Class Introduction: Crochet Hats
01:45 2Toboggan: Getting Started & Working Crown
23:45 3Hat Body
09:32 4Ear Flaps
10:34 5Braided Ties
05:19 6Pompoms: Finger Method
06:27 7Granny Hat: Crochet Small Granny Squares
10:54 8Sew Granny Squares Together
06:15Lesson Info
Granny Hat: Crochet Small Granny Squares
all right. I'm really excited about this project. We're gonna be making a granny square hat super slouchy and fun. And the cool thing about it is the construction is a little bit unexpected. We're gonna be making a ton of granny squares, which I'm gonna walk you through, which will then turn into a band which will then so together to make a round the round body of the hat. And then from there we will create the bottom and the crown and finish off our hat with a little different kind of pom pom that we did with the last hat so super fun. And I feel like we should just dive right in. All right, so we're going to start by making one of these granny squares for this particular project we need to make 14 and this is gonna create the entire body of the hat. So let's make one now, So we're going to start with color, be which I've chosen to be this yellow and we're going Teoh start by chaining for they were going to join the round with a slip stitch in the very first chain. So now it's a littl...
e bit hard to see, but we've actually created a tiny ring. So from here, we're gonna be working through the center of the ring for the first round. We're going to change 31 23 And in this case, this is going to count as a double crow. Shea three changed just F Y. I is the height of a double crush A which we talked about when we were working on the other hat. OK, then we're gonna double crush a twice in the center of the ring. So one to then we're going to change 312 three. Now we're going to do three double Chris Shays in the center of the ring, one to three, and then we're going to repeat the process. The little chain three you can see is what's creating the corner of what will be a square. So we've already, like, morphed from almost more from a circle into a square. So we're gonna repeat that whole process a couple more times, so we need to change three for the next corner, and then we need the three double Chris Shays. And so this is creating little clusters into the center of the ring. What I love about Granny squares is there completely modular. So you can build basically whatever you want out of them. They're kind of like the Minecraft of the crash. A world, if you ask me. But they're cool because you can. You don't even necessarily have to deal with shaping or anything. You could make a bunch of them and sew them into anything that you want into a bag or into a hat like we're doing today. Or a pillow or sweater. They're just really fun. Okay, so we're gonna work on our last repeat now. So we're going to do our three double Curuchet, and then it looks like we need one more corner. Look how cute that has already. 123 And now we need to join it in the top chain from our very beginning. Chain three with a slip stitch. And that is around one. And we've already got the cutest little square that there ever waas ever. So now we need to work with, um, the next round, which, actually we're gonna join a color. So I got a little ahead of myself because I wanted to see it joined together and cute nous, but really, we want to join the next color. So the next color for me is red. Could be whatever you want it to be. So I'm actually gonna unsa lips stitched the that last sip slip stitch and slip stitch with the next color. And now I've joined. At this point, you can ditch the first color just to get it out of the way. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna change five, and this counts as a double crush A and also a chain to So then we're gonna go all the way over to this corner action right there that we have created the round below. And we're gonna do three double Chris Shays in that chain space one to three. Then we're gonna chain one, and then we're going to do three more double Chris Shays, and that has created our corner for this round. That chain one right there is what really created the corner. So we need to repeat that for the remaining three corners. So we're gonna chain to to get us to the next spot, and then we're gonna repeat that whole process. So three double Crow, Shay's Cain one and then three more double crushes. And that completes our second corner. And now we're going to change, too. And move on to our third corner. Three Double core Shays Chain one, and then three more double Chris Shays. Okay, now we're ready to move on to our last corner. So we're doing that chain to getting us over to our last space, and then we're working our last little, So I just pulled out my tail. In between, There are last corner, so three double Chris Shays, Chain one, And then we're actually only going to be doing to double Crow shays here because, as I mentioned at the beginning, the chains that we did at the beginning are going to count as that last double Cochet. So this time we're going Teoh Slip Stitch joined with a slip stitch. Um, at the top of the chain. Three, what would be a chain three? So 123 But we also want to join our new color. So I'm just gonna stick my hook in there just to give me a space. And I'm gonna grab what? Which What is my last color? My, um third color, which is a white, and I'm going to join that with a slip stitch and you can go ahead and cut your red. And now we're ready to work on the last round of this granny square. So we're gonna chain one, and then we're gonna single crush a around and this is just creating a really nice firm edging so that when we so those squares together later will have a really nice firm guide to do so with. So we're just going to single crash a and every step around. Except when we get to a corner to that chain one, we want it. We actually want to do three single crashes and that to create that corner that round. If there's two chains, you want to make sure to single Cochet in each of the second one's for each of them and then one in every stitch to the corner. What's accidentally did 1/2 double crusher those to pull that out and then keep going around and if you choose, if you don't do the three single Chris Shays at the corners, what will happen is that your square will start to bunch up in on itself. You need it's called ease. You need a little bit of ease to get you around the curve. So any time you're working in single Cochet, if you're working on something that has a corner or curve like that, you're gonna want to do with 33 single Chris Shays in that corner curve and then you're gonna join with a slip stitch in that first chain. One got all kinds of crazy tales there. But that is your granny square. Pull the end through You've just made one. You've only got 13 more to go. So you go do that and then we'll come back and we're gonna build this hat.
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