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How to Crochet the Crown

Lesson 11 from: Crochet Maker 201: Hats

Vickie Howell

How to Crochet the Crown

Lesson 11 from: Crochet Maker 201: Hats

Vickie Howell

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Lesson Info

11. How to Crochet the Crown

Next Lesson: Close the Hat

Lesson Info

How to Crochet the Crown

right now. We worked the body of the hat and we've worked the band of the hat. Now we're gonna talk crown, so this is gonna be the top of that. So we need to go in the opposite side of where the band is not. And we're gonna join with a slip stitch with their yarn at any point. Really? Pull it through and we need Teoh Double Crow, Shea all the way around the hat and we want it to be about 54. We're not about 54 stitches. So we're gonna first chain three to create that height and then we're going Teoh kind of evenly. This will be easy now, because we've already had the Oh, no, I guess we don't on the site. We're just gonna going to create these double crush A stitches. It works out to about seven or eight per per square. And you're just gonna double Cochet all the way around so you can see that I'm getting these This double Cochet add edge And what we're gonna do is we're just gonna build on that and you're going to create double Chris Shays evenly around the entire perimeter and then wo...

rk two rounds past that. You're just going to keep going until you get all the way around and then work rounds two and three, exactly the same. And while you're doing that, I'm gonna finish up here and I will meet you back for the very last step before we add our pompom.

Class Materials

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Crochet Abbreviations
Granny Hat Pattern
Toboggan Pattern