that you work with people you genuinely like enjoy they value you they get you and you're not just working with anybody who shows up I've been there did that it was not a good time we're also looking at packaging your talents and gifts your services and products for irresistible appeal you got a package from then were at pricing best value and profit pricing is really important in a sticky issue for a lot of people they tend to undervalue themselves or they priced by the competition not a great way to do it points of connection one of my faith favorite pieces of this finding the points of connection every one of you has them we've discovered some of them this morning that at least three of us here have been to hawaii or going soon again so that's kind of fun um and then it's about promotion and promoting your packages both online offline you'll have a choice of which way you want to go you can combine both methods there's social media mastery and their and conversations to cash for networking and then we're going to have prove your brilliance where you format your brilliance into any number of I got twenty one different formats we're going to review and show you ways you could take one piece of content and pop them into other formats simply and easily to get your thought leadership out there are a whole lot farther and then we are looking at performing with ease and grace because work is called work for a reason, okay it's not always easy or graceful and there are going to be instances where you're going tohave clients and customers suppliers or vendors who were going to create challenges for you and you I want to know how to handle that, how to stay in control, how to stay in charge and how to make it all work so we're going to tackle that one as well and then we're going to do providing extreme client care, which is customer service to the max I want you to bring customer service stories with you that you've experienced in your life that really stood out in your memory banks you're like, wow, that just rocked my world. I'm actually having one of those right now because the concierge at the cliff is rocking my world she has produced everything I've asked for, no matter how bizarre the request so she's really quite terrific and then we're going to be producing referrals for a full practice word of mouth on steroids. That's what we want to dio so that's our goal over the next three days and you've got a little bit of homework here. This is my homework, dawg. Any fun? I love my homework, dawg. Okay, I call it beyond class brilliance. I don't like to say homework. That sounds fun. Fun. This is right down. One hundred words that describe you. Ask your friends and family. Now these don't necessarily have to be all happy. Lovely words. We want a few that make you human and rheal. Okay, um and then not more than twenty nine pounds. Not more than twenty hats, so to speak. So could be mom, sister, coach, father, brother, um, you know anything like that? That's, a noun and a hat you're wearing. We really want the adjectives in the adverbs that disk describe you and it's really fun when you get him coming in from family and friends because they'll say things about you that you never imagined, they would say often are very, very complimentary. And then we'll have a list of eighty adjectives, and we will be diving into that in the next segment.
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Ratings and Reviews
The wealth of knowledge I gained from Melissa's class is immeasurable and will continue to pay dividends for years to come. Her insights together with her actionable techniques create an easy to follow road map for immediate business growth and success. Melissa's lessons address the most difficult obstacles faced by small businesses and provide the tools necessary to overcome them. She clearly explains how to promote your products and services to your ideal clients for maximum profit and value, how to take advantage of the power of social media without becoming overwhelmed, how to build a strong network of relationships that will provide a continual stream of clients and referrals, and how to maintain focus and poise through adversity and challenges. Melissa teaches with enthusiasm and purpose and connects with her audience on a personal level. Her lessons are not only clear and concise, but they are also motivating, inspiring, relevant, and meaningful. Thank you Melissa for an awesome class and for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us!
a Creativelive Student
I have watched several of the segments on Creative Live, but I have to say that Melissa Galt's class was the best one I've viewed to date. There was so much confirmation, revelation and transformational teaching in this 3 day course. I am grateful that I own the course and can take the time to dig in and pull out the tools I need to grow my business. I love the fact that she was so transparent about the mistakes she made along the way and how she overcame them. She is one of the best teachers and the information she shared is priceless. I am so glad I was able to catch this broadcast...her message definitely resonates with me and I am ready to uplevel my business because of her instructions. Kudos to Ms. Galt for setting a standard of excellence.
a Creativelive Student
I was not sure if this class would help me or not when I signed up. Boy was i in for a wonderful surprise! I loved the topic, of course loved our instructor Melissa! I learned so much and started using what I learned on the first day. Thank you Melissa! Thank you Creative Live. Roxanne Storlie