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2. Questions and Discussion
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Questions and Discussion
Tweet your questions with design lectures okay paula, who played a large part or was a big influence in your career or design philosophy and in what ways oh uh several people first of all just to answer april's presentation about being married twice I don't see how many times more than once is more than once well, I was married twice but to the same person so it's just my consumer crossed taught me how to work he is on incredible consummate artist on he lives his work, he is immersed in it it's going on twenty four seven and I feel like a lazy person next to him and he's eighty four years old gets up every day and doesn't million drawings and paintings she's quite astounding and that that this is sort of life I learned to be part of and I wouldn't be painting if it wasn't for him because we have this big house in connecticut and he was working all the time and I began painting because I really don't have anything else to do if it was winter so it sort of it was an interesting thing to ...
discover and became part of my life so he's a very big influence, I think uh the way I philosophizing and talk and think about working with clients identities um and sort of the philosophy of the design practice really comes from my partner michael beirut who have a very close relationship with and I think we influence each other in that way on we're always trying tio determine how our dialogue with our clients and our ability to explain design can make things happen on I think that that learning how to not sell but to teach and get other people to see is everything and that when you could do that you can make change and you can make things happen which is all of our goals and he is a jeans and then their clients I've learned from I have a lot to my client of the public theater george wolf on the second client oscar in eustis two directors who gave a huge support and trust and he showed me what a relationship could be like I was very fortunate that zit hollow uh earlier in your career did you have challenges getting your ideas heard if so how did you make yourself heard? What was a smart ass I when I went to cbs records I had a really amazing job that doesn't exist anymore I could I couldn't may anything I could sell in other words the recording artists all had contractual cover approval and sometimes the band's would have their manager involved sometimes their spouse is came I mean we all kinds of people in the room involved in making your air cover if I could persuade them to do it I could make something that I want to demand if I couldn't persuade them to do it I'd have to do what they wanted to do and I never wanted to do what they wanted to do so I learned to pull and any trick in the book but I didn't learn how to explain design until much later I think I did a bad job of it mostly I it was no reform for coercion and charm more than really education but it worked sometimes I made a lot of bad record covers next tweet please paula check what do you do when you're burned out and that feeling creative dancing well I think museums I think you know like if I if I really feel burned out I'll try tio just reset you know like go and spend a lot of time in a bookstore uh spend a lot of time in amusing and try to cia's much as I can see and let that provoke an idea and sometimes it doesn't even work I mean way will feel that from time to time sometimes and I find I get burned down if jobs are repetitious that they're very hard if you get if you get your jobs and around rome sort of the same thing it's it's always hard t feel creative a matter so you have to think about a different way to do it which means you got to go out and start looking um you're both born in new york in the seventies I don't think you were I was we're rewarding way weren't born seven it's sweet in a sense we were mr from washington d c particularly me yeah um what do you miss about new york e that's why didn't say paula huh what that one went away so ok when redesigning a logo how do you deal with people who are attracted to the old logo they're they're usually attached I'm sorry attached to the old logo not attracted try attached well people who come to read it and ask you to redesign the love they usually aren't attached to the old logo they get rid of the old love if they're attached to the logo I tell him to keep it actually that's a good piece of advice to you if you see that run away paula and april if you could give young designers one piece of advice what would it be expect change uh I would say make sure you absolutely love what you're doing because with the exception of paul and pentagram you're not going to make a hell of a lot of money nice she's able way by these together ah what is your dream project paula I something yes I would like to design a stage set and my theater guys never invite me to do it that's baffling isn't a battle well that all that compact and did you tell him yeah, that would be nice. Uh, hey, paula, eyes their song like that. Hey, paula, what is your go to karaoke song? Oh, good question, my god, probably something by frankie valli and the four seasons wow, like what big girls don't cry, I think that's pretty much a perfect ending.
Ratings and Reviews
Joan ONeill
Paula and her work are so refreshing. Love seeing and hearing how she works, her ingenious solutions and what a delightful person she is. Thank you for the class.
Tim Tourtillotte
I am a new fan of Paula Shur… before this lecture, and watching the Netflix series Abstract, the only designers I cared about were my instructors and myself. Paula has disrupted my thinking in transformative ways. I love graphic design and typography more so than I ever have and I thank Paula for that. I highly recommend this course.
Nelson Mueller
A very inspiring lecture. Glad this is available on CreativeLive.