Class Introduction
01:14 2Hardware
01:27 3What Is Compositing
01:29 4Interface
03:17 5Nodes Introduction
06:01 6Your First Composite Blur
05:47 7Effects
10:30 8Merge Nodes
07:53Lesson Info
Let's start out by taking a little tour of the interface of Fusion. Here I am in the Fusion page of Resolve. And the first thing you'll probably notice is the viewers up here. So, we have two viewers. The right viewer starts out kind of by default, being what the audience is going to see. Kind of the end result of your composition. Now, this isn't necessarily always the case, which we'll get into in just a minute. But for now, that works. We also have the left viewer which works in the exact same way. We can actually choose what part of our composition we want to view in either of these viewers, which we'll get into when we talk about nodes here in a minute. Underneath the viewers here, we have the timeline which lets us move back and forth in time. Here below our timeline, we have our playback controls. And so, we can play things back if we need to. And then to the right, we have our inspector, and this is really where you're gonna spend a lot of time adjusting settings. Basically, an...
ything that you have selected inside of Resolve, whatever you have selected, you can adjust the properties of here and the inspector. And this is a panel that exists in all the pages, but is especially useful here in the Fusion page. And then a really big deal in Fusion is the nodes panel, which is kind of here in the lower part of the screen. And this is really where the entire composite is gonna be put together. We're gonna learn a little bit more about nodes here in just a minute, but for now, it's good to know that this is where those exist. And above here, we have our toolbar, and we can grab icons from this toolbar and make new nodes just by grabbing them and dragging them down. Hit command Z, to get rid of those. And then, we also have a few panels that are hidden by default. So in the upper left hand corner, if we click on this button up here, that will open up our media pool, and this is where we can open different compositions and access media that's in our project. We can switch that out with our effects panel, which lists every single effect that we could possibly do inside of Fusion. It's a great place to kind of browse and look for effects, as well as you can just search for one that you are really looking for. And we can also open up our clips, which will open up a thumbnail of every clip in our timeline. And this is a way that you can just go to a different shot if you want to open up a different composition, that's a quick way to do it. You can also just go back to your timeline in the edit page, and whatever shot you're over, if you switch to Fusion, that's going to open it up into Fusion. Over here in the upper right, we can open up our metadata panel. And then, we also have our key frames panel, which is a way to look at anything that's animated and kind of move the timing around a little bit. It's great to kind of see everything all at once. Everything that's animated in your project, we'll dive into this in a little bit. And then, we also have the spline panel, which is a way to adjust the type of animation that happens. So if we have something selected here, we can look at the graph of the motion and adjust it in a really kind of detailed way. I'll go ahead and close that. And that's a good overview of the workspace infusion. Next, we're gonna be getting into what the heck are nodes? And how do those work? And why are we using them?
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Ratings and Reviews
This is a great course. I'm an absolute beginner to Fusion (although I know a bit about the editing within Resolve). The course walks its students through the basics in a very easy-to-understand process. I feel confident that I can now use Fusion effectively for my videos. Highly recommended.