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Class Introduction: Why Design Your Client’s Experience With Intention?

Lesson 1 from: Design a Remarkable Client Experience for More Recurring Revenue

Tara McMullin

Class Introduction: Why Design Your Client’s Experience With Intention?

Lesson 1 from: Design a Remarkable Client Experience for More Recurring Revenue

Tara McMullin

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1. Class Introduction: Why Design Your Client’s Experience With Intention?

Learn how to promise and consistently deliver great customer experiences that reach beyond purchases and returns.

Lesson Info

Class Introduction: Why Design Your Client’s Experience With Intention?

a lot of business owners think about avoiding problems when it comes to how they design the experience that their client is going into. But for me, I think client experience is all about opportunity and that opportunity goes a lot further than just the interactions that you have once someone's bought with you Welcome to design your client experience in this class. We're gonna talk all about growing your business and making more money through client experience design. My name is Tara McMullen and I have been helping small business owners like you for over 13 years. I've helped thousands of small business owners build stronger, more sustainable businesses that make amazing impact on the people that they work with. And That's really what we're talking about in this class today. I'm also a service business owner and I think about client experience design all the time along with my husband. I own a podcast production agency called Yellow House media and we produce over 40 episodes per month...

for our clients. So we have to think a lot about what they're experiencing as they go through our business. Now when you hear experience design, you might start thinking about customer service and I don't know about you, but I have sat through a number of customer service trainings in my day, retail was my jam in my younger years and I have sat in those break rooms and watched the tapes and done the workbooks and listened to the trainers talk about you know serving with a smile and making our customers happy and all of that stuff that we associate with corporate customer service. That is not what we're talking about here today. When we think customer service, we're most often thinking about solving problems, so there's an issue and as customer service professionals, we come to the rescue and make everything better. Customer service also tends to happen only around purchase or return. We think about making that, that part of the process a little smoother for our customers are really surprising and delighting them at that point in turn. But when we relegate customer service or in this case client experience to only when there are problems or only at the point of purchase or return, we are missing a huge opportunity. An opportunity to grow our business is an opportunity to make more money and most importantly an opportunity to have a relationship with the people that we work with. When we design a whole client experience, we are first and foremost helping our client feel supported and taken care of throughout the whole process. Second, when we design that whole client experience, you have a strong foundation for seamless operations, really designing that client experience is a part of designing the opera additional sustainability of your business. And third, you generate predictable revenue either by increasing referrals because clients who feel supported and taken care of, want to send you business or by increasing recurring revenue. Either by having your clients stick with you for longer periods of time or by having them come back to you over and over again over the years. That means less time spent on marketing, less time spent on sales, less time spent on setting up new clients. That is like a win win win win win for your service based business. Now this class is for you if you run a service based or service oriented small business, it's also for you if you value the way your clients feel when they work with you, if you want less guesswork in your business, this class is going to help with that as well if you love getting referrals and repeat business and spending less time on marketing, this class is also for you and finally going back to that operations piece. This class is for you if you are spending too much time on routine administrative tasks if you're always finding yourself kind of reinventing the wheel, designing your client experience is going to help you overcome that. So here's what we're gonna cover as this class goes on first we're going to identify a client's whole experience, touch point by touch point second we're gonna consider how your brand strategy influences your experience design opportunities. Third, we're going to talk about making operational decisions about each touch point and then finally we're going to create a plan to transform your client experience without it taking over your life. So by the end of this class you are going to have a complete client experience plan and design so that your clients feel amazing and your business runs as smoothly as possible.

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