Lesson Info
Vanishing Point
This one made its debut so, so long ago. It's one of those tools. It has a very, very specific use, but if you need it, it can be totally dead on for what you need it for. The way Vanishing Point works, it will let us put graphics onto a certain plane of a vanishing point in an image, and let us map that to the angles. In order to do this, there's a couple things you have to do first. First thing would be, I have a graphic here. Let's say we wanna put this, you know, this is a basketball court, and their mascot happens to be a dove. I'm gonna go ahead and select all. Just hit Select All, and then Copy. What I just did is I copied that graphic into the computer's memory for now. I'm gonna turn it off. I can deselect. Now I'm gonna make a new layer. I don't have to make a new layer. You're gonna see why in just a second. I'm gonna make a new layer, and then I'm gonna go into the Vanishing Point filter. Let's go ahead and delete that. The way the Vanishing Point filter works is you go and...
you click on whatever surfaces make up the plane that you wanna create. I know that that box is gonna get me pretty close to what I want. And then, you just click and drag. I can spread it out, move it around, but now I have basically the perspective of this photo, cool. Now, remember when I copied that graphic before? There was a method to that, because now I need to paste it in. So, just paste, command or control V, and you can use your move tool, and as soon as you get it over here, see what happens? Now it is on that vanishing plane. Your normal tools work, like Free Transform, command or control T. I can free transform this and I can make it smaller. Put it right inside of there. You'll see as I move it around. We'll put it right there. We'll click OK. Remember how I created a new layer before? Because I created that new layer, now it shows up on its own layer. The key to that is because a lot of times when you put something into a vanishing point type thing, it's not just gonna fit. Like, you have to do something, whether it's reduce opacity. One of the things that I'll do, is for something like this, we can go, if we double click on the layer, it opens up this layer style dialog, and we get these Blend If sliders. Well, I can go over here and I can start to blend the image away, based on the different colors. The cool thing is, if you hold your option or alt key, and you split it, see how I can start to split this? I can bring the original background through. Again, that's Blend If. Now I can bring the background through, and of course you get opacity. You could always reduce your opacity too, but having it on its own layer is kind of the key to that, because otherwise it pastes it onto the layer itself, and you can't control it at all.
Ratings and Reviews
Deborah Bailey
I've always wondered what all the filters were in Photoshop. This class showed how they work, and which ones are helpful to use. I learned a lot and I recommend this class.