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Class Introduction

Lesson 1 from: Crochet Maker 101

Vickie Howell

Class Introduction

Lesson 1 from: Crochet Maker 101

Vickie Howell

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Lesson Info

1. Class Introduction

Lesson Info

Class Introduction

Hey there, I'm Vicky Howell, a knitwear and crochetwear designer, author, host, ambassador, and just general enthusiast for knitting and crochet. And I am thrilled to have you here for Crochet Maker 101, where I'm gonna set you up for absolute success and make you a crochet maker. We're gonna go over everything that you need to know to be a full-on crocheter. We're gonna start with the supplies that you need, the foundation stitches, the basic stitches, how to read a pattern, and how to successfully feel confident, yes, there is success and confidence (laughs) at making your first crochet projects.

Class Materials

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Crochet Abbreviations
Market Bag Pattern
Phone Sleeve Pattern
Scarf Pattern

Ratings and Reviews

Corrine Radergraham

Excellent presentation by the instructor. Clear, concise and perfect for a beginning crocheter. Informative tips and tricks. Vickie is a sparkler! Check out her knitting course too, it's equally well done.

Shyma Shukri

I loved this course!! Everything is clearly explained. Thank you Vickie💕

Lindsey Little

I'm completely new to crocheting and this class was extremely helpful. It was concise and thorough at the same time. I feel confident that I can complete the sample projects included in the course and I can't wait to get started!

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