Class Introduction: Crochet Hats
01:45 2Toboggan: Getting Started & Working Crown
23:45 3Hat Body
09:32 4Ear Flaps
10:34 5Braided Ties
05:19 6Pompoms: Finger Method
06:27 7Granny Hat: Crochet Small Granny Squares
10:54 8Sew Granny Squares Together
06:15Lesson Info
Hat Body
All right, We have finished the entire crown of our to bargain, and now we're ready to talk body. So we are switched over to our main color, and we're gonna continue pretty much exactly like we were for working in the crown. Except for we're no longer going to be increasing stitches. So I did my chain three as if I were starting, you know, just to get the height of the double Cochet. And now I'm gonna work one double Cochet in every stitch. So what this will do and you'll start to see it happen as I work a little bit is because we're not doing the increases to create a flat circle. Once you stopped decreasing, that's what creates the cylinder of a hat. Because you're not giving your circle room to breathe anymore, right room to spread its circle, he wings or whatever. Now you're restricting it, so that's gonna make the fabric start to curl up. So you're going to just work all the way around, and I recommend, even though we are no longer doing increases, I still like to count the stitch...
es at the end of every round just to make sure that I haven't accidentally increased or decreased by inserting my hook into, um, you know the base join or whatever. It's just a good little habit to get whatever you want something to fit properly. Or, um, if you're relying on a stitch count maybe for a pattern or stitch or whatever that requires a certain amount of stitches, it's just a safeguard so that you don't get off track. The cool thing about this particular project I'm committed. I've committed a yarn sin. Look at that hot mess right there. So normally I would be a little more careful than I'm being while I'm just sort of throwing this across the table to make sure that my that I don't cross the streams of yarn so that they don't get tangled totally just a age myself by using a Ghostbusters reference from like, probably before half of you are even born. But you know where this All right, so we're gonna keep going. Um, anyway, so my what I was gonna say about this hat is the cool thing about this as because there's really only in the entire hat before we add all of our extra flair. There's really, Only I think it's eight or nine rounds in the whole hat, so that makes us a really great quick gift to make. So if you get around the holidays, um, and you realize like, Oh, shoot, I have not in any way, shape or form prepped for gift making. This is something that you could potentially turn out in a solid evening. Um, so it's It's one of those. This is one of those staple patterns to keep around, especially if you live in a colder climate because you can use this hat you know, for a long time refer a lot of months of the year. I live in Austin, Texas. So there would be about, like, four days the entire year get to wear. But, um, where were shooting this in Seattle? I feel like they would get a lot of wear and tear her wear out of it. So this is just one of those that you can sort of bookmark in your arsenal of handmade gifts and call it a day. Okay, because I've committed a Cardinal Urinson. I keep having to pull at the yarn, but you, my friends, will do much better and watch your yarn the whole time. Okay, So as you can see, this is starting to curl up. I bet it itself. You can see it's kind of becoming, like, kind of cup shaped. That makes sense. Oops. I accidentally only grabbed one strand, and that's something else that you can watch for when you double straight in a project. Uh, well, okay. And we're finally around. Almost. Okay. And so once you've finished your first round of your body, the body of the hat like you would have any other round before it, you're going to join it with a slip stitch in the top, chain enjoying, and you can see here it's gonna look ugly because you're gonna see all the CDs. But you can see here already. It's created like a little It's created dimension. You could also turn this pattern into a bowl bonus. All right, so you're gonna continue in the established stitch pattern that's one by one, Rose. So one row and your main color for me, that's turquoise. And then another row in your contrast in color for me, that steel. And you're gonna keep going until you get something that looks a little something like this and this seems like it's pretty shallow, but it is. Actually, it does actually come to where you want it to come because we're gonna be adding ear flaps to this hat. So we wanted our hat toe only come to about this level. This wouldn't be the level that you would go to if you were creating a full on being, especially if you want to be slouched to it. But for this hat, you're only you only need to have it be this shallow. So I'm gonna actually grab this other yarn. So we have now completed. This is the completed rounds of the entire body. And so we have. This is rounds zero or one rather through eight. So we're done with the body, except for the last round. Let me go. Hadn't pulled that out because we need to join it with a slip stitch the last round, which is going to be the only time during the body of this hat that we're not doing double Cochet and this is it's kind of an edging, I suppose. But really, it's just to give it a little stability. Um, that you get with a shorter stitch that you won't get with a double crush, a stitch that's higher. What I mean by that is you can see seal the holes that you can see in between the stitches because it's a tall stitch. You're gonna have more of a gap in there. And I like a really firm edge for my band or edging also because we are going to be adding your flaps later. We want something really secure to attach those to, so to create that instead of changing three like we have been so far, we're only gonna change, too. And then what we're gonna do is we are going to work half double crochet stitches, which are HD sees in. All of the stitches are around. So to do that, we yearn over. We insert the hook urine over again, pull that loop through, you're in over again, and you pull through all three of the loops on the hook and that's 1/2 double car. She will do it again, and you're just going to do this again and again and have to look Rochet. If I had to pick a favorite stitch, which is such a Crow Shaner thing to say, but it's pretty much my favorite stitch. I like it because it's not as, um, that is like it's not as tight as a single Chrissy crush a stitch. It's got a really nice body to it, but it's really firm as well, so it gives a nice stability to the edge of a project. I use it and most things that I design. I try to throw in some half double Chris Shays every once in a while. Okay, we're coming to the end of the final round and the body of this hat. So we're gonna work our last couple of stitches and then we need to join in the top where the second of the chain to that from the very beginning. Join it with a slip stitch and we're just gonna take our scissors snipped, um, urine over. Pull it through also can get rid of the other color. And now we are finished with the entire body of the hat and we are ready to move on to what will be the last of the crow shade portion of this project.
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